#Dana K'tesh
eclecticboogaloo · 2 years
doodles of my half-Catian LD oc Dana K'tesh. Fiddling with details for the moment.
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bionic-5 · 2 years
Wrote this based on a Discord convo.
Dana is my half-Catian OC, Nate belongs to @dancing-coyote !
"They're called FLIP FLOPS!" Dana yelled.
"Nu uh, thongs!" Mariner shot back from her bunk.
"Guys, you're both right," Boimler brandished a PADD at them. "A thong is a strip of fabric or leather, the shoes have one that goes between your toes, the underwear goes...y'know. In the gluteal cle-"
"Between ya cheeks! Might as well call it butt floss." Mariner's comment got a snort from Tendi who broke down in a fit of giggling along with Rutherford.
"Or ass string." Boimler added.
"Oh does that qualify Dana's tail as a thong then?" Mariner cackled. Dana's ears flipped back and Rutherford went quiet while Tendi continued to giggle.
"No, shut up or I will END you." They growled. Before Mariner could retort, Boimler yelped as the vent next to him snapped open in a blur of turquoise hair.
"GOD NATE WHAT THE HELL?! Do you ALWAYS have to...skulk like that??"
"Nah, s'just more fun that way. Just popping in to add that Dana's tail is not a thong." The computer engineer said matter of factly.
"Thank yo-"
"...'Cos it doesn't go all the way around. Doesn't cover a damn th-"
"NATE I AM GOING TO TIE YOU TO THE WARP CORE YOU LITTLE WEASEL!!" Dana jumped up and made a dive for the vent, but Nate slammed it shut before they got there, leaving only a retreating cackle emanating from the vent as she scuttled out of reach.
"Damn Dana no need to declare war, jeez where'd that come from?" Mariner asked as she jumped down from her bunk.
Dana froze where they were crouched on the floor.
"Uh...I just...don't like my tail being the butt of jokes!" They snapped.
"Yeah, Mariner...it's more like the butt floss of jokes." Boimler punctuated his comment with finger guns.
"Says the guy who wore a frickin budgie smuggler last time we went swimming!" Dana snapped back.
"It's more streamlined!"
Tendi laughed along with them for a moment before she noticed that Rutherford was oddly silent.
"Huh, what?" He started as he seemed to come back to the present.
"You alright? You seemed kinda lost there for a second." He stared at her for a beat before laughing nervously.
"Haha yeah...you...might say that."
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eclecticboogaloo · 2 years
More work on Dana. Their dad is basically a maine coone, so they got the gene for Floof(tm).
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eclecticboogaloo · 2 years
were-dana bc im dissociated to shit rn and needed some poor sod to project onto. vent art ig?
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bionic-5 · 2 years
Rose, Poppy, Buttercup, Snowdrop, and Wisteria for Dana :3
Rose: What is their favorite form of self-care?
Dana likes to do classic rallycross on the holodeck, or curl up in someplace cozy and dark, maybe with some very low ambient lighting (like fairy lights) and read or watch old Devron races n stuff.
Poppy: How are they around strangers?
Depends on the stranger. Generally, Dana is aloof and fairly closed off, and can come off as rude and anti-social to most. They will wait for someone to reach out to them first, and not make any effort to include themselves or 'invade' an established group. On rare occasions they'll reach out to someone if they see them being stereotyped or know them to be a species and/or society that has an unwarranted stigma.
Buttercup: Do they have any odd quirks or habits?
Dana's Catian heritage means they inherited plenty of odd habits by human standards, but they are very common cat behaviors (inability to not hunt a laser pointer, preference for small dark hidey holes, exaggerated startle response half the time).
Snowdrop: What is something they love, and something they hate?
Dana loves parallel play. They'll sit and doodle or something while any combination of Rutherford, Tendi, Mariner and Boimler do whatever activity, and occasionally join in the conversation, and sometimes they'll actually join in if the activity interests them. Dana Does Not Like Loud noises, the higher the pitch the more it grates on them. They wear hearing protection in the sonic showers and being in crowded places with lots of noise noticeably bothers them.
Wisteria: Do they have a skill they'd like to learn? What's stopping them?
They'd love to learn to build actual racing ships and do rallycross But In Space. But they've never had any real friends to work with, nor the space or the time and the holodeck can only take them so far. That will probably change now that they're on the Cerritos and have access to a repair bay and Rutherford's skills as an engineer and former jackass ship racer. Plus the Sequoia needs some love.
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