calliovera · 1 year
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i think raine is turning into dana’s favorite little punching bag oc :)
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emmettspeakz · 2 years
Of course my baby Hunter would be a wolf boy 😭❤️
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moonlight · 1 month
I'm doing the opposite of that post for once and interacting. Hiii Dana 👋 I hope you that know you're one of my favorite people on here, even if I know so very little about you. You're one of those mutuals who I've become super comfortable with seeing, you make this place feel like home. Like you're always in my house rent free and I hope you never leave. I hope you're having a having a good day 🩷
pleaseee this message means so much to me especially coming from you 🥺 you are definitely one of my coolest mutuals that i very much admire (albeit from afar) and really thank you so much for this sweet message, this means a lot to me especially at a time like this, i appreciate you so much friend 🥺❤️❤️❤️
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magnusedom · 2 years
My name is also Dana (though I don't go by it online), and I don't know how to make gifsets to save my life. Yet *every* time I see those gorgeous gifsets that Dana makes (and you tag with their name), I think "Wait, did I make this???" for a hot second. And then I remember that I am not the only Dana in the world ajsdflasdf
HDKSHSJSHSJHS PLEASEEE i had to show her this ask this is what she said
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rosesaredawson · 2 years
Hi I love your blog! Finally step by step is getting some recognition. I basically grew up with it. I always loved Al but also Dana is a feminist icon and all of the girls' fashion is impeccable. However I don't really like seasons 6 and 7, I think the show should have ended with the birth of Lily or the trip to Disneyland. I can't stand Lily and I don't understand why they aged her and wrote out Brandon with no explanation. What do you think? Do you have any hot takes about the show?
Hiii omg this makes me so happy and excited!!!!!! I grew up with it as well it, as I kid I love Al more to but while rewatching as a teen/adult I fell for Dana! And I agree 100% last two seasons are a whole mess and the girls were hugely sexualised and some scenes/eps were (still are) hard to watch and the last ep is the worst final ever 😭 I don't mind Lily but as I kid I sure was confused and as long as I know Josh Byrne the actor who played Brandon quitter because he barely had any lines which I also hated because he was cute and deserved better, the last 2 seasons seemed like whole other show. But pleaseee don't hesitate to messaging me anytime about it public or privately I could talk about it for ages 💗💗
(i also have a fan account on insta dedicated to Staci and SBS is the main subject)
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
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im a firm believer that sprigatito has some sorta vineyard theme going on... we all thought it was weed cat but maybe. maybe she was Wine Cat all along 🍇
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
*drops this*
*scuttles away
*grabs u by the scruff before u can leave and smooches u*
THE ENDING WHERE DARIUS WAS HOLDING HIM AND HUGGING HIM SO CLOSE…….mrs dana terrace please…i need that to be canon pleaseee 😖😖
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mischiefblues · 3 years
PLEASEEE tell me someone giffed the scene with dana and her sister.
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indastory · 4 years
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Kata suami, mendampingi istri melahirkan itu rasanya seperti pengalaman spiritual tersendiri. Melihat istri tercintanya (uhuy) kesakitan dan terluka berdarah-darah demi memperjuangkan kehidupan darah dagingnya itu bukan main-main campur aduk rasanya. Jadi lebih memahami juga perjuangan ibunya dan istrinya sehingga bisa lebih berempati. Bahkan beliau sempat sangat kecewa karena tidak diperbolehkan mendampingi saya saat proses persalinan berlangsung, alasannya karena saya akan melahirkan sungsang pervaginam dan ada treatment khusus, khawatir beliau tidak akan tega melihat saya (dan emang pasti gak tega kayaknya 😅). . Kata beliau setelah saya melahirkan, "Aku kecewa karena disuruh keluar ruangan, kalau qadarullaah kamu wafat saat melahirkan, itu artinya aku gak ada di samping kamu saat itu, dan momen saat aku keluar ruangan akan jadi momen terakhir aku melihat kamu hidup." Ih waw, ngeri ngeri so sweet yah 🙃 . Baik cuss ini sedikit tipsnya sesuai pengalaman kami ditambah baca-baca buku: . 1. Persiapkan hal-hal teknis sebelumnya seperti baju bayi, baju ibu, baju ayah, handuk, selimut dll, persyaratan administrasi RS/bidan (KTP, KK, BPJS), uang, snack, kurma, tumbler air minum, alat transportasi dsb. . 2. Belajar dan baca-baca ilmu persalinan ya Ayaah, apa itu kontraksi dan interval, pembukaan, induksi, risiko-risiko persalinan, pijat endorfin & oksitosin, alasan harus operasi caesar dsb. Jangan hanya ibunya saja yang belajar yaa, saat ibunya sangat kesakitan udah ambyar segala macem, Ayah yang take control dan harus ambil keputusan lhoo. Jangan hanya manut-manut saja nanti tanpa ilmu. Hiks :" . 3. Banyak-banyak ngobrol juga dengan istri tentang harapan persalinannya. Nanti kira-kira maunya gimana, dampingi dengan penuh cinta dan ketulusan #tsaah. Dukung dan percaya bahwa istrimu bisa 💪 . 4. Fokus pada ibu dan bayi yaa, jangan main game, nonton anime, ngurusin kerjaan, atau sibuk hapean, nanti dulu pleaseee~ 5. Saat istri mulai meracau karena kesakitan kontraksi, jangan terlalu banyak bicara, bahkan lebih baik diam saja, cukup genggam erat tangannya dan elus-elus punggungnya, cium keningnya. Karena satu kata saja keluar semisal, "Sabar..", mungkin akan berbalas, "Sabar! Sabar! Kamu gak ngerasain siiih, ini sakiiiit!", terus berlanjut, "Jangan sentuh aku!" 🙃 Jadi diem aja yaa, atau istighfar, atau baca Al-Qur'an lirih, atau ajari istri cara bernafas yang benar (hayoo gimana seharusnya nafas saat melahirkan? Belajar ya!). Siap-siap juga jika istri mulai mengeluarkan kata-kata, "Aku gak kuat", bahkan, "Aku mau meninggal aja", terus elus-elus sambil istighfar saja. . 6. Stay cool, jangan menampakan kepanikan karena akan sangat berpengaruh pada psikologis ibu. 7. Bantu ibu melakukan hal-hal yang ia mau, misal ingin makan, minum, ubah posisi, dll. Biasanya suaranya jadi lirih sekali seperti berbisik, siap-siap dekatkan telinga~ . 8. Ibu jadi sangat sensitif dengan bau, maka pastikan diri ayah bersih, wangi, pakai deodoran dan parfum, dan nafas yang segar karena seringkali harus ngobrol dekat sekali. Bau badan atau bau mulut akan cukup mengganggu si ibu. . 9. Kalau rasanya tidak kuat untuk menangis, panik atau stres, minta izin pada istri untuk keluar ruangan sebentar dan menyegarkan pikiran. . 10. Setelah istri melahirkan, beri makan dan minum (disuapin ajaa hehe) karena sudah mengeluarkan banyak tenaga. Puji bahwa istrimu hebat dan berterima kasihlah dengan tulus karena sudah berjuang melahirkan. . Sejak awal sebelum waktu melahirkan, tanyakan kesiapan suami untuk mendampingi, jika dirasa tidak kuat misalnya, lebih baik minta didampingi yang lain. Karena tidak semua suami mampu buibu, kalau dipaksakan khawatir justru pasiennya jadi nambah juga sama suami 🙃 *serius Saat melahirkan, kita perlu pendamping dengan tipe tenang & motivator, bukan yang panikan, karena akan sangat mempengaruhi kondisi psikologis ibu juga kata bidannyaa... . Jadiii suamii...siapkan ilmu, siapkan mental, siapkan dana, dan tentu saja perbanyak doa dan keridhaan untuk istri ya. Terima kasih sudah mau sama-sama berjuang! . Buibu ada yang mau nambahin lagi? Monggo 🤗
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hereforlukescruff · 5 years
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So after going through a lot more apps than we expected, Em ( @hotmessmichael ) and I have finally come to a decision for the members. Drum roll pleaseee, we got:
Alexa - @calum5os
Dana - @softforcal
Jay - @letsfuckndance
Nina - @ohhmuke
Please don’t be sad if you applied and didn’t make it!!! There was so many applications to go through and you all sound cool as heck. There’ll be more down the road :)))
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floralseokjin · 6 years
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↳ the index [ #3 sound ]
Recently heartbroken, it feels like you’ll never be able to get over it. But a chance encounter with a guy you haven’t seen in months changes everything…  
pairing; min yoongi x f reader (past kim namjoon x f reader) au/genre/warnings; (semi) fuck buddies au, rebound au, unrequited feelings, angst, smut; fingering, unprotected sex (or at least yoongi thinks so), pull out method, thoughts of breath play, overstimulation, squirting  other; hoseok the soundcloud rapper lmao words; 11,290
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“Guess who text me inviting me to his house party tonight?”
