#DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR on 99.99% you will be distracted by other ideas trying to sneak in
cienie-isengardu · 7 months
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
Love, Thomas - Hamilton Oneshot
Ship: Jeffmads 
Based off Love, Simon
High School AU (obviously)
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Dearest, Grey
July 18th, 2019, 00:03 am
The emails we share never fail to make me smile. I don’t know what it is, but there’s an air of mystery around our conversations. I crave something, more, a deeper connection than Wifi. But, I can settle for now. I speculate a lot, probably to much. I wonder day and night about who you are. Do you attend the very same school as me? Perhaps we happen to share a class, but I just don’t know it...
Sorry, I’m rambling. 
What I’m trying to say, Grey, is I think I want to know who you are. I’m intrigued by this other gay kid in my school. Or maybe you’re not even in the same state as me. I don’t know, you never specified. You’re a lot more closed in these emails than me. Maybe I share to much, I do tend to go off in tangents. But I have lots to speak about! With endless possibilities, why stop talking?
Anyways, I eagerly await your reply,
Yours, Magenta 
- - -
July 19th, 2019, 6:55 am
I can see where you’re coming from, but I don’t feel particularly comfortable disclosing my identity just yet. Maybe in the foreseeable future, we will be able to meet for real. Who knows?
However, I can say, that I’m in the grand state of West Virginia. Which just so happens to be the exact state that you live in. You told me that information, I promise, I’m not internet stalking you. I just have a good memory. I shall not say more than that at this point in time.
I apologise, I keep going back to the same point. haha...
How was your day? Have you “”came out”” yet?
I hate the term coming out. I don’t think I should have to come out. I should be able to go home and say to my dad, “I got a date.” And he be fine with me going off with a guy. Not that i’ll ever get a date of course.
What’s your opinion on this?
- Grey x
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For Grey,
July 19th, 2019, 7:41 am
Oooooh, and x at the end! I do feel special!
I’m glad you remembered I told you, because I forgot I did. I probably would’ve told you 10,000 times before I finally noticed I’ve told you before.
Coming out? Yeah, haven’t done that. My parents are super conservative and would most likely not be overjoyed to have their son come out as a “gay”. I don’t know if I eve will “come out.” I like your point, but society is heteronormative. Everyone just assumes who we are, and it’s not fair.
You know what we should do? We should come out together! Both of us, come out to our parents. Rip the bandaid off, ya know?
Sincerely, Magenta x
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My Dear, Magenta,
July 19th, 2019, 4:06 pm
Maybe... how and when do you propose we do this?
- Grey x
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Dearest, Grey-Senpai,
July 19th, 2019, 5:28 pm
Tomorrow, as soon as we get home. Walk in the door, turn around, shout up the stairs, “IM GAY AND NOW IVE CAME OUT IM GOING OUT!” Then go hang with some buds or whatever.
Yours, Magenta xx
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Darling, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 4:21 am
1, kindly never refer to me as “Grey-Senpai” ever again.
2, that’s a very... forward way of coming out... but I like it! It’s a deal!
3, today marks seven months of emails! Happy seven months haha :)
Forever, Grey x
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To, Grey-pai
July 20th, 2019, 4:29 am
1, suggestion noted and changed.
2, today is an important day then... scared? Cause I sure am... I’m fucking terrified... I can feel my heart in my throat.
3, Happy seven months is a very “coupley” thing to say, don’t you think? But despite that! Happy 7 months!
4, why are you up at 4 am?
Sincerely, Magenta xx
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For my dear, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 5:09 am
1. That’s not really any better, but I shall deal with it.
2. It really is, I’ll keep you updated.
3. I’m sorry, I apologise if I made you feel uncomfortable. I’m very sorry, just don’t be mad ha ha... 
4. You were up too, little hypocritical. But if you must know, I was doing Biology homework. My teacher is very strict and she expects homework to be done in a day. I had sport practice so I had to do it at 3 am.
Are you ready? You said you had conservative parents, do you think they’ll be mad? I know my father is rather accepting, but I don’t really know...
Much love, Grey-pai x
- - -
July 20th, 2019, 12:47 pm
I’m glad you’ve decided to accept the nicknames. Don’t try to fight it, as you really won’t win. 
My parents are kinda shitty, but I don’t think they’ll be mad. Most likely shocked into silence, to which I will storm upstairs, lay face down on my bed until my sister comes upstairs and says my mom wants to talk to me. They’ll be unsure, but accepting. 
You play sports? What ones? I play too, but I’m intrigued by what you do. Sorry that I’m prying.
Homework at 3 am has been proven bad for the mind. And if your biology teacher is like mine, I can relate. She’s, quite frankly, and excuse my French, a bitch.
Good luck today!
Yours, Magenta x
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My dearest, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 1:39 pm
At least your family will respect you! I’m 99.99% sure that you’ll be perfectly fine!
I’m on the athletics team, but I’m honestly terrible at it. It’s not prying. I’ve realised that I don’t share much about myself. I don’t know why I was hiding so much, I want it to feel like you know my personality. Maybe not my face. I don’t want our relationship to change drastically. Over time... I don’t know... I’m horrifyingly bad at making decisions.
