#Daniil Zasorin
techramonic · 3 months
Blagoveshchensk College Shooting 2019, Daniil Zasorin.
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Daniil Zasorin was a 19 year-old 4th year student at the Amur College of Construction and Housing and Communal Services at Blagoveshchensk, Russia. On the morning of November 14th, Daniil went to his homeroom class with his pump-action shotgun Izh-81 12-gauge with him. Subsequently killing one student and seriously wounding three others. Zasorin breifly exchanged fire with the police, then committed suicide. 
Egor Stasyuk, 17 (injured)
Kasiyan Kamanets, 19 (injured)
Vladislav Rozhkov, 20 (injured)
Alexey Golubnichy, 19 (bravely tried to intervene before being shot, deceased after succumbing to his injuries)
With the security lacking metal detectors to properly detect the weapon, Daniil had snuck in his firearm and promptly hid it in the bathroom before attending a class. He bought the gun a few months prior with his own money after receiving the license. The suspicion was under the radar with his family since he had claimed to have an interest in hunting, however only went out to use the gun once to test his shooting skills with cans. The gun was also protected and kept in a safe.
On the morning of the shooting, Daniil promptly went to class after hiding the weapon under his outerwear and adjusting the gun in the toilet, leaving the weapon inside a suitcase. While in class, he was then asked to leave by the teacher for the reason of disruptive behavior. After, he then went back to the bathroom to retrieve his weapon out of his briefcase and started loading it. At that moment, five people came into the scene. According to Maxim Muratov, a student interviewed by Mash, Daniil was startled, not expecting that five people would enter, so he pointed the gun at them and threatened to shoot. According to the Rastriga telegram channel, once caught with the weapon, under the threat of murder, he ordered and forced one of them student to jump off the window, causing several fractures and two broken arms.
Daniil then came back inside the classroom and took his young teacher, who was standing by the door, by her hand and led her out the classroom before starting the shooting. Daniil then approached one of his classmates. In a recorded audio message that was recorded before the start of the shooting, published on a social media channel associated with the Russian law enforcement,
Daniil asked, "Do you want to live?"
Panic then broke out once he started shooting. People ran in different directions and hid inside closets and other barricades. According to his classmates, Daniil had also asked them the same question, letting them go once they pleaded. According to one witness:
“Daniil was walking down the hallway with a shotgun and noticed us – his friend’s legs were sticking out of the closet. He approached him and asked him: “Do you want to live?” He answered: “Yes, what are you doing?” And he started begging them to let him go – and Daniil let him go.”
“Then he asked the same question to me. He stood in front of me and smoked, music was playing on his phone. He was calm, and I also tried to speak calmly to him. He threw away the cigarette. “Do you want to live?” he asked. “Yes.” “Then come into the office.” I went into the office, saw the guys lying on the floor - Lesha and Vlad, I couldn’t help them at that moment. There were two exits in the office, and I ran out through the other.”
Classmates state that he was specifically targeting specific people who allegedly offended him. One being the student he previously had a dispute with. One of them first said something to him, and he replied: "Are you immortal?" And then fired shots soon after. 
After the police were called by some students and the teacher herself, the police shortly arrived, began to surround the college, and went inside.  They ordered him to get out, and he began to fire several shots to defend himself before being wounded by one of the shots from the law enforcement officers. Daniill, injured, then returned to the classroom and shot himself in the head.
Educational Ministry, published by Mash:
“During his years of study, he proved himself to be a calm, balanced student. He was never seen in any conflict situations. He was friendly and tactful in his relationships with others,”
Student, in an interview:
“Daniil was not open to communication, he trusted only close people. He showed a special interest in computer science and English. He was fond of computer games. He did not miss classes without a good reason. He was physically developed and healthy. He had no inclination to commit crimes or be brought to the police.”
Student, in an interview:
“Daniil and I studied in the same group for almost four years, but I know nothing about him - what he was interested in, what kind of person he was. I can hardly even remember his last name. He was always quiet, calm, never showed aggression and did not quarrel with anyone - at least not loudly. He had only one friend in the group, also such an inconspicuous guy.” 
Student, in an interview:
Daniil was considered to be “strange, quiet and on his own”. He always sat quietly at the first desk and did not bother to look back to talk to others, no one bothered to talk to him as well.
While there are speculations, Daniil's true motive is still unclear. Many students speculate the bullying. 