“No idea,” you replied breezily over breakfast, taking another spoonful of cereal. 
But of course, you did know.  Yoongi had told you all about Hoseok’s party last night. You shifted awkwardly in your seat, glad you were sat next to Seulgi at the table instead of opposite. 
“Hoseok.” she informed you, before scoffing. “He actually managed to get signed, he’s celebrating. Thinks he’s about to blow up.” 
“Don’t be mean, Seulgi,” you chided, smiling a little as you nudged her. “You love him really.” 
She snorted, nearly choking on her croissant. “I loved his dick,” she corrected. “But not anymore.” 
You refrained an eyeroll. As soon as you’d introduced Seulgi to Hoseok the attraction had been instant – and mutual. In a perfect world, they’d fall in love and get married, your best friend popping out a handful of cute, chubby babies, but Seulgi was Seulgi and Hoseok…well he was too much of a fuckboy to settle down… They’d been on and off ever since they’d met – and you used that term very lightly – but these past six months they’d been very off. You hadn’t told her this yet, but lately it seemed as if she was repeating the exact same mistakes with Taehyung… 
“Anyway, do you want to come with me?” She asked, wiping her Nutella covered hands on some paper towel. 
You had known this was coming. 
“I don’t know,” you began slowly. 
“Pleaseee. Come on, it’ll be fun!” 
You had to admire her, she never gave up with the cajoling. 
“Dana will be there, we haven’t seen her in so long.” 
Hm, that was true. You’d spoken to her few times, whether it was through text or social media, but you’d hadn’t hung out with her in months. Not since the breakup… 
Namjoon flashed to the forefront of your brain for a second, but you got rid of him quickly. You were getting better at that these days. 
You liked Dana, she was funny and really sweet. She’d been one of the first people to check up on you when she’d heard about you and Namjoon, offering to bake you a cake and drop it off. It would be nice to see her again… You hadn’t gone anywhere or socialised properly in so long… It was probably time to change that. It had been two months now after all… 
You’d spent the first month drowning in heartache and the second getting your brains regularly fucked out by Yoongi… 
“The guys too!” 
Seulgi’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you made a face, not feeling so confident with that one. “It might be awkward.” 
Seulgi shot you a look. “_____, what did I say? Don’t let him rule your life.”
“What if they don’t want me there?” 
It was a dumb concern. They might have Namjoon’s friends first but over the years they’d become yours too, but still, you couldn’t help yourself. You’d spent all of last night wondering why Yoongi hadn’t asked you to come. Rationally you knew he couldn’t because that would be weird and suspicious. Everyone would soon put two and two together, but still… Your insecurities still got the better of you from time to time. 
“They do!” Seulgi exclaimed. “Hobi said to invite you, he would have done it himself but felt awkward.” 
Interesting. That did sound like Hoseok actually, you didn’t take it to heart, he was a guy after all… and actually, knowing that he wanted you there made you happy. You missed both him and Jin. 
“They’re your friends too. He’s the one that ditched them. Hoseok’s still cut up about it.” 
You looked at your best friend now, eyebrows raised. Just how long had she spent talking to Hoseok to find all this out? She’d made it seem like he’d dropped her a text and she’d ignored it at first. Now what, they were having full blown conversations? 
“And what does Tae think about this?” 
You meant the party, but you also meant did he know about her history with Hoseok. 
The look on her face told you she got it, but you still wanted to hear it out loud. 
“He doesn’t know.” 
“About me and Hoseok,” she sighed. “But its whatever, no big deal. We haven’t slept together in months. I think Hoseok is dating someone actually.” 
That came as a surprise. You studied Seulgi’s face, looking for any hints that might give her feelings away but nope, nothing. Maybe she was okay? She did really like Taehyung after all, despite the vagueness of their relationship. It was just… even if she didn’t say it out loud, you knew that Hoseok’s refusal to get into something serious had hurt her in the past. That’s why their hook ups had finally come to an end, she’d been done getting messed around, despite Hoseok not doing it maliciously. 
“I applaud her really, because no doubt does he play his mixtapes while they fuck.” 
You couldn’t help it, bursting out with laughter at the reminder. Yeah, maybe Seulgi was best off out of it… She obviously thought so too with the way she joined in with your raucous laughter. 
“Fine,” you got out in between hiccups a couple of minutes later. “Let’s go.” 
“Yay!” she shouted, clinging onto you tightly. “It’s going to be so much fun. Hoseok may be egotistical, but the guy knows how to throw a party…” 
Yeah, ones that usually got shut down by the cops… 
You got to Hoseok’s place a little after 10pm, Seulgi not wanting to look “eager” even though she wasn’t. (“But Hoseok might think so, and I can’t have him thinking that.”) You spotted Yoongi straight away, almost as if you had a radar. He was on the stairs, about four up from the bottom talking to some guy you weren’t familiar with, and you felt yourself get a little excited, forcing yourself to look away immediately before he noticed you. You’d let him know earlier today that you’d be going to Hobi’s party now too, and you’d both agreed to try your best to pretend like nothing was happening in front of your friends. It shouldn’t be that hard, you’d initially thought, but seeing him practically in front of you had proved you wrong. 
He looked great. Not that he didn’t always look great, but he was dressed differently tonight – still casual, but different casual. A plaid shirt thrown over a black t-shirt, light wash jeans that were ripped at each knee… It had to be obvious how sexually attracted you were to him, surely? 
You’d been sleeping with one another for a month now. It was surprising how normal it had become. Sometimes you couldn’t even think back to a time where you’d been broken and crying in your room every day… But you guessed that was normal too. There was always going to become a point where thinking about Namjoon and your heartbreak became easier. You’d realised that now, and while Yoongi was a great distraction nonetheless, it wasn’t all he was good for. He was a really great person, a great friend. And if you took anything from this, it would be friendship. But you also secretly hoped the sex wouldn’t end just yet because it was amazing – lifechanging, to be exact. 
You knew it was probably best to avoid Yoongi as much as possible tonight, and it was actually pretty easy for the first hour, Hoseok’s house a lot more packed than you’d imagined, but on your own in the kitchen, finding yourself another drink, you heard your name being called. Then again, closer. And once more, right behind you. 
Turning around you realised the voice was Seokjin’s. He stood in front of you, Hoseok to his left and… Yoongi to his right. 
You felt yourself panic, looking behind them to see Seulgi and Dana giggling together near the door that led to the backyard, half the party mingling outside now. 
“­_____, hey,” Jin smiled. His face looked cautious, and you realised now that this was it. The interaction you’d been dreading ever since you’d walked through the door. Only, he and Hobi had decided to do it together – and bring Yoongi along for the ride. 
You plastered a smile onto your face, one you hoped looked natural enough, and tried your hardest not to let your eyes fall to Yoongi. “Hi, Jin.” 
You’d already waved his direction once tonight, but this was the first proper conversation of the night. Of a few months actually. 
“Hey, beautiful,” Hoseok grinned at his side, and you couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled in your throat. 
Always the charmer, but you couldn’t lie and say it didn’t have some type of effect on you. Even if he called every girl in a five-mile radius the same thing. 
“Hoseok, your hair, I love it!” You gushed, reaching out to touch the peroxide blonde strands when he dipped his head for you. You’d noticed he’d dyed it earlier but hadn’t had a chance to compliment him, what with him being the life and soul of the party. It was shorter than his usual style, but it suited him really well. He looked hot, and you wondered how Seulgi was holding up… 
“Thanks,” he chuckled. “I’m still a little unsure about it.” 
“That’s a lie.” Jin interjected. “He knows he looks good.” 
That made you laugh harder, pushing Hoseok away by the shoulder. In the corner of your vision, you spotted Jin elbowing Yoongi. 
“Yoongi,” he prompted softly. 
You looked towards the guy you were secretly fucking and tried to keep your face neutral. This was supposed to be the first time you’d seen him properly in well over a year. 
“Hey,” Yoongi greeted casually, doing a great job. 
You on the other hand fucked it up immediately. 
