#Dammi this was supposed to be about Han and Leia and all I'm thinking about is Finn
agirlunderarock · 2 years
I'm a little late but for the ship bingo, I'd like to request Sasi-Wan 🥺 And/or Han and Leia
Okay first of all you’re not late. I’m probably late on answering this because I am always late on answering these things. Second, you hear me ramble about them all the time ;-; But I’ll tryi to summarize them
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First of all Sasi-Wan, is a ship between my shape shifter OC Sas, and Obi-Wan. If you’d like to read more about Sas, you can do so right HERE. My buddy Ducky @bisexual-sea-shanties was the genius behind the ship name, not me. I was in fact very reluctant to make them a ship for a couple of reasons. 1. I am asexual/demiromantic. I often talk about fanfic and media including more asexuals and aromantics. I really want more asexual love stories because I feel they’re often sidelined or the characters are done poorly, or the character ends up alone to show they’re ace or aro, as if thats the only way to prove thats the case. I almost feel bad putting these two in a romantic relationship because I almost feel hypocritcal- even if I write Sas as biromanic/demisexual and  Obi-Wan as demiaro/ace. Like it makes me feel conflicted, because they don’t have to be romantic, they could just as easily be platonic, and in the writing that I have planned thus far, they’re very platonic. But I’m also so tired of not finding any kind romance that can be seen between ace characters. I feel like at its core romance starts with a platonic love, and how people define romance depends on the couple themselves, which is very much the case with these two. They have to actively choose to try romance and figure out together what that means and I honestly love that about them. I like that they can go either way, but again it does make me feel like I’m contradicting myself at times. I don’t know, does anyone else ever feel like this?
 I’m not doing a really good job of hyping up my own ship... Let me try again.
Look I’ve loved all the pairings I’ve done bingo for, but this is the only one to get my whole heart, and the “Its complicated” checked off. I’ve already explained that part- which really has nothing to do with the couple themselves and more to do with my personal feelings. Honestly though, I’ve come up with ocxcanon pairings in the past for other fandoms, but this one is my absolute favorite. I like hat theres a lot of layers to them. I like that they can be platonic or romantic- I like that they realize they need to have difficult conversations about it, even if they would prefer not to. Romance between these two is a really fine line, almost nothing changes between the time they love each other platonically, and deciding they want to try to have a romantic relationship. They have an understanding with one another that, even if they are romantically involved, thats not necessarily their first priority. They absolutely would fight tooth and nail to defend and protect the other, but in the grand scheme of things he’s going to put his duty as a jedi first, and she’s going to put the conflict on Zolan first, and thats not necessarily anything they’d want to change about the other. Sas doesn’t just fall in love with Obi-Wan, falling in love with him means falling in love with the jedi as a culture and a people. She works with a lot of them during the clone wars and become friends with a good number of them it would make sense for her to learn and grow from them. Obi-Wan doesn’t exactly get the same exposure to Clawdites and Zolan, he was only on planet for about a week- but he falls in love with her passion, determination, but also, her compassion and the genuine love she has for the people she encounters. They have very different ways of processing their situations- but I think for the most part they compliment one another’s way of thinking. I know I make them sound very serious- but they’re kind of not. Naturally theres a lot of banter between them, some easy flirting from time to time. I think what this comes down to, is that this a pairing looks at the current state of romance in their media and sees that one partner giving up a major part of their personality or a core belief or goal is romantic, and tells it “No, why would I ask he person I love to give up something so important to them without considering giving up that for myself?” In this case, she would never consider asking him about leaving the order, nor would he tell her to put down the Zolan conflicts, instead they meet in the middle and just try to support one another,  give each other a place to escape for a while, and if it doesn’t work out romantically- then at least they’re still in each other’s lives. I think the saddest part is that after 66 they both lose it all anyway. The Jedi order falls, and because Palpatine fears Clawdite spies infiltrating the Emperial army, he has a blockade put around Zolan. Obi-Wan’s home and people are destroyed, Sas can’t go home and is separated from the people she loves most- the only thing they have left is each other.
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I almost checked off its complicated for these two. After going off for too long about my own made up ship, its going to either look like I know nothing about Han and Leia or just don’t care. Thats not the case, its just I’ve gone through weird phases with this ship. Heres the thing, I love them alright. I love he back and forth- the bicker flirting. The problem is I grew up projecting on Leia, and developed the FIGHT ME method of flirting. I think they’re an interesting pair. I think its hilarious how I grew up thinking Han Solo was probably a playboy, but literally we never see him interact with another woman in the OT and is wild to me hat I ever got that idea. I enjoy the Empire Strikes back- its my favorite out of the OT- but not so much for the scenes on the Falcon, or even the “I love you” “I know” bit. Theres a small bit in Bespin, where Han and Leia are just waiting around for Lando, and she’s kinda pissed and Han is trying to keep her calm, and he just lightly kisses her forehead and keeps talking. Thats the Han/Leia moment that gets me. Not the other big things, its that little moment, because its just so much more gentle than any of their other moments. Theres no big dramatics. They’re both just anxious and waiting, and he’s doing his best to let her know its going to be fine, even if it really isn’t. I don’t know what it is, but like when I think of Han and Leia, thats the moment I think of.
I almost forgot that I checked off wasted potential for them- but really it has nothing to do with them, and more about how the sequel trilogy did them. I need to do a rewatch of them, because its been a while, but I don’t remember the movie ever giving us a reason why Han and Leia were separated. I don’t remember anything about how any of their actions established anything major within the new republic that would have led to the First Order. I remember feeling like there were a lot of gaps that their story should have filled, but it didn’t, and none of the other characters really talked about it. There was talk about Luke’s legacy as a jedi, and why Leia stopped her jedi training, but nothing about actual things she was doing with the New Republic. It felt like it was just suddenly war without explanation. Like I said I need to do a rewatch, but I feel like theres big chunks of story missing that would have laid the groundwork for what Rey, Finn, and Poe were really dealing with. So not really wasted potential in their romance, just in the story telling, but honestly thats kinda the sequel trilogy as whole for me. I’ve talked about that too much already though this was supposed to be about Han and Leia and their romance.
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