forginglace · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Justice Society of America (Comics), Manhunter (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Damon Matthews/Todd Rice, Al Rothstein & Todd Rice Characters: Todd Rice, Damon Matthews, Al Rothstein Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Mental Health Issues, Discussion of Sexual Roleplay, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship Summary:
When Todd knows things will get worse his friends are still there.
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forginglace · 1 year
Todd and Alan "forgiveness"
“I can’t believe him!” Todd surveyed the wreckage.
Or maybe ‘wreckage’ was the wrong word. From
the perspective of someone who had never been into Todd’s apartment before, everything would look clean and put away.
And it was. It also had been when Todd had left.
The difference was that now Todd couldn’t find anything.
Alan had ‘helpfully’ reorganized.
Damon looked around as Todd collapsed onto the couch.
He was pretty sure it had been on the opposite wall the last time he visited. But given Todd’s mood, that seemed like a bad idea to bring up.
Alan must have spent awhile waiting for Todd before just calling him and finding out he was spending the night at Damon’s.
Actually, that might mean this was deliberate. Damon got the feeling Alan didn’t like Todd having a ‘good friend’ as Alan put it.
That was Alan’s problem though. Right now Damon’s problem was finding where Alan put the silverware. Their takeout hadn’t come with any.
Damon started opening random drawers, not really paying attention to where he was going.
Which meant it might have been his own fault then he slipped on a wet spot on the floor and fell flat on his back.
“Oof.” Damon laid there for a second before sitting up.
Closer to the ground he could see that Alan had apparently mopped the area in front of the drawers.
And only the area in front of the drawers.
“Are you okay!?” Todd got up from the couch and hurried over.
Before Damon could warn him, he slipped in the same spot Damon had, landing on his butt with a startled noise and knocking over the garbage can..
Todd looked distinctly disgruntled once his mind processed the fact that he was suddenly on the floor.
It wasn’t helped by the fact that when he went to stand up he hit his head on the last drawer Damon had pulled out.
He gave it an accusatory look as he rubbed his head.
That was the last straw for Damon. He burst out laughing.
Todd looked at him betrayed.
Damon tried to stop laughing, but he ended up just shaking his head.
“Sorry, Todd.” He closed his eyes to try to block the image out. “But your dad is ridiculous.”
“One way to put it.” Even with his eyes closed Damon could tell that Todd had given in to a smile. “But I see something that is going to make you angry too.”
Damon opened his eyes, curiosity overtaking his urge to try not to laugh.
Todd held up two papers from the garbage. “Apparently, Alan decided our old ticket stubs were trash.” Todd was smiling, but he looked more annoyed than happy.
Deciding to just stand up, Damon scooted out of the way of the water before pulling himself up with the counter. Todd seemed inclined to sulk on the floor for a bit.
“He has no sense of culture.”
That at least got a smile out of Todd. Damon felt relieved. But he had to ask-
“How long are you going to hold this against him?”
Damon thought he knew the answer. Even if it was a joking one.
“Until he apologizes.”
Pretty much what Damon expected. Still he jokingly raised an eyebrow. “So forever then?”
Damon guessed Todd would actually forgive him in a month. Alan apologizing beforehand, or after for that matter, was unlikely.
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forginglace · 2 years
50. Todd and Damon
Todd looked panicked, but with Damon’s hand over his mouth he had stopped doing so out loud.
“Todd.” Damon began. “I think you need to take a few deep breaths.” He took his hand off of Todd’s mouth.
“Look, what if-” He was interrupted by Damon putting his hand back over his mouth.
“Just a few deep breaths. Okay?” He removed his hand again.
Todd looked annoyed as he started to breathe deeply. A good counterpoint to his near hyperventilation earlier.
“Good. Let’s calm down. I think we figured out the worst case scenario. What is most likely going to happen?”
Todd frowned. After awhile he guessed. “Alan doesn’t talk to me again because he feels too awkward?”
Damon considered what he knew of Alan. It sounded like a reasonable possibility. Unfortunately. “Okay. That would be bad. But maybe he would get over it after awhile?”
Todd made a face. “I don’t think he would. He would be awkward forever.”
Somehow Damon doubted it would really be forever. Maybe a decade at most. “Will you have to talk to him if he is being like that then?”
