#David Goodier
longliverockback · 1 year
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Ian Anderson Rupi's Dance 2003 Roadrunner ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Calliandra Shade (the Cappuccino Song) 02. Rupi's Dance 03. Lost in Crowds 04. A Raft of Penguins 05. A Week of Moments 06. A Hand of Thumbs 07. Eurology 08. Old Black Cat 09. Photo Shop 10. Pigeon Flying over Berlin Zoo 11. Griminelli's Lament 12. Not Ralitsa Vassileva 13. Two Short Planks 14. Birthday Card at Christmas 15. The Stormont Shuffle —————————————————
Ian Anderson
Laszlo Bencker 
James Duncan
Andrew Giddings
David Goodier
John O'Hara
George Kopecsni
Leslie Mandoki
Ossi Schaller
* Long Live Rock Archive
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NEWS STORY OF THE WEEK 15/9/23 - Nina Simone is the first black performer to be the most requested of the year on Desert Islands Discs
'Most popular artist selections on Desert Island Discs, by year
2012 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
2013 Mozart
2014 Johann Sebastian Bach
2015 Bach
2016 The Beatles
2017 Queen, The Beatles
2018 Mozart
2019 Bach, Joni Mitchell, Mozart
2020 Nina Simone, David Bowie, the Rolling Stones and Mozart
2021 Mozart
2022 Nina Simone' (Booth and Goodier, 2023).
Booth, R, and Goodier, M. (2023) 'Nina Simone is first black person to be Desert Island Discs’ most selected artist of year', Guardian 11 September [Online]. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/sep/11/nina-simone-gifted-black-and-desert-island-discs-most-selected-artist-in-2022 (Accessed 15 September 2023).
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news24fr · 2 years
La perte d'un demi-million d'auditeurs signifie-t-elle que Radio 2 est en difficulté ? Alors que les gros titres crient que les auditeurs plus âgés désertent la station de radio populaire après le départ de Paul O'Grady, Steve Wright et Vanessa Feltz – bientôt suivis par Ken Bruce – les rumeurs de sa disparition sont exagérées.Une station de radio opérant à une si grande échelle - avec plus de 14 millions d'auditeurs, par rapport à des concurrents commerciaux à croissance rapide tels que Greatest Hits Radio avec 4,4 millions - verra inévitablement des hausses et des baisses dans ses chiffres RAJAR chaque année.Et les rumeurs d'un changement pour plaire à un groupe démographique plus jeune et aimant les années 90 de «mamans d'humeur» pourraient également être surestimées. « Radio 2 continuera d'être une station de radio multigénérationnelle qui dessert un public de plus de 35 ans, un public cible qui n'a pas changé depuis des décennies », a déclaré un porte-parole.En ce qui concerne les présentateurs, Radio 2 n'a pas de ratés, du Breakfast Show de Zoe Ball à l'heure du thé rebondissante de Sara Cox. L'ex-Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills s'installe déjà brillamment dans le créneau de 14h à 16h : il est difficile de trouver une émission plus rythmée et plus authentique à la radio. Et en ce qui concerne les personnalités chaleureuses, Radio 2 a le roi de l'amélioration de l'humeur Rylan Clark, qui a guidé les auditeurs tout au long du verrouillage et au-delà avec son chat facile et sa pop optimiste.Rylan Clark à BBC Radio 2 en 2019. Photographie : Beretta/Sims/Rex/ShutterstockTous les bons ingrédients pour une station de radio, mais il ne fait aucun doute que la radio commerciale connaît un moment et fait des progrès audacieux pour gagner du terrain alors que certains auditeurs plus âgés ont du mal à se connecter avec Mills et le gang. S'ils cherchent une nouvelle maison, ces jeunes de plus de 50 ans ont deux endroits où ils sont les bienvenus : Boom Radio et Greatest Hits Radio, qui a fait les gros titres en signant le bien-aimé Ken Bruce le mois dernier.Boom vient de doubler son audience en un an pour atteindre près d'un demi-million, un véritable exploit pour une radio de niche où des DJ, dont le légendaire David Hamilton, émettent depuis leur domicile. L'un des fondateurs de Boom Radio, David Lloyd, est clair sur son attrait. « Nous ne nous considérons pas comme une station « oldies », parce que pour nous, les chansons ne sont pas des oldies – ce sont juste de grands morceaux de musique. Nous ne sommes pas coincés dans une distorsion temporelle, nous saupoudrons également de nouvelles chansons », dit-il."GHR a tendance à cibler les moins de 60 ans, alors que nous visons les jeunes qui ont plus de 60 ans, donc entre nous, nous pouvons attraper ceux qui tombent de Radio 2. Il n'y a rien de mal à cibler les plus jeunes, mais vous ne pouvez pas servir les gens. qui ont à la fois 35 et 65 ans.L'ancien DJ de Radio 2, Simon Mayo, présente l'émission Drivetime de GHR et il ne doute pas de ce que veut son public. "La plupart de nos auditeurs peuvent écouter toute leur collection de disques sur leur téléphone, donc si vous allez écouter la radio, vous voulez un animateur qui sera de bonne compagnie", explique Mayo."Vous avez besoin d'un présentateur qui est considéré comme un ami derrière le microphone, qui vous fait vous sentir mieux que lorsque vous avez allumé la radio."Et Mayo, comme son compagnon d'écurie Mark Goodier, sait comment tenir ce cahier des charges, soutenu par une liste de lecture de chansons familières des années 1960 aux années 90, ainsi que des fonctionnalités régulières.Radio 2 DJ Sara Cox se produit en direct sur scène au festival britannique de musique et d'arts familiaux Camp Bestival, 2021 Photographie : Dawn Fletcher-Park/SOPA Images/REX/ShutterstockMayo's Confessions, qui expose les secrets les plus sombres des auditeurs depuis plus de 25 ans, fait toujours partie intégrante de son émission, tandis que Goodier
anime le quotidien Top Ten at Ten, un quiz addictif sur l'année qui rivalise avec le PopMaster de Bruce pour le diabolisme. .Aussi forts que soient ses rivaux commerciaux, Radio 2 a encore beaucoup de raisons d'être optimiste. Alors que le line-up de Boom et GHR est majoritairement blanc et plus susceptible d'être masculin, celui de Radio 2 est plus diversifié, avec Trevor Nelson et DJ Spoony (tous deux dans la cinquantaine) apportant des airs percutants.Et le week-end dernier, Tony Blackburn a fêté ses 80 ans à l'antenne, prouvant qu'il y a encore de la place pour un DJ vétéran avec une connaissance inégalée de la musique soul de toutes les époques.Mais les vrais gagnants sont les auditeurs plus âgés de Radio 2 – à la fois actuels et anciens – avec plus de diffuseurs de haute qualité qui les ciblent que jamais.