What do you play? I’m curious how sporty “Magenta” is. I don’t believe I’ve ever mentioned how much I like that both our names just so happen to be our favourite colours. Well, I assume magenta is your favourite colour. I know grey is the colour I love. 
I realise its a horrible idea to try and learn in the middle of the night, but I don’t have any other choice. I don’t want to ruin my perfect score by receiving a detention.
Good luck to you too, Magenta!
Love, Grey xx
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Darling, Grey-pai,
July 20th, 2019, 4:34 pm
I’m currently standing outside my house, and typing this email to distract myself from the bile rising in my stomach. I don’t know why I’m terrified. I’m not so sure why. I know they’ll be fine with it. Perhaps it’s the terror of sharing such a long kept secret. I don’t really know.
Looking in through the window, they’re all watching TV. This feels too... normal. I’ve been taught by society that this should be a big thing! A huge announcement. But no. It’s too... boring. I don’t know.
I’m going inside. Wish me luck, 
- Magenta xx
- - -
July 20th, 2019, 4:41 pm
Good luck.
I’ve told my dad. He’s cool with it! And I’m so happy!
PS: What sports do you play?
Love, Grey xx
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Dearest, Grey,
July 21st, 2019, 1:34 am
I needed it. My exact prediction came true. They were silent then my ma hugged me and pops patted my back. He said he was proud. They’re accepting! 
Congrats to you too!
Love, Magenta x
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Lovely, Magenta,
July 21st, 2019, 1:54 am
I’m so happy they’ve accepted you!
Much love, Grey xx
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Darling, Grey-pai,
July 21st, 2019, 8:33 pm
I’m so happy too!
Love, Magenta xx
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My Dearest, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:33 am
I’m so proud of you! I’m so impressed that both our families accepted us. I really wasn’t expecting it from the South to be perfectly honest. 
All my love, Grey x
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 00:34 am
Also, would it be weird if I said I think I know who you are?
- Grey xx
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 00:41 am
Yours, Magenta x
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Dearest, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:47 am
You’re on the running team and the volleyball, right? You won gold in the last sports event for both. Friends with that John Adams guy?
Love, Grey x
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For, Grey,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:52 am
what if you’re wrong? what if you’re right? then i’d want to know who you are. but you’re not wanting me to know. that’s not fair, grey. it’s not fair.
- Magenta
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Dear, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:58 am
I’m sorry. If I’m right, we can set up a time and place to meet. If I’m wrong, I apologise. 
Lots of love, Grey xx
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 1:01 am
When and where?
Love, Thomas x
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Thomas slammed his laptop shut and pushed it down to the edge of his bed. He ran a hand through his matted, mop of curly hair and exhaled slowly. He thought about if he’d made a horrible decision, but tried to shake it off. The light from his screen peaked through the cracks. He slowly dragged it up to him, the covers crumpling as he did. He pulled the top open.
- - -
Dearest, Thomas/Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 1:12 am
Carnival, 9 pm. Tonight. See you there.
- Grey x
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 1:14 am
See you there.
Love, Magenta xx
- - -
He wiped the sleep from his eyes and turned his computer off. He placed it on his bedside table and flicked the bed sheets up to his chin. Thomas laid down, letting his hair fall over his face. He sunk into it, treating it like an ocean of emotion that he could drown in. A place where, once he reached the sea bed, he could lie in peace, without worries or feelings. And eventually, he lulled off to sleep.
Thomas woke up before his alarm and shut it off. It was a Saturday, and he still had 15 hours until he met his long term... lover? Crush? Love? What were they? Hell, he didn’t even know Grey’s name. What if he was some crazy, 50 year old stalker? Then again, he was fast and could either run away or fight. 
No matter. He had 15 hours. 15 hours.
14 hours.
Sitting inside.
13 hours.
Going outside.
12 hours.
Running practise.
11 hours.
Still running.
10 hours.
9 hours.
Panic starts.
8 hours.
Panic intensifies.
7 hours.
Panic calms.
6 hours.
5 hours.
And a phone call with John Adams.
4 hours. 
Phone call ends.
3 hours.
Argument with Alexander through Twitter.
2 hours.
Quick toast dinner. And then start changing.
1 hour.
More panic.
0 hours.
And he made it. Thomas looked down at his phone discreetly, sticking his hands in his pockets. The browned up grass pressed beneath his feet as he stepped. Someone tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, Thomas! What’s up!” John Adams grinned and leaned on his shoulder.
“Nothing. Just... waiting for someone.” Thomas smiled at his feet.
“Ooooh! Is it that Grey guy you told us about?” John nudged him with a cheeky wink, wriggling his eyebrows like caterpillars.
Thomas shoved him playfully. “Shut up. But yes, you’re right...” He sighed lovingly. “I’m scared.”
“That’s normal, dude.” John assured him, looking over. “When’s he supposed to be here?”
Thomas looked down at his phone again. “Ten minutes ago.”