In an article, students were aware that the shooter Daniil was bullied — humiliated, cursed, shoved, and pushed. They also said that a couple of days before the incident, someone beat him up, and he couldn't stand up for himself because of his weak frame. Only the teachers stood up for him and asked them to not touch him, at least in class, because incidents have occured within the classroom as well. In describing some of the victims, a student claimed:
Student, in an interview:
“I know that he could have had conflicts with one of them - he was rude, aggressive, could shout at others during classes, quarrel with the guys, bother someone. Another one was like a class monitor, could scold people, but always for a reason. But I did not see any of them mocking Daniil. Maybe because they did not pay attention to him at all - well, he studied with me and studied. It only seemed to me that at the time of the shooting Daniil looked completely adequate. As if he was doing it intentionally, with a specific goal. He could have shot at all of us while we were running from the classroom, but he did not do it.”
Student, in an interview:
“I was friends with Lesha (Alexey) the guy he killed, and I’m sure that the dead man was not one of those who offended Daniil. Maybe he accidentally touched him once, but he definitely didn’t poison him, much less hit him. Lesha was a good guy, serious, he was finishing his studies next year, working part-time as a security guard, living with a girl, and was going to marry her. Everything was fine with him, and he simply did not need to mock anyone. I don't know why he suffered.”
However, according to news site Meduza, the Educational Ministry claimed the shooter had no previous record of violence or antisocial behavior. Classmates have described him as a “quiet, easy-going guy,” and deny that he was the target of bullying. While other reports have pushed contradictory theories: 
He opened fire after being told off for smoking in college
He was avenging a girl he knew who had been raped.
The second one was then debunked by one of the students in an interview, where according to them:
Student, in an interview:
“There is a version in the media that Daniil was taking revenge on the guys for the girl he allegedly raped in the dorm, but that is not true. No one was raped in the dorm, and he didn't have a girlfriend. I am sitting here now and thinking that everything that happened is just some kind of nonsense.”
The website Baza on the other hand, published a transcript of an audio message Daniil had recorded the night before the attack. The authenticity of the message has not been confirmed, and Baza is known for publishing inside information quickly but without standard accuracy checks.
“None of the people they’re going to blame on TV when this happens could have stopped it.”
“Of course, it hurts — why does it have to be me, why here, why now?”
In the recording and transcript published on Baza, the speaker says an unspecified group of “people” should have been responsible for stopping past school shootings. He also alludes to the inclusion of the Columbine 1999 High School shooting, as well as present shootings like his own. However, he also frames his actions to be inevitable.
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removrrr · 3 days
This is Daniil Zasorin if anyone is interested)
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jamesgambler · 1 month
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hi jamesgambler here aka your favorite niche tumblr microceleb. i’m new to tccblr and tumblr in general but ive been lurking for a while
i’m friendly so don’t hesitate to be mutuals with me. i also have discord so just dm me if you want it
16 years old, schizo, lover of cats and all silly and cute things as well as all deeply messed up things
columbine, academy maniacs, james gamble, kip kinkel, vladislav roslyakov, thomas matthew crooks, daniil zasorin, ilnaz galyaviev
psychology, art, history, literature, poetry, music, typology, astrology, tarot, horror movies, horror games, prsk, hsr, touhou, class of 09, laceygames, rhythm games, rpg maker games, visual novels
crystal castles, molchat doma, you love her coz she’s dead, kmfdm, sewerslvt, nine inch nails, machine girl, goreshit, msi, rammstein, the birthday massacre, nero’s day at disneyland, type o negative, mitski, aphex twin, tv girl, deftones, radiohead, nicole dollanganger, mayhem, rob zombie
idgaf if you condone just don’t be weird about it
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tormozit156 · 2 days
Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin. Daniil Viktorovich Zasorin.
daniil like daniel larson?? hell yeah
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apathyss · 3 months
Can you make any deco w Daniil Zasorin? anything really. Pls?
of course :)!!
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ltssh0wt1me · 2 years
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Даниил Засорин
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trench · 4 years
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School shooting in Russia leaves gunman and student dead This past Thursday was a busy day in the world of school shootings. Not only was Jesse Osborne…
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stiri-noi · 5 years
Atac armat în această dimineață! Daniil și-a împușcat mortal colegul de clasă și a rănit grav alți trei, înainte de a se sinucide! Tragedia a avut loc în aceată dimineață
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kknewscc-blog · 5 years
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orsng · 5 years
Student Kills Classmate Before Committing Suicide After Teacher Sent Him Out Of Class (Photos)
Student Kills Classmate Before Committing Suicide After Teacher Sent Him Out Of Class (Photos)
Daniil Zasorin killed himself after attacking his classmates
A 19-year-old student has taken his own life after killing another student at a Russian college today.  
