#Dana mercer prototype
creative-clawmarks · 6 months
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headcanonfiringrange · 6 months
Headcanon time: Alex Mercer's instincts as a virus include the urge to dominate/destroy other pathogens.
On a primal level, his instincts see other pathogens as competition for the same food source. Competitors must be eliminated for the sake of survival.
On a cognitive level... Alex finds The Infected even more disgusting than humans do. Seeing one fills him with a sense of oh god KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIRE - similar to the instinctual "squick" that humans feel when they encounter a large spider - which is why Alex prefers to smash Infected into unrecognizable paste when he fights them.
Alex's Infected Vision power (learned during the Manhattan outbreak to more effectively fight Elizabeth Greene's redlight virus) continues to evolve even after the outbreak is over, turning into a sixth sense for pathogens in general. Alex automatically detects the presence of non-blacklight pathogens in the area and can even identify specific strains if he's previously consumed them... And it irritates the hell out of him. Alex HATES sharing space with other pathogens, even the non-sapient microscopic ones.
Alex develops new powers to deal with them accordingly: any microscopic pathogen that comes in contact with his body automatically gets absorbed into his biomass and consumed.
Dana thinks it's hilarious that Her Sentient Virus Brother counts as a walking air purifier.
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leyagrossman · 3 months
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rhythmantics · 4 months
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some doc mercer/xander mercer doodles i don't think i ever posted
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pippins-place · 1 month
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would this have saved them
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cryptconstellation · 1 year
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Dana: 🤔
Alex: 🥺
Dana is coming up with a plan of action! Meanwhile, Alex is just having a nice time mimicking little-big-sister. There are no thoughts in that mimicry of a human brain. Only ✨viral vibes✨
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miralyk · 9 months
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knitting and crocheting is the best cure for boredom (but not for blacklight)
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tinker-13 · 11 months
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This is how that one cutscene went right?
[Original image down below.]
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ampdraws · 8 months
After Dana stops being scared of Alex and realizes he'll let his precious baby sister get away with anything and everything.
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alexmercerscreenshots · 7 months
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not technically a screenshot, but just a cool thing to share: concept art of dana's safehouse (+ artstation source). click for better quality bc tumblr hates images
a couple shots of the in-game safehouse under the cut, for comparison
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killergirlfuria · 11 months
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So I may or may not be working on a tiny little very self-indulgent crossover thingy. Will this go anywhere past this pic? We'll see.
The gist of this AU; year is 2029. Prototype and AC1-3 took place in 2012, Resident Evil Village in 2015. Alex and Desmond have been together for 17 years. Through legally sound and morally questionable means, Alex and Desmond ended up as legal caregivers of Elijah, Pariah/Michael, and Rosemary Winters.
From left to right; Desmond, Alex, Elijah, Pariah/Michael, Rosemary, Dana.
Stuff about it under the cut.
While they are messing with Abstergo and Brotherhood in Europe, they befriend one Ethan Winters and, after his death, Mia entrusts them with Rose as she can't take care of her in her deteriorating mental state. And, realistically, they're probably best equipped to giving Rose as normal life as someone as her could get. She grows up happy, aware and accepting of her powers. Hard not to, when out of her two dads one is effectively a demigod and the other is eldritch sentient plague. Being a sentient mold isn't so weird in this setting.
Later when raiding Abstergo bases they find Elijah held there. Desmond, now aware that he has a kid obviously refuses to leave him. They kill Juno as a father-son bonding activity, visit Elijah's mother grave. Cry a bit, argue a bit (he is a traumatized tween) but figure it out. It forces Alex and Desmond to slow down a bit; they do want to give their kids a stable childhood, after all. They thought they had more time, since Rose was barely a toddler, but with Elijah on board they reevaluate. Somehow, Alex ends up being his favorite dad. Desmond is only a little jealous, but he gets it. He likes Alex a whole lot, too.
They have a little break, a little wedding, they wrap up the Templar mess as well as they can for the time being. Desmond takes the Mercer surname and so does Elijah, because Bill does not deserve his name to be carried on.
Desmond becomes a Mentor somewhere in the middle. He's determined to drag the Brotherhood back into functionality whether it likes that or not; no more Bill sending people to die for nothing but his ego. Bill doesn't take it well, of course, but who'd care about him at this point? Desmond has three lifetimes worth of Mentor memories and the scariest dog on the block for a husband.
Alex does science, because he likes it. He's the kind of person to find writing dissertations fun. He may become an university professor; college students tend to be the most agreeable and most entertaining breed of a student. He does photography too. It's a memory-making thing.
They tackle Blacklight properly; find Pariah. Pariah, as it turns out, is actually somewhat unstable, hibernating most of the time, and stuck physically and mentally at 8 years old. Alex offers Blacklight to stabilize him; Pariah accepts. Purges his DNA of irregularities, replaces what's missing with Alex' DNA and the Blacklight. It's a little weird, to retroactively make him Alex' child when he was born before Alex, but that's what they're dealing with now. Pariah is still 8 in every way that matters. Greene named him Michael, which he gladly accepts (he never had a name before), and then he's a Mercer too.
It's 2020 by then, so plague jokes abound.
Dana in the meantime does what any girlboss does, gets her journalist career going, writes a book or two. Is instrumental in orchestrating the public downfall of Abstergo and Blackwatch. Adopts two cats. Struggles to find a girlfriend because things are never boring with the Mercers, but their kind of excitement oft comes with threat of bodily harm, cults, and shady corporations being hunted for sport. She's also kinda sorta infected with a dormant strain of Blacklight because it was either that or dying to whatever Greene infected her with.
In 2029 Desmond is 42 years old, Alex is 46, Elijah is 24, Michael/Pariah is 17 (chronologically 60), Rosemary is 15, and Dana is 38.
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real-journyanlism-nyc · 4 months
THEY BLEW UP PATS PIZZA WTF?????????????????
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crushcries · 8 months
(based on this)
im convinced they would have had great interactions if Dana hadn't gotten nerf'd midgame
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rhythmantics · 1 year
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all collected into one post - alex is trying to smile
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(based on some of kevin chu's concept art)
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photo dana took of me when we were walking home together last weekend i think i look pretty good
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cryptconstellation · 1 year
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Alex doesn’t know how to share
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