“Huh.” John clicked his tongue with uncertainty, stepping forward so three girls could scatter past him. “Well, he doesn’t know where you are, for a start. Just give it a bit. He’ll turn up.”
And so they waited.
And they waited.
And then they waited some more.
In fact, it was around 10 pm when Thomas ushered into the big wheel. He hesitantly took a seat, weary of the fact that they were simple wooden benches with a metal bar to clutch onto.
He looked over at the two people that made him do this. Shortly after John had arrived, Maria had too. And she knew something. “Why are you making me do this?”
“Trust me, babe!” Maria yelled, rubbing her hands together with excitement.
“I swear to god...” Thomas mumbled. He was at his wits end, and very close to just giving up and going home.
“Ticket for one, please.” A voice called out of the silence, and the sound of change clanging against the ticket booth echoed.
A weight slid in next to him, and Thomas looked over as the bar was secured. “Grey?” Thomas questioned softly.
“Hi, Magenta.” He smiled graciously, looking straight on as the wheel started turning.
Thomas looked down, then at the boy. “James, isn’t it?”
“That’s right, Thomas.” James smiled, gingerly letting his arms hang by his sides. Thomas’ gaze fell to them, and he reached out, taking James’ hand in his own.
“So, it’s really you?”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, but it’s a good thing I always thought you were cute.” Thomas confessed as the ride got higher, eventually stopping at the top, letting them see the view. The moon was rising in the dark sky, which was glowing with street laps and stars. Fireflies buzzed below them and James turned to glance at Thomas.
“I’m glad.” He said happily.
Thomas shifted in his seat to face James properly. “Hey, can I...” Thomas moved a little closer, giving James a chance to say no, or pull away.
James’ face broke out into a grin. “You may.”
He closed the gap, and let his hand cup one of Thomas’ cheeks, the other curving around his waist. Jefferson moved his hands to the same comfortable position, keeping his eyes fluttered closed.
And after ten seconds or so, they pulled back, the distant whooping of Maria, John, Peggy and Aaron rising up to meet them. It became clear that James had dragged his friends along for emotional support too.
“So, how does a movie sound, Grey?” Thomas asked with a beaming grin.
“That sounds wonderful, Magenta.”
- - -
Whoops I got carried away.
Oneshot requests are open too, drabbles are short and dumb, Oneshot take longer. Please please please, when requesting, specify if you want a drabble or oneshot! Thank you and I hope y’all enjoyed!
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starrymarktuan · 6 years
Mission: TP the Princess
» pairing: im jaebum x reader
» genre: office!au, fluff
» word count: 2,453
» requested by anonymous: could you do a fic with jb and 50? please and thank you ❤️❤️❤️
» note: part of the holiday series🎄
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“I have an idea,” you said, approaching Jaebum, who was slumped into an unfortunate looking chair and staring absently into space. But he didn’t respond or even acknowledge your existence. You stood next to him and crouched to his height, following his line of vision. Ah, you’re not staring into space, you realized. Jaebum, pathetic and all but pining his soul away, was watching his ex-girlfriend flirt with the company boss.
“Jaebum,” you whined, standing in front of him again and tugging on his wrist. He shook his head, the dazed look faded from his eyes, and you repeated: “I have an idea!”
“What?” he said, tugging his wrist from your hands and wiping at his eyes, as though he’d been sleeping. His cheeks, you noticed, were tinged slightly pink. Your heart grew heavy in your chest, but you pushed it aside. Heavy hearts and sad thoughts were for another time - tis’ the season, or whatever. You were determined to be...jolly.
“I have an idea!” you said again.
“Well...that can’t be good,” he said, smirking at you. Here he is, you thought, your Jaebum. How could one person be so different depending on who he was with? Su-Bin brought out the pathetic, needy, clingy Jaebum. The Jaebum that followed her around like a puppy dog and who hid away in his house for three days after the breakup. But with you...Jaebum was all confidence and clever smirks.
“I think that we should load up on spiked eggnog and TP Su-Bin’s office,” you said, putting your hands on your hips. 
“W-what?” Jaebum stuttered, all pathetic looks and cringy sighs again. Just her name, you thought, that’s all it took. You rolled your eyes at his response. “You want to TP Su-Bin’s office? At the company Christmas party?”
“Yup,” you nodded, grinning, “You need closure.”
“And toilet paper is really the best way to get closure?”
“Well...toilet paper and liquor.”
Jaebum watched you carefully, his heart pounding in his chest. This was a terrifying and thrilling idea. An idea that he was...surprisingly on board with. When you’d first mentioned it he’d been skeptical - TPing his ex-girlfriend’s office? How immature and unprofessional. And would she really take him back after that? But...the idea had merits. The liquor was a big one.
“You know what? Normally, I’d say no, but I’m on my fourteenth candy cane, so why not?”
“You’ve had fourteen candy canes?” you said in disbelief, crossing your arms. Jaebum looked down and you followed suit - clear plastic wrappers littered the ground by his feet.
“How are you not dead, Im Jaebum?”
“Bad luck,” he shrugged, looking back over at Su-Bin longingly. You rolled your eyes again, closing your hand around his wrist and tugging him to stand up.