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mikeladano · 3 years
"Mrs Tibbets" by Jethro Tull on the Sunday Song Spotlight
“Mrs Tibbets” by Jethro Tull on the Sunday Song Spotlight
Jethro Tull’s brand new album The Zealot Gene has people talking not just because it’s their first album without Martin Barre on guitar since their debut.  It’s also because it’s really good!  Christmas music aside, this is the first studio album under the Jethro Tull banner since 1999’s J-Tull.com.  It’s essentially an outgrowth of Ian Anderson’s solo band, which he finally felt comfortable…
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pcnmagazine · 3 years
Jethro Tull Announce New Studio Album ‘The Zealot Gene’ For 2022 Release
Jethro Tull Announce New Studio Album ‘The Zealot Gene’ For 2022 Release
British Progressive Rock Luminaries JETHRO TULL have announced details for the group’s first studio album of new material in over 18 years! Originally making headlines in March of this year, the band’s newest offering, titled ‘The Zealot Gene’, will see a January 28th, 2022 release on Inside Out Music. To give Tull fans their first taste of the new record, the group has released the first single…
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One of the things I really enjoy from the old Russell Howard and Jon Richardson radio show is that sometimes I hear them talking about people who went on to become their professional colleagues, back when Jon and Russell were just coming up and looked up to these people (or down on them, ie. Jon ranting about how much he hated Carol Volderman). It's this little look behind the scenes, from before they expected to be working with these people enough to have to moderate how they spoke about them in public.
I just heard an exchange from February 2008 that is going to make every Catsdown episode featuring David Mitchell on with Jon more fun to watch. But more that that, it's going to make Taskmaster season 6 much more fun to watch. Russell Howard trying really hard to be as good as Liza Tarbuck, and coming close sometimes but still failing in the face of her effortless competence, is my favourite storyline of season 6.
Anyway, I ran back this discussion several times until I'd transcribed the whole thing. That probably took more effort on my part than it was worth, but I'm quite pleased to have it recorded for posterity. This conversation should be preserved in the British National Archives as a snapshot of where two very talented and soon-to-become very successful comedians were in February 2008.
Russell Howard: I've got a story about French and Saunders, I'll tell that after the news.
Jon Richardson: Oh, what a tease.
Russell Howard: One of my "showbiz anecdotes".
Jon Richardson: That was a proper showbiz tease forward. "Hey, I've got a story about French and Saunders. I'm going to tell it after the news.
Russell Howard: You sound like Mark Goodier. But I met them!
Jon Richardson: What's your story? [in the voice he uses to do impressions of Russell] "I met French and Saunders."
Russell Howard: That's pretty much it, yeah. I met them primarily because...
Jon Richardson: [interrupting, still in his impersonating Russell voice] "Not even French. I said to them, I said 'Bonjour.' She said 'What?' Rubbish."
Russell Howard: Massive tits. Ridiculous.
Jon Richardson: Oh, that's not very nice. They're good people.
Russell Howard: Heyyyy! [sound of him high-fiving Jon for the pun, which I quite enjoyed as well, I get way too much enjoyment out of jokes that just come from pretending to misunderstand what someone has said] Are you allowed to say that? Absolute... I said, you know, I said it to her. I didn't, but I thought...
Jon Richardson: No you didn't. You just nuzzled your face into them.
Russell Howard: Jon! Please, don't be an animal! I can only apologize, I'm sorry if you're listening, French and Saunders. I don't know why I said it.
Jon Richardson: Oh, look at you moving in showbiz... [back to the impersonating Russell voice] "I'm sorry if you're listening, French and Saunders. Sorry, I don't know what this guy's on. Mitchell and Webb, are we still hooking up later?"
Russell Howard: You're in love with Mitchell and Webb! You used to go out for beers and say...
Jon Richardson: I'm not in love with Mitchell and Webb.
