#DS9 4x17
walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
DS9 4x17 Rules of Engagement thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [9 July ‘23]
Worf having nightmares makes his possible quip in Rejoined that Klingons dream about "things that would send cold chills down your spine and wake you in the middle of the night" less funny. That's a traumatic experience thing, Worf, not a Klingon thing.
I didn't think Klingons cared about civilians overly much. (edit: my memory was of Odo telling Bashir in Way of the Warrior "Don't count on that blue uniform to protect you. In the heat of battle, Klingons aren't very choosy about their targets." Which isn't exactly civilian-specific but also close enough that this outrage feels very manufactured. Plus they attacked DS9 not knowing about the number of civilians on the station.)
Sisko has the shortest skant, no?
The Klingon lawyer just outright stating the Klingons' ulterior motives in the case: "When Worf is extradited, the Federation will be forced to admit that one of its officers committed a massacre. That will put you on the defensive throughout the quadrant. And while you're busy trying to repair a badly damaged reputation, we'll find ourselves with certain opportunities."
"We can't put a man's heart on trial!" Sisko's outrage.
Ohhh I've just remembered how much second hand embarrassment there is in this episode...
"May I enter this file into evidence? Or do you have something to hide?" Ughhhhh, that's such a twisted way to do it
The way Quark's is filmed XD
"You have told me one thing - you're worried." Sisko's A++ analysis... but knowing what comes next I don't know if that was a set-up to make Sisko more confident.
Ughhhh, I'm cringing already as the attorney makes Worf feel unKlingon
Why is the Vulcan judge not stopping the Advocate more forcefully?
Sisko's exasperated eyeroll when Worf takes the Advocate down...
"Constable?" "Good news." Finally
"Care to step onto my battlefield?" Oh, it's gonna get good now Sisko's leading it.
"Miraculously, everyone survived!" I live for the way Sisko presents
"Tell me, Advocate, isn't it possible?" As always, Sisko is electric
"I should not have accepted the mission." "I'm glad you realise that. That was your first mistake. What was your second?" Take him down, Sisko
"But I do not feel like celebrating." "Part of being a captain is knowing when to smile, make the troops happy even when it's the last thing in the world you want to do. Because they're your troops and you have to take care of them." "Life is a great deal more complicated in this red uniform."
I don't have a great deal to add to this one. Sisko is incredible. Worf is at his worst. 🤷‍♀️ I really like the way the interviews and flashback were done, though.
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fictionz · 1 year
The top 31 spookiest Star Trek episodes (according to the Internet)
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It's spooky season and I'm also a Star Trek nerd and a list nerd, so here we go!
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I asked in a Star Trek discord, ran a bunch of searches, and assigned a point each time an episode was listed among the scariest/creepiest in Star Trek. The episodes are ranked from least to most spooky, so watch in this order if you want to build up to the spookiest stuff. I cut off the list at 31, one episode for each day in October.
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So without further ado...
Spookiest episodes of Star Trek*:
TOS 1x05: The Enemy Within
TOS 1x25: The Devil in the Dark
PIC 2x07: Monsters
VOY 2x08: Persistence of Vision
ENT 3x16: Doctor's Orders
DS9 3x26: The Adversary
VOY 4x25: One
VOY 5x18: Course: Oblivion
ENT 2x10: Vanishing Point
VOY 3x12: Macrocosm
VOY 3x18: Darkling
VOY 4x07: Scientific Method
TNG 7x14: Sub Rosa
ENT 2x04: Dead Stop
TNG 3x26: The Best Of Both Worlds, Part I
TOS 1x01: The Man Trap
TNG 7x06: Phantasms
DS9 5x05: The Assignment
DS9 2x14: Whispers
DIS 1x03: Context Is For Kings
TNG 6x21: Frame Of Mind
TNG 7x19: Genesis
TOS 2x14: Wolf in the Fold
VOY 6x25: The Haunting Of Deck Twelve
TOS 2x07: Catspaw
VOY 2x23: The Thaw
TNG 4x17: Night Terrors
TNG 1x25: Conspiracy
ENT 3x05: Impulse
DS9 5x24: Empok Nor
TNG 6x05: Schisms
Shorter list of the the spookiest episode from each of the 11 series:**
TOS 2x07: Catspaw
TAS 1x01: Beyond the Farthest Star
TNG 6x05: Schisms
DS9 5x24: Empok Nor
VOY 2x23: The Thaw
ENT 3x05: Impulse
DIS 1x03: Context Is For Kings
PIC 2x07: Monsters
LD 1x06: Terminal Provocations
PRO 1x12: Let Sleeping Borg Lie
SNW 1x09: All Those Who Wander
Data used to collate these rankings:
Star Trek Discord
* There was a 12-way tie for the final 8 slots, so the final 8 in the first list are randomly selected from among those 12 episodes.
** PRO did not make an appearance on any of the lists I found, so I selected an episode that felt most appropriate. Other series only had one suggested episode and are in the list by default.
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apolesen · 3 years
Where in the galaxy is Keiko O’Brien?
I keep getting confused about when Keiko is on the station and when she’s away, and sometimes I get a plotbunny and then realise that she’s not even there at that time. When I sat down to look at it, I realised I have way too much knowledge about this, so here it is - all of Keiko’s known movements during Deep Space Nine. I’ve double-checked everything I remembered on Chakoteya and Memory Alpha. I can’t guarantee I haven’t missed something, but if I have, it’s on the level of going away for part of an episode. 
I hope this is useful for fic-writing and other endeavours!
1x01 The Emissary Keiko arrives to DS9 along with the Enterprise. She talks about taking Molly and going back to Earth, but then doesn’t. 
1x01-2x202 Keiko is on DS9. 
2x03 The Siege  Keiko and other civilians are evacuated from DS9, and are to the taken to the Korat system. However, the first shuttle with evacuees comes back at the end of the episode, so they may not even have made it to the Korat system before turning away. 
2x04 Invasive Procedures Everyone but a skeleton crew is evacuated due to a plasma storm. She is back on the station by the next episode. 
2x05-2x22 - On DS9
2x22 The Wire She is away at a hydroponics conference on Rigel Four for more than a week. 
2x23-3x03 On DS9.
Two weeks after 3x03 The House of Quark Keiko leaves for the expedition to the Janitza Mountains, taking Molly with her. Miles tells her in 3x03 that the expedition starts in two weeks. It’s unclear how big the gap between 3x03 and 3x04 is, as neither episode has a stardate, so it’s hard to say if she’s gone by 3x04. However, Miles does not appear in 3x04, so we could theorise that he’s helping her get everything ready and follow her down to Bajor (because you know Miles would fuss over that kind of thing). 
3x06-3x09 On Bajor.
3x10 Fascination Keiko and Molly come to visit DS9 for the Gratitude Festival, staying for two days. 
3x11-4x16 On Bajor. In Fascination she says she will be away two or three months longer. I lean towards this being longer than that. We know Keiko spends one night at DS9, at which point she gets pregnant. This could be the same time as Fascination, but I don’t think so, as they would have had to decide that they were going to try for a baby, and that is not something they talk about in Fascination (as at that point they almost break up). Furthermore, this must have been something that is planned ahead more. From events in s7, we know that Sisko takes a contraceptive shot once a month, and it seems possible or even likely that Miles is on something similar. That means that he has to go off it, and it also explains why he’s surprised she’s pregnant, because she says “I thought it’d take a couple of nights. To be honest, a lot more nights.” (That is partly just that he wants to have sex with his wife, but if he’s just stopped taking contraceptives, that might explain that further.) On top of all this, I have calculated (from when I wrote my Keiko/Kira fic) that Keiko is eight or nine weeks pregnant in Accession. (This was based on chronological markers within the episodes of s4 and counting backwards from Body Parts. Kira is pregnant for five months, so it’d be logical that Keiko is four months gone in Body Parts, and stuff in the episodes between Accession and Body Parts makes a two-month gap likely.) 
4x17 Accession The expedition having ended, Keiko is back on the station. 
4x17-4x25 On DS9. 
4x25 Body Parts Goes to Torad V in the gamma quadrant for three days together with Bashir and Kira. 
4x26-5x05 On DS9.
5x05 The Assignment Goes on an expedition to the Five Caves for five days. (Comes back possessed by a pah-wraith - man, she needs to stop going to places with ‘five’ in their name...) 
5x06-5x25 On DS9.
Two days before 5x26 Call to Arms Leaves the station to live on Earth together with Molly as the war is heating up.
5x26-6x24 On Earth. Memory Alpha says she is gone almost a year, and often, a series is about a year, but in 6x16 Miles mentions that she has been gone for six months, so it might be shorter. There is no mention that I can find that she was away a full year.
Before 6x24 Time’s Orphan Comes back to DS9. Considering the conversations in the beginning of this episode, it sounds like they have gotten back the day before or so. 
6x24-7x26 On DS9.
7x26 What You Leave Behind Moves to Earth with her family. 
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missiodine · 4 years
So @rosegardenofeden and I were discussing that one DS9 episode where the Bajoran poet Akorem Laan comes back from the past (4x17). Upon analysis, this is basically if like Charles Dickens came back to life and was like “I HAVE COME BACK FROM GOD AND WE SHOULD DO XYZ!” I mean like cool Charles Dickens came back buuuuuut idk should we do everything he says?
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angrywarrior69 · 6 years
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Ds9 4x17 Accession
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datasoong47 · 6 years
So, in Accession (DS9 4x17), Akorem instantly recognized what d’jarra (caste) Kira’s family was from by her family name.  The fact that the recognition was so immediate suggests a few possibilities:
Akorem happened to know some people of the Kira family and so it was just chance that he recognized that the Kira family was of the artist d’jarra.
The number of family names is quite limited, so it’s not hard to memorize which families are in which castes, at least for certain d’jarra like that of the Artist d’jarra (and given that Akorem himself was of that d’jarra he’d be more likely to know the families in it - and presumably the artist d’jarra would be relatively small making it more likely he’d know all the families, or at least the major families, in it)
Family names follow certain patterns according to caste.  That is, “Kira” has some literal meaning that is appropriate for a member of an artist caste, perhaps meaning something like “paintbrush” or “pen” or some other tool that would be used by someone in that caste
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