“If you’re going to do this with me, Mr. Sugar High, there will be some ground rules.”
“Ground rules? For a prank?”
“Yes. One, no worrying about our coworkers or our boss; it’s Christmas and we have the right to pull a relatively harmless prank. Two, we have to use at least six rolls of toilet paper. Three, and this one is the most important Jaebum,” you said, putting his face between your hands and forcing him to look at you, “There is absolutely no pining for the princess during this prank. No longing looks, no deep heartfelt sighs, no ‘what-ifs’ - nothing, Jaebum, I mean it.”
“Okay, okay,” he sighed, and already you could see his gaze shifting over to Su-Bin in her tight red dress, with her hand on Mr. Park’s shoulder. You gripped Jaebum’s jaw firmly and forced him to look at you.
“Stop that!”
“Sorry!” he said, wiggling his head from your grip, “Force of habit.”
“Okay, well, stop it. That is not the point of the closure-prank - in fact, it’s kind of the exact opposite of what we’re trying to do here.”
“And what are we trying to do here?”
“Get drunk, TP your ex’s office, get closure, get over her.”
“Oh, is that all?”
“Shut up. The first step is the eggnog.”
The first part of Mission “Closure-Prank” AKA “TP the Princess” turned out to be a much more difficult step than you anticipated. Most of the office was distracted - singing karaoke, exchanging gifts, hell Mark was even in his cubicle finishing up an assignment from earlier. But alas...Jackson Wang. 
Jackson Wang was standing by the buffet table, directly in front of the punch bowl filled with eggnog, talking enthusiastically with anyone who would come near. Now, 99.99% of the time Jackson Wang was a much-needed reprieve from the everyday grind of office life. But today...today he was an obstacle on the road to closure.
“Well, should I take him out, Mrs. Claus?” Jaebum joked, brings his hands together to form a finger gun, when you’d delivered that last line aloud.
“No, Mr. Claus,” you said, “I think this mission requires more...subtlety. Keep watch.” Jaebum chuckled at your antics and watched as you snuck around the office like a spy, approaching BamBam.
“Sup?” you said. BamBam was sitting at one of the tables they’d pulled out of the break room and into the larger space for the party. He had a glass of eggnog in one hand and a gingerbread cookie in the other.
“Oh, hey, y/n, find Jaebum-hyung yet?”
“Oh, yeah,” you said, taking a seat next to him and saying, “I need you to do me a favor.”
“Get you and Jaebum a room?” BamBam joked, smirking as he took a bite of his cookie.
“Um, no,” you said, a blush painting your cheeks despite your words, “Can you distract Jackson? I need eggnog, but I do not need a twenty-minute conversation with Jackson about fencing or self-love.”
“And how do you suppose I distract him?”
“I don’t know,” you whined, “Challenge him to rap battle or something,” you laughed.
“Oh, he’s so on,” BamBam said, already eyeing Jackson from across the room. Without your having to say another word, BamBam stood from his seat and quite literally challenged Jackson to a rap battle. Jackson, a man of pride and honor, could not refuse. They each took one of the karaoke microphones and went to it.
“Boom,” you said, approaching Jaebum with a wide, self-satisfied grin. He chuckled at you.
“You’re responsible for this cacophony?”
You rolled your eyes, “Come one, time for step one of our mission.”
Twenty minutes later, both sufficiently tipsy from the eggnog, you were hanging off of Jaebum as you approached the maintenance closet. You gripped the key to the closet tightly in your hand, giggling too hard at something Jaebum had said a moment earlier.
“How do you even have this key?” Jaebum said, leaning against a wall to steady himself as you tried to maneuver the key into the lock. Your face scrunched up as you had trouble getting it to work, and Jaebum found himself grinning at how adorable you were. You did a small cheer when the door opened before you answered him.
“I made out with the janitor one time,” you shrugged.
Jaebum felt suddenly sober, although he was unsure why. You were about to, somewhat literally, dive into the closet when he tugged on your arm. You spun around to face him a little too fast, and you put your arms on his shoulders to steady yourself. “Woah,” you giggled.
“You made out with Yugyeom?” Jaebum said, “He’s a college kid!”
You shrugged, “He’s cute. I was sad.” You remembered that day. The office Chusoek party in October and you’d gotten a little too friendly with some spiced rum, and the college kid who cleaned the office at night. Jaebum had still been with Su-Bin at that point, and it was a very PDA happy relationship. You hadn’t handled it very well.
“You were...sad?”
“Besides,” you said ignoring his question and going back into the closet, “Why do you care? It was only a one-time thing. I think he’s got a girlfriend now anyways.”
“No reason,” Jaebum whispered, looking away from you. Why did he care all of a sudden?
“Got it!” you cheered, emerging from the closet with six rolls of toilet paper crowding your arms. Jaebum grinned, taking some from you as they fell haphazardly from your hands, “On to the next step!”