Russell Howard: You used to go out for beers, [impersonating Jon voice] "He's a good guy, I like him."
Jon Richardson: He is, David Mitchell!
Russell Howard: This is my French and Saunders anecdote. So I meet them, and I was quite nervous, because they're very famous. I sort of said, "Oh hello", and they said, "Oh hello." And...
Jon Richardson: Great chat so far. Textbook.
Russell Howard: And Dawn French says to me, "Liza Tarbuck says hello." And I went, "Yeah, she's lovely, isn't she?" She said, "She's very lovely." And I said, "She's like a mum, she's like a dinner lady, and a lovely auntie all rolled into one." And the Dawn French went, "Yeah. She's pretty sexy as well, don't you think?" And I sort of went, "Yeah, no, yeah, she's... yeah." And then she starts going, "Do you like an older lady?" And suddenly I'm going, "Oh, yeah, if you like. Um..." And it's just weird that the vicar of Dibley is essentially pimping out her mate to me. And then she's kind of going... Dawn French, this really funny lady, going, "I'll bet, yeah, I'll bet she uh, knows what she wants." And you find yourself going, "...Yeah! I'll bet she does as well, I don't know what to say. You're the vicar of Dibley, I don't know what to do!" It was terrifying, and yet funny. You could see that she had that fantastic kind of auntie thing of watching someone squirm. It's like they'd found a young boy at a wedding, and they were going, "Come on, let's go tease him." Brilliant fun.
I cannot explain how fucking funny I find it that Liza Tarbuck has been ruining days of Russell Howard's life for over a decade. Good for her.
Also, this is making me want to watch stuff by those people. I used to watch Absolutely Fabulous with my dad when I was a kid, never watched every episode all the way through as I did with a lot of the other shows he had, but I watched enough to know I liked it. And I watched and enjoyed some of the French and Saunders sketch show from which it spun off. Haven't seen any of The Vicar of Dibley.
Anyway. I did really like Absolutely Fabulous as a kid, and I should probably watch it again. But I can't imagine Dawn French or Jennifer Saunders has ever done anything that would be more fun to watch than them fucking with Baby Russell Howard.
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adgiggles · 4 years
It's not just other people we need to forgive. We also need to forgive ourselves. For all the things we didn't do. All the things we should have done.
- Mitch Albom
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Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. - C.S. Lewis
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Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain. - Bob Dylan
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Being brave enough to be alone frees you up to invite people into your life because you want them and not because you need them. - Mandy Hale
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Every time the heart breaks it is shaping into the heart it’s going to become. It’s up to you if it is going to be art or just a stone, sculptor. - Lidia Longorio
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You keep storing up all that anger and grief. Eventually it spills over. Or you drown in it. - Leigh Bardugo
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To whom do I owe the biggest apology? No one's been crueller than I've been to me. - Alanis Morissette
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I forgot that you existed and I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't. And it was so nice, so peaceful and quiet, I forgot that you existed. It isn't love, it isn't hate, it's just indifference. - Taylor Swift
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Getting over a painful expereince is much like crossing the monkey bars.
You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. - C.C. Lewis
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The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live. - Joss Whedon
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Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before - more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle. - Charles Dickens
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If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment. - Henry David Thoreau
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If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible. - Paulo Coelho
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Well, I've been afraid of changing cause I've built my life around you. But time makes you bolder even children get older. And I'm getting older, too. - Stevie Nicks
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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
- Aristotle
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I still remember the person I once was and I really miss me. - Michael Faudet
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My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. - Maya Angelou
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God whispered, "You endured a lot. For that I am truly sorry, but grateful. I needed you to struggle to help so many. Through that process you would grow into who you have now become. Didn't you know that I gave all my struggles to my favorite children? One only needs to look at the struggles given to your older brother Jesus to know how important you have been to me. - Shannon L. Alder
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My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds. That in itself is an accomplishment. And they bring to mind something else, too. They remind me that the damage life has inflicted on me has, in many places, left me stronger and more resilient. What hurt me in the past has actually made me better equipped to face the present. - Steve Goodier
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And here you are living despite it all. - Rupi Kaur
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And gradually his memory slipped a little, as memories do, even those with so much love attached to them; as if there is an unconscious healing process within the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to forget. - Colleen McCullough
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Closure happens right after you accept that letting go and moving on is more important than projecting a fantasy of how the relationship could have been. - Sylvester McHutt
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Perhaps someday I’ll crawl back home, beaten, defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty out of sorrow. - Sylvia Plath
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It took many years of vomiting up all the filth I’d been taught about myself, and half-believed, before I was able to walk on the earth as though I had a right to be here. - James Baldwin
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It won't be like this forever.
One day, someone's going to want your voice as the soundtrack to the rest of their life.
- Maxwell Diawuoh
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…at some point in a woman’s life, she just gets tired of being ashamed all the time. After that, she is free to become whoever she truly is. - Elizabeth Gilbert
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At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can. - Frida Kahlo
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I was infatuated once with a foolish, besotted affection, that clung to him in spite of his unworthiness, but it is fairly gone now - wholly crushed and withered away; and he has none but himself and his vices to thank for it.
