#David palafox
pasionxnegocios · 6 years
Mi columna: Por qué sí a la minería en Sonora
Mi columna: Por qué sí a la minería en Sonora
Pasión por los Negocios
Por Demian Duarte
El autor es periodista con 28 años de experiencia, usted le puede contactar en [email protected] y en Twitter @demiandu
Para quienes reniegan del impacto favorable que tiene el sector minero sobre la economía de Sonora, le tengo dos datos simples, que seguramente les harán abrir un poco más los ojos.
La mina Buenavista del Cobre, esa que tanto odian porque…
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entrepalabrasmx · 2 years
Bodas de Sangre
Con 16 artistas en escena y música en vivo ofrecen un espectáculo totalmente tradicional
Una producción de Ágora Compañía Teatral, bajo la dirección de Noé Alvarado
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Ágora Compañía Teatral, presenta el clásico español “Bodas de Sangre ...Cuando las cosas llegan a los centros, no hay quien las arranque." de Federico García Lorca, una apasionada puesta en escena cobra vida para presentarse en los escenarios del Instituto Cultural Helénico bajo la dirección de Noé Alvarado.
 “Bodas de Sangre ...Cuando las cosas llegan a los centros, no hay quien las arranque.", será presentada con su texto original rescatando así el respeto por el verso clásico que se arriesga a desenmascarar la normalización del pacto patriarcal y la violencia de género que permea en nuestra sociedad. Con 16 artistas en escena y música en vivo, el público podrá disfrutar de una experiencia de un montaje totalmente tradicional en un ambiente que resulta ideal por el estilo arquitectónico que conserva el Claustro Románico del Instituto Cultural Helénico, así como la majestuosidad del vestuario y la magnífica, pero desgarradora historia, son la combinación perfecta para lograr estremecerte hasta los huesos.
La trama se desarrolla a principios del siglo XX, en una pequeña provincia de España, donde el pueblo se prepara para celebrar una de las bodas más importantes de la comunidad. Sin embargo, la novia, cegada por la pasión, toma una serie de decisiones que desafían en su totalidad las normas sociales impuestas por el pueblo. Sin saber que estas la llevaran a un trágico desenlace.
Noé Alvarado, cuenta con más de dos décadas de trayectoria en la escena teatral, televisiva y cinematográfica y nos comenta lo siguiente: “Considero que el texto cuenta con cierta vigencia, tomando en cuenta la crisis de violencia en materia de género que se ha venido suscitando en los últimos años, la propuesta que ofrezco se apega a un análisis más comprometido no sólo en la estructura y representación del verso, sino de las actuaciones mismas, las cuales deben ser dignas de un buen teatro clásico, combinadas con la seriedad, tensión y respeto que amerita”.
Con el proyecto “Bodas de Sangre ...Cuando las cosas llegan a los centros, no hay quien las arranque.", – el director comenta que es un texto atemporal “debido a que refleja las fallas que habitan dentro del entretejido social desde el inicio de los tiempo, como la impunidad, el machismo, el poder y la traición, y que a su vez son enlazados al permearse por situaciones recurrentes como lo son la pasión y el amor no correspondido, mismas que, al ser parte clave de la naturaleza humana seguirán siendo vigentes".
El equipo creativo está integrado en la Producción general por Aldo Estuardo; en la Dirección: Noé Alvarado; Asistente de dirección: Kai Sabag; en Asistencia de producción: Fernanda Iraís; Asesoría corporal: Marisol Palafox Terán; Vestuario: Hector Raga; Escenografía y reparación: José Veladiz.