You went through the break room, now bare of tables and chairs for the party, to avoid being seen by anyone. This wouldn’t have exactly been a company-approved activity. Once you were through there, you just had to make it past Park Jinyoung, your boss, and you were free and clear to Su-Bin’s office.
You peeked your head out of the break room and glanced at Mr. Park’s office. You sighed in relief, “The blinds are closed.”
“Perfect,” Jaebum grinned, sneaking by with you. As you walked by, though, a noise caught both of your attention. There was a loud girlish giggle, followed by Su-Bin’s voice: “Oh! Mr. Park, you’re so funny!”
You both froze in your tracks. You watched Jaebum like you would a deer in the headlights. You could see all of these brilliant Mission TP the Princess plans falling apart around you. It all depended on how he reacted. But before Jaebum had time to say anything, Mr. Park responded -
“Miss Kang, I am your superior! Any romantic relationship between the two of us would be highly inappropriate! Now I’ll be returning to the party. Good night!”
You looked at Jaebum quickly and he whispered, “Hurry!” Just as the office door started to open, you bolted past and stopped suddenly at Su-Bin’s door. Before he could see you both, you twisted the doorknob and lept into the room, Jaebum close behind you.
There was a long moment of silence where you and Jaebum leaned against the wall breathing heavily, trying not to make any noise. Mr. Park's footsteps echoed outside the office and then faded. Then there was nothing.
You sighed in relief, grinning up at him. He mimicked your actions, chuckling endlessly. Your stomach began to cramp at the laughter that just wouldn’t stop. You leaned on him for support and Jaebum had his forehead resting against yours, unable to keep himself upright.
But, as these things often do, the laughter faded and you and Jaebum were left standing in each other’s arms.
“Y/N,” Jaebum said, his closeness sobering you.
“About that closure…”
“I think…” And now Jaebum was so close to you that you were almost kissing, but just before his lips touched yours -
Su-Bin barged into her office, flicked on the lights and started screaming: “What in the hell...What’s going on here!”
“Su-Bin,” Jaebum said, pulling away from you and bowing respectfully. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. Silly of you to think he would be different after what...two hours? But you had thought, hoped really, that you’d distracted him enough, that you were enough…
“Excuse me,” you said, pushing past Jaebum and Su-Bin and out of the office. You thought you heard Jaebum say your name, but it was drowned about by another of her exclamations -
“What is with all this toilet paper!”
Well, you couldn’t help but giggle at that.
The next morning you woke up with a hangover and a depressing cloud above your head. You stumbled out of bed, took some aspirin, and poured yourself a bowl of cereal. Your dog, Edna, watched you with a meaningful look.
“I don’t know Eds,” you said, “I thought he actually liked me.”
Another long look from Edna.
“I know it’s ridiculous to think his feelings might have changed that quickly, but it has been like three weeks since they broke up.”
Edna turned her head to the side.
“Okay, two and a half! But I’m serious Eds, it seems like there was a moment or something…”
Before Edna could respond in her customary way, there was a loud knock on the door. Edna barked sharply at the intrusion and you bent down to pat her head, “I know, how rude.” You set your cereal on the counter and looked down at your pajamas. Before you could decide whether or not to change, your uninvited guest banged loudly on the door again, “Guess this will have to do.”
The person was still knocking when you finally made it to the front door to answer, “Yes?” you said.
Jaebum stood in your doorway looking...gorgeous. He was holding flowers and a coffee cup and little white paper bag that you suspected might be some kind of pastry and he had this little smile on his face that was so infuriatingly charming.
The little smile disappeared and he smiled fully, chuckling at your haphazard appearance. It was still infuriatingly charming.
“You look great,” he said.
“Shut up!” you said, blushing, “I’m hungover! And you were loud just now. What are you doing here? Why aren’t you hungover?”
He shrugged, letting himself into your apartment, “I don’t get hangovers.”
“Well that’s annoying,” you said, closing the door after him and watching him as his eyes scanned the place, “That still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”
“To give you these,” he said, holding out the flowers and the coffee and the little white bag.
“Thank you,” you said, taking them, “But why?”
“I’m sorry,” he said, “About what happened at the party last night.”
You shrugged, turning your back on him to get the flowers water. You opened the little bag and found a Danish. You grinned and took it out, munching on it and sipping your coffee. So much better than cereal.
“Oh, hello,” Jaebum said, looking down as Edna approached him and started to rub her face into his ankle, as was her habit when meeting strangers.
“So did you and Su-Bin reconcile?”
“Nope,” he said.
“No,” he grinned.
“Why not?”
“Closure,” he said.
Jaebum nodded, grinning, “I had more fun with you last night than I did the entire two months that Su-Bin and I dated. And when we heard her coming onto Mr. Park last night...I don’t know, it just sort of clicked in my mind.”
“Ah,” you said, “Closure.”
“And, there’s you.”
“You,” he grinned, walking towards you. Your coffee and Danish still in hand. He put his hands on either side of your face and kissed you softly, tasting the coffee and the Danish.
“Me,” you sighed, smiling and not opening your eyes even after he’d stopped kissing you.
“Yeah,” he said, “I like you a lot and everything, and we should go out, but you definitely need to brush your teeth.”