“Hi, Yoongs.” You beamed. 
Realising your mistake, using the nickname you’d gradually started calling him recently, your eyes widened, matching his own, and you quickly cleared your throat, gliding straight past it. Almost as if it had never happened. 
“So, how have you guys been?” 
You might have been imagining it, but Seokjin looked like he gave you both the side eye before he replied with a simple “Good.” 
“Great, yeah,” Hoseok chimed in, Yoongi mumbling his agreement. You didn’t dare look at him again, feeling your heart drumming inside your chest. 
“Uh,” Seokjin sounded, suddenly a little awkward, his eyes turning soft. “How have you been?” 
Oh boy, here came the pity. 
But surprisingly it was more amusing than uncomfortable. 
“I’ve been fine. Doing loads better actually.” 
There was no point pretending like you hadn’t been cut up about the breakup. They weren’t stupid. 
Seokjin smiled your way, genuinely sounding happy. “That’s honestly great to hear. I was really sorry to hear about what happened.” He stopped, looking guilty, “I wanted to reach out, but I didn’t want to make things worse.” 
You smiled, reaching up to tap his shoulder. “It’s okay, Jin, I understand, and I really appreciate it.” 
Jin was a genuine guy, not a bad bone in his body. It was obvious he’d been the one to collect the guys to come talk to you. Dana had really lucked out – plus you’d forgotten to mention just how handsome the man was. Like some kind of untouchable manga character. It also helped that he was mature and had a stable job. (No offense to Hoseok, but there wasn’t much stability when you were a Soundcloud rapper. But who knew, all that could change soon with the news. Maybe he’d prove you all wrong.) 
“Yeah, you know us,” Hoseok added, “and if it makes you feel any better, Joon left us too.” 
You felt strange hearing his name but tried to keep your face neutral, especially with Yoongi watching on. You heard Hoseok hiss then, noticing Jin straightening up as the younger guy reached down to rub his toes 
“I mean, it’s nowhere near to what you went through of course,” he rushed out. “Shit, sorry. What I’m trying to say is, we understand how you feel, even if it’s just a little bit and we’re really sorry.” 
You chuckled, shocking Jin by the look of things. “It’s okay, guys. I’m fine honestly.” 
“You are?” Hoseok asked, sounding confused. 
“Mhmm.”  You nodded with a smile. 
You had bad days, of course. You’d been with Namjoon for a very long time, and he was your first love, but you’d accepted that he wasn’t coming back, and you needed to move on. Sometimes there’d be reminders of him, like coming across one of his shirts in your closet, or a gift he’d bought for a birthday, and you’d feel sad for a moment, but that was expected. For the most part, you were feeling human again, your life back to normal, just with Namjoon missing from it… 
“Congrats on the big news by the way, Hobi” you grinned, wanting to change the subject now. “Will you still remember me when you’re rich and famous?”
“Don’t be silly,” he laughed, “of course I will.” And just like that he had an arm around you, pulling you tight to his warm chest. He smelled faintly of weed, not that it surprised you, but you were glad it wasn’t overpowering just because the stink always made you feel sick. “I never forget a pretty face.” 
“Get lost,” you snorted, pushing him away playfully. You caught Yoongi’s eyes as you did so, his mouth a tight line. 
He was doing a really great job with this acting. 
“Speaking of pretty faces,” Hoseok drawled, looking towards the door now, attention well and truly diverted. He’d finally noticed Seulgi… Well done, it had taken him over an hour. 
With a wave of his hand  and a rushed “laterz” he was gone, making a beeline for your oblivious best friend. 
That just left Jin and Yoongi, and it seemed like Jin was all out of small talk. 
“So, uh,” he stalled, nudging Yoongi again who looked his way irritably. Jin stared him down, making his best friend give in. 
You stifled a giggle as Yoongi’s eyes found yours. This was so funny, the most entertainment you’d had in while. Save for that time last week when you’d cruelly stopped mid handjob just as he was about to cum. He had not been happy, which worked out pretty well for you in the end because a blue balled Yoongi fucked extra good. (But not so well when you had work the next morning sore and stiff…) 
“It’s good to see you, _____,” he breathed, mouth twitching when he saw you were seconds away from bursting out with laughter. 
Thankfully you were saved just in time by Dana, who popped out from behind Jin, her hands slipping around his middle. “There you guys are,” she said, pouting slightly. “Hoseok iced me out.” 
“Don’t worry about it, Dana, he’s just trying to shoot his shot, nothing personal,” Yoongi laughed, moving closer towards you so he could turn and get a better look. You fought the urge to reach out to him and concentrated on whatever the hell was going on in front of you. 
Hoseok and Seulgi were both outside now, Seulgi against the window, back to you as Hoseok leaned into her, a forearm pressing into the glass, his drink in the other hand as he spoke, all heavy-lidded, and you hated to say it, but, slimy. You couldn’t see what Seulgi was doing, but knowing her, she was probably into it just a little… 
“Fucking embarrassing,” Yoongi muttered, his bicep brushing against your shoulder as he took a glug of his beer. 
This was pure torture. 
“Isn’t he dating someone?” you asked. 
 “Think he just made that up to make her jealous,” Jin chuckled. 
Dana scoffed. “Little does he know, I think I just saw Taehyung walk through the door.” 
“Really?” You hadn’t known he was coming tonight, had Seulgi invited him? 
“I may have only seen a picture of him, but I’d recognise that godlike face anywhere,” Dana practically purred, and sure enough, as you peeked into the living area, you saw Taehyung with a couple of his friends.  
“Taehyung? Who’s that?” Jin asked curiously, distracted by his girlfriend’s drooling. 
“Come,” she said, tugging his hand to pull him out of the kitchen and into the living room. “I’ll fill you in.” 
“Baby,” he whined, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, practically draping himself over her. She took his weight easily – it was a common thing after all. “Have you been keeping secrets from me?” 
“Of course not,” she chuckled, turning to grab for your arm. “­­­_____, come with us.” 
Seokjin turned too, still leaning on his girlfriend. “Yoongi?”
Yoongi shook his head, pointing his thumb behind him. “I think I’ll go and get Hobi.” 
You smiled, grateful that he was helping to avoid a potentially awkward (maybe something else too) situation. You’d already told him all about Seulgi and Taehyung, naturally chatting in between all the sex. 
“Thank you,” you mouthed his way before letting Dana drag you away. 
It was practically another hour later when you started growing bored. You’d spent the previous twenty minutes sat next to Seulgi and Taehyung as they made out, which wasn’t much different to the twenty minutes before that when it had been Dana and Jin… 
Now however, you were alone. You’d promised Seulgi you’d share an uber home with Dana and Jin when she’d hinted at wanting to go back to Taehyung’s place and she really hadn’t needed to be told twice before she was out of here. This was why you weren’t the biggest fan of parties. At least when you were with Namjoon, even if you both would rather be at home, you had each other for company. Tonight you were on your own, like some kind of loser, and with thoughts of your ex-boyfriend you began to feel a little dejected. Those memories seemed like a lifetime ago now, as if they were all disappearing before your eyes… The thought was weird. 
Placing your empty red cup on the floor, you caught sight of Yoongi again. He was in the kitchen, talking to a girl you didn’t recognise. Their interaction seemed innocent enough at first, so much so you didn’t think much of it at all, but then you watched as she leaned in closer, a hand reaching for his arm as she stroked the bracelets that decorated it. You felt your stomach twist, surprising yourself. Why were you feeling jealous all of a sudden? 
You watched them some more, irritation dissipating when you gradually realised she was a lot more into him than he was into her. He wasn’t into her at all actually. He was barely making eye contact and when he did it was nowhere near the same way he looked at you. You must be funnier too because you knew you made him laugh harder…
God, what was wrong with you? 
You weren’t drunk, you’d only had two drinks all night. So you couldn’t understand why you pulled out your cell phone and started texting Yoongi right there and then. 
You (11:59pm): having fun? 
You watched as Yoongi felt the buzz in his jeans pocket and pulled his phone out, apologising to the girl in front of him. You noticed the smile he shot the screen when he saw your name and felt your heart go a little giddy. He quickly messaged back. 
Yoongi (12:00am): I guess
Then hesitating, he looked around for you, spotting you soon enough. The smile he gave you was devastating but then he was looking away, typing again. 
Yoongi (12:00am): I’d be having more fun if I got to be around you
The girl he was with said something and he laughed. You were replying before you could stop yourself. 