El elenco está conformado por: Laura Jaimes, Ricardo Valdivia, David Villarreal, Angélica Lara, Gabriela Palafox, Aldo Estuardo, Lorena Rodriguez, Dann Sotelo, Ricardo Pérez, Karla Reyes, Valeria Russek, Terri Serafio, Ana Silvia Sánchez, Abril Ortiz, Alejandro Aguliar, Francisco Alexie
Bodas de Sangre ofrecerá 10 funciones en el Claustro Románico del Instituto Cultural Helénico, ubicado en Avenida Revolución 1500, del 1ro al 29 de mayo, sábados a las 19:30 horas y domingos a las 18:00 horas, función especial viernes 27 de mayo a las 19:30. Los boletos se pueden adquirir en taquilla y Ticketmaster con un costo de $1,000 (VIP) y $600 (General).
Del 1º  al 29 mayo del 2022
Sábados, 19:30 horas
Domingos, 18:30 horas
Viernes, 19:30 horas
Claustro Románico del Instituto Cultural Helénico (Avenida Revolución 1500, colonia Guadalupe Inn, alcaldía Álvaro Obregón)
Facebook: Ágora Espacio Artístico / Ágora Compañía Teatral
 Twitter e Instagram: @agoraespacioartistico
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777wave · 2 years
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"The Story of the Subway" The project was initially proposed in 1973 by the Overseas Technological Cooperation Agency (now JICA) and former Public Works and Transportation Secretary David Consunji. The subway was part of the Urban Transport Study in Metropolitan Manila Area or the "Metro Manila Dream Plan" where a modern, well-integrated, coordinated and affordable transport system would address Metro Manila’s problems in traffic, land use and the environment. The plan of the subway was later on included in the 1977 Metro Manila Transport, Land Use and Development Planning Project or the MMetroplan that was sponsored by the World Bank. However, it was not implemented by the Philippine government that time due to flooding concerns in the areas affected by the project such as Marikina, Cainta, Rosario, Tondo, Manila, Mandaluyong, Pateros and Pasay. The Manila Light Rail Transit System-Line 1 (LRT-1) was constructed instead. Urban planner and architect Felino "Jun" Palafox disclosed that the government under the Marcos administration thought the LRT-1 was the "most feasible" project to build that time. Plans for the Metro Manila Subway was eventually shelved while other transit lines such as the Manila Metro Rail Transit System-Line 3 (MRT-3) and the Manila Light Rail Transit System-Line 2 (LRT-2) were constructed. Jeline Malasig — #SubwaySomeday
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graffitiartmagazine · 3 years
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Street Art: A journey that never ends. … When Street Art takes on a starring role Street Art shares with cinema a taste for drama. It has found in it a boundless source of inspiration and borrows or transfigures stars of the Silver Screen and mythical characters. Among them, Yoda, Superman, Homer Simpson, and Snow White hold centre stage – even if Snow White shows her dark side and loses a bit of her immaculate candour in the hands of street artist. … Street Art & Cinema Street Art Melbourne Exomusee Rebels Rights … Talents : Speedy Graphito @speedygraphito Sowat @sowat_dmv Hilda Palafox @poni David de la Mano @daviddelamano_ Hense @hensethename Greg ‘Leon’ Guillemin @gregguillemin … Cover: Mona Lisa April by Speedy Graphito (à Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWx-TboqyLa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Empatados PechoAmarillos y Albos 🐥👻 - Partido 1/3 Se repartieron los puntos en el estadio David Cordón Hichos, por la jornada 18 de Liga Nacional, en el partido estelar que jugaron Guastatoya y Comunicaciones. Un único tanto para cada uno fue el marcador final. Los goles fueron anotados de parte los Albos por José 'El Moyo' Contreras al 22' mientras por Guastatoya al 49' Omar Domínguez Palafox era el anotador. Quedan ahora los 2 encuentros de CONCACAF de la semifinales de dicha liga que disputarán estos dos equipos el próximo 23 y 30 de noviembre. #VisionDeportiva / Vía @ar9world https://www.instagram.com/p/CV_wKWLLNG9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pedroornelas · 4 years
Chocolate Recipe: Mole
          Mole is a sauce that contains various ingredients and is considered to be a staple of Mexican cuisine. The word molecomes from the language spoken by the Mexicas, Nahuatl. The Nahuatl word was molli, which translated to Spanish’s mole. The creation of mole comes from the Mexican state of Puebla. There is various legends surrounding the creation of mole. Both of the legends make a connection with Catholicism. The first legend is that a nun simply mixed spices and condiments together and the smell was powerful enough, it drew the attention of other nuns to see what the scent was about. The second legend and the mostly known is that Juan de Palafox, a Spanish politician, was going to visit Puebla. People from the area including, friar Pascual whom was in charge of attending Palafox’s needs. Pascual wanted to prepare a special dish for Palafox, but due to his nervousness, Pascual put nuns in charge of creating a unique dish. The nuns did not know what to create, they ended up putting spices, chilies, and chocolate into a pot and the creation of mole occurred (Senties). Palafox enjoyed the meal and it became a national dish that helped define Mexican cuisine.