- Anne Brontë
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Sometimes you have to lose all you have to find out who you truly are. - Roy T. Bennett
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And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter - they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long. - Sylvia Plath
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What brings us to tears, will lead us to grace. Our pain is never wasted. - Bob Goff
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And so I wait. I wait for time to heal the pain and raise me to me feet once again - so that I can start a new path, my own path, the one that will make me whole again. - Jack Canfield
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You don't need another human being to make your life complete. But let's be honest, having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn't see them as disasters in your soul, but cracks to put their love into, is the most calming thing in this world. - Emery Allen
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Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it. - Paulo Coelho
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The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself. - Maya Angelou
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But pain's like water. It finds a way to push through any seal. There's no way to stop it. Sometimes you have to let yourself sink inside of it before you can learn how to swim to the surface. - Katie Kacvinsky
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Even when muddy your wings sparkle bright wonders that heal broken worlds. - Aberjhani
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It took many years of vomiting up all the filth I’d been taught about myself, and half-believed, before I was able to walk on the earth as though I had a right to be here. - James Baldwin
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Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears. ― Criss Jami
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I think that little by little I'll be able to solve my problems and survive. - Frida Kahlo
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We are healed of a suffering only by experiencing it to the full. - Marcel Proust
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The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been broken into a million pieces. - Robert James Waller
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Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either,
for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.
- Louise Erdrich
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'Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.' No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster. - Dalai Lama XIV
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No one around me knows who I am, what I'm on, who I've hurt and where they've gone. I know that I've done some wrong but I'm trying to make it right. - Halsey
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The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too. - Ernest Hemingway
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It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
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The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
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Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. - Robin Sharma
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The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. - Socrates
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We have to be whole people to find whole love. - Cheryl Strayed
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Everybody’s damaged. It’s just a question of how badly, and whether you’re healing or still bleeding. - Angela N. Blount
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kwebtv · 5 years
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Solo  -  BBC One  -  January 11, 1981 - October 17, 1982
Sitcom (13 episodes)
Running Time:  30 minutes
Felicity Kendal as Gemma Palmer
Elspet Gray as Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer
Sarah Bullen as Julia
Stephen Moore as Danny Tyrrell (series 1)
Debbie Wheeler as Josie (series 1)
Stella Goodier as Bernadette (series 1)
Michael Howe as Sebastian Bale (series 2)
Belinda Mayne as Rosie (series 2)
David Rintoul as Rex Collins (series 2)
Peter Howitt as Raif
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brn1029 · 3 years
Time for today’s Rock Report, brought to you by Meriwether’s bistro! swing by for lunch, breakfast, brunch or dinner at Meriwether’s Bistro inside Hells Canyon Grand Hotel in Lewiston.
Foo Fighters recently shared a new disco video for their cover of the Bee Gees' "You Should Be Dancing."The video shows Dave Grohl and his bandmates performing the track, accompanied by a group of singers amidst flashing fluorescent lights. Foo Fighters previously performed "You Should Be Dancing" on BBC Radio 2 in February and then during their Madison Square Garden show in June. "Somebody said, 'Hey, have you seen that Bee Gees documentary?' And I was like the last person on earth - the only person that hadn't seen it! So I was like, 'Why don't we just do a Bee Gees song?' And someone was just like, 'OK… how do you wanna do it?!' And I said 'Well, let's do it like the Bee Gees," Grohl told BBC Radio 2 in February on being asked the reason for covering the track."We started recording the instrumental track, and then I thought, 'OK, well I'm gonna go out and sing it…' and let me tell you: I have never, ever in my life sung like that, but it was the easiest song I have ever sung in my entire life!" he added. Foo Fighters are scheduled to release their Record Store Day album Hail Satin on Friday (July 17). The 10-track disco album will feature the band's cover of "You Should Be Dancing," as well as three other Bee Gees songs, "Night Fever," "Tragedy" and "More Than A Woman." the Album is Foo Fighters as their Alter ego Dee Gees...
Global Citizen on Tuesday announced a star-studded lineup for the upcoming Global Citizen Live concert.Artists and entertainers participating in the global broadcast include Adam Lambert, Billie Eilish, BTS, Demi Lovato, Duran Duran, Ed Sheeran, H.E.R., Keith Urban, Lizzo, Lorde, Metallica, Ricky Martin, Shawn Mendes, The Lumineers, and The Weeknd. The 24-hour live broadcast with events and performances across six continents will be covered on ABC, ABC News Live, BBC, FX, iHeartRadio, Hulu, YouTube and Twitter on September 25. Global Citizen Live is part of an ongoing effort to defend the planet and defeat poverty, powered by citizens around the world who are taking action together with governments, corporations and philanthropists to make change. Simultaneous live music events featuring the world's greatest artists, activists, and world leaders will take place at iconic locations in cities including Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, New York City, Paris, London, Seoul, Los Angeles, and Sydney. Additional locations, as well as ticketing info and audience health and safety guidelines for the live music events, will be announced in August.
Jethro Tull have announced that the band's new album, The Zealot Gene, will be released early next year. No more details about the album have been revealed. The Zealot Gene will be Jethro Tull's first music since signing a contract with the label InsideOutMusic/Sony Music. Speaking about the new tie up, the progressive rock legends' lead singer Ian Anderson said, "After 54 years in the world of music recording, it is with great pleasure that I now sign Jethro Tull to a record company which reminds me, in many ways, of the old Chrysalis label - both as an independent and in its later years in partnership with EMI." "Here are real music guys with a passion for the best and most creative in rock music," he added. "We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship and more releases to come." InsideOutMusic Label Manager Thomas Waber said, "Adding Jethro Tull to the roster is an incredible honor for us. The band is true innovators of the genre and we are looking forward to working with them on their new album. We are sure their countless fans will be as excited about it as we are!"