You (12:01am): I call bullshit 🤨 You (12:01am): who is your friend?
This time he laughed loudly, head falling back, and the girl thought he was still laughing at what she’d said, giggling back as she played with her hair. How embarrassing. 
Yoongi (12:02am): Jealous are we? 
You surprised yourself when you suddenly stood up, making a beeline for the hallway. You surprised him too because no sooner were you up, he was texting you again. 
Yoongi (12:03am): Where are you going?
You carried on going, up the staircase before finding the bathroom empty and shutting yourself inside. 
You (12:04am): idk why don’t you find out for urself 
You waited patiently, praying that he would follow. It was okay if he didn’t, probably for the best actually, but fuck, this was torture. How were you expected to be around him and not have your hands on him?! 
Yoongi (12:04am): babe this is dangerous 😫
You laughed as your phone buzzed again. When you’d first started hooking up Yoongi would never have been caught dead using emojis but now you guessed you’d worn off on him. It was hilarious. Especially when he was messaging you in the middle of the night trying to express how horny he was with the persevering face and water droplets emojis. 
Feeling excited, you quietly opened the door and peeked around the corner, noticing him straight away as he attempted to shake open Hoseok’s locked bedroom door. You stifled a giggle, glad there wasn’t anyone up here, all congregating downstairs and out the backyard. You squealed when he turned his head, spotting you before dashing in your direction and you rushed to close the door, but you were too slow, his arm reaching inside. 
Laughing your head off, you grabbed his hand and tugged him inside. He shouldered the door open wider so he could fit and before you could say anything he was kissing you eagerly, in between his own chuckles, kicking the door closed and locking the rest of the world out. 
“This is stupid,” he said against presses of your mouth, his hands snaking around your waist, roaming your ass… 
“Not when it feels this good.” 
He hummed in nothing but absolute agreement, squeezing and tugging your behind as his mouth slid south, kissing along your jaw. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding him to you as his tongue found your ear and your knees grew weak. You knew you’d only seen him yesterday, but what with being so frustratingly close to him all night and unable to act on your impulses it felt like forever ago. 
Pulling away to catch his breath, his sigh tickled your ear. “Pretty sure Jin caught me staring at you way too many times for it to be considered normal.” 
“You were staring at me? Really? Coulda sworn you were too busy talking to that girl…” 
It slipped out before you could stop yourself, and while said in jest, you mentally kicked yourself. 
Yoongi laughed, stepping back to view you. “I was being friendly. She’s a friend. I haven’t seen her in a while.” 
Friendly, your ass. Yoongi had been oblivious to how into him she was. 
He cupped your face between his palms, making you look him in the eyes. “Come on, you’re the only one I want.” His amused grin turned boyish then. “Gotta admit, I like it when you’re jealous.” 
“I wasn’t jealous.” 
“Sure,” he scoffed. 
“I wasn’t!”
His gaze fell to your shoulder, corner of his mouth down turning. “I was.” When you raised your eyebrows, he explained. “Earlier, Hoseok was all over you.” He dropped his hands. 
It was your turn to scoff. “Please. That’s just Hobi.” 
“I know that, I just wish it could have been me.” A pause. “Although…”
Yoongi shook his head, choosing to take your hip in his hand instead, pulling you closer. His body was warm and familiar, but you were distracted now, wanting to know what he had to say. “No, come on,” you urged. 
Yoongi sighed, giving in, not looking you in the eyes. “Pretty sure given half the chance he’d fuck you in an instant.” 
You rolled your eyes. Men were so lame. 
“Pretty sure he’d fuck anyone in an instant if given half the chance,” you laughed. “But he wouldn’t,” you added, speaking without really thinking. “He wouldn’t do that to Namjoon.” 
Yoongi tilted his head to the side. “But I would?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,” you apologised quickly, realising your mistake and how that could possibly have been interpreted. Not that you thought that way at all. 
“I know you didn’t,” he chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss your cheek. 
You felt yourself relax, looping your arms around his middle in some sort of loose hug, which was strange, because you and Yoongi definitely didn’t hug when together. 
“It’s been torture tonight,” you murmured into his shoulder. 
“Tell me about it.” Then he groaned. “That shit Jin made me do earlier, it took everything in me not to make it obvious.” 
“Make what obvious?” You teased. 
Pulling his head back he grinned. “That I’m making you cum.” You giggled as he placed a kiss on your mouth. “Giving it to you real good, the best you’ve ever had it.” 
“Is that so?” 
“Yes, that’s so,” he gloated. “Are you forgetting last night? When you let me put my thumb–”
You made a strained noise, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence and kissed him instead. He laughed into your mouth but didn’t stop you. Instead his tongue licked out, finding yours quickly, and after that the kiss turned heated very quickly. Like pressed up against Hoseok’s sink, Yoongi’s erection digging into your hip heated. 
When Yoongi nibbled your bottom lip you took the opportunity to break away. “Did you just give yourself a boner?”
“No, you gave me the boner.” 
He captured your mouth again, humming indulgently as he linked fingers with your left hand, wrapping it around his waist. You could feel yourself growing hot, eager, for him, your own arousal building up as you used your other hand to cup his clothed cock spread along his inner thigh. He jerked into your palm, easing your mouths to let out a low groan. 
“Fuck yeah, why does that feel so good?”
It would feel better if you could undo his jeans… Even better if he turned you around and pushed inside of you… 
You couldn’t hold back any longer, fingers tracing the zipper. “Wanna…you know…” you whispered. 
“Here?” He asked, sounding surprised. “You want me to fuck you in here?” 
You nodded, unable to stop yourself from kissing him again when you saw the way they shone in the overhead lighting. He was driving you crazy. 
Tongues tangling together in a rush, you keened when you felt one of his hands slide up your dress. He squeezed the meat of your ass, pausing when he realised something. 
“Mm-hmm,” you hummed against his jaw, nipping at the bone. 
His breath shook before he growled lowly, slipping the hand into the front of the skimpy underwear. He felt you were wet immediately and wasted no time pushing a finger inside your pussy, nestling in your warmth. 
“Ngnn, Yoongi.” 
Pinning you to the sink with his other hand, he joined a second finger, curling them together before doing something that had your eyes practically rolling back into your skull. You couldn’t tell what it was, but fuck, did it feel good. 
“Like that, babe?” He husked, kissing down your throat as your head fell back. 
“What are you doing,” you asked weakly, feeling your hips jerk on their own accord. 
His chuckle was strained. “I’ll show you some other time.” 
Remembering his boner still existed, you reached between your bodies, squeezing the most sensitive part and he pushed into your touch, panting a little now. 
You couldn’t take this any longer. 
“Yoongi, fuck me.” 
He whined, fingers slowing reluctantly, and you wanted to scream when he pulled out all together and took a step away from your warmth. 
“We can’t here,” he said, getting his breath back. “Let’s just go back to my place.” 
You couldn’t wait that long. You’d die. 
“That won’t work,” he chuckled weakly when you took a step forward and reached for him. 
“But I want youuu.” 
You watched him wipe his sticky fingers against the side of his jeans. God, even that turned you on. 
He shook his head. “I’m not fucking you in Hoseok’s dirty bathroom.” 
You looked around in confusion. “It looks clean to me.” Actually, it was probably one of the cleanest bathrooms you’d ever been in. The place was pristine. Even now, with a party going on. 
Laughing, he grabbed your hand. “Come on, let’s ditch this place and I’ll fuck you exactly how you want, okay?”
You made a plan before you left the bathroom, just to remain as unnoticeable as possible. You would go first, grab your jacket left by the door, and leave, waiting for him outside. Five minutes would be enough time. 
It seemed that luck was on your side as you slipped down the stairs, hearing Hobi predictably putting on a mini concert for everyone in the living room. The music was practically booming at this point, vibrating the walls, as everyone cheered and whooped. You gave this party thirty more minutes before someone complained – if that. 
You hit a snag though when you couldn’t find your jacket. 
“What’s up,” you heard Yoongi hiss in your ear, jumping slightly. He was obviously wondering why you were still here. 
“I can’t find my jacket.” 
He took over, rooting through the various outerwear piled onto the coat hooks. You felt giddy, adrenaline pumping through your veins as Yoongi hurriedly searched. It was another sixty seconds or so before he pulled out a black jean jacket. 
“This one?” 
You nodded, secretly surprised he knew what it looked like, and took it from him, shaking it on quickly. 
Yoongi looked behind him, noticing the coast was clear and pushed you forward by the small of your back. “Quick. No one’s looking, let’s just go.” 