“Oh crap,” you said throwing your breakfast aside and running to the bathroom, “How embarrassing!”
a/n: this is what happens when i write stuff longer than 700 words - super fluffy fluff fics~~~
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poklina · 7 years
Jimon ft a Jace jealous of Simon and Raphael's friendship that he confuses for a relationship. It's not Simon's fault vampires are so physical.
ALLO FRIEND i lovelovelove physical relationships and also jealous!jace is my Baby Boi so this was a great great time it gets kinda iffy like writing wise in the middle but i pulled out the end and now i REALLY like it i hope u do too THANK UU
convince me - 3.1k
Jace has never liked vampires. Ever. Don't like the way they slink around in the shadows like cowards, or how the cloying smell of blood stick to them constantly, or how they always lie and cheat their way into situations for their gain, the selfish bastards that they are.
Yea. Jace really does not like vampires.
At first he thought it was because of his dad, and everything Valentine had told him about the Downworld and how they "need to be eliminated" because they're a "scourge upon the human race." Valentine even made Jace believe it for a little while there, but he'd always known that wasn't really it. See, the thing is that Jace didn't necessarily hate all vampires; just 99.99 percent of them.
Because then there was the issue of Simon.
Jace was quite conflicted about the way he felt about Simon. On one hand, he was a vampire and had everything that came with it in spades: the smell of death, the night walking, the total inability to fend for himself without someone else to save his ass (although that was probably left over from when he was a kidnapping-prone Mundane), but on the other hand...
He really, really liked Simon.
It had taken him a while, at first. When they first met, Simon was just another Mundane sticking his nose into places where it didn't belong, which ultimately ended up with Jace having to deal with the consequences; namely, Clary. He had firmly believed that the sooner Simon was out of his hair, the better, because then maybe he could actually focus on finding the Mortal Cup for more than 5 minutes before having to run off and save him again. But then something had changed.
Even if you held a gun to his head, Jace couldn't tell you when or why he started looking at Simon differently. Maybe it was the way he was so devoted to Clary, even when he must have known that he never stood a chance. Or, maybe it was the way his smile lit up any room he was in, or how he always  seemed to know when Jace needed to be taken down a notch of the arrogance meter, or the way his eyes seemed to sparkle when he laughed -
So. Jace really liked a vampire, and he was not very happy about it. And since Simon and Clary were nearly inseparable, that meant that he had to spend a lot of time with said vampire, as well as the clan leader of Brooklyn. Raphael was a vampire Jace definitely did not like; he spoke too softly, and always with an air that seemed to convey that he knew something you didn't. Needless to say, Jace never really like being around Raphael, even if it meant him staying away from Simon.
Alec had told him that he needed Simon for some reason or another, and of course, Jace was sent to go and get him. He complained under his breath all the way there, but another part of his brain (a very, very small but very loud part) was genuinely excited about seeing him. Jace hadn't seen Simon in almost a week, because he was always off doing one thing or another for Raphael. It was starting to get a little suspicious, how much they hung around each other, but Jace had pushed it out of his mind.
When he reached the boat house, he saw that the door was slightly ajar, meaning that Simon was awake. Jace pointedly ignored how even the thought of Simon made his heart jump, and he slowly pushed his way inside -
Only to stop dead in his tracks.
Simon was there, of course, awake and fidgeting with something in his hands, but Jace couldn't see what because his view was blocked by Raphael. That's not what shocked him, however. What made him stop was they way Raphael had his hand on Simon's cheek. And Simon was smiling. Jace felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach, and suddenly all of the little things between Simon and Raphael made all too much sense; the casual brushes of hands against arms, the prolonged hugs, the casual way Simon slung his arm around Raphael all the damn time.
Jace swallowed thickly as he slowly made his way out of the boat house, eyes still locked on the scene before him. Just before he was completely out of sight, Jace saw Simon pull Raphael into a tight hug and it felt like all of the air in the world was being sucked out of his lungs. He didn't know whether either of them had seen him, but right now, he didn't really care. Twisting around on his heel and trying to ignore the leaden sadness in his gut, Jace started home.
Alec could get Simon if he really needed him.
The next few day, Jace tried to avoid Simon as well as he could. Usually, it was easy, because he spent all his time in the boat house (and probably with Rapha -), but for some reason, he was hanging around the Institute like a kid bored on summer break.
More specifically, he was hanging around Jace.
Anytime he turned a corner, Simon was there. Talking to Clary and Izzy about something or other, and yet he always stopped and turned to talk to him instead. Jace tried (really, he did) to stop the way his chest filled up every time Simon smiled at him, but he couldn't. However, then he remembered how close he was with Raphael and that usually did the trick. He always ended up mumbling some half formed response of "having to go check with Alec" or even "left something in my room", whatever it too to get him away from that dazzling smile.
The 5th time it happened to him, Jace was about ready to go up to the roof and give the universe a piece of his mind. Simon was alone in the hallway, leaning against the wood paneling and looking at his phone disinterestedly. When he heard Jace, however, his head shot up and broke into a wide smile that left Jace weak in the knees.
