#Danny x Steve | killingxmachine
@killingxmachine closed starter | 
One of the millions of reasons Danny hated being out in the ocean was that you were in many ways at its mercy. No matter how big you thought your balls were, the ocean wasn’t a dame that could ever be tamed, nor was she lenient when pissed off. Add that to the unpredictably of the weather...and you have a literal perfect storm. 
Bigger than his great dislike of being out at sea was his sense of duty. It’s why he was out there despite knowing all sort of facts and tidbits that made him the worst person to get on a boat. 
He hated being right sometimes. 
The storm happened in a blink with no chance of outrunning it. The waves became so powerful, never has he felt so close to God nor feeling like he was being punished for ever sin he’s ever committed. Things spiral from bad to worse, and Grace is the last thing on his mind before a giant wave capsizes the ship. He fights and he struggles, and by some miracle he’s made it to the surfact....but the ocean must have been pissed about all the shit Danny’s said over the years because the next couple of hours are a special kind of hell. But he hangs on...until he can’t. 
He wasn’t sure he’d wake up again, but when he does he heavy with gravity and salt water. His hand and knees dip and bend as they trudge up the wet sand. He stops only to puke up some of the water he’s taken in, and then continues to crawl some more onto shore before collapsing in exhaustion. 
The next time he wakes up, its with the sun blaring down on him harshly. Paradise never seeming so ironic of a name. Forcing himself up, he tries to orient himself. He cries to call out but his voice is so hoarse that he settles for stumbling on the beach trying to assess if anyone else had made it on to shore. He spots some wreckage but no other sign of life...Making his way towards the treeline for some protection from the sun, he tries not to lose his mind as he figures out a very simple, yet probably difficult question at the moment. 
“Where the fuck am I?”  
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@killingxmachine cont. from here 
Danny’s grin became a smile and he indulged in the embrace. The quiet of the morning somewhat rare. If it was work, Eddie was hyper and in some cases chasing or being chased by Charlie. Wrapping his arms loosely around Steve’s neck, he leaned in to give him a quick kiss. 
“Then I’ll get started on the food. Chocolate chip banana pancakes or eggs with bacon and toast?” 
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@killingxmachine​ continued from here 
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“I am very well aware of that, Steven. It still should have been something to be warned about.” 
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❝I planned this whole day out for you. You’re not spending your birthday alone.❞
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It was because of promotional spam that he was reminded his birthday was coming up. No one else has asked him a bit about it and he himself didn't feel particularly in the mood for celebration, so he didn't comment on it at all.
When the day itself arrived, he expected to be any other day with maybe stopping by his favorite bakery and pick up something sweet as a treat.
Part of him wanted to scoff and make some snarky reply...but another part of him, a part that still felt too much like a fish out of water, couldn't help but be touched by the gesture alone that Steve remembered his birthday. And was curious about said plans. Still...it was Steve, their idea of a good time differed at times.
"I know you too well to know that's more a threat than a promise. So I'm spending the day with you whether I like it or not. So I guess I should be asking...what are we doing today?"
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@killingxmachine continued from here 
He knew that they were known for their banter. He himself loved it and in the right moment, was very turned on by it. But there were moments when he dropped all sense of it being a bit, like now when he stopped Steve just before he left and pulled him down for a kiss. “Hell yeah I am. Cos you’re worth spoiling, okay? I love you. Even when it’s not your birthday.” 
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