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Asdfghjjkklllllllhhkkl the way I don't remember the last time I didn't do that while watching a movie 😭😂😭😂😭😂
also, how do you project malec into them, like, you remember the ask you sent Dani about what she thinks malec would do? What do YOU think?
Do you agree with her? 🥺🥺
(I haven't seen FD partly because I don't really watch anime, I can never really understand what's happening there so I don't watch them 💀💀 but I've read your views on it and now I don't know if I want to beg you to write an FD malec au (with a happy ending of course 🤨😂) or run away from it as fast as possible 😭😭😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️)
Kskskskks I didn’t think anyone would pay attention to my FD rants I’m 🙈🙈🙈
And smsmsjsjka yes everytime I watch a movie or a show or something I’m just like “okay this one’s Alec and this one’s Magnus”. Every single damn time. I have no regrets 😎
Okay soooo I actually first watched like the first ten episodes of Future Diary several years ago (I think in like 2018?) so when I wrote smniyb, their dynamic and characterisation was heavily influenced by that of the two main characters. So obviously Alec is Yuno Gasai (cause Dark Alec supremacy)
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And Magnus is Yukiteru (Yuki) Amano
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(He looks more like Alec. I know. I KNOW.)((It doesn’t really show in this gif, but yes, his eyes are blue))
Back then I stopped at the tenth episode cause I couldn’t really understand what was going on 💀 but now when I watched it it was much more clearer and i could understand everything better and didn’t get bored lol. And then I got to the end and these bitches KILLED MEEEE.
Okay, Dark Alec and FD!Malec aside, yeeeeaaaaahhhhh I mostly agree with her. By the end they’d both be arguing about who’s gonna die and at the end one will pull some shit and kill themselves (mostly Magnus) and the other is alive and becomes God (mostly Alec). In FD, Yuki suggests that they both commit suicide and let the world end, but I can’t see either Magnus or Alec suggesting that. They’d both want the other to live on. Yuno however is… complicated but basically by the end she wants Yuki to live on and become God and let her die and that’s pretty much what happens. :’)
So yeah. I basically agree with Dani. Except I don’t think Alec will think kill himself (not that he’ll have the choice anyway, since he’ll probably already have become God before he can even think of it), but that he will end up like Yuki does at the end of Future Diary - letting the world die anyway and just… being depressed in limbo:
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These are all the screenshots of the scene tumblr will let me post but hopefully you get the idea :’)
Unlesssss he goes full Yuno Gasai 👀 which is exactly what would happen in a hypothetical future diary malec au. Which… I’m low-key considering writing but I also want to run away from it 😂😂😂 also FD does have a happy ending! Kinda. The last scene of the last episode is what I just posted above lol, but there’s a post credits scene that hints at a happy ending, AND there’s an extra episode called Future Diary: Redial which shows the happy ending and how it happens.
Ksksksk this post got longer than I expected and that’s without infodumping about some major plot twists and just… Yuno Gasai in general. (I love that girl. I seriously fucking love her.) 😭😭😭 Kay imma go now also THANKS FOR LISTENING TO ALL MY RAMBLINGS ILY 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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lilietsblog · 7 years
(update: nope didnt work. guess i do have to save the pics separately and not just copy-paste them into an rtf o well)
last time on: is Gasai trying to kill them??? i have no idea last time she was onscreen they (she and Yukki) were drinking soda from the vending machine????
I LOVE AKISE AND HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS SO MUCH like theres the normal guy freaking out and then theres this beautiful white haired disaster
meanwhile I think Yuno is??? roleplaying??? like she counts on him being non-responsive to play out her fantasy of being a caring housewife? anyway yeah she's done this offscreen huh. that was a jarring transition
AND SUDDENLY OPENING its somehow SUDDEN every time and I admire that man I love this opening so much and I cant take a single screenshot reflecting how awesome it is because the entire Thing is constant movement so hey Akise whatcha thinking man I love just the CONTRAST Akise:
Other people:
what is it with me and characters who never show their emotions on their face or in their voice but act exclusively based on them??? like theres this very specific anime trope of a white haired character who is stoic as fuck but instead of making rational decisions motivated by human people logic they do 100% self-destructive things based on curiosity / love / sense of duty / whatever the fuck else and in the end they appear to be missing precisely one emotion and that's self-preservation (yes self preservation is totally an emotion look it up) Akise is that exact trope and I LOVE IT SO FUCKING MUCH meanwhile, Yuno is having trouble feeding an unconscious prisoner... what an unexpected problem that could in no way be foreseen. let me guess: she's going to try to wake him up so he can swallow his damn katsudon ah no instead Hinata intervenes. hon SHE BEAT HIM UP AND TIED HIM TO A CHAIR HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK SHE CARES IF HE WANTS KATSUDON. what made you think speaking up was a good idea here
theres a meme of 'ask someone whos not in the fandom to interpret whats going on in this picture' but you know i think random ppl would identify this situation 100% correctly +- who Hinata is to Yukki. this anime is a cultural icon "Aren't you Yukiteru's girlfriend? Can't you tell?" I love the moon logic this anime operates on, that people inside it are forced to work within. Hinata knows how to put it in the one and only way Yuno would be willing to engage with it, ha. Aaaand looks like it's less roleplaying and more delusion. oh Yuno ah she figures out how to make him open his mouth by pressing on his jaw Yuno honey maybe the police wont come after HIM but after the shit you pulled it sure as fuck will come after YOU then again according to Akise it was coming after you anyway I guess I'm morbidly curious as to exactly how Yuno is going to organize Yukki peeing >_< huh, a sock aaaand Akise goes for the win! two skulls alas I already know One Spoiler that they are her parents, and her actions Almost Kinda Make Sense in that dream logic way so I think last time we saw the bodies they were mummies? but now that's definitely skeletons. huh