You giggled as he continued to wrangle you out the door, spanking your ass playfully as he did so, and as soon as the door was shut behind you, he slung an arm over your shoulders and started walking quickly, eager to get to his place which was about a ten-minute walk from Hoseok’s. 
You were about twelve steps in when his phone started ringing. He wrestled it out of his pocket, muttering “shit” under his breath when he saw who it was and rushed to end the call. 
“What?” you asked, mildly curious. 
“Nothing.” But he sped up, taking your hand in his. 
His phone started ringing again and he ended it after two rings. 
“Who is it?” Now you were just confused. 
“Jin,” he muttered. 
You panicked almost immediately. “Do you think he saw us?” 
Before Yoongi could respond his phone started pinging. He looked at the screen, groaning to himself. “Fuck sake.” 
He took off, phone in one hand, the other tightening over yours, pulling you with him. “Let’s run!” 
“Why are we running?!”
You couldn’t help it, the absurdity of the situation making you begin to laugh. Plus, you were just really, really confused. 
“Yoongi,” you panted trying again, but he just laughed with you. It was surprising how fast he could run; your legs were struggling to keep up, afraid you were going to trip up, yet you couldn’t – stop – laughing. 
You were relying on him so much that you did very nearly hurtle into him when he stopped abruptly, his hands grabbing your waist just in time to pull you into a dimly lit alleyway. You both attempted to catch your breaths, breathlessly laughing now, your backs against the wall.  
“What the fuck,” you said, voice weak as you doubled over a little, rubbing your side. “I’ve got a fucking stitch.” 
He snorted quietly, turning to you. “I’m sorry, babe.” 
Before you could reply his phone was pinging again. He gave the screen a once over, his face changing, and that’s when you found yourself growing a little annoyed. 
“Let me see. What’s going on?” 
You could see him deliberating for a moment before holding his phone up. Pleased, you went to take it from him, angling it to get a better look, but he didn’t pull his hand away, grip firm as if he was getting ready to tug it back as soon as you were done. You barely registered that though, too busy reading his texts. 
Seokjin (00:31am): what the fuck are you doing? ??.? Seokjin (00:31am): ANSWR MY CLALS  Seokjin (00:32am): Yoongi!1  Seokjin (00:33am: Im fucking drunbk but not tht drunk Seokjin (00:34am: U are makig—
While you were reading another message pinged through and you just had about enough time to read the first few words before Yoongi yanked his phone back. You didn’t miss the way he turned a little grim as he read whatever it was Jin had sent but just like that the look was gone. 
“It’s fine,” he reassured. 
“It’s because you slapped my butt.” 
That made him laugh, knocking his phone off altogether before he shoved it in his jeans pocket. 
Obviously Seokjin had seen the exchange somehow without you realising. 
“He won’t really chase after us, will he?” you asked uncertainly, confused as to why Yoongi had made you run. It seemed a tad dramatic. 
“I mean, it’s Seokjin,” Yoongi shrugged, “so I wouldn’t put it past him.” He saw your face and laughed again, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I’m just kidding, _____.” Then more seriously, “Don’t worry, I’ll just tell him I was walking you home.” 
“You slapped my ass, Yoongi!” you reminded him. 
However, oddly enough, you weren’t that bothered – or worried – that Jin knew. This had been a secret for a month, but it didn’t seem like that much of a big deal that your cover may or may not have gotten blown. Was that wrong? 
Yoongi chose to ignore what you were telling him anyway, roughly connecting your mouths instead. It was easy to lose yourself in the kiss again, his hands in your hair, his body pinning yours firmly against the wall… But when he started to inch his hand up your dress, fingers delicately dragging along your covered pussy, you began to feel self-conscious. Out in public like this had never been a turn on for you. 
“Not here,” you whispered, lips wet as you broke away from his. “Let’s go.” 
Yoongi’s grin split across his face. “Oh, so now you want to go back to my place.” 
You were both in a rush as soon as you got to his house, in his room in seconds. Yoongi was kissing you so hard it was taking your breath away and in turn just making you hornier. You had never experienced this kind of fervour before you started to hook up with Yoongi. The just raw, uncontrollable, often crazy urge to have him and for him to have you. But tonight it had hit new records. Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through your veins, the exhilaration of being caught (if you could call it that). Something was different. Yoongi felt different. 
But of course, something had to interrupt it. 
This time it was your phone that started ringing. Muffled, coming from the floor where your jacket had been dropped. You turned your head to the sound, Yoongi’s mouth on your jaw. “Ignore it.” 
He slid his tongue up to your ear but before he could reach inside you moved, slipping out of his grasp. 
“_____,” he sighed, taking of his shirt, and throwing it on his bed as you knelt down, searching your pockets. “Ignore it.” 
“It’s Seulgi,” you informed him, phone now in your hand. You couldn’t ignore her. Why was she calling you right now? 
You picked up as Yoongi sat down on the edge of the bed. “Hello?”
The sheer volume of her voice had you wincing. “Quieter, Seulgi.” 
“Sorry, I’m like,” she stopped to hiccup, “so drunk.” 
“Anyway, I don’t know what you’re going on about.” 
Maybe playing dumb was best right now. You hoped she was too drunk to hear how out of breath you were. 
“Jin called me.” 
Well, there went that plan. 
“Of course he did,” you replied, looking over at Yoongi. He raised a puzzled eyebrow. 
“SO?” Seulgi shouted in your ear, words slurring together as she continued. “What the shit is happening right now?”
“’Don’t lie to me, _____.” She tried to sound stern, but you couldn’t take her seriously when you were barely able to understand her. She was such a lightweight. “Best friends don’t lie.” 
“I’m not lying,” you insisted. “Nothing is happening because you interrupted me.” 
“Oh.” There was a comically long pause, then she was yelling somewhere into the background. It sounded a lot like ‘She’s really gonna fuck Yoongi!’ 
Oh, my god, was she telling Taehyung right now. You were going to kill her tomorrow. 
Next you heard her squealing, it sounded as if she was getting tickled. You could hear Taehyung’s deep chuckle too. 
“Seulgi?” you yelled, this close to hanging up. 
“I’m here, I’m HERE!” 
“I’m gonna go, okay?” 
It didn’t sound like she was about to try and convince you to not go through with it. Although, admittedly she was probably too drunk for that. 
She made a noise, as if thinking out loud. “I feel like tomorrow when I’m sober, I’ll have more to say about this but for now…” 
You waited. 
And then she was gone, hanging up to leave you staring at your phone in bafflement. 
“What the hell was that about?” Yoongi asked, sounding just as bewildered. 
You looked over. “Jin called Seulgi and told her,” you told him casually, getting to your feet and putting your phone down on his nightstand. 
“That fucking interfering bastard,” he snarled, although his anger was short lived when he heard you laughing. “Why are you laughing?” 
You didn’t reply straight away, instead choosing to take off your dress, removing it over your head before flinging it to the floor. Yoongi immediately say up straighter, eyes on your body. 
“She told me to get that dick.” 
He found your eyes. “My dick?” When you nodded, he smirked, falling back on his elbows casually. “Then what are you waiting for?” 
You smiled as you straddled him slowly, feeling his dick grow harder as you kissed him, tongue licking into his mouth before you sat up and tugged at his t-shirt. He obliged quickly, jolting when you licked one of his nipples, tickling him and making him practically giggle. You laughed with him, moving down to his jeans and unzipping them, and before long you were both naked, rolling around on his bed.  
“No need,” you murmured when his hand slipped between your legs. You were more than ready for him. “Just fuck me already.” 
He raised an eyebrow, lips puffy from all your kissing. “You’re so hot when you’re demanding.” 
You giggled, watching as he leaned over you to reach inside his nightstand drawer. “Get inside me! Get inside me!” You demanded playfully, latching onto his waist as he shifted taller, trying to look inside the drawer as his hand moved around blindly. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, turning back to you with disappointment in his eyes. “I’m all out of condoms. We must have used the last one yesterday.”
You felt yourself pout, plans now thwarted. 
“Don’t worry.” He was quick to reassure you, leaning down to kiss your lips before nuzzling into your neck, a hand palming your chest. “I can go down on you… You can suck my dick. Mm, maybe at the same time…” 
“It’s not the same,” you grumbled. 
Yoongi laughed, kissing your mouth again. “Don’t pout.” 
You could feel his cock brushing your thigh and instantly you made a decision. 
“Can’t we just do it anyway?” 
