#DR21 Naegi-Kirigiri Family
danganronpa-21 · 5 years
So in your Naegiri family au. How does the family prank eachother on aprail fools
In terms of Naegi-Kirigiri family April Fool’s Day, I’d say some members of the family are more committed to it than others. And by some members, I mean Koichi and Seiko are naturally more committed to it than the others. Why?
Simple: They’re desperate to fool their mother in some way, shape or form. 
Makoto and Hope? They could care less. Makoto’s just trying to avoid being the unintentional victim of pranks that were meant for his wife, and Hope wants to be sure that her siblings don’t go too far. But Koichi and Seiko? NO LIMITS.
Seiko’s pranks are fairly simple, childish. She is only eight years old, after all. She doesn’t have the advanced prankster mindset yet. Still, Koichi tries to be a good sensei to her. 
She tries all kinds of different things to try to get at her mama: caramel onions (Kyoko buys the groceries – she knows that Seiko doesn’t like onion, so she shouldn’t have asked so excitedly for them before the day came), putting salt in her coffee (Seiko confuses her father’s coffee for her mother’s), putting tape on her wireless laptop mouse (she disconnects it and uses the touchpad), falsifying a gross sneeze on the back of her neck with lukewarm water and a spray bottle (”All three of you kids sneezed on me when you were young, Seiko. I know what that feels like. Nice try, though.”), and toothpaste Oreos (she could feel while holding it that the cookie had a much softer consistency than normal). Nothing gets Kyoko. She’s ready to admit defeat against her mother when Koichi steps in, urging his little sister to not give up the fight. Though he’s never won against her either, he’s desperate to do so.
His first attempt is the confetti ceiling fan trick, in which he attempts to put little cut-up pieces of paper on the ceiling fan in the kitchen. Sure, the family avoids having her be the cook at all costs, but it wasn’t uncommon for her to turn it on while she was sitting at the dining room table to work on a case. This plan was a little too circumstantial, unfortunately, and the prank just ended up being a hassle for poor Makoto who got hot while baking. Cookies are hard work, Koichi!
The second attempt centers around putting a bug-shaped piece of paper on the inside of the lampshade. He’s extra careful to do it in the shape of an earwig, the insect that his mother hates with every fibre of her being. He sticks it on the inside of the lampshade in her office, hoping to maybe get her in the late hours of the night while she works at her desk. This one backfires when Seiko and Kyoko sit down at the desk to talk about their upcoming assingment, and Seiko is the one who discovers the “bug”. Not really thinking too hard about the shape, she decides that she’ll put her little friend on to her hand and set it free. She’s a little peeved when it turns out to just be a piece of paper, because she thought that “a little friend really needed her help!”
His final attempt was putting an airhorn on her office chair, which honestly could have worked if he didn’t knock down a small plush kitten that she kept on one of the shelves. Koichi knew it was an old, tattered toy that his father had won for her back in their high school days. Since it was so old, he and his sisters had been asked not to touch it – to preserve it as best they could. So he tried to carefully put the toy back on to the shelf, leaning on the chair he’d just finished setting up due to his short height… You can imagine how that went. Loud honking that scared him half to death, nearly made the poor little kitty toy fly through the air, had his family running to his rescue. Eventually he throws in the towel, insisting that he and Seiko will get Kyoko next year. She allows them to think that, and decides that the three of them should go out and pick up dinner. 
“It’s only fair considering what you two have put your poor father through today while trying to prank me.”
… This is the extent of what Seiko and Koichi manage, but Makoto and Hope resolved to get back at them for the years of surprise pranks they’ve had to undergo. Asking Komaru to conveniently provide distraction (”Fancy seeing my niece, nephew, and sister-in-law here!”), the father-daughter pairs each person’s room with balloons – to the point where they have to pop them to get in to the room. They are more than just a little cheerful when their loved ones come home to discover that yes, indeed, they are finally on the other side of someone else’s pranks. Koichi and Seiko can be satisfied that somebody got their mom, even if they did kind of screw themselves over (“Makoto, we sleep in the same bed. If I cannot get in there, neither can you.”)
Before the day ends, they decide to have a nice family dinner and focus on dealing with those balloons later. They set things up and talk about the pranks everyone came up with that day, the things they were intending to do, and everything is peaceful until Makoto sits down. A rather vulgar sound has come from his direction. 
Kyoko feigns a phony sense of disgust. “Really, Makoto?” She teases, “At the dinner table? In front of the kids?”
The kids burst in to a fit of giggles, knowing full well she placed a whoopee cushion on his chair. He pouts and sighs to her, “And you wonder why Koichi and Seiko are always so determined to get back at you...”
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danganronpa-21 · 4 years
The DR21 Parents and the First Words They Said to their Children:
The world is currently kind of crappy. So here’s some Danganronpa parents saying their first words to their kids. Enjoy, and try to keep your chins up!
Leon Hagakure:
Yasuhiro: “Wow... so tiny...”
Kanon: “Hi baby... handsome little guy, aren’t you? Haha, Mama did a pretty good job.”
Hope Naegi-Kirigiri:
Kyoko: “Hello, sweetheart.”
Makoto: “God, you really are the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen.”
Sakura Asahina:
Aoi: “You poor little thing, out here all on your own. Come on, come on... I’ll get you somewhere warm.”
Koichi Naegi-Kirigiri:
Kyoko: “Going to be a little jokester, are we? Trying to scare Mommy?”
Makoto: “I know you’re a little too young to know this yet, but it’s not very nice to play dead. You scared me.”
Natsumi Kuzuryuu:
Fuyuhiko: “Holy shit. Holy shit, holy shit...”
Peko: “Amazing...”
Phoenix Nevermind:
Sonia: “Hello, hello! Can you hear me, my little prince? I am so happy to meet you! Your father and I have been waiting such a long time.”
Gundham: “For the heavens to bless a half demon on this day, for such a powerful creature to be born of half human and half demon blood... There is one who smiles upon me on this day! There is one who has brought forth a Supreme Overlord of Fire, to balance my Ice!”
Kameyo Hagakure:
Yasuhiro: “Hello, number two!”
Kanon: “I’ve been waiting for you... hic... I’m so glad you’re finally here.”
Junichi Togami:
Aceline: “Mmm... a boy. Good.”
Byakuya: “Welcome to the family, Junichi. May you make us all very proud.”
Seiko Naegi-Kirigiri:
Kyoko: “Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance.”
Makoto: “It’s okay, it’s okay... I know it’s loud and bright, but you’re okay. Daddy’s got you.”
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