red-dyed-sarumane · 9 months
i know im the one constantly complaining about people who say sv is the superior software & every vocal should have an sv bank but im a voca scene defender first & foremost & if u start trying to exclude it and other "ai" programs just because u let the internet train u into recoiling from any mention of ai then maybe u shouldnt be starting events u claim are centered around the community as a whole. its ai in the sense of an algorithm so the default tuning isnt quite as "robotic" it's still ur same ethically sampled voice it still requires quite a bit of user effort. it is so fucking far from one click and done auto generation. if ur saying this i know uve never worked with or seen anyone actually working with them because damn the "ai" is so off and so bad sometimes looking at default pitch lines is one of my favorite pastimes because of it. perhaps its making the process just a bit easier but its still so immensely different from going to an ai generation site to make say squidward sing a britney spears song. even tools like voice to midi or vocalochanger arent really touching that. its not the same thing. if u really know what ur doing u can do everything those 2 tools do only manually its really just helping streamline the process. its not even mandatory u can forego them entirely. are you really going to sit there and say songs with hours of effort put into the vocal synth, to get the notes in, tune everything, keep it timed, edit the phonemes so it sounds more like the intended words, all of that means nothing because it has a few tools with a name you dont like. im not sitting here and arguing for ai learning like chatgpt or whatever. there is in fact a difference from mass sourcing information or art from nonconsenting and often completely unaware people and taking a few more hours of samples from a paid consenting voice provider to make an instrument sound a little more like them with a little less user effort. these are still SYNTHS these are INSTRUMENTS just because one guitar plugin sounds more like a real guitar than a different one doesnt mean u need to boycott the more realistic one. also, hell, for a lot of if not all of (i havent kept up with all of them) v6 voicebanks there are, in terms of use, things that they tell you not to have them sing about. very specifically saying thats what they do and do not consent to having their voices used for. and it Does vary per synth its not a cover all. some of u need to learn to stop jumping at buzz words and actually learn what it is ur dealing with.
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jenoutof10 · 10 months
idk ab u but i honestly find it appalling how they can use ai art lke. ive come across stuff from that ‘artist’ before n if i’m not wrong i believe its ai assisted art which is still at its core a detrimental thing to actual artists and yet theyre out here trying to make it big as a CREATOR like… at this point jus chatgpt ur fics
the use of ai is truly a hot potato, so here's my takes on it 🤧🤧 imo it's okay to use AI as a reference for practice, since i think a couple of artists use AI to study components and coloring techniques– my take is that it's fine to use if people are using it as a reference study and not using it to actually make their artwork, but i wouldn't personally use AI assistance simply because it feels a bit wonky to me.
what's not okay is using AI art, publishing it, claiming it as your own self made art and or denying the use of AI. it's pretty self explanatory.
also!!! i've come across some artists that actually use and let AI help modify/finish their works, idk if said artists are open to talking abt how they use ai but it's usually easy to spot. i personally do not like the idea of it LOL mostly bcs it feels more lifeless(?) and it kind of stunts your progress/growth yk...
you can let it give you directions but dont let it drive ur car. dykwim.
honestly guys i just personally have beef with the ai artstyle bcs it looks wack af LOL I DO NOT LIKE IT AT ALLLLLLL
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garaks-padded-bra · 9 months
Genuinely genuinely hate that kids are using chatgpt to do their schoolwork/study nowadays. Yes i hate a.i. but its mostly because its so ineffective as a learning tool. So many teens just dont make their own notes now. How are u absorbing the info bro. And theyre researching with it. It is academic madness
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