deanloveshiscaspie · 11 years
There are a lot of blogs I love seeing on my dash, but there is only one blog I can scroll through in entirety over and over again. That blog is what made me make my tumblr account. That blog is datalistair. I started as an Alistair blog and I will always be at least partially an Alistair blog.
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datalistair-blog · 12 years
Minor updates
Hey everybody! Just a minor update, I will be gone a large amount of December and won't be back until the first weekend of January. Additionally, my PC is acting a bit wonky sooo i will be doing a huge queue now in case my PC kicks the bucket, and hopefully that will be a long enough queue until January. If not, and it runs out, I will be back to refill it in January!
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artsyneurotic · 13 years
Tumblr media
Now that I got the heads out of the way, it's time to experiment with Alistair's body! His starting armor is pretty popular with everyone already, so I think I'll try to establish MY Alistair with the asymmetrical armor I like so much in the game... ugh, but even when I simplify it, there's still so much to draw!! Maybe that's why my brain was holding off on drawing Dragon Age chars for such a long time? XD
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datalistair-blog · 12 years
Months worth of fan love IN ONE POST
EDIT: I think I broke the tumblr, gifs show up fine on the datalistair page but not on dash? Tumblr I don't understand you.
Sorry I haven't replied to each and every message :( Sometimes I forget tumblr exists (weird right?) or I have read the message, thought "Hey I should reply" and then see some funny gif on my dash and get distracted. So without further ado, here are some messages we received the past few months!
Anonymous asked you:
ANONYMOUS LOVE REVOLUTION! Takes a minute to send this to the ones you think are worth it, also show to those who use it for hate that the anonymously button should be to show love instead. Because it doesn't matter who I am, I just love you and that's what really matters. :D
lamonstre asked you:
Oh don't worry, there will be more...so much more sexy
tablespoonofsugar asked you:
I just wanted to thank you for the link you sent me, a few weeks ago. I ended up marrying Alistair... Thank you, again.
You are welcome! I am glad you received the ending you wanted :)
trilliumg asked you:
It's always amusing when you guys scrape my Archive and post something and I get twice as many notes on it as I did in the first place. :)
I am pretty sure you're #1 on our tumblr crush stats xD
thewitchsghost asked you:
What would be worse: Alistair breaking up with you or Alistair friend-zoning you?
Oh Maker, this is an impossible question. Honestly, I would have to say breaking up would be the worst, because then your poor Warden has developed so many feels for him and then you have to deal with a break-up AND the arch demon AND the potential to die? Drama city~ Friend-zoned would at least prevent your Warden from getting too involved and developing so so many feels.
And when I say Warden, I mean of course the person playing the game--we are not fooling anyone here!
lissomedreams asked you:
I just found your blog and fell in love. I am also on a reblogging spree. Can I just say I love this blog?
wild-fangirl asked you:
I just spent an inordinate amount of time scrolling through your blog thinking it would help curb all the feels I have for Alistair (I just started DA), but I think it made them worse. Oh well! XD
ron-aurora asked you:
I love Alistair and DA.. so I have to follow ya! Thanx 4 these awesoem Alistair art !
m-o-r-p-h-l-i-n-g asked you:
I can honestly say I didn't know there was so much love out there for Alistair. I mean, I knew he was awesome, who doesn't? But then I found whole tumblr blogs dedicated to him... Perhaps now that I've finished the game, I'll substitute locking myself away to watch Alistair slice 'n' dice in private to watch Alistair slice 'n' dice on the internet WITH ALL MY PEOPLE. Thanks for existing.
retailavenger85 asked you:
So Tumblr suggested this blog to me, and I'm so glad it did! Hooray for Alistair love!
sconesandtexting asked you:
Pass this to 10 blogs that you will never unfollow. ♡
wuffwuff asked you:
After browsing this tumblr (I'm 68 pages in and I don't plan on stopping..) I'm going to replay DA:O just so I can relive my wonderful romance with Alistair. Every page of this just tugs harder on my heartstrings ;_; Thank you for making me feel less unhealthy and ridiculous for being utterly infatuated with a fictional dreamboat. <3 Alistair.
;-; My heart, thank you everyone for enjoying this tumblr! We made this blog about a year ago to keep our unhealthy obsession away from our exasperated boyfriends, and we were completely surprised by how many people shared this love for a fictional man. 820 followers can't be wrong!
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datalistair-blog · 12 years
Hi! I think your blog is amazing *_* Are there any other Dragon Age blogs you recommend?
Hi, thank you! I have three that show up frequently on my dash that post fantastic fan art, sound files, and other misc wonderful things
There are others, but many don't get updated too often. For a good look through, here are some that haven't been updated in over a month--but some of the past posts are amazing.
http://biowarecaps.tumblr.com/ (all screencaps, some are Mass Effect)
Enjoy anon! :D
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datalistair-blog · 13 years
600 follower sketch submissions done!
...and now I will start drawing the submission I like the most! Thanks again for all the suggestions, they are all amazing and I am going to have the worst time deciding.
Also I would like to say the Alistair dickbutt is not the 600 milestone drawing. I completely forgot that was in my queue. My shame.
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datalistair-blog · 13 years
Last chance to submit an idea for Alistair sketch!
In case you missed it, we hit 600+ followers and ran out of ideas for a milestone post. So, I am offering to draw Alistair. Give me some ideas!
Original post here, with some people already submitting answers.
What would you like to see?
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datalistair-blog · 13 years
600+ followers! Plus, a contest of sorts?
Okay, holy crap. This fan base is amazing! We have been a bit off the radar for awhile and had a long queue to keep the tumblr moving, so imagine my surprise when I come back to 611 followers.
I know we try to do fun special posts for hitting milestones like this, and honestly I am a bit stuck on what to do. I am thinking maybe I could draw a custom Alistair. I am pretty decent at drawing humans (jakface can back me up on this!) so I could always do a special drawing for our tumblies.
So, any ideas on how I should draw Alistair? In a costume, doing something, saying something? Go ahead and reply, I will choose which one I think I can draw to the best of my abilities and credit the follower for the brilliant idea! I think I will stop taking ideas by Nov 1st.
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artsyneurotic · 13 years
Tumblr media
Ok so I'm new to tumblr and visually the setup confuses the hell out of me, but might as well get the ball rolling, right?
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