"Hey, Jace! Uh, I had something to ask you..." Simon says, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck nervously, but for what Jace had no idea.
"Oh, uh, Simon, now's not really a good time..." Jace trails off, trying to find a semi-decent excuse that he hadn't used last time. Simon's face fell almost imperceptibly, but it was there, and Jace hated it.
"Ah. Sorry, I guess I'll, uh. I'll catch you later then?" Simon finished, eyes darting down to study the floor but not before Jace saw something almost like disappointment in them, which was ridiculous, because Simon had Raphael and why would he be disappointed over Jace?
"Yeah, definitely. Um, later. Say hi to Raphael for me" he said quickly, the words like acid on his tongue before pushing past Simon and rushing down the hall behind him. He ducked into the first open door and sagged against the frame, trying to catch his breath but not from walking down the hall.
Every time that Jace ran into Simon after that, it was always the same: he was alone, he said he had to ask Jace something, Jace would give a half-assed excuse before ducking out. Every time, he thought that he saw Simon get a little bit more frustrated, or even sadder, but he quickly pushed it out of his mind. It was probably just his mind playing tricks on him, trying to get him to think that Simon actually liked him as well. But of course he didn't. Obviously.
The next day, Jace walked into the control room only to be greeted by the sick stench of blood radiating from the middle of the room. His face twisted into disgust as he walked forward and tried to get a look at the vampire who was causing it.
Man, the universe really did hate him.
He knew it was Raphael even though he couldn't see his face; no other vampire this close to the Institute wore suits like that. Simon stood next to him, shoulders relaxed and hands shoved into his back pockets, forearms stretching over Raphael's arm that's slung around his waist. Jace's throat closes up in an instant, hands balling into fists even though he knows he shouldn't be jealous. Simon is happy with Raphael; that much is obvious. But that sentiment can't stop the thoughts of Jace stalking up to them, pushing Raphael aside and claiming Simon as his from pushing to the front of his mind. That's what he wants to do. So, so desperately wants Simon to be his, and his alone.
But that is not his decision to make.
With all the strength he can muster, Jace tears his eyes away from the two in front of him and steps forward, seeing Izzy over their shoulder. He pointedly ignores both of them as he walks up to Izzy, just glad for some sort of distraction. He's barely drawn a breath to start talking to her before -
"Hey, Jace. Um, can we talk? Alone?" Simon says quietly as he taps his shoulder. Jace turns around slowly, trying to figure out a way to get out of it this time but coming up blank. He ends up just staring at Simon, lips pressed tightly together before replying with a short answer.
Simon's face brightens at the prospect, and flashes a quick smile at Jace before turning away and leading him into one of the many corridors. He follows slowly, anticipation building in the pit of his stomach. He'd tried to avoid this for so long, he doesn't even really have an idea as to what Simon had to ask him. Simon comes to a stop at the end of the hall and faces Jace, eyes glinting in the low light of the Institute. Jace swallows hard again, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck just so it has something to do.
"So, uh. I think you've been avoiding me? And I don't know why, and I just like - wanted to check to see if I had like, said something or done something, because if I did, I'm really sorry, but uh, yeah. Well, that's the first part -" Simon starts, making eye contact with Jace briefly before darting to the other corners of the room, hands twisting each other nervously. Jace felt a small bit of growing fear in his mind, because if he had to tell Simon the truth...
Well, he would ruin everything.
"Oh, uh. No, no, it's nothing about you. Well, it kinda is, but - no, it's not you Simon. I'm just - yeah. It's definitely not you." Jace stammers out, trying to read the confused and crestfallen look on Simon's face as something other than disappointment.
"So, if it's not me, then why? I mean, I thought we were pretty good friends." Simon says back, voice cracking a little bit on the last word.
"Sure, uh. I've just been - I've been pretty busy." Jace said halfheartedly, wincing as it even sounded made up to him, and wondering just how fake Simon thought it was. Jace watched his face tighten in confusion as he opened his mouth to try and continue - before snapping it shut and just letting out a sigh instead. Jace felt a wave of relief wash over him, because he really didn't have any idea what to say if he had asked.
"Oh. Okay. Well, uh, I guess my second question is...Um, shit. This is a lot harder than I expected it to be." Simon let out a forced laugh as he tried to lighten the situation but failing miserably. His eyes continued to dart around the corridor, not ever once landing on Jace. He couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of disappointment at that; he really liked looking at Simon's eyes.
"Ask me what?" Jace bit out, sounding a lot nastier than he had intended to. He regretted it instantly, because it made Simon sigh heavily and shove his hands deep in his pockets, like he was ashamed of what he was about to say.
“Well, ah. I was, um. I was wondering if you - would you like to get dinner with me? Sometime?”
The silence that fell between the two of them was stifling, only punctuated by Jace’s shallow breaths. His mind was rapidly trying to catch up with this turn of events, almost letting him be excited before the reality of the situation hit him fully.
