#DD2 Menella
brinehater · 5 months
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ma'am you can't just walk up and say this to me casually
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enolezdrata · 9 days
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orinthered · 6 months
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dragons dogma (does a lil jump in the air) 2 !!
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beastren · 10 months
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Menella - Dragon's Dogma 2
A Beastren who leads the guard of the Lambent Flame, protecting the high priestess and her acolytes. She is fiercely loyal to Empress Nadinia, who treats her people equally. Following that example, she is concerned about discrimination between races and strives to be more righteous herself.
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thehappiestgolucky · 4 months
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thems fe'gahls friends!!
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lepidopteralabyrinth · 4 months
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Thinking about my first time playing through the end of DD2 again :) Kass and Fe'gahl were very reassuring companions through the Unmoored World.
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eolande · 1 month
people who have bought the expensive/noble houses in vernworth or battahl.... did you ever get gifts or npc showing up to the old house, or did it alternate, does it lock on to whatever house you slept at last, or what?? money isn't an issue and i want the experience of getting to play in those houses so i'm really tempted to buy them but redditors HATE them lol. so i wanna hear from you guys!!
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konzokomo · 4 months
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she's so beautiful :'(
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olessan · 6 months
Disappointed that DD2 has no canonical male romance options? HELP FIX IT!
In Dragon's Dogma 2 you can choose almost any NPC to be your beloved/romance option, like in the first game. You can literally pick anyone, including random road guards, to shower gifts upon and raise their affinity.
However. Only two NPCs are canonical romances.
Ulrika and Wilhelmina, both human women, have unique romance quests and scenes that conclude intimately (without any platonic option). Those are the only NPCs in the entire game that have them.
No hate on the girls, they're among my arisen's best buds, but having them be the only two with fully fledged romance arcs in the entire game is a bit absurd.
Pre-release marketing highlighted Ulra, Wil, as well as Guard-Captain Brant, Prince Sven (who tbf seems pretty young), elven siblings Glyndwr and Doirieann, and Empress Nadinia of Battahl and her Guard-captain Menella (who I assumed were a couple). Any of those characters should also have had unique scenes like Wil and Ulra, but they don't. That effectively makes Ulra/Wil the canonical options.
None of the npcs care about the arisen's gender. The main issue is that there are no male options with equivalent romance quest. There's nothing but crumbs for the guy enjoyers, which is somehow a step back from the first game where there was at least Julian.
There are three dudes who would have been strong candidates according to their plot importance:
Brant is the arisen's first and most important ally in Vernworth,
Sven could have been DD2's Aelinore (young noble in need of help) and could've caused loads of plot drama,
and Glyndwr is your introduction to the elf culture through his curiosity.
Do they get unique quests beyond their initial ones? Nope.
Anyway, we can potentially influence some getting added officially instead of as mods:
Capcom has released a player feedback survey.
The survey has questions on what you like, dislike, and would like to see in future content updates. It runs until April 21 and may well influence the future additions to the game.
I laid it on thick about them adding more quests and romance quests, and also about a Bitterblack Isle-type expansion.The more people that bring it up these issues the better.
Go forth, arisen <3
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annunakitty · 2 months
A little annoyed that Ulrika and Wilhelmina are the only "canon" romance options in DD2, and despite that Glyndwr ends up being my beloved by default just by doing his quests. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a cute elf twink, but I like Menella and for some reason it's very difficult to get her affinity up enough to be your beloved. Why can't I give her gifts????? What the fuck, let me love the beautiful warrior cat woman
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brinehater · 5 months
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khafskjhkjafshfsa I'm so sorry I just wanted one picture princess carrying you don't have to revise anything!!!
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toadmancer · 6 months
dd2 final credits spoilers wahoo
Pleasantly Surprised that raghnall was there chillin with phaesus (extra emphasis on Chillin, phaesus lookin at him like "?? the monsters??? the monsters i pay u to protect me from???") i DID find him at the hot springs post-apocalypse but i just figured the game would otherwise forget about it him since i DID kill him and use a wakestone
also i figured the beloved was Locked In since the dragon grabbed glyn but no. hi brant love u too i guess.
also also menella's face watching nadinia dance................ the lesbianism
what happened to my pawn :( in the first game they take over the arisen's body or smthn like that... does the dragonsplague kill them......... havent had to deal with that yet luckily. maybe in ng+++. kenny doesnt deserve to live a normal life but im gonna need new baby bianca to have everything she wants forever
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lepidopteralabyrinth · 3 months
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On a less goofy note, we're back in the endgame!
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thehappiestgolucky · 3 months
Rambling about what DD2 Arisen Classes could feasibly be wielded by mortals and pawns (Because its fun)
Whilst gameplay wise I know they're for allowing you to have uniwue playstyles, some of the vocations I genuinely feel are entirely feesable for even pawns to wield. Yes this is entirely because I saw how Fe'gahl would play out as Magick Archer and realised just how well it suit him and sad I can't make him one-
Magick Archer: Feasable, yet difficult to master
Magick Archer plays out gameplay wise very simply, with nothing in it really hinting as to why the Arisen is the only one who could wield it. If anything, it would be a difficult vocation to learn because of the wide array of skillsets you would need, being that of Mage, Sorcerer and Archer. Since it mixes both varied attack magick of Sorcerer, the recovery of Mage and the general athletisism skillset of Archer - to really get good at this vocation you would need a general understanding of these base vocations.
Meaning that whilst this is entirely a class one could be, it would be pretty rare to see because it require versitility rather than pure focus - unlike Warrior or Thief or the other basic vocations.
Martyrs Bolt does not seem to require link to being Arisen to use! At least from what I looked at when studying the animation. Now its possible that this Maister skill is very Arisen dependant because it drains your health - and mortals using it could risk health conditons. Otherwise, this is just an extreme high risk high reward Maister skill that requires some grit to use.
Would a pawn use it? I wouldn't see why a pawn couldn't be it. I definetly think a Bestowal of Spirit Pawn could easily be a Magick Archer.
Trickster: Feasable yet elusive
I'm gonna be so fr I'm actually a lil dissapointed you didn't meet other Tricksters in the greater world. To me it seems like the Arisen class that would be more common to see on people than the rest, but definitely a vocation least (if at all) used by pawns for how stragetic it is. In essence, the magick used for conjourings is very specific and would need a specific principal and guide to wield - but it also doesn't seem to need the variety that a Magick Archer would.
Dragon's Delusion definetly doesn't need any Arisen aspect to use - maybe needing to know what a Drake looks like at best. It's pretty much just a large vocal simulacrum that the wielder uses and seems to be the one that could have monster variety for other wielders.
This genuinely seems like the vocation that would have a small community of wielders and I'm forever sad it's only Luz who is one...
Mystic Spearhand: Unique but could be passed on
Now, Sigurd made this style specifically to hunt the Dragon, so it's unique to him. It requires tactics, mobility and a mastery of a very precise magick to weild its techniques - which definetly makes this a very difficult one to master. But, I think this one still can be used.
The base weapon can definetly be wielded without needing any magick expertise or ability - like Menella who uses the weapon but only its physical attacks - so whilst proper mastery of Spearhand would require magick - unlike the the other two it can still be wielded. The magick is very specific and would require a well trained honing to use it as more of a force than element of nature, like Unto Heaven and Seching Storm. It probably would need another base knowledge of things like Fighter, Mage - but less for their skills and more for adaptability.
Wild Furie also doesn't seem to use Arisen abilities to wield. However, it would heavily require mastery over the magick for Spearhand to make a perfect clone of yourself that fights whilst you do. It drains stamina harshly because of the pure focus and energy it takes to deliver the combo.
Whilst difficult, and exlusive to Sigurd, if he taught it to others really I think there would be a master and apprentice sort of thing.
Warfarer: Not even a question. No
Really what makes warfarer... it is the Maister skill to immediatly materialise weapons using the Arisen's Scar, which immediately makes this out of the question.
Warfarer without this skill is basically just unrestricted vocation, the vocation, and anyone could do it just by removing the vocation system. Defintely Arisen exlusive, maybe even Current Arisen exlusive since Lammond himself doesn't even use it during escorts (could be a gameplay thing but interesting to think it requires a current link in the chain)
Feel free to add if you want! I've had this rattling in my head because really some are entirely feasible that they're just rare and I'm forever sad pawns will still not get to be more advanced vocations 😔
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