#Dana rambles about Chihayafuru
mokkemusic · 2 years
I am just gonna express here complete gibberish but you don’t understand how much I love Chihayafuru I have so many scenes running through my mind after the spin off chapter. It’s not just progression in goals ! It’s progressions In how characters view things and THAT THAT TO ME IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. Everybody has said this and I agree with them you can’t describe this series to anyone you just can’t, you won’t do it any justice no matter how skilled you are. Cause it’s genius that can only be told through experience DEAR GOD GIVE ME A SEASON 4 !!!!!
Let me be clear I am not preaching to any of you this post is just for me
Hell I saw such character growth in Arata today ARATA ! Im not gonna take 5 mins to say THAT WAS A JOKE IM NOT PUTTING DOWN ARATA I’m just not. But goddammit I was so proud of him and his connections with people and the POEMS! The God of the Karuta world everyone said up on a frekin pedestal yea?! Well where’s his connection with the poems huh? You might have had everyone convinced but not me! But today I saw the translation I read about Arata talking to Sumire about the poems and how he finally felt connected to them and I FULL ON SOBBED! - no one has any idea what I’m talking about Idc this is for me 😂
I saw this family come to together again Hiro was a bright and eccentric as ever. My precious boy! Chihaya was the sun that came down working so hard behind the scenes this whole time even though Sumire though she just dumped all this on her and she had no one to turn to
I SAW TAICHI HAPPY DAMMIT! HE WAS HAPPY with this little daddy bear phone pop socket and every little sentimental thing that is second nature to his relationship with Chihaya IF I HAVENT MENTIONED IT THERE DATING YOU KNOW IN CASE I DIDNT MENTION IT!
I saw lonely people connect and support each other, I saw old friends. I saw how much this story has impacted characters you wouldn’t think to give this kinda thought too!
I saw genuine emotions from Arata when Mizuzawa won (yea yea I know I know) but like you could see it on his face!
There’s so much that these characters had to go through to get to all this! And even do nothing is “amazing” it’s just trying. If there’s anything Chihayafuru doesn’t do it’s plateau success. The characters could be on cloud nine one day then rock bottom the next SUCH AS LIFE ! but it’s their ways of thinking that change and progress which is wow … that is also growth right? Seems like such a simple concept but it makes me so emotional! As do all the call backs and memories that are PACKED into this ch! I will be making an edit when I’ve rested my thumbs cause I haven’t stopped typing all damn day! (Dana then why are you typing now?) CAUSE I AM FILLED WITH TOO MUCH EMOTION IM GONNA EXPLODE THATS WHY
Anyway I didn’t have a point to any of this and if I did I lost it except the ones that I already said I JUST LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS DAMN SERIES I JUST LOVE EVERYONE! THEY ARE SO BURNED INTO MY HEART!
Hell I made a 17 sec reaction of me screaming cause I saw Hiroshi HIROSHI like. I love you Hiroshi I love you everyone
Ok thank you for coming to my ramble
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