technologywalabandha · 5 months
🌐 Unlocking the Secrets of Genetic Engineering: A Journey from Origins to Future Horizons
Embark on a riveting exploration into the realm of Genetic Engineering with my latest Tumblr post, "What is Genetic Engineering: From Its Origins to Future Possibilities." 🧬
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What is Genetic Engineering: From Its Origins to Future Possibilities
Introduction: Step into the fascinating world where science meets innovation. In this article, we unravel the historical roots of genetic engineering, tracing its evolution from early experiments to the cutting-edge possibilities that lie ahead. Picture a narrative that seamlessly blends the past with the future, inviting you to discover the transformative power of genetic manipulation.
Summary: This isn't just a technical exposé; it's a story of human ingenuity and the uncharted territories of scientific advancement. From the humble beginnings of genetic tinkering to the breakthroughs that hold the promise of reshaping our future, each revelation is accompanied by practical insights and real-world implications. Be prepared to delve deep into the ethical debates, the awe-inspiring achievements, and the potential future landscapes painted by the brush of genetic engineering.
Are you ready to unravel the mysteries and possibilities encoded in our DNA? Click [here] to begin your journey into the realms of Genetic Engineering.
🔬 Explore, Learn, and Imagine the Future: #GeneticEngineering #ScienceExploration #FuturePossibilities
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juicyyjuz · 7 years
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devcarlox · 5 years
Mastemon - Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
#mastemon #angewomon #ladydevimon #dnaevolution #digimon
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storagedna · 8 years
IBC Storage Highlights
IBC 2016 once again did not disappoint on the storage front. There was a large presence of storage vendors at the show. Here is what we saw and found interesting.
 Shared Storage (NAS, SAN) Democratization
NAS shared storage is seeing a massive democratization. What used to be an expensive option accessible only for larger facilities can now be afforded by smaller Post and individuals as well. This is largely rooted in the stabilization of open source network filesystem and storage software offerings. Both Linux and FreeBSD offer high performance and stable NFS/SMB implementations. Customized packages such as FreeNAS are also great alternatives. Vendors who are leading the charge on bringing shared storage to smaller customers include the following:
o   Avid with the Nexis Pro
o   Studio Network Solutions with Prodigy
o   Facilis
o   GTechnology Rack 12
o   Promax
SSD (Solid State Disk)
SSDs are taking the IT world by storm. In media, while a few vendors have begun to support SSD, there is not a massive push of SSDs into storage systems and workflows. This could be on account of the fact that the primary motivation for SSD adoption in IT are IOPS hungry applications (virtual machines, databases etc.). On the other hand, media applications tend to be bandwidth hungry. Paired with costs higher than HDDs, the adoption of SSDs seems to be slower in the media vertical.
That said, we believe SSDs will eventually replace HDDs as their costs drop. We are already seeing interest in SSDs in more demanding workflows, such as 4K+ content, animation rendering, etc.
A few vendors who had SSD offerings at IBC included:
o   Quantum
o   Facilis
o   DDP
Nearline and Object
Nearline storage is seeing growing relevance in media due to the massive amounts of data that is being created. As of recent, Object storage vendors are also making a push into media as a smarter form of Nearline storage.
So what is the difference between Nearline and Object storage?
Nearline storage is a denser, more cost effective version of primary NAS storage. They are Ethernet based, support NFS/CIFS file-systems, pack a larger number of Nearline hard drives in the same chassis and thus are often more cost effective.
Object storage, on the other hand, works differently even though the underlying hardware is more or less the same. They are designed primarily as a cloud storage platform (primary access method being HTTP e.g. S3), employ data striping (like Reed Solomon Encoding) rather than RAID, and therefore tend to be slower but more resilient than Nearline storage systems. It is worth noting that numerous vendors who claim object storage offerings only implement a subset of the above mentioned attributes.
Some of the notable vendors demonstrating at IBC were:
o   IBM Object Storage
o   Cleversafe
o   Data Direct Networks WOS
o   Object Matrix
o   Netapp
o   Isilon/EMC
o   Studio Network Solutions
The cloud continues to play an interesting role in media. Cloud adoption is still slow given the hurdles of connectivity, cost and security. However, adoption is steadily increasing every year. especially for smaller amounts of data.
Cloud vendors with products on display at IBC 2016 were:
o   IBM Cloud
o   Amazon S3
o   Oracle
o   Microsoft
LTO continues to play a major and growing role in media storage. With LTO-7 capacities at a whopping 6TB raw and speeds of 300MB/s, it is dwarfing many primary NAS and SAN systems. Most archival vendors have rushed in to support LTO-7. Some of the vendors who were displaying LTO-7 products at IBC were:
o   Quantum
o   Spectra Logic
o   IBM Spectrum Storage
o   Oracle
o   StorageDNA
o   Archiware
o   SGL-UK
o   Xendata
Optical media from Sony (Sony Optical Disc Archive) presents an alternative, long term storage medium. However, the most unique aspect of optical media is its ability to also serve as a direct access medium like a Hard Drive. Sony’s Optical Disc Archive offers the possibility of serving as part deep archive and part Nearline. We especially see Sony Optical Disc Archive Generation 2, which has been announced at 3.3 TB raw capacity and up to 2 GB/s of read throughput, as a viable storage medium for media. Vendors who were displaying integrations with this technology at IBC included:
o   Sony
o   Object Matrix
o   StorageDNA
o   Xendata
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storagedna · 9 years
Gearing up for NAB 2015
In a nutshell, here’s what we have planned…
In our booth SL10621, we’ll showcase the latest version of DNA Evolution (4.0) including:
Automated Avid® and Adobe® project backup and archiving
LTO LTFS conform and partial restore workflows enabled by technology partner, MOG Technologies
DNA Evolution Infinity Series, an integrated LTO LTFS software and hardware solution for media archiving and data management
Join us for all-new live nearline and archive workflow demonstrations at the top of every hour in the StorageDNA Theater.
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Also, on display in Sony’s booth C11001 will be Sony’s Optical Disc Archive powered by StorageDNA’s DNA Evolution software:
Combined technologies create a turnkey nearline and archive storage solution that enables direct access to file-based content without restores
On this Friday and Saturday, visit with us at Avid Connect to learn about new workflows for Avid and to see DNA Evolution working with Media Composer.
Please visit us if you plan to attend!
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storagedna · 11 years
Highlights from 2013 NAB Show
Thanks to everyone who came out to see us last month at NAB. It was a great event for StorageDNA and we want to share just some of the highlights from our experience with you. This year we had a fantastic location, right in the mix of the main activity in the south lower hall. Right off the bat, we were pleased to see a higher overall attendance and great enthusiasm from everyone we spoke with. It was terrific to connect with many customers, resellers, and partners.
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At the show, we  introduced DNA Evolution v3.0, the next generation LTO with LTFS archive-retrieval solution, and revealed how it redefines LTFS media workflows:
Ground-breaking solution that combines nearline and archive storage on LTO tape
Innovative new features that maximize the direct access nature of LTFS
Archive, find, restore, and directly access content at incredible speeds
Our customers learned how these advanced media workflows will help to simplify their workflows, save time, and significant storage costs.
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Another key highlight of our show was the presentation by Will Pisnieski, Vice President of Post Production for Authentic Entertainment. Will spoke about Authentic’s reality TV workflow and discussed  the challenges they face in acquiring and managing tremendous amounts of file-based content from multiple formats on a weekly basis. He showed how they save time and costs with processes enabled by DNA Evolution: automated LTO archiving and conforming directly from LTO tape.
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After an exciting NAB, we look forward to connecting with our community at many other global events on our 2014 calendar.
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