“Is this some kind of joke to you?” he said bitterly, trying to stem the disappointment that rose in his chest. Was Simon serious? Why would he ask him something like that? Especially since not 20 seconds ago, he was clinging to his boyfriend like a lifeline.
“Jace, I don’t - what?”
“Are you serious? You think that you can just pretend to ask me out even though I know you can’t?”
“Jace, what are you talking about -”
“Don’t you think I see the way Raphael practically drapes himself over you? Honestly, even Magnus and Alec aren’t this clingy.” The words drip out of his mouth like acid, burning and cruel. Simon flinched backwards, face contorting into an expression of profound hurt and...confusion.
“Jace -” Simon tries to interrupt, but Jace just keeps talking over him, anger washing over him in waves and waves, flooding out of him. Simon had never been this way, has never laughed in Jace’s face about something he couldn’t have, and the fact that he was stung Jace hard and deep.
“What, Simon? What else do you want from me? Well wishes on your relationship? Dating advice? Why won’t you just leave me alone -”
His mouth snapped shut, surprised at the force behind Simon’s words. Simon’s eyes burned with  annoyance, and yet underneath it was just the faintest hint of excitement. He was excited about humiliating Jace? God, he’d really have to look at why he’s so helplessly in love with this guy afterwards, Jace thought savagely. Simon stared him down for a bit, throat working as if he was trying to dig the words out of his vocal chords. Jace watched anxiously, just ready for this whole thing to be over so he could go to the training room and whale on a punching bag until he felt better.
“Jace. Raphael and I aren’t dating. We’re not together, never have been.”
Jace felt his heart drop at least 3 stories as Simon finished talking. He couldn’t help his mouth dropping open, because of course they’re dating, obviously.
“But - in the boathouse -” he sputtered, trying desperately to grab at any sort of evidence he had. Simon and Raphael were always together, always touching and hugging and whatever. There’s no other explanation. Obviously.
“Oh, you saw his hand thing.” Simon said shyly, blush staining his cheekbones and he was supposed to be mad at him right now, it is not the time to be thinking about how utterly adorable he looks.
“Well, yea! I’d say that pretty strongly suggests that you are, Simon.” Jace shot back, confused at just exactly what was going on here. Simon - Raphael? They weren’t - really? So, was Simon - did he just try to ask him out?
“Jace, like a second later he slapped me.”
Jace just stared at him dumbly, and watched Simon tried to hide the happiness that flooded into his eyes at watching him. He was still trying to sort out all of the information that he’d just been given, and it was proving to be a little harder than he expected.
“Jace? So? Will you have dinner with me?” Simon asked again, louder this time, but still filled with the same nervous anxiety as the first time.
“So, just to reiterate. You and Raphael - are not a thing.” Jace repeated, squeezing his eyes shut and rubbing his temples, excitement welling up in his chest. He - he actually had a chance. As the realization hit him in the chest, his eyes flew open and landed right on to Simon, standing nervously in front of him.
“Yes. Honestly, I’m shocked that you would even think that. I mean, I definitely do not like Raphael -” Simon started with a forced laugh that became more genuine. His smile grew wider and wider as Jace looked at him for longer and longer, before he was suddenly cut off by Jace grabbing his shoulders and looking at him directly in the eyes
“So if I kiss you right now, no one would be angry.” he said quietly, throat working as he swallowed nervously at whatever Simon’s response was going to be. However, at that moment, Simon’s brain decided to switch off all rational thought, leaving him only able to shake his head jerkily. “Oh, thank fucking God.” Jace breathed out right before pressing his lips onto Simon’s
It was like a string had snapped, all of the jealousy Jace had been harboring over the past couple days suddenly evaporating into the air. He could only focus on this, and now, and how Simon felt underneath him, solid and steady. He tilted his head slightly to the right so his nose could brush past Simon’s, making it easier for him to lick his way into Simon’s mouth. Jace waited for the gasp after he swept his tongue over Simon’s bottom lip before crowding him even closer to the wall, just needing more. Simon responded in the same way, hands curling loosely into the front of Jace’s shirt and kissing back with just as much force.
They broke apart slowly, Jace’s chest moving up and down quietly with every breath he took, head never moving more than an inch apart from Simon’s. Their eyes stayed closed even after they pulled away, but only for a second, until Jace opened his again to find Simon staring intently at him, eyes bright. The sight made Jace’s chest tighten up and hands press into Simon’s side a little bit harder.
“So, can I take that as a yes?” Simon said breathlessly, one of his trademark grins stretching wide over his mouth. Jace couldn’t help it as his face did the same thing.
“I don’t know. I think you might have to convince me a little bit more.” Jace murmured into Simon’s ear, teeth grazing his earlobe a tiny bit and relishing in the small noise it pulled from the back of Simon’s throat.
“Oh. Well I think I can do that.” Simon said back, moving one of his hands from the front of Jace’s shirt to the back of his head, where he gently tugged the hair there and pulled Jace back into another kiss.
They did end up going to dinner on Friday. They went to Hunter’s Moon and Maia teased Jace for at least half an hour about how long it took him to realize that every time he looked away from Simon, Simon started to stare at him.
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