           During the time period in which mole was created was when the Spaniards had control over Mexico as the dish was created in the 17th century. It is believed that mole was invented in 1681 and soon after, it became a dish that was used by the people living under New Spain to unify themselves. Creation of mole was a dish that helped unify people living in New Spain because it was dish that contained Mesoamerican ingredients along with European ingredients. This may be a reason as to why mole is an important dish in modern Mexico. Mole was one of the first dishes created under a colonized Mexico and it resembles how New Spain was a society with Mesoamerican and European values. The dish was made possible as a result of the Columbian exchange as some of the species included in the dish were almonds which came from the Old World. Most of species were from Mesoamerican origin as there is various chilies involved into the making of sauce, but most importantly chocolate is also involved into the making of mole. Chocolate is essential in molebecause it provides it with a sweeter taste, not making it bitter and  chocolate also provides mole with a darker color (America’s Test Kitchen).
           The cooking techniques regarding mole have changed since its first dishes appeared during Palafox’s visit. Many of the chilies and spices that are implemented into the dish are still grinded by hand. Since mole has a lot of ingredients, every time mole is cooked it may taste different as some ingredients may be stronger than others, but the ingredient will always be essential will be chocolate as it provides the dish with a taste that makes mole, mole. As people began to experiment with the ingredients surrounding mole, various forms have been created and some have reached national success.
          Mole was adopted by the people under New Spain quickly and it was the only area of colonization that adopted mole. After Mexico gained independence, the dish did not transfer to Europe, but it did spread across the Americas into Central America. Mole is not as important in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala as it is in Mexico, but the dish did cross into those countries. The reason as to why mole crossed Central American borders may be because these countries are more similar to Mexico as they both have experienced similar aspects during Spanish colonization. Dissemination of mole may have occurred soon after independence as Mexico’s territory following independence included Central America for a brief time. A group within Mexico that adopted mole quickly were politicians following the Mexican Revolution. Mexican politicians following the revolution wanted to unite the country as a whole and they quickly noted to their dishes as a form of unity among people (Myers & Mundy). During this time period, many Mexican cities took names from Nahuatl to demonstrate that they were aware of their past, but also how they needed to unite themselves after the revolution. Mole was essential during this time period because the word derives from Nahuatl, but it also demonstrates their unique cuisine which differentiate from other countries.
        Mole has changed within Mexican cuisine as there is now various forms of how mole may be cooked. It is worth noting, that mole poblano is the most famous among Mexico as it united the people and it the form of mole that introduced chocolate into its sauce, but variations have evolved. There is mole negro (black) which originates from the Mexican state of Oaxaca and the mole well-known for its dark color. Mole negro is cooked with the same ingredients as mole poblano but the only difference as to why sauce is darker is because of the chilies that are used. Both moles contain chocolate in their recipes and is major aspect to defining its taste. There is also mole verde (green) which is not widely known, but the chilies used to bring forward the green color are jalapenos and mole verde contains chocolate as well. One of the final moles that exist within Mexico is mole almendrado (almond sauce), is very similar to the traditional mole, but one of the main distinctions is the number of almonds, but it contains the same ingredients as the main Mexican mole dish.
