#Daname quotes
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What not hating Kaname really means
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BRAHMIN is not born Man seeks knowledge and becomes one by virtue of Abstinence and Brahmacharya
Yoga videos should be seen with maturity and proper understanding of body and mind . Summary from 8:30 minutes of the video, all types of wandering thoughts should be controlled and our mind should become more foccussed
In the Vana Parva of the Mahabharata [Chapter 180] Yudhisthira explains:
satyam danam ksama-silam
anrsyamsam tapo ghrna
drsyante yatra nagendra
sa brahmana iti smrtah
“A person who possesses truthfulness, charity, forgiveness, sobriety, gentleness, austerity and lack of hatred is called a Brahmana”.
Then again, in the Srimad Bhagavatham  Sage Narada states:
samo damas tapah saucam
santosah ksantir arjavam
jnanam dayacyutatmatvam
satyam ca brahma-laksanam
“The symptoms of a Brahmana are control of the mind, control of the senses, austerity and penance, cleanliness, satisfaction, forgiveness, simplicity, knowledge, mercy, truthfulness, and complete surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”
Even if, a person does not have all the qualities enumerated above, if he has one vital quality that in the perception of his Guru, seems to be vital, then he can be considered as a Brahmana.
 And this is illustrated in the story of Satyakama and his mother Jabala. [Satyakama = He who loves Truth]👇🏻
Satyakama the son of Jabala addressed his mother and said: “I feel the time has come for me to go to the home of a spiritual teacher. From whom does our family come so that I may tell him when he asks my lineage?”
She said to him: “I do not know, my child.  You were born when I was young and going from place to place as a servant.  Your name is Satyakama and my name is Jabala.  Why not call yourself Satyakama Jabala?”
Satyakama went to Haridrumata Gautama and said to him: “Revered Sir, I want to become your disciple. May I approach you, as a pupil?”
Gautama said to him:  “What family are you from, bright one?”
Satyakama said: “Sir, I do not know.  My mother says she bore me in her youth and does not know my ancestry. She says that since my name is Satyakama and hers is Jabala I should call myself Satyakama Jabala.”
Gautama said: “None but a true Brahmana could have said that.  Fetch the firewood my boy.   I will initiate you. You have not flinched from the truth.”
“Satyakama” his teacher called, “you glow like one who has known the truth.  Tell me, who taught you?”
“Satyakama replied:  “No human, Sir.  But I wish to hear the truth, from you alone.  For I have heard from persons like your good self that only knowledge which is learnt from a teacher (acharya) leads to the highest good”.
Then his teacher taught Satyakama the same wisdom that was taught to him by the four beings other than humans.  “Nothing was left out from it; nothing was left out.”  Because, Brahmajnana can only be learned from a guru who is himself a  Brahma-jnani!!
I conclude this brief story of Satyakama Jabala with this quote from Sage Sandilya.  At the moment of death a knower of Brahman should meditate on the following truths:
Thou art imperishable.
Thou art the changeless Reality.
Thou art the source of life.
This highest knowledge is the Knowledge of Brahman. Sage Angirasa, to Lord Krishna’
Vajrasucika Upanishad 👇🏻
What is meant by the Brahmans?
Is it Jiva?   Is it body?   Is it class?    Is it jnana?    Is it karma?    Or is it doer of dharma?
To begin with: is jiva the brahmana?
Since the jiva is the same in all of the many bodies obtained through the force of karma, therefore jiva is not the brahmana.
Then is the body the brahmana?
Since the body, as it is made up of the five elements, is the same for all people down to chandalas, etc.., since old age and death, dharma and adharma are found to be common to them all, since there is no absolute distinction that the brahmanas are white-coloured, the kshatriyas red, the vaisyas yellow and the shudras dark, and since in burning the corpse of his father, etc., the stain of the murder of a brahmana, etc., will accrue to the son, etc., therefore the body is not the brahmana.
Then is a class the brahmana?
Since many great Rishis have sprung from another castes and orders. Rshyasringa, Kaushika, Jambuka, Valmiki, Vyasa, Gautama, Vasishtha and Agastya. Of these, many Rishis outside the caste even have stood first among the teachers of divine wisdom; therefore a class is not the brahmana.
Is Jnana the brahmana?
Since there were many kshatriyas and others well versed in the cognition of divine Truth, therefore jnana is not the brahmana.
Then is karma the brahmana?
Since the prarabdha (The karmic affinities generated by us in our former lives, the fruit of which is being enjoyed in our present life), sanchita (The Karmic affinities generated by us in our former lives and collected together to be enjoyed in our future lives) and agami (The affinities generated by us in our present life to be enjoyed hereafter) karmas are the same for all beings, and since all people perform their actions as impelled by karma, therefore karma is not the brahmana.
Then is the doer of dharma (virtuous actions) the brahmana?
Since there are many kshatriyas, etc who are givers of gold, therefore a doer of virtuous actions is not the brahmana.
Who indeed then is brahmana?
Whoever he may be, he who has directly realised his Atma and who is directly cognizant, like the myrobalan in his palm, of his Atma that is without a second, that is devoid of class and actions, that is free from the faults of the six stains (The six stains – hunger, thirst, grief, confusion, old age and death) and the six changes, that is of the nature of truth, knowledge, bliss and eternity, that is without any change in itself, that is the substratum of all the kalpas, that exists penetrating all things that pervades everything within and without as akas, that is known only by direct cognition.
He who by the reason of having obtained his wishes is devoid of the faults of thirst after worldly objects and passions, who is the possessor of the qualifications beginning with sama, who is free from emotion, malice, thirst after worldly objects, desire, delusion, etc., whose mind is untouched by pride, egoism, etc., who possesses all these qualities and means – he only is the brahmana.
Such is the opinion of the vedas, the smritis, the itihasa and the puranas. Otherwise one cannot obtain the status of a brahmana. One should meditate on his Atma as Sachchidanda, and the non-dual Brahman.
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If you call I will answer - Kaname
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