With more than 30 albums to their credit and sales totaling more than 50 million, Jethro Tull are one of the most successful rock bands with a catalog that contains all-time great classics. Besides Anderson, the British band currently consists of guitarist Joe Parrish-James, guitarist Florian Opahle, drummer Scott Hammond, keyboardist John O'Hara and bass guitarist David Goodier.
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12 April 2019
Scrum on down
As promised/threatened, I've been playing around with some sporting data. Specifically, some very high-level data on this year's Six Nations, which is in no way an attempt to promote and prolong Wales' glory. Very interested to see what people think - all comments welcome. There's a world cup coming up, after all.
The government has announced extra funding for the ONS for measuring the new economy. As ever, we're ahead of the curve - our first ever Data Bites presentation was from the ONS on exactly that. Watch it here.
And finally (until you get to the actual 'And finally', well worth a stitch in time this week), thanks to Alasdair we have what we think is a list of ministerial resignations outside reshuffles in the UK back to 1900. Please let us know if we've missed anything. (Find our post-1979 version here.)
Today's links:
Graphic content
Gender pay gap
The gender pay gap for government departments is higher than the national average (Johnny for IfG)
Second Year of U.K. Gender Pay Gap Reporting Indicates Little Has Changed So Far* (Bloomberg)
Falling through the gap: How the UK's gender pay gap sizes up (BBC News)
Gender pay gap in Local Authorities in England (Jamie Whyte)
UK politics
Ministerial resignations bar chart race (Alasdair for IfG)
1,000 days of May (me for IfG)
European Parliament elections in the UK (IfG)
Brexit-distracted Tories lose voter trust on core issues: poll (Politico, viaMarcus)
Party breakdown of MPs following UK news outlets on Twitter (John Burn-Murdoch - love a good Marimekko)
Audit of Political Engagement 16: The 2019 Report (Hansard Society)
Everything else
Try, try and try again: visualising the Six Nations (me)
The Democratic Electorate on Twitter Is Not the Democratic Electorate in Real Life (The Upshot, via Johnny)
Democratic Candidates Visited 115 Cities Across 20 States in One Month*(New York Times)
Wellbeing (Johnny for IfG, with link to the Resolution Foundation)
In 1 chart, what's gone wrong with the UK economy in the past decade(via Chris Giles)
The Big Business of Japan’s Cherry Blossoms (Bloomberg - what is it withcherry blossoms and dataviz?)
How China turned a city into a prison* (New York Times)
Trump’s Approval Rating Is Incredibly Steady. Is That Weird Or The New Normal? (FiveThirtyEight)
Mapped: historical public transit systems v their modern equivalents (The Guardian)
Temperature variations across European countries since 1901 (Ed Hawkins)
We need cash for social housing – but honesty and answers too(Resolution Foundation)
Copy and paste legislation (Rob O'Dell)
«Il est important de comprendre que les graphiques ne sont pas des illustrations» (Liberation)
Meta data
Online harms
Online Harms White Paper (UK Government)
UK to introduce world first online safety laws (UK Government)
The political jostling behind Tory internet crackdown (The Guardian)
The government is attempting to fix the internet – and we should be cautiously optimistic* (Alex Krasodomski-Jones)
All that's wrong with the UK's crusade against online harms (Wired)
The DCMS Online Harms Strategy must “design in” fundamental rights(Open Rights Group)
Our statement on the Online Harms White Paper (Coadec)
PI's take on the UK government's new proposal to tackle "online harms"(Privacy International)
My statement welcoming the publication of the Government's white paper on Online Harms (Damian Collins)
Ethics, privacy, rights
EU publishes guidelines on ethical artificial intelligence* (FT)
Hey Google, sorry you lost your ethics council, so we made one for you(MIT Technology Review)
Google finds AI raises ethical questions we struggle to answer* (FT)
Are big tech’s efforts to show it cares about data ethics another diversion?(John Naughton, The Observer)
Why Uber must give its drivers the right to all their data* (New Statesman)
Open Algorithms Law: Testimony by Data & Society to the NYC Council’s Committee on Technology (Data&Society)
Camera Above the Classroom: Chinese schools are using facial recognition on students. But should they? (Sixth Tone)
Do You Know What You’ve Given Up?* (New York Times' new Privacy Project)
AI is changing insurance* (New York Times)
This time it's personal
Graduate earnings rarely afford good policymaking* (David Willetts in THE)
Alternatives to the DWP tender for a “medical records broker”(medConfidential)
If government wants to use private providers more effectively, it needs better data (Benoit for Civil Service World - report here)
Brexit: Home Office sorry for EU citizen data breach (BBC News)
DWP Holds No Data On People Who Can’t Claim For Universal Credit Online (Huffington Post)
Counting and concealing
What we don’t know (FOIMan)
Electric car charging infrastructure in the UK (Pete Sherlock, BBC Shared Data Unit)
“What gets measured gets managed” — It’s wrong and Drucker never said it (Danny Buerkli, CPI)
Counting the Countless (Real Life)
Everything else
Digital transformation is a leadership problem (Mike Bracken for UCL IIPP)
DATA SCIENCE FOR PUBLIC GOOD: Our first two years (ONS Data Science Campus)
How Denmark made it to the top in e-Government (Digital Leaders)
Automation and the rebirth of local government services (Government Technology)
If you want to get ahead, take a risk (Timandra Harkness, UnHerd)
DataJournalism.com (via Giuseppe)
Funding awarded to innovative data projects (Geospatial Commission)
ONS funding boost for measuring the new economy (UK Government - watch a presentation on ONS' faster economic indicators here)
ICO provides £275,000 for data rights projects (UKAuthority)
Could you be the next Chair, Trustee or Director of mySociety?(mySociety)
JOB: Looking for a data visualisation job? (Henry Lau)
JOBS: Analytics team (Health Foundation)
JOBS: Our Lab is recruiting people to design user centred policy and services (DfE Digital)
And finally...