He looked a little surprised. “Like, I pull out?” 
You opened your mouth, about to say no – about to explain. You were still on birth control so there was really no need for him to pull out at all. But you stopped yourself at the last minute, for the same reason you’d been continuing to use condoms up until now. The thought of another guy coming inside of you made you feel weird. It was something you weren’t ready for so soon after Namjoon. Yes, you’d recently discovered how fun casual sex could be, but there were lines you didn’t want to cross quite yet. If ever. 
So, you nodded. 
Yoongi looked at you carefully. “You trust me, right?” 
You nodded again, reaching to kiss him. It deepened pretty quickly, Yoongi wrapping your legs around his waist so he could roll into you. 
“I’ll pull out way before I need to cum,” he said between wet and eager presses of his mouth. 
“I trust you.” 
Regardless of your little secret, you trusted him completely. You wouldn’t be doing this whole thing with him if you didn’t. 
He smiled, looking truly happy to hear it, and you couldn’t help but kiss him harder. Your need for him was reaching uncontainable levels by now. You felt like your skin was on fire. “Okay, now get inside me,” you demanded, drumming your fists on his back causing him to laugh. 
You tried again, nicer now. “Pleaseee.” 
He broke away, unlinking your legs from around his middle and kneeling up. He ran his hands up the back of your thighs. “You know I can’t say no when you beg like that.” 
His voice was smooth and low, dark eyes drinking you in and you easily let him fold your legs up, feeling him momentarily check to see if you were indeed wet enough before he continued. 
He scoffed bashfully. “Bet I’ll cum in like two seconds flat.”
“I’ll forgive you,” you joked, helping hold your legs up as you felt him begin to push the tip of his cock inside you. 
He practically croaked at the sensation, gaze intense as he watched you and took your calves in his hands, carefully wrapping them around his waist again so he could lower his body and sink further inside of you. You exhaled shakily as you felt him stretching you out, finally getting what you wanted. 
“I can literally feel everything, fuck,” Yoongi cursed once he was fully nestled inside, hands pressing into the pillow either side of your head. He laughed in disbelief. “Babe, what the fuck.”  
His dark hair was in his eyes, tops of cheeks tinged red, a dew to them that told you he was already breaking out into a sweat just from the way your walls gently squeezed him, getting used to the (welcomed) intrusion. He moved back a little, then forward, thrusting into you slowly as he got used to the new sensation. You studied him carefully, admiring how good he looked, how pretty. His eyes had long closed, mouth parted in sheer pleasure. 
“You’re so soft, warm,” he murmured, thrusting a little quicker. You could hear yourself starting to squelch around his cock. “So fucking wet,” he groaned. “You get wet so fucking easy because of me.” 
You ran your hands up his shoulders and pulled him to you, needing to feel his mouth once more. You moaned into the kiss, his name a sigh. “Yoongi, you feel so good.” 
“Yeah?” He panted, his movements becoming unsteady as your hands stroked along his neck, your lips at his jaw now. “Shit.” His voice was shaky, hips stopping when your tongue found his ear, letting out little breathy moans as you sucked and nibbled his earlobe. 
You enjoyed having this effect on him, of course you did, but a girl could only take so much. You’d been wanting him to fuck you for over an hour. You nudged your hips up, kissing your way along his cheek now, wet, sloppy kisses that coated his cheek in your spit. “Are you going to fuck me anytime soon, or?”
He tutted, turning his head to look at you. “Maybe you should be careful about what you wish for…” 
Your stomach clenched, fresh excitement beginning to flutter around as he started thrusting again. Steady and determined, face much the same as he watched you. You started to moan on cue, clutching his broad shoulders. 
“How hard?” 
When met with a dazed look, he clarified. “How hard do you want it?” 
By this time, you could hear the pounding of your bodies meeting, each thud filling the room, his grunts following soon after. He always knew how to give it to you so good. It was unbelievable. 
“Mhm, just like that.” One hand ran down his back. 
He cocked his head to the side, looking amused. “You can take it harder than this, surely?” 
He picked up the pace, having no other option but to dig your nails into his skin, the surprise force making you gasp out loud. He liked when you did that anyway. He loved it when you clung to him, wanted him so close it turned you into a whiney mess. 
Your ankles linked together just as the headboard started hitting the wall, desperate to keep yourself attached to Yoongi’s body, your moans getting louder as the pleasure became overwhelming. 
“Harder?” Yoongi practically goaded, and you nodded like something possessed. 
You wanted it all where he was concerned. 
So he kept on fucking you, snapping his hips into yours over and over again, his mattress barely keeping up. You were so lost in the moment the noises you were making barely registered, but just as you thought maybe you could cum like this, there was an almighty bang on the wall – and it wasn’t Yoongi’s headboard. It was coming from the other bedroom. 
“Will you two knock it OFF–!” 
You jumped out of your skin, heart leaping in your chest before the realisation sunk in. Then came the mortification… 
“Oh, my god,” you murmured weakly, voice still trembling with arousal. 
Yoongi, still inside of you, leaned forward and rapped the wall with his knuckles, his breathing still heavy. “Sorry, bro. We’ll keep it down from now on.” 
“Yeah, yeah, “came a muffled reply and you felt your cheeks heat up with fresh embarrassed. 
“Oh my god,” you repeated, hiding your face in your hands and Yoongi’s chest. “I’m dying.” 
He chuckled, moving so that he could get you to look at him and in turn slipping out of your warmth. “Babe, don’t be embarrassed. It’s funny.” He fell to the side of you, taking your hands away from your face to kiss your cheek. “Bet you gave him a hard on.” 
You whined his name, before staring at him pointedly. “You didn’t tell me Jimin was home.” 
You still hadn’t actually met Jimin yet, which you were pretty thankful for now, but you’d managed to get some information from Yoongi over the weeks. For instance, his name. The guy probably hated every time you came over. 
“I didn’t know,” Yoongi swore. “Thought he was still out with his friends.” 
He leaned in, kissing you softly, trying to melt away your annoyance. When it worked, he took one of your hands, shuffling closer to tangle your legs before wrapping your fingers around his sticky cock. “Still want to?” He asked, voice low. 
You bit down on your lip and nodded, stroking him slowly a few times, feeling him pulse in your grip. He hummed, rubbing his nose against yours. “Just be a good girl and stay quiet from now on, hm?” 
“Shut up,” you hissed, irritated by his teasing. 
He sniggered, confusing you when he grabbed the pillow next to your head and got up, moving to the floor. 
“What are you doing?”
“Less noise,” he explained, taking the pillow from underneath your head when you sat up. He arranged them and turned back, holding out his hand for you to follow him. 
It wasn’t the first time you’d fucked on the floor, but Yoongi was taking your comfort into extra consideration tonight, propping you against the pillows he’d formed into a V shape. On your back, he took your legs, lifting them and turning them to the side so the curve of your ass was on show. He shuffled closer on his knees, pressing the head of his cock against your entrance before he gave you a smirk. 
“Remember, stay quiet.” 
You didn’t have time to retort because straight after he pushed completely inside of you, your warmth squeezing him once again. “That’s it,” he muttered to himself, lost in the pleasure, a hand digging into your hip. 
He started thrusting slowly, savouring the feeling but also easing you back in, before he picked up the pace naturally, chasing the way you squelched for him. 
Wanting to be closer to you, he moved your legs again, getting you back on your ass to part your thighs and nestle between them. He leaned in just as your feet hit the floor, cock hitting deeper, and you couldn’t help but moan out his name. 
He chuckled, a hand reaching for you face. “Don’t make me have to gag you,” he joked, a finger running down your lips, tugging down on the bottom one as he stared into your eyes. 
You smirked, ever so slowly caressing the tip of said finger with your tongue before you sucked it inside your mouth completely.  
“Fuckkkk,” he exhaled, curse dragging out as he watched you. He greedily pushed in his middle digit too, thrusts getting harder as you moaned around them. He watched you intently, lips parted as he panted over you before his hips stuttered. 
He pulled out of you abruptly, laughing breathlessly as he squeezed the base of his dick. “You nearly made me cum.” 
You gave him another moan in reply, still sucking his fingers seeing as he loved it so much. 
He let out a frustrated cry, moving back towards you. “Just a little bit longer,” he said softly, and it took you a moment to realise it was actually a question. He was searching for your answer. 
You nodded around his fingers, pussy clenching with anticipation. 
