#Danny and Harley would be best buds in the most twisted way
stealingyourbones · 2 years
Another funky little writing idea for dp x dc:
The GIW successfully capture Danny Phantom. Danny goes through testing, torture, and dissection for an indeterminate amount of time.
Danny then gets shoved awake and brought to this very intense woman who introduces herself as Amanda Waller. She gives him the option to either stay here and continue with the GIW experiments or join her special elite task force. Danny, not wanting to deal with more of what the GIW had in store, agrees to join Wallers task force.
And that’s how Danny gets recruited into Task Force X, otherwise known as the Suicide Squad. He gets a micro bomb implanted into his neck that he can’t get rid of with his ghost powers and fights alongside whatever era of Suicide Squad that you’d prefer.
He meets the various villains/anti heroes and there’s an assortment of people I absolutely think he’d mesh with well:
Harley Quinn
The two bonding over their trauma of being stuck in an unhealthy relationship. Harley with the Joker and Danny with Vlad. Harley would help Danny and talk through his trauma. She’s a very smart woman and would talk about things from maiming to the tidbits of psychology knowledge Danny learned from Jazz. They would just bounce each other’s chaotic energy off eachother and amplify it. This pair is a force to be reckoned with.
Let me say that the old version of deadshot is creepy and gross and I Do Not Fuck With That Version Of This Man. He’s still :/ but what can ya do. Deadshot would be very apprehensive of this strange floaty ghost kid. He would see Danny as a new pupil to train and also manipulate. Danny sees what Deadshot is trying to do and is having none of it. Deadshot is incredibly impressed by Danny’s marksmanship and trains Danny in hand to hand combat, intimidation/interrogation, how to use an extreme variety of weaponry, and a bit of mechanical engineering to help Danny create ghost weapons. He is secretly proud of this kid and his growth in training. He always has in the back of his mind that this kid is a very useful pawn to have and gaining his trust means that he has a godlike entity in his back pocket to assist him in any situation.
Match is an imperfect clone of Superboy. He’s Superboys version of Bizarro. Most writing of Bizarros just make them basically act like a shitty depiction of having mental disorders which sucks but other times they’re just not very smart and have some issues with speaking (along with their reverse speak thing where they mean the opposite of what they say.) Danny would instantly notice from previous experience that Match is an unstable clone and empathize with him. Match really is confused and thinks that he is Superboy and wants to do good and Danny would encourage that will to do what’s right and help boost Match’s confidence.
I don’t think peacemaker would like Danny at all really. Mostly because of their opposing personal views, but Peacemaker would definitely respect Danny.
Those are all I can think of at the moment but feel free to reply with others.
The idea of Danny working on this strike force, taking out various villains and people that oppose the government and struggling to do so because if he doesn’t do it he’ll die, but if he does so he breaks his moral code.
So yeah Danny just slowly succumbing to the views of Amanda Waller and becoming a very very lethal fighter and gaining a bunch of knowledge from the other Squad members on how to fight is just such a cool idea to me. Thanks for coming to my mini rant.
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