How to take a picture of a black hole (Katie Bouman for TED)
The data that got us to the black hole (Ben Halpern)
Size comparison (xkcd)
Everything else
Ministerial resignations over policy/political disagreement (outside reshuffles) (data stitchification by Heidi)
OK, this is the best 'Data is the new X' ever. (via @stephenjmesser)
In a crowded field, this might be the worst pie chart I’ve seen (via Nick)
How Ned got Fland-diddly-anderised (Nathan Cunningham)
Me: (nicely) please could you give me this info in a copy/pasteable format... (Michael Goodier)
The speed dating metric... (via Tom MacInnes)
Why do cats & dogs ...? (Nadieh Bremer)
Google Maps showing all the pubs in Great Britain. (The Human Experience, based on this)
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queenjo1 · 5 years
Before she was your Queen our Josephine, alongside with Nick Goddard, was Queue Dance. A Brighton based band doing their jazzy jaunty thing sounding like a young Tracey Thorn fronting Jim Jiminee or the Man Upstairs. A moment in musical history that kept life sounding fine from 1984 – 1989 ensuring that if you’re were into bands as Marine Girls, The Man Upstairs, Dolly Mixture, Dislocation Dance, Trixie’s Big Red Motorbike, early Everything But The Girl or Strawberry Switchblade you will love Queue Dance. Which is good news because so do the amazing Berlin label Firestation Records, who specialise in british guitar, jangle and indie pop from the 80s and early 90s. Much to Queenie and Nick’s delight they have backed their enthusiasm for obscure 80s indie-pop reggae jazz Brighton sounds by releasing a compilation of all things Queue Dance called Full Stop. Yes Her Majesty Queen Josephine is out in the big wide world and sounding good. Twenty-two Queue Dance tracks saving the world one glorious tune at a time.
Queue Dance’s Full Stop is out now on Firestation Records. Buy your copy here. Yes buy not steal people, remember home taping is killing music.
  A word from Queen Josephine about Queue Dance:
Nick Goddard and myself, Jo Bourne met in Brighton in late 1982 in Nick’s brother Simon’s band. Nick played sax and keyboards, whilst I was recruited as backing vocalist. Pretty soon we decided to try our hand at doing our own material – initially as an electronic duo, making music my dad remarked at sounding ‘very tuneful though reminiscent of musical farts’ (he wasn’t aware of Georgio Moroder or Eurythmics at the time). By the long hot summer of 1983 we had virtually ditched the synth in favour of an acoustic guitar and vocals sound, which made busking much easier. This had two purposes as playing out in the streets helped refine the songs and also kept our respective fridges stocked (with food and beer – very important!!!). Occasionally Ian would join us on acoustic bass to liven things up a bit too.
It wasn’t long before we decided to put a band together for ‘proper’ gigs. Initially Clive (percussion) and Andy (bass) joined us for some dates around Brighton. From then on, the Queue Dance live band had many line-up changes over the years (thank you Michele, Jennie, Kia, Andrew B, Andrew C, Andrew D, Martha, Pete, Mary-Julie & Eileen). But more of that later….
Nick had a four track in his bedroom and was very keen to record the songs as soon as they were ‘ready’ – hence the existence of a lot of recorded early material. There’s a smattering of jazz on many of the tracks as this was one of Nick’s passions, along with a definite pop/reggae feel which appealed to both of us. And whilst the live shows supporting mainly local bands kept flowing during the mid-80s and the search for an illusive record deal went on, we got a bit of a boost when asked to play live on BBC 1’s Saturday Superstore on a freezing February morning in 1985. The performance of Pow Pow I’m In For It Now certainly helped with exposure (in fact, after the outside broadcast I actually thought I was suffering from exposure!) and from then on we were slightly more recognisable faces around our hometown. We also secured some higher profile gigs, notably supporting the then rather famous James and the poet Ivor Cutler, along with a season of gigs as part of the renowned Brighton Festival. We also had two tracks – For A Moment and a cover of Cole Porter’s My Heart Belongs To Daddy –featured on the compilation album Paper Boats In Puddles.
Throughout the song-writing and live gigging process, Queue Dance continued busking when & where we could – not only in Brighton but also London, Norfolk and Belgium – and it was whilst performing our musical wares in Thetford that we were spotted by Ann Croft, wife of David (co-writer of Dad’s Army and other numerous successful British TV sitcoms) who went on to finance our first single Not The One For Me in 1987. And whilst this didn’t propel us to international superstardom it DID get Radio One plays including one from the famous Radio One Roadshow when it was broadcast from Brighton.