okay I'll be honest this is a reaction I did not predict this anime keeps surprising me with happenings that make perfect sense in retrospect, I really respect that about it OH IS THIS THE SCENE THAT SCREENSHOT SET WAS FROM NO I THINK THAT WAS YUKKI ASKING HER but Akise what the fuck are you counting on, that she'll come murder you in person??? I doubt all three of you could overpower her in Murder Mode tbh did you see her with an axe oh right you didnt :>
OH HEY THAT'S CLEVER I like how Yuno goes between 100% self-delusion about Yukki and painful 100% sane clarity about the horrible stuff with the other option being relatively normal interactions with Yuuki, memory suppression about murders and cheerful willingness to kill anyone for Yukki I think that second option really is better for her long-term )= you two do you realize she hears you as well maybe shut up okay no not really -I- know she's thinking because of the camera movement and stuff, -they- don't aaand she laughs. i dont think anyone (other than Akise I guess) saw this coming okay yeah looks like the gamble failed. the mind-preservation instinct of retreating into delusion overpowered the more mundane concerns so that's totally ventilation up there huh. I'm not sure if the gas plan will work for her huh so hum moment of truth WILL Akise send the email to the police or was that just a threat? (orrr the police might know already? he might have told That Nice Cop Guy about it) awww Kousaka's dying message is kinda cute
kinda superfluous - the police already know who they're looking for - but nice AHAHAHA POST LIMIT THAT'S KINDA HILARIOUS THAT'S WHY EVERYONE ELSE JUST USED THE MEMO FUNCTION ah no the rank increased fair enough wait what????? what the fuck @ Deus ah okay to clarify: what the fuck @ 8th well hey it worked out! I still quesiton a ventilation duct in a gassing room but hey I guess there was a lot of gas and Yuno didn't see a reason to conserve it and Kousaka's question is of course why the fuck is Yuno in her underwear. I mean... fair enough, I'm kinda curious too omfg
HELLO POLICE I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT A MURDER oh right... bad joke anyway I like how camera doesn't play along with Kousaka, while he's saying he's the ultimate weapon he's literally blocked by Yuno's head. we know who the main character is oh hey Yukki is coming to his senses! but can't talk huh right I figured it'd be the soda
*whaps with newspaper* NO NO BAD YUNO STOP THAT (she's drawn so prettily tho damn <3)
oh my sweet summer child you don't know the rules of this game AT ALL hum and the girls can't escape the same way he did because they aren't tall enough dude she's gone up against like five diary owners already and came up on top every time you don't know who you're challenging
huh she actually agrees to play the game wonder if that's genuine or if she has a plan like, I can imagine she's just been pulled into the situation and the role of the big bad setting up traps enough to enjoy toying with people and not just getting her way at the very least she hasn't axe-murdered him... or Hinata for that matter... yet
SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED it definitely wasn't just one event tho. Yuno doesn't act like someone who used to be a normal healthy kid in a supportive environment until One Bad Thing Happened and took their entire world. No, Yuno is acting like someone who'd built up the dissociation/delusion defense mechanisms over a long, long time, like, say, a victim of abuse who finally snapped and then didnt find a way to snap back I just wanna knooooow
yeah at least she didn't kill him... immediately hum
Hinata and Yukki are both tied up so I'm not sure what they can do together behind Yuno's back but I know a foreshadowing shot when I see one for all that this anime keeps genuinely surprising me with twists, it does take care to make the events easy to follow, and I like that this is Quality Storytelling
yeah but it would have shown a Dead End, right??? or does it not work like that because it's like a 'secondary' diary, an offshoot of the 8th??? I wonder
AHAHHA sorry Yuno you're used to being up against diary owners, but so is Yukki, and he's been growing more competent at this too
NICE and she'd given him his own diary -> ???? brilliant decision but seriously if Hinata did something to Yukki wouldn't that be predicted orrr I guess Yukki's actions were actions of a diary owner so when he made a new decision based on his diary (again, brilliant decision) it changed he prediction ooooohhh she kicked the key that wasn't doing anything to Yukki in itself, it just enabled Yukki to act, which, again, the actions of a diary owner three diary owners????? please tell me that's Akise and Mao and oh right Kousaka was the third one the math doesn't add up :x I think the three diary owners would be able to find them bc of Kousaka's Diary and that's the 8th's plan
this must look so utterly surreal from the side
Yuno? You're not going to drug me and tie me up and try to kill my friends, are you? This girl seriously needs to learn how normal relationships work and I Yearn to learn what the fuck fucked her up like that.
congrats Yuno you Fucked That Up
sorry but... yeah. you deserve this
???? someone in the cast lives in an orphanage??? I'm calling Akise in that case
oh nm it's something else huh
ah that's what it was oh Kousaka everything about you was a bad idea ...
... what
it really, really fucking isn't Yukki acted on information he had, and made the best decisions he had available. but he can't control other people's actions
...are these... the apprentice diary owners? how does the system work, anyway? how does the 8th send them after anyone? Kousaka has no clue...
uh was the dramatic slo mo effect in-universe too??? they were kind of racing on opposite lanes that couldn't have taken more than like. two seconds
see that's not wrong but. you really need to up your girlfriend game dammit im just rooting for Yuno in all this. you go girl. you fight your inner demons and figure out a happy ending for yourself damn that felt like a really long episode. probably because of the screenshots here's a proposition of a new function for the tumblr staff: uploading .rtf files automatically, splitting into several posts if they are too big. thats the kind of convenience the social media is supposed to offer, right? oh hey Murmur's diary! third installment of the You Saved Me series
you naive fucking child oh my god Murmur
so was this, like, a dream or something? hum interesting
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