         Mole is one of the main Mexican dishes across the country because it signifies the history of Mexico along with its future. Mole was created during a moment in which Spain had control over the territory and the ingredients from both the Old World and New World created the Mexican dish. Chocolate is one of the main ingredients in mole as it provides the sauce with a sweet taste to the sauce. The cooking techniques of mole have remained about the same since it was created in the 17th century. Mole has been an important dish in Mexican history because it signifies how it was created between a combination of ingredients from the Old World and New World. Following the Mexican Revolution, Mexican cuisine became a major aspect in order to unite Mexicans. Mole has changed since it was first created as different chilies are being used to change the color of the sauce, but it is essential to notice that even though different chilies are used that chocolate has been an essential ingredient of all moles regarding their sauce color. Mole helped unite Mexicans in the past and it will continue to unite Mexicans in the future.
“All About Mole: What It Is and Where It Comes From.” America's Test Kitchen - All About Mole: What It Is and Where It Comes From, America's Test Kitchen, 4 Apr. 2018, www.americastestkitchen.com/articles/1057-all-about-mole-what-it-is-where-it-comes-from-and-how-to-make-it.
Myers, David, and Barbara Mundy. “Mole Poblano.” Omeka RSS, Omeka RSS, tenochtitlan.omeka.net/exhibits/show/molepoblano.
Senties, Karla. “Las Tres Leyendas Del Mole.” Saborearte, Saborearte, 13 Sept. 2015, www.saborearte.com.mx/las-tres-leyendas-del-mole/.
Valenciana, Jesse. “Holy Molé: A Beginner's Guide to Mexico's Heaven-Sent Sauce.” The Takeout, The Takeout, 14 Nov. 2018, thetakeout.com/beginners-guide-to-mexican-mole-sauce-1830428653.
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A dish of the National Mexican Plate: Mole Poblano
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phgq · 4 years
PAMANA projects to transform MILF camp to peace, dev’t zone
#PHnews: PAMANA projects to transform MILF camp to peace, dev’t zone
ILIGAN CITY – About 52 kilometers or a one hour and thirty minute drive from this bustling northern Mindanao city is the town of Munai, Lanao del Norte, where the Moro Islamic Liberation Front’s (MILF) Camp Bilal proudly stands. The camp was considered as one of the major strongholds of the MILF, which became the site of fierce gun battles during the all-out-war in 2000 between the revolutionary organization and government forces. For several months, the deafening sound of mortar fire and air strikes reverberated across the hinterland municipality, as residents fled their homes and sought refuge in evacuation centers scattered across the province. From battleground to show window of peace But after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CAB) between the government and the MILF, the camp has started to undergo an amazing transformation and has ushered a new chapter in the people’s history. The peace deal paved the way for the entry of development interventions in the area. Among them is the government’s PAyapa at MAsaganang PamayaNAn (PAMANA), which carries out community-driven projects in remote, conflict-ridden areas across the country. On Wednesday, the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) and the provincial and municipal governments of Lanao del Sur and Lanao del Norte signed Memorandums of Agreement to implement PAMANA projects worth PHP85 million. The signing was held at the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade. The PAMANA projects aim to support the Normalization Program under the CAB, and are part of the government’s commitment to help spur economic activity in Camp Bilal and its neighboring areas. “Matagal na po namin itong hinihintay. Ang gusto ng Presidente natin ay kapayapaan, ibalik ang kapayapaan dito sa Mindanao, at ‘yan din ang isinusulong namin, kapayapaan (We have been waiting for this for a long time. The President wants peace, bring back peace in Mindanao, and that’s what we’re doing, peace),” said Member of Parliament Abdullah “Commander Bravo” Macapaar. “Nagpapasalamat ako kay Allah dahil nandito na