#DJ Dansr
missyblogs · 1 year
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I had a dream yesterday afternoon in which these two were being given an on-ice interview, but not for the reason that skaters usually are... Let's be real though at the North Pole a cookie the size of your head would be newsworthy
featuring my character DJ Dansr! he's been around almost as long as the missus :D
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missyblogs · 3 months
✨About me!✨
Fandom heavy art blog featuring music and writing made by yours truly! Commissions are open but please read through my DNI and terms of service before interacting with me or my work, thank you.
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✨Fictional Others!✨
✨I DO INTERACT WITH DOUBLES ✨ Please do not be afraid to talk to me if we both happen to FO the same characters! I am semi selective about the content I consume and may filter some pieces out of my dash for personal reasons, but you as a person do not make me uncomfortable and as long as you don't fit the behaviors listed in my DNI I am very comfortable exchanging art, asks, and reblogs!
Romantic Snow Miser- A Miser Brothers Christmas tag: aurorashipping, Snow x Shocky ( less used)
Sportacus- Lazytown ( << currently active ) tag: SportaSophie
Alano de Lezo- original character tag: Lanoliné
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Heat Miser- A Miser Brothers Christmas/ Year without a Santa Claus Plasma in-laws Robbie Rotten- Lazytown Rotten Roomates
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✨ Table of Contents ✨ my art tag missy draws OCs and self inserts guest oc ( for characters that are not mine who appear on this blog ) Lazytown oc ( generic site tag for ocs and self inserts for the Lazytown franchise, tag applies to guest ocs as well ) Rankin Bass oc ( generic site tag for ocs and self inserts for the Ranin Bass franchise, tag applies to guest ocs as well ) Sophia ( Lazytown self insert ) Shocky ( Rankin Bass self insert ) Aqua DJ Dansr Victoria X reader tag ( None of these will ever contain content for my self inserts, ship specific works will always be confined to the ship tags listed above <3 ) Selfship headcanons FO x SI Robbie x Reader YouRobbie Sportacus x Reader SportaYou Gender Neutral reader ( this will apply to all x reader material )/ GN reader ( this will apply to all x reader material ) fandom tags Lazytown A Miser Brothers Christmas The Year without a Santa Claus Rankin Bass Sportacus ( includes shipping content ) Sportacus ( solo content ) Snow Miser ( includes shipping content ) Heat Miser ( includes shipping content ) assorted fanart drawn with tablet reblogs, discourse, and rambles Missy talks other pairings that are not self ships Steamshipping ( Heat Miser x Aqua ) Eritora ( hybrid novel/musical phantom x Victoria )
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✨DNI if ✨
-You are Proship. Fiction affects reality undeniably and pairing family members together/ adults with children is always wrong ( yes this includes the likes of CupBon/ MugMaria/ Sonamy/ Shadamy/ Rouge x Tails, any ship where characters depicted as young children are paired with older teens and adults- keep that shite off my dash) If this is something you are willing to debate you are not welcome here. Get help please <3 -You dislike OCs, self inserts, or ships with canon involving the above I the artist condone all safely done unproblematic ships and additionally focus a lot of my portfolio content on my own pairings. I do not care if the issue is rooted in a dislike for how ""certain"" ones are written, if self shipping and canon x oc are a problem for you neither I and my services or my social media are for you. -TERF/ Radfem/ Transphobe/ Biphobe/ Other flavor of bigot This account is an all ages space for all genders and sexualities. Trans women are women, trans men are men, and I stand with all marginalized identities including, in between, and diverting from them. These folks are real and valid and people who share the same assigned sex, gender identity, or presentation of the characters written for are more than welcome here, no ifs ands or buts. The majority of content here skews towards the M/F end of things bc I the artist am assigned female at birth with an attraction that skews heavily towards men but by no means are my self ships a political statement and I do not condone any hostility towards people with divergent sexualities or gender identities. All x reader content will be intentionally vague for a reason. -You police the sexuality of fictional characters, even as a ""joke"" Clothing does not make a character gay and insisting that flamboyant gestures or speech alone definitively "codes" them a specific way without supporting evidence from the creator is both offensive and exclusionary due to the stereotypes it perpetuates. If your thing is publicly insulting people who don't agree with you ( I see that gatekeeping commentary in the tags, you ain't slick ) or spreading intentional misinformation about canon source material to make your personal opinion on a character's identity appear "superior" or "correct", you are not welcome to interact with me or my content in any form. Go away. ( Yes this includes "joke" statements directed towards canon characters like "this character is straight because I say so", I can't believe the gay community has claimed them", and "they are so married" Your headcanons are not universal and if you think it's okay to use gatekeeping language towards other peoples fictional others you are neither funny or welcome here ) Additionally blogs focused on canon x canon content of my FOs make me hella uncomfy. I do not share my fictional others with their castmates and I do not support ships based on media in which the character canonically tries to injure/ humiliate/ harm the person they're supposed to be shipped with- such as SportaRobbie and the North Wind x Santa Claus. When a person hurts their partner it is considered domestic abuse. If you actively promote that kind of thing I ask that you not interact, thanks <3
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✨Commission Info!✨
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- Will not do adult content, mecha, feral anthros, or copyrighted characters* * ( I may make an exception for intellectual property from the Lazytown universe specifically as Magnus recently gave a green light to take artistic liberties with his material. I will not accept orders for ships I am not comfortable with even in this case, however. If you request this kind of content you will be permanently barred from my services and social media. ) - I reserve the right to refuse service in the event of abuse or misconduct which includes guilt tripping, sympathy baiting, and harassment. In the event that a commission is terminated on these grounds, the remaining funds will be held as compensation for damages done. - Up to four revisions allowed, artist does not give refunds unless otherwise agreed upon in special cases. - Commissions for personal use and by artist for commissions promotion only. No commercial license available at this time. - Turnaround times are estimate only. Speedy results not guaranteed.
DM me for deets or reach out here!
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