Our live band had continued to grow featuring drums, percussion, trumpet, cello, sax, bass and backing vocalists. The sound engineer at the Clarendon, Hammersmith certainly looked surprised when seven of us piled out of the van for the gig there when he’d expected a trio at the most! The name Queue Dance was eventually changed to The Crisps and finally to Jack as we sought to freshen things up a bit! As Jack, we toured as part of the 25 Years of Top Of The Pops tour presented by Anthea Turner & Mark Goodier, performing alongside such stars as Aswad, Roy Wood, Lisa Stansfield, Ruby Turner and Maxi Priest. Their single Sssensational on Tosh Records reached the lower reaches of the UK top 100. The songs on this release were all recorded between 1984 – 1989 whilst Queue Dance was still our name.
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    Queue Dance’s Full Stop Before she was your Queen our Josephine, alongside with Nick Goddard, was Queue Dance. A Brighton based band doing their jazzy jaunty thing sounding like…
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tmnotizie · 6 years
PORTO RECANATI – Un tour mondiale per celebrare l’anniversario d’oro dei Jethro Tull, che tocca l’Italia in questi giorni. Sei imperdibili live in cui Ian Anderson presenterà al pubblico il meglio della leggendaria carriera del gruppo. C’è grande attesa per l’unica data nelle Marche, prevista domani, mercoledì 18 luglio, che apre il grande calendario estivo dell’Arena Gigli di Porto Recanati (Macerata).
Ultimi biglietti disponibili in vendita su circuiti Ticketone e Ciaotickets online e presso punti vendita e, domani 18 luglio, giorno del concerto, anche presso  la biglietteria dell’Arena Gigli aperta dalle ore 16.00.
Per l’occasione la Parlophone pubblica due raccolte: “50 For 50” (il primo giugno), con 50 tracce selezionate dallo stesso Anderson per rappresentare tutti i 21 album in studio dei Jethro Tull; e “50th Anniversary Collection” che racchiude il meglio dei Jethro Tull in un unico CD ed LP.
Jethro Tull è uno dei più grandi artisti rock-progressive di tutti i tempi e il loro immenso e variegato catalogo di lavori comprende folk, blues, musica classica e heavy rock. I concerti che si terranno in celebrazione dell’anniversario saranno caratterizzati da un ampio mix di materiali, alcuni dei quali incentrati sul periodo formativo precedente e soprattutto sui “heavy hitters” del catalogo Tull dagli album ‘This Was’, ‘Stand Up’, ‘Benefit’, ‘Aqualung’, ‘Thick As A Brick’, ‘Too Old to Rock And Roll: Too Young To Die’, ‘Songs From The Wood’, ‘Heavy Horses’, ‘Crest Of A Knave’ e persino un tocco di ‘TAAB2’ del 2012.
Ian Anderson sarà accompagnato dai musicisti della Tull band David Goodier (basso), John O’Hara (tastiere), Florian Opahle (chitarra), Scott Hammond (batteria), e da special guests virtuali. Il 2 febbraio 1968, nel famoso Marquee Club a Londra, i Jethro Tull si esibiscono per la prima volta con questo nome.
Il gruppo diventerà una delle band di maggior successo e più durature della loro epoca, vendendo oltre 60 milioni di album in tutto il mondo ed entrando nel corso degli anni nella coscienza culturale collettiva. Il loro album di debutto ‘This Was’, esce più tardi nello stesso anno. Il fondatore, frontman e flautista, Ian Anderson, ha giustamente il merito di aver introdotto il flauto nel rock, come strumento di prima linea.
Il concerto di Porto Recanati è organizzato da Alhena Entertainment e Ventidieci in collaborazione con Diade Produzioni. Organizzazione Tour: Musical Box 2.0 Promotion e Ventidieci. Questi i prezzi dei biglietti: 
I Settore:  63.00 € c.d.p.
II Settore: 52.00 € c.d.p.
III Settore: 52.00 € c.d.p.
IV Settore: 40.00 € c.d.p.
Gradinata Non Numerata: 35.00 € c.d.p.
Info: 085.9433361
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13thfloornz · 7 years
  With Jethro Tull left in a state of suspended animation, bandleader Ian Anderson trots out the old classics…and a few new ones…to an appreciative Auckland audience.
It seems that Jethro Tull, the band, has run its course, long serving guitarist Martin Barre left to start up his own Tull tribute act. Meanwhile Ian Anderson soldiers on, with this tour featuring two musicians from the final Tull line-up, keyboard player John O’Hara and bassist David Goodier.
Rounding out the band is drummer Scott Hammond and hot-shot guitarist Florian Opahle. Anderson himself plays some guitar, lots of flute and sings.
It’s the singing that is the issue at an Ian Anderson show. My understanding is that he blew out his voice sometime in the 1980s. It doesn’t affect his speaking, but does his singing, particularly in the higher registers.
The result is thin, nasally performance that sounds like it is fading in and out. It’s rather startling when you first hear it, but the ear adjusts and adapts, no doubt filling in the missing sounds internally. It’s not ideal, and if Anderson came across as a weak performer in other aspects I’d suggest he call it a day.
But he doesn’t.
Well into his 70th year, Ian Anderson is still a dynamic presence on stage, leaping about, gesticulation, conducting the band and yes, standing on one leg while blowing that flute.