He pushed inside you hungrily, relishing your warmth with each thrust, which were getting sloppier by the second. You kept on sucking his fingers, tongue flicking back and forth against the tips of the digits, mimicking how you gave him head. 
“So fucking hot,” he murmured, not taking his eyes off you no matter how much his face contorted with pleasure. “So hot. Yeah, fuck, yeah…” 
Muttering to himself by now, you knew he wouldn’t last much longer, so it was no surprise when he pulled out mid stroke, the fingers in your mouth ripping away too before his fist immediately started raking up and down his rigid cock as he leaned in to cum across your stomach. 
“Fuck. Shit. Fuck,” he gasped, painting your skin in white, hot ropes. 
It wasn’t the first time he’d cum on your body, but it was the first time he’d cum this hard while doing so. One spurt even shot across your left boob. Yoongi made sure to get every last bit out, milking his orgasm for all it was worth, before he started to grow soft, tip of his cock pressed against the pool of cum as he leaned over with a shaky arm, shoulders heaving with each pant. 
“Dammit,” he cursed quietly, looking at you with a goofy smile. “I was supposed to make you cum first.” 
You stroked his hair out of his eyes, returning the action. “It’s fine.” 
All you could do was lie there as Yoongi went inside his drawer to get some wipes, trying to catch your breath as your body buzzed. 
“It was too much to handle,” he continued once he returned. “You felt so amazing and then you started sucking my fingers, imagined you were sucking my dick. Flew into sensory overload.” He finished with a bashful chuckle, cheeks flushing red. 
“Sorry,” you grinned, helping him clean you up before he made his way to the trashcan and then sat on the side of the bed. 
You got up, legs a little shaky and moved next to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders either side. “That was so good, Yoongs,” you praised, kissing his cheek, before you joked, “Maybe we should ditch the condoms forever.” 
He chuckled but shook his head. “I don’t know, that sounds like a dumb idea.” 
You thought about telling him the truth, but ultimately decided against it. 
Instead, you kissed him again, a hand pressing into his opposite cheek. You weren’t going to lie, you were still pretty turned on, and just being this close to him was driving you insane. 
“Really, you always make me feel so good,” you murmured, pressing your lips into the corner of his mouth. “How do you know, hm?”
He turned his head, shrugging but sounding arrogant. “Just do.” 
It made you giggle, but before you could reply his mouth was on yours, tongue licking into your mouth soon after. He gradually got you onto your back, crawling over you, his palms trailing over your chest, stomach and thighs. He could tell you were still horny by the way you pushed into his touch and moaned into his mouth. 
“Let me show you how well I know your body,” he said, breaking away to soak you in. You instantly felt yourself get excited, even more so when he took your hands and sat you up. What was he up to?
He took your place, sitting up against the headboard and laid you between his open legs, your head resting on his chest. 
“But remember to stay quiet, yeah?” He whispered in your ear, tickling you. 
“Quit annoying me,” you grumbled.
“Oh?” He teased. “So, you don’t want me to make you cum?” 
“I didn’t say that.” 
He laughed, large hand cupping one of your tits, giving it a firm squeeze before he started playing with the nipple. He had you instantly. It was kind of embarrassing how easily body reacted for him. With his other hand he cupped your pussy. 
“Spread your legs more,” he said against your ear again, sucking the lobe in his mouth as he did so. 
You tried to fight the moan that wanted to slip from your throat, which got even harder when he started to circle your clit with the pads of two fingers. You twisted at the sudden pleasure, but Yoongi kept you weighted down by his arms. You bit down your lip, Yoongi’s tongue now dipping inside your ear, turning you crazy. 
“Just realised how hot that is…” 
“What?” Your voice sounded strained and whiney. 
He rubbed you harder, your feet sliding across the sheets. “When you go to moan but it gets trapped in your throat.” 
The hand that had been playing with your chest, moved up to your throat, fingers delicately brushing along the skin and you felt yourself pulse, wondering what it would feel like if he wrapped his hand around your neck, but disappointingly he moved away, cupping your boobs again. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he awed, kissing the top of your head. “I’m a real lucky guy.” 
Something inside your chest hurt and delayed you realised why. Namjoon used to say that all the time. You wondered when he’d stopped thinking that and why… 
But you couldn’t concentrate on that. You wouldn’t concentrate on him. Not when Yoongi was making you feel so good. He knew how to read your body, knew when to slow down or ease off and then when to speed up again. And he knew when you were close. Always. 
“Yeah, that’s it,” he murmured roughly, feeling your back starting to arch. “Gonna cum against my fingers?” 
You couldn’t help but moan a little, circling your hips into his movements as the pleasure continued to build, Yoongi whispering words of encouragement in your ear as you lost yourself, whining quietly as your orgasm hit. 
He kept moving, circling your clit, wanting to make your high last as long as possible, but even when it started to disappear, body warm and boneless in his hold, he carried on. His movements weren’t as determined, but they were still there. And they made you squirm. 
“Yoongi.” You tried, tensing up at the overstimulation. 
He kissed your temple, voice affected when he spoke. “Just a bit longer. Please?” 
He changed actions, not directly on your clit as he rubbed before deciding to use the flats of all four fingers, moving back and forth quickly, bracelets around his wrists making a noise. You flailed about the bed, having a hard time keeping your legs still, waist twisting as you tried to avoid the stimulation, but there was also something really good about it. Your heart raced in your chest, gut clenching, and it felt like you were going to cum again, only just way more powerful. Way more everything, actually. You felt like you were losing control. 
And when your second orgasm hit you couldn’t help but make noise, choking out a sob as your whole body went rigid, bar your left leg which kicked out uncontrollably. 
“Oh my GOD–!” 
You felt an immense pressure between your legs, looking down in disbelief to see water spraying past Yoongi’s hand, some hitting your thigh, the rest soaking his sheets.  
“Holy shit,” you heard him mutter behind you, just as amazed as he let his hand drop, holding your trembling body instead. 
Your legs twitched, and you were panting, unable to catch your breath but absurdly you found yourself bursting out with laughter. You felt sorry for Jimin, you really did, but you couldn’t help it. You felt high almost as Yoongi joined in, his laughter just as loud. 
“What did you just make me do?!” You demanded, and you weren’t sure if the tears in your eyes were because of the noise you were making, or the way he’d just made you cum. 
“I really wasn’t expecting that.” 
“What the fuck were you expecting?” You twisted in his grip, wanting to see him properly. 
Your chest against his, he wrapped his arms around you. “Not that,” he chuckled, your laughter having eased off now. He kissed you once, pulling away to smile. “You’re amazing.” 
You scoffed quietly, still a little out of breath, and feeling pretty exhausted. “Men are so easy.” 
“Hey, not just because of that.” He insisted. “You’re just… I really can’t handle it. Feel like I’m losing my mind.” He finished with a shake of his head. 
“You’re so weak,” you told him teasingly, but inside his words made you feel funny. Good funny. 
He let his head fall back against the headboard, mouth quirking up on one side as his eyes closed. 
“You have no idea.” 
You took the moment to admire him, leaning in to kiss him before stifling a yawn. 
That got his attention, eyes instantly opening. “Come on, you’re going to have to spend the night.” 
He was probably right. You always drove home, but tonight you obviously didn’t have your car, and you’d both been drinking so he couldn’t exactly take you home instead. 
You nodded. 
“You can borrow one of my t-shirts.” 
Yoongi let you shower first, and you made extra sure to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to piss off Jimin any more than you already had tonight (and the past month, most probably…). Now that the moment had passed you felt guilty. Once you were done, you got changed into one of Yoongi’s t-shirts, ignoring how it made you think of Namjoon. 
You came back into Yoongi’s room to find him blow-drying the wet patch you’d made on his sheets. (Which if still awake, would surely annoy Jimin even more…no?). You couldn’t help but laugh. A month ago you would have been mortified, but now you were so comfortable around Yoongi it was hard not to see the funny side. 
“There,” he grinned, turning the blow-dryer off. “As good as new.”
You wrinkled the nose. “Gross.” 
He chuckled, walking past you to grab his sweatpants, ready to head to the bathroom. “Get used to it. I’ve had to.”  
You were ready to give him a piece of your mind but then he grabbed your waist, kissing the back of your neck. “You look amazing in my clothes, by the way.” 
Your belly fluttered briefly at his compliment and then he was gone. 
You got into his bed shortly after that, feeling a little awkward if you were being perfectly honest. Did he have a preferred side of the bed to sleep on? Were you on it right now? You were about to ask him when he came back ten minutes later, but one look at his face told you something was wrong with him. He looked worried. More than that even. Tense. 
