#DAMN THOUGH BRO 'You smiled when our eyes met. It made me feel calm / tranquil. Rinoa....'
writerbyaccident · 5 years
A Jealous Serpent (Yandere Sweet PeaxReader)
Request: Dude riverdale? That show is crap but it does something to me. Mad respect for u bro, like what u like. Could you write some yandere sweet pea? Like maybe some jealousy stuff with a sweet, small reader? Sorry it’s not specific if u need that feel free to delete this. Thank u :)
yes, another Riverdale addict! come, let us preach the gospel that is our trashy show
           When the bell rang, all of your classmates rushed out the door, eager to get their weekends started. You packed up slowly, happy that the school week was over but not wanting to get caught in the stampede currently taking place in the hallway. Once you had left the classroom, things had calmed down a little bit, though not by much of course. No, your school was too chaotic these days to ever return to being tranquil. You supposed that that was just one of the ways the trauma of your town had affected all of your lives. Even the students who were previously your school’s gold standard, like Betty Cooper and Josie McCoy, had found themselves caught up in the craziness that was Riverdale these days.
           You, however, had absolutely no desire to get involved with all of the mysteries and drama that plagued your town. So you just did your work, hung out with your friends, and kept your head down. Your life was quiet compared to so many of your peers’, and you liked it that way. When you reached your locker, you smiled at your neighbor, a former Southside High student that everyone called Sweet Pea. Most of your classmates were scared of him, not only due to the fact that he was from the Southside but also because he was a member of the Serpents. In all honesty, you had been intimidated by him to when he first moved into the locker next to yours, but you had since discovered that he was a lot nicer than most people gave him credit for. He had always been friendly to you, so you had warmed up to him significantly. Though, it annoyed you that he still wouldn’t tell you his real name.
           “Hey,” he greeted you, stuffing his books into his bag.
           “Hey—“ you said, stopping and looking at him expectantly.
           “Forget it,” he chuckled. “You’re not gonna trick me into giving you my name.”
           “Ugh, fine,” you groaned. “You excited for the weekend?”
           “Oh yeah, what about you? You doing anything fun?”
           “Not really,” you shrugged, “just the usual.” Sweet Pea glanced at you, a slightly nervous look on his face, looking like he was about to say something in response, but before he could, the two of you were interrupted. Someone had forced their way between the two of you, facing you with a cocky grin. It was Cameron, one of the members of Riverdale’s football team. Smiling at him politely, you wondered what he wanted. You had some classes with him, so maybe he had a question about homework or something?
           “Hey, what’s up?” he asked. You answered him, the two of you exchanging some small talk about the classes you shared. While you talked with him, Sweet Pea simply watched, silently fuming at the interruption. He had been just about to make his move after weeks of trying to build up his courage, and now this preppy idiot had stolen your attention. Ever since he had met you, Sweet Pea knew that you were the one for him. You were so innocent and sweet, always kind to him even though he was from the Southside, even though he was a Serpent. You were almost too nice, he had realized, that a town like Riverdale would chew you up if it got the chance. That’s why he had made it his job to make sure that that didn’t happen.
           You were such a rarity for this town, for this world even. Every smile of yours was precious, every word invaluable. Sweet Pea appreciated you like no one else in this whole damn town did, he knew he did. That was why you belonged with him; he was the only one who could love you in the way you deserved. But this asshole didn’t give a shit about you, he could tell. He would just use you and forget about you, leaving you broken up and broken hearted. So why were you even bothering to talk to him? It killed Sweet Pea to see you give your attention to anyone other than him. He knew what all the Northsiders said about him, and if you listened to their lies long enough, you might leave him behind. He would do anything to keep that from happening. Just seeing that guy near you had Sweet Pea ready to punch him right in the face. Anger was thrumming through his veins, leaving him twitching to show this shithead who exactly you belonged to. But he knew that he couldn’t do something like that in front of you. No, you wouldn’t understand, not yet, and he would just end up scaring you away.
           So instead he bided his time, stalking off while you and Cameron talked. Getting away from you two didn’t help his anger much though. All he could think about was that bastard interrupting him, thinking that he was good enough to talk to you. When Cameron left school then, Sweet Pea watched him carefully, deciding to abandon his usual route towards your house and follow him instead. Following Cameron at a distance, Sweet Pea felt his rage and jealousy surge with each step. As soon as he was sure that no one was around, he pulled his switchblade out of his Serpent jacket, picking up his pace to reach his target. Not one to drag things out, Sweet Pea grabbed Cameron by the shoulder, spun him around, and promptly punched him the jaw. Sweet Pea felt pain flare in his hand in response and grinned. Sure, it hurt, but it meant that he was doing his best to protect what was his. Cameron held a hand to his jaw, wincing at the feeling and looked at Sweet Pea in confusion.
           “What the hell dude? What’s your problem?” he yelled at his attacker. But before he could do anything but yell, Sweet Pea grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and held up the switchblade to his face.
           “You want to know what my problem is?” Sweet Pea spat at him. “My problem is that you think that just because you’re some privileged little Northsider that everyone fucking worships just cause you can throw a football, that you can mess with other people’s stuff.”
           “What are talking about?”
           “I’m talking about Y/N. They’re mine, so if I ever see you trying to talk to them again, I’ll carve your face so badly that no one will look at you again. Got it?” Cameron simply nodded in response, able to tell from the look in Sweet Pea’s eyes that he was completely serious. He may have thought that you were cute, but you sure as hell weren’t cute enough to be worth permanent disfigurement. At his acquiescence, Sweet Pea smirked mockingly at him, letting go of his jacket and sauntering away. Now that he had taken care of that issue, he was feeling much better. Sure, he may not have been able to ask you out today, but at least he made sure that no one was about to steal what belonged to him.
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