With the voice not quite up to snuff, it feels like Anderson compensates by playing more flute. Possible a bit more than is to my liking, but it’s a minor quibble.
Guitarist Florian Opahle certainly adds an element of rock and roll to the proceedings and the rest of the band is solid.
On several occasions, Anderson “duets” with a couple of other vocalists who appear on film…Ryan O’Donnell during Aqualung and Unnur Birna Bjornsdottir during Heavy Horses. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my vocalists to be actually in the house for a live show.
There’s no quibbling with the set list…plenty of old Tull faves…Living In The Past, Bourree, Thick As A Brick, along with a few new tunes to show that the creative juices are still flowing.
The show was presented in two halves, with an interval. The first half concentrated on the older material, while the second half presented newer songs such as Fruits Of Frankenfield and Pastime With Good Company (lyrics provided by King Henry VIII).
The show closed with the one-two combination of Aqualung and Locomotive Breath, both featuring irresistible guitar riffs that had the crowd on their feet, and some dancing in the aisles.
The Ian Anderson show rolls on with another performance tonight at the ASB Theatre.
Marty Duda
Click on any image to view a photo gallery by Ivan Karczewski:
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Ian Anderson set list:
1st half
Living In The Past
Nothing Is Easy
Heavy Horses
Thick As A Brick
Banker Bets, Banker Wins
Farm On The Freeway
Songs From The Wood
2nd half
Sweet Dream
Pastime With Good Company
Fruits Of Frankenfield
Dharma For One
A New Day Yesterday
Toccata And Fugue In D Minor
My God
Locomotive Breath
  Ian Anderson – Aotea Centre April 22, 2017 With Jethro Tull left in a state of suspended animation, bandleader Ian Anderson trots out the old classics…and a few new ones…to an appreciative Auckland audience.
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onthegoinmco · 8 years
I grew up with a father who was a HUGE Jethro Tull fan, and this November the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts will host Jethro Tull by Ian Anderson in the art center’s Walt Disney Theater on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 8 pm.
The anticipated concert will feature a solid collection of the best-known Tull repertoire from 1968 to date. Fans will recognize key songs from various albums – songs which put Jethro Tull and Ian Anderson on the map in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. Many of the songs will be accompanied by big screen HD video elements to enhance the concert experience. Favorites include, “Dharma for One” in 1968, “Bourée,” “Nothing is Easy,” “A New Day Yesterday,” “Living in the Past,” “Aqualung,” “Locomotive Breath,” “My God,” all through “Thick as a Brick” and material from albums of the following three decades. A few recent works round out the concert selection which will vary each performance.
Anderson is accompanied by Tull members David Goodier (bass), John O’Hara (keyboards), Florian Ophale (guitar), and Scott Hammond (drums).
Jethro Tull by Ian Anderson will play in Australia and New Zealand in April of this year, with further dates throughout Europe, South America and the United States, including the Orlando date, later this year.
Tickets are on sale now starting at $35.00 and may be purchased online at drphillipscenter.org, by calling 844.513.2014 , or by visiting the Dr. Phillips Center Box Office at 445 S. Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, or 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. Saturday. Online and phone ticket purchases are subject to handling fees.
A new album from Anderson and England’s The Carducci String Quartet entitled “Jethro Tull – The String Quartets” will be available in March 24, 2017 via The End Records/BMG. The album is available for pre-order on Pledge Music at http://ift.tt/O5Hocm.
  The post Jethro Tull by Ian Anderson Coming To Orlando appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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longliverockback · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Jethro Tull RökFlöte [Deluxe Edition] 2023 InsideOut Music ————————————————— Tracks LP One: 01. Voluspo 02. Ginnungagap 03. Allfather 04. The Feathered Consort 05. Hammer on Hammer 06. Wolf Unchained
Tracks LP Two: 01. The Perfect One 02. Trickster (and the Mistletoe) 03. Cornucopia 04. The Navigators 05. Guardian’s Watch 06. Ithavoll
Tracks CD One: 01. Voluspo 02. Ginnungagap 03. Allfather 04. The Feathered Consort 05. Hammer on Hammer 06. Wolf Unchained 07. The Perfect One 08. Trickster (and the Mistletoe) 09. Cornucopia 10. The Navigators 11. Guardian’s Watch 12. Ithavoll
Tracks CD Two: 01. Voluspo [demo] 02. Ginnungagap [demo] 03. Allfather [demo] 04. The Feathered Consort [demo] 05. Hammer on Hammer [demo] 06. Wolf Unchained [demo] 07. The Perfect One [demo] 08. Trickster (and the Mistletoe) [demo] 09. Cornucopia [demo] 10. The Navigators [demo] 11. Guardian’s Watch [demo] 12. Ithavoll [demo]
Tracks Blu-ray: 01. RökFlöte interview 02. Voluspo 03. Ginnungagap 04. Allfather 05. The Feathered Consort 06. Hammer on Hammer 07. Wolf Unchained 08. The Perfect One 09. Trickster (and the Mistletoe) 10. Cornucopia 11. The Navigators 12. Guardian’s Watch 13. Ithavoll 14. Voluspo [alternative arrangement] —————————————————
Ian Anderson
David Goodier
Scott Hammond
John O’Hara
Joe Parrish-James
* Long Live Rock Archive
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