“What’s up?” You asked as he got into bed beside you, sitting up against the headboard. You copied. 
“I have to deal with Jin tomorrow, that’s what up.” 
Was it really that big of a deal? For some reason, you were genuinely blasé about the whole thing. Which was still very odd because you were sure something like this would have horrified you a couple of weeks ago. Why would Jin have such strong feelings about Yoongi sleeping with you? You got Seulgi being potentially worried when she found out the whole truth, but not Jin. You were the one who had been fragile since the breakup. But then, maybe that was Jin’s worry? He was such a nice guy after all. 
“Still going to go with the ‘you were walking me home’ lie?” 
Yoongi breathed out a tired laugh. “Something tells me he won’t buy it.” 
You frowned then, studying Yoongi carefully. “Is it really that bad if he knows?”
You understood if Yoongi wanted to keep this thing you were doing a secret. Of course you did, you’d decided it together, but they were your friends after all, and this thing, it didn’t have to be a big deal. You were all adults. 
Yoongi looked at you, eyes filled with something – surprise? He sure sounded it when he spoke. “You want him to know?” 
“I mean, yeah?” you shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed. “Tonight was hard.” 
The side of his mouth couldn’t help but quirk up. “You did nearly give the game away when you called me Yoongs.” 
You’d nearly given the game away multiple times; you were sure of it. 
“I just think…” you started slowly, carefully, “if we continue all hanging out together then keeping it a secret will never work.” 
Yes, tonight had been hard and a little boring towards the end, but it had also shown you how much you’d been missing out on. You missed hanging out with your friends, even if loud parties like that weren’t really your thing. Plus, you really liked seeing Yoongi hang out with his friends. He’d already confided in you how hard it had been this past year. How he’d felt guilty for making Jin and Hobi feel like they were stuck in the middle. How he’d sometimes had to miss out on things because Namjoon was there… 
“You’re right.” Yoongi agreed simply, smiling at you. “You really don’t care if they know?”
“2 out of 4 already do, so.” 
Your mind briefly flitted to thoughts of tomorrow when you’d inevitably have to explain all to Seulgi. She was under the impression tonight was the first of its kind, maybe a one off, but she was wrong. You were a little apprehensive, but honestly? You hated keeping secrets from her, so you were actually feeling pretty relieved right now. Carefree even. 
Yoongi groaned, getting your attention again. “Seokjin’s going to be really mad at me.” 
“Mad? Why?” You were confused. 
There was a look on his face you couldn’t quite place as he answered. “I’m sleeping with Namjoon’s ex-girlfriend.” 
You felt your eyebrows pinch together. You didn’t like being referred to as that. Especially by Yoongi. You got what he meant, but it still didn’t feel good. You shook it off quickly, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. 
“It doesn’t have anything to do with him though.” You leaned forward a little, running a hand down his bare chest. “I mean, it’s just sex.” 
Yoongi stared at you, the blink that followed a little slow and you figured he was growing tired now. “Yeah, just sex,” he agreed with a slight smile. 
You giggled. “Really great sex.” 
His smile grew a little, but the action was still pretty lethargic. 
You suddenly thought of something, voice sounding panicked. 
“You don’t think Jin will tell Joon, do you?”
“Why?” There was an edge to Yoongi’s voice. “Do you want him to? Do you think it’ll make him come back?” 
You pulled a face and laughed awkwardly. “No.” 
“Because he won’t.” He paused before continuing. “If you’re trying to make him jealous, it won’t work.” 
Okay, now he was just being ridiculous. “I’m not trying to make him jealous.” Scoffing, you added, “Is that what you think?”
He stared at you before his eyes gradually softened. “Of course not.” He sighed your name, a hand reaching for yours. “I’m sorry, that was shitty of me.” He gave your fingers a gentle squeeze. “I’m just saying, it’s been like two months, the guy isn’t coming back.” 
“I never said I wanted him to come back,” you replied. That wasn’t what you’d meant at all. “I’m just worried about you and him. You used to be friends.” 
You didn’t want to cause extra animosity between the two. 
“Yeah, we used to be,” Yoongi emphasised. “I don’t owe him anything, and neither do you. He left you and broke your heart. You can do whatever you want.” 
At that reminder, your chest felt heavy, but he was right, wasn’t he? Namjoon probably wouldn’t even care if he found out. He’d fallen out of love with you. He no longer wanted you… Technically, if he was bothered, which you doubted was the case, he had no right to be. 
You leaned in and kissed Yoongi’s cheek. He looked surprised when you pulled back, eyes wide. 
“What was that for?”
“Just a thank you,” you murmured with a smile. “You always keep it real with me.” 
You thought you saw guilt flash over his face momentarily. He had nothing to feel guilty for. 
“Yeah,” he practically whispered. Then he shook himself, smiling back. “I’m sorry, I’m tired and grouchy.” 
“It’s okay.” You moved to rest your head on the pillow. “Let’s get some sleep.” You were feeling exhausted too. It was late and Yoongi had fucked your brains out. 
Agreeing, he flicked his lamp off, surprising you when he wrapped his arm around your waist. 
“This okay?” 
“Yeah,” you whispered. 
In truth, it was a little strange. Not bad, just different. His bare chest pressed up against your back. You could smell him, feel his warmth. You were even in his clothing. You’d never cuddled like this. It felt so… you couldn’t place the word. Or the feeling. 
You nodded and hummed. “You’re really warm.” 
“So are you,” he agreed. 
You already felt heavy, sleep calling you, sinking you into mattress. 
“Goodnight, Yoongi.” 
“Night, babe.” 
He kissed your shoulder. You felt yourself fully relax.
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Written 2018 - 2021. Reworked/re-edited 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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Kisah Stifin
Apa yang harus kuucapkan padamu? Selamat tinggal atau sampai jumpa lagi? Entahlah. Menuliskanmu ini aku membayangkan saat ini sudah hafal 5 Juz, sedang murajaah dan pegang Alquran. :(
Barangkali aku tidak beruntung, ku ingin sekali denganmu, namun dia tidak mendukung untuk itu, dunia mengharuskanku bekerja untuk memperoleh uang dan membantu Keluarga, sebab selama ini aku tidak begitu banyak membantu mereka, hanya meminta dan meminta, bahkan Kuliah ku adalah full beasiswa Ayah dan Mamake, hanya setahun aku dapat dana PPA, kemudian sudah tidak lagi sebab harus gantian dengan orang lain, begitulah dan aku menuruti itu.
Menjadi Hafidzah merupakan Impianku sejak dulu, ah aku lupa sejak kapan, tapi ku memang ingin sekali mengkhatamkannya.
Namun hari itu aku memutuskan untuk pergi diam diam. Melarikan diri. Maaf...
Dalam kepalaku terbayang kata-kata Mamake "kau itu pujaan hatiku Kak Nana..." blablabla
Aku juga terbayang pesan bng Fiqhi "Mamake itu hanya sekali, sementara menghafal Quran bisa dikesempatan lain selagi masih hidup..." kirakira begitu intinya, aku tak terlalu mengingat detail kalimatnya.
Aku pun terbayang ucapan Yulia "jangan tunggu bus yang lain kalau ada bus yng skrang bng Mhin. Siapkanlah dulu Skripsi itu. Kalau udah siap mau kemana aja Abng bisa."
Dan apalagi ucapan Rini.. ya Allaah dia adalah penasehat terbaikku i think.
Segalanya menumpuk dalam pikiranku, padahal aku berusaha mengalihkannya ke Alquran. Selama 3 hari aku berusaha untuk fokus pada Stifin dan melupakan pengaruh dari luar itu, namun makin kacau dan makin membulatkan tekadku untuk lari dari Stifin. Belom lagi waktu Seminar itu kan, hisshhh gasuka banget aku tuh sama Solver Fery itu, asik poligami aja yng dibahasnya.
So Ramadhan ke berapa itu ya, aku pergi diam diam dari Stifin, sebelumnya aku memang sudah katakan ke Ustadzah akan pergi ke Kampus, untuk mengembalikan buku, tapi aku sekalian pulang ke rumah, huhuu... dan mencoba utk bahagia. Hemmm. Entahlah, entah bahagia beneran atau purapura, gatau deh.
Intinya aku harus selesaikan HAFALANku. Please Hannah saayyyy. Semangat jaga hafalan yng sedikit sedikit itu yaaa. Pleaseee!!!!
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