ngayon ang signing na mag-implement ng mga development projects dito sa Lanao del Sur at Lanao del Norte (I thanked Allah because of the signing to implement the developments here in Lanao del Sur and Lanao del Norte).” Camps Transformation is a major component of the Annex on Normalization under the CAB, the historic peace agreement forged between the Government of the Philippines and the MILF in 2014. PAMANA in the Bangsamoro The PAMANA Program is among the national government’s key interventions that are designed to implement community-driven development projects in remote, conflict-stricken areas throughout the country. “Simula noong 2011, patuloy ang PAMANA sa pagpapatupad ng mga proyekto sa mga isolated, hard to reach, conflict affected and conflict vulnerable communities sa Mindanao. Kabilang po rito ang ilang lugar na nasa ilalim ng pamamahala ng Moro Islamic Liberation Front (Since 2011, PAMANA continues to implement projects in the isolated, hard to reach, conflict affected and conflict vulnerable communities in Mindanao. This includes areas under MILF leadership),” said GPH Peace Implementing Panel Chair, OPAPP Undersecretary David Diciano during remarks at the MOA signing. Diciano said through the PAMANA projects, agricultural production in the area is projected to rise, and consequently, boost socio-economic activity in Camp Bilal and other nearby communities. Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) Interim Chief Minister and MILF Chairman Ahod Balawag Ebrahim, assured the Bangsamoro people that the BARMM government’s initiatives will focus on bringing sustainable peace and development in the region. “Although very challenging ang nangyari sa atin dito sa BARMM, rest assured na for the remaining days and times na naiwan sa atin, we will do our best para matulungan ang Bangsamoro sa BARMM pati na rin ang outside sa BARMM (Although what happened here in BARMM are very challenging, rest assured that for the remaining days and times, we will do our best to help Bangsamoro even those outside BARMM),” said Ebrahim, who attended the event via video teleconference. Presidential Peace Adviser and National Policy Against Covid-19 chief implementer Carlito Galvez Jr. said implementing projects for the Bangsamoro Region remains a priority of the national government despite the challenges caused by the pandemic. “Ang [sinabi] ng mahal nating Presidente, kahit may Covid tayo kailangan tuloy tuloy pa rin ang PAMANA natin. Mahal na mahal niya ang Bangsamoro at hindi hinding niya kayo pababayaan (Our beloved President said, even we have Covid-19, we need to continue the PAMANA. He loves Bangsamoro and he will not forsake you),” Galvez said. Galvez said OPAPP will stay and will continue to assist the BARMM.
Under the MOA, the PAMANA National Project Management Department, in partnership with provincial governments of Lanao del Norte and Lanao del Sur, and the municipal governments of Munai, Picong, and Tangcal, will implement projects to raise agricultural productivity in the area such as the provision of farm equipment to MILF beneficiaries, concreting of farm-to-market roads, and the construction of a barangay road. The PAMANA NPMD is also set to forge partnerships for the implementation of five projects in Lanao del Sur, which include the distribution of farm equipment and construction of a water system. 
From former war-zone to future ‘eco-zone’ Macapaar said the turning point for him and his men came after the signing of the CAB. It was then when they realized that armed struggle was no longer the path they wanted to pursue. “Bakit po ako sumama [sa gobyerno]? Alam po natin na ako po ay doon lumaki sa bundok kaya lang hindi po ako masamang tao. Dahil po sa utos ng Chief Minister, the Chairman of the MILF, lalong lalo na sa aking kaibigan former Chief of Staff ng Armed Forces si Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr (Why I joined government? A grew up in the mountain but I am not bad person. Upon the order of Chief Minister, the chairman of the MILF, especially my friend, former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Secretary Carilito Galvez Jr.),’ Macapaar said. “Ako ay sumama dahil ang gusto ng Presidente natin ay kapayapaan. Ibalik ang kapