Warrior Thought
Warrior S3E9
Father Jun AND Lai??? Noooooo 😭😭😭😭😭
I can’t even be properly happy about Nellie returning after being MIA for three episodes!
The opening scene with Lai going after Dickland alone was nerve wracking! At least she killed the asshole henchman with the whip. We know Dickland was a soldier and trained with the sword. Lai is a badass, but she’s too angry and not strategic enough. I wish it was different, but Dickland is literally the final boss. He won’t be taken down this easily. The way he was taunting her and giving her sword back ughh the arrogance! 
Every time I see Ah Toy I’m like “ma’am why aren’t you looking for your daughter??” But I know it’s actually the writers fault. We don’t know Lai’s dead until Nellie brings her body back to Ah Toy. Imagine losing your vineyard, your wife breaking up with you, and suddenly your daughter’s dead body is dumped at your door. Ah Toy knows she can’t blame this one on Nellie. She brought Lai back to Chinatown and now she’s dead. Ah Toy and Nellie cleaning Lai’s body for burial.
Nellie: “She deserves Justice.”
Ah Toy: “Justice come in many ways.”
Nellie: “Yes.”
Ohhhhh hell yeah, they’re really doing this! Nellie doesn’t give a single fuck anymore! The system is rigged, time for Justice their way! Ah Toy and Nellie are ride or die for revenge together! I hope they kill that bastard painfully and avenge their girls!
I knew Father Jun was coming, but damn it didn’t hurt any less. Poor Young Jun! Their relationship wasn’t perfect, but they still loved each other. Even if Father Jun didn’t say it back. In the end, he became like Long Zhii. He didn’t want a slow, agonizing death. He fought for everything he had, and went out on his own terms. RIP to a Warrior legend. Chao gave a very beautiful eulogy at his funeral.
Yan Mi is arrested because Lee recognized her at the wedding. To her credit, she didn’t say anything about the Hop Wei. Instead, it’s Ah Sahm who betrays them to save her. But it was a difficult choice. Love vs Duty is one hell of a battle. Ah Sahm still care about Young Jun, but never belonged in a tong. He was literally bought by them, fresh off the boat. He just want to be a good guy and protect his people. I don’t think he’s getting on that train with Yan Mi, because he still need to complete his hero arc. Watching Ah Sahm and Young Jun’s relationship deteriorate like this is heartbreaking. We got one last scene with them together before all hell breaks loose.
Poor Hong in this episode! He just wanted to have a nice, romantic night with his bf at the gay club! But then he got hit on by a cop. The same cop who put a fucking gun to his head and beat up his people. Of course he would get triggered! NO fucking racist pigs at Pride!!! Then they broke up and it was sad. Ughhhhhhh why must they torture the gays???
Mai Ling and Li Yong going from marriage to divorce real quick. Mai Ling is afraid of him because she knows she made him do terrible shit. But this is literally LI YONG! He always did everything for her, he murdered his best friend/mentor for her! Now she’s treating him like the plague! Though maybe some of it is residual trauma from her first abusive marriage. Li Yong looks like he’s leaving the Long Zhii, so Mai Ling will be extremely vulnerable. 
Chao is confronted by Happy Jack’s crew and their new leader, Isaac. Chao being Chao, cuts a deal with them by spilling the location of the plates. Hop Wei, Long Zhi, Happy Isaac crew, and Secret Service…it’s gonna be a goddamn bloodbath! 
Bill literally fighting his way to a promotion as Police Chief.
I don’t like to talk about Leary but that bar brawl at the end! Made that guy eat wood and busted his jaw open! Daaaammn
Only one more episode left holy shit! Crying shaking throwing up! PLEASE let us have a season 4!!!
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Warrior Thought
Warrior season 3 episode 8
Yeah I know it’s a bit late but I had to process my fucking Feels
I can’t believe Hoon Lee was like “It’s a break from the drama! More happy and romantic!”
HE IS AN EVIL MASTERMIND (because he wrote this episode)
The Chinese celebrating love and the ducks celebrating hate/racism.
“Maybe we’ll finally see the tongs come together” hopefully because Fuckley out there making racist ass Trump speeches to “cleanse” the country
The costumes and visuals in Warrior are fucking amazing! Mai Ling and Li Yong in their wedding attire! Ah Toy in PURPLE yesss! 
Li Yong getting hit with sticks to show his devotion to Mai Ling. Li Yong sparring  with Kạn Pak. Foreshadowing for later.
Ah Toy hates weddings, why? Because she’s an inherently pessimistic person? Because they’re a painful reminder of her husband? I just know for sure that she’d let Nellie wife her up in a heartbeat 
Hong: “This food is so good mom!”
Ah Toy: “Mmmhmm cool, I’m thinking about murder and my wife.”
Ah Toy looking at Ah Sahm and Yan Mi. Supporting him like he supported her and Nellie! I love their dynamic as platonic besties and confidantes.
Those fuckers just couldn’t leave Ah Toy alone! I was NOT expecting her to go cannibal and bite his nose off! That fan blade omggg SLAY QUEEN
Hoon, “romantic and happy” means nothing to me without Ah Toy/Nellie. If Bill’s wife can miraculously come back last season, Nellie can too damn it. Ah Toy was like “Its safer in Chinatown” but every episode has her getting attacked and stressing about her shoulder. Like babe he’s already won if could make you give up your wife and happiness to go back to Chinatown. OK really looks like Lai is gonna go after Dickland herself next episode. So maybe  Ah Toy will fight him in the finale. DON’T KILL LAI
I KNEW this would happen with Father Jun and YJ! At some point, YJ will have to put him out of his misery. Ughh my heart!
Ah Sahm is still cursed in the romance department, huh? Young Jun is out for Yan Mi and the cops are on her trail, too. I hope she won’t die and just leave the city.
Li Yong, the elders are actually being very reasonable here. They’re just asking for better communication and less crazy decisions! He’s such a malewife for Mai Ling. Like I get it, he knows her and her story like nobody else. But come on, dude. You’re gonna regret it. 
So not a Red Wedding…but a Red Honeymoon. Warrior is very good at creating fight scenes that matter. They have stakes, they drive the story and the characters forward. Li Yong killing his best friend to protect Mai Ling was so emotional! He even yelled at Mai Ling to get out! That’s how you know he finally broke. How much more is he willing to sacrifice for her and love? Chao was right, love has consequences. 
Mai Ling is a complicated bad bitch. She’s ruthless and power-hungry. But her feelings for Li Yong and Ah Sahm are real, deep down. At this rate, she’s gonna push away everyone who could be an ally. Can’t wait to see how this will affect her and Li Yong.
The second biggest fight was Bill vs Chief Atwood. I must say, Bill’s been growing on me this season. He was the only one who gave a shit when Atwood was terrorizing the Chinese. The other cops are just mad that he’s punishing their people, too. Still, 5 years in prison for stealing some food is ludicrous. Atwood is an evil menace for everyone, white or Chinese.  I’ve been waiting all season for Bill to beat the shit out of him! Too bad it’s gonna bite him in the ass later.
Wdym there’s only 2 more episodes?? Didn’t season 3 just premiered like yesterday???
This season feels a lot darker or is it just me? Fuckley is mayor and everything is falling apart. Nobody is even remotely ok
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