According to Dailymail, Daniil Zasorin opened fire during a lecture in Blagoveshchensk after the teacher had ordered him out of class for misbehaving. 
Zasorin wounded four of his classmates and one of them, 19-year-old Alexey…
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techramonic · 3 months
true crime infoposts, analyses, and other posts masterlist
welcome to my main blog, i'm zeph. some dude who likes analyzing. i post true crime analyses and infoposts. if you wanna check out my art, its @zep4yrus. feel free to leave a message, send asks, or send me a fistbump. have a great day!
The links below will direct you to various educational true crime analyses and written info posts written by yours truly. This is a compilation of the various topics I have covered on this account, created in order to be guided directly to them in an easier and more accessible manner.
disclaimer: all blogs are informative and shitposts are satirical. I do not condone, glorify, nor romanticize crime. the following information is specifically written to better understand certain phenomena, in order to help others avoid repeating the same tragic events and instead, understand the causes and grave consequences of irreversible actions and seek for proper, adequate help.
as I always say, understand and do not condone.
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Who's Zeph? | Get to know the writer behind this blog.
⌗ About me
⌗ Zeph core
⌗ Why do you like studying crime cases?
⌗ What got you into writing analysis?
Yapping | essays and commentaries.
⌗ "I'd be different if I was a shooter."
⌗ Understand not condone: How to not detach a criminal from their humanity while still not excusing their behavior.
⌗ Understand not condone extra.
⌗ The harm of control and the interplay of good and bad.
⌗ The disturbing insurgency of terrorism in media.
Understand and Remember | Remembering the victims.
⌗ What is Pain?: How Austin Eubanks dealth with Addiction and Columbine.
⌗ Facts about Daniel Mauser from his father's book.
⌗ A Comprehensive Analysis on Eric Harris, 1.
TRRSM | Terrorism.
⌗ The Game of Common Interests: The Symbiotic Relationship of Terrorism and The Media.
Columbine 1999 | Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
⌗ A Comprehensive Analysis on Eric Harris, 2.
⌗ A Comprehensive Analysis on Eric Harris, 3.
⌗ A Comprehensive Analysis on Eric Harris, 4.
⌗ Analysis on Dylan's Transcribed Journal Entries 2.
⌗ Culture in Morality: Analysis on Dylan's Transcribed Journal Entries, 2.
Kerch Polytechnic 2018 | Vladislav Roslyakov.
⌗ Speak, Hear, and See No Evil; Embody it: Religious Trauma and Nihilism.
⌗ (Incomplete) Autopsy Report Notes: Kerch Polytechnic shooting 2018.
⌗ Additional info regarding Vlad's ammo and gunshot wound.
⌗ Random details and info on Vladislav.
⌗ How isolation could've contributed to his motive.
⌗ Vlad and his Infatuation over Lisa Panchenko.
⌗ Commentary on the religious aspect of Vlad's ideology.
⌗ Vlad’s personal life according to his mother.
⌗ Interviews with his parents and grandmother after the shooting.
Isla Vista 2014 | Elliot Rodger.
⌗ My Twisted World: An Analysis on Elliot Rodger's Manifesto.
⌗ The Pinnacle of Self-Hatred: A Close-Reading on Elliot Rodger's Manifesto.
Orthodox Gymnasium 2021 | Vladislav Struzhenkov.
⌗ Orthodox Gymnasium bombing 2021: quick info.
Blagoveshchensk College Shooting 2019, Daniil Zasorin.
⌗ Blagoveshchensk College Shooting: quick info.
Movie Analysis | A compilation of movies, characters, and film symbolism I have analyzed.
⌗ Descent to Death and Destruction: Zero-day Analysis.
⌗ Anger is Humanity: Andre Kriegman Analysis.
⌗ Yellow is a Collective: Analysis on John's shirt in Elephant.
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trench · 5 years
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School shooting in Russia leaves gunman and student dead This past Thursday was a busy day in the world of school shootings. Not only was Jesse Osborne…
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