“Probably yes. At least in emergencies.”
Different then his own situation. Damon hadn’t talked to his parents since he moved out. “If it is an emergency he might be distracted enough not to make things awkward?”
It was enough to perk Todd up. “That could work! I just have to only talk to him during emergencies and everything will be okay.”
Damon hadn’t meant that. “Could be a backup plan depending on how awkward he is about you coming out.” Didn’t mean it was a bad idea.
Todd nods. “Right. I can do this.”
Kissing his boyfriend on the cheek Damon confirmed. “You can do this.”
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forginglace · 2 years
In response to a prompt from @bannedbookreader for something soft and sweet with Todd.
Small Shadow
Alan nodded and left. Leaving the de-aged Todd with Damon.
It was probably for the best, Damon thought, that he and Todd had spent awhile getting their home suitable for a child. Even though things hadn’t worked out it was still useful at the moment.
Damon got down on one knee to put himself at eye level. “Hey there. Are you hungry?”
In response he got stared at with wide eyes by the frightened kid. Apparently most of his clothes had been switched to what he was wearing as a kid. But his cape remained.
Todd was currently hugging it close and trying to hide his face in it.
“Todd. Alan told you what happened, right?” Damon hoped he had. Superhero messes tended to be hard to explain. He tried to keep his voice soft.
After a few seconds Todd nodded into his cape. That was a start.
“Do you mind it if I get us food then? It’s my turn to pay anyway.” Damon tried to figure out what to say to help Todd relax. But nothing came to mind.
Todd mumbled something into his cape.
Damon didn’t catch what though. “Could you say that again, please?”
Looking up, Todd repeated, “Mr. Alan said we are good friends when I get big. Is that right?”
That was a question Damon wasn’t sure how to answer. “We are. I would like to be friends with you when you are this sized too.” It shouldn’t last longer than overnight according to Alan. But it would still be nice.
“Okay.” That answer seemed to satisfy Todd. “We can get food.” He looked back down at his cape.
“I will get us a pizza then.” It seemed like a safe choice. “How does onion sound?”
Todd nodded into his cape. Apparently done talking for the moment.
Damon got him settled on the couch while he took care of calling for delivery. It didn’t take long before it arrived and they were eating together.
Todd started to glance at him every once in awhile. Damon tried not to show that he noticed.
“Damon?” Todd frowned very seriously for someone of his current age. “I think I can remember something from big me.”
Damon hoped it was nothing bad. “What do you remember?”
“We held hands. It was nice. Can we do that again?” Todd whispered the last two sentences. But Damon still heard them.
That was a relief. “Sure. Once we are done eating and cleaned up.”
Nodding, Todd went back to his food. Eating the rest of his slice before looking around for a sink.
Damon led him over and they both washed up.
Todd’s hand fit nicely in Damon’s. Though not nearly as well as his older self’s.
The next morning, with Todd back to his regular self, they made up for that.
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forginglace · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Justice Society of America (Comics), Infinity Inc. (Comics), Manhunter (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Damon Matthews/Todd Rice Characters: Todd Rice, Damon Matthews Additional Tags: Mental Health Issues Summary:
Damon comforts Todd on a day when he needs it.
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forginglace · 2 years
29. ToddDamon (TodDamon?)
Joy in a Rainstorm
“It’s full.” The door to the bus closed in front on them closed as it took off.
Damon turned to Todd. “That was the last one tonight, right?”
Todd let out a breath. “Yeah. Now what?”
Damon looked into the rain shower. “We’re not that far away. Walking is an option.”
“Might be our only option.” Todd had less favorable thoughts about the storm. He took off his jacket and handed it to Damon.
Damon looked at him in confusion.
“It will be worse if your clothes get dirty than mine,” Todd explained
Putting on the jacket Damon suddenly smiled.
Todd gave him an odd look. “What?”
Without warning Damon took Todd’s hand hand started to pull him. Faster until they were running through the storm. He started laughing.
Todd got an idea of why. He couldn’t help himself from joining in.
By the time they got to Damon’s apartment they were both out of breath and it was hard to tell if it was from running or their still occasional giggles.
They collapsed into each other on the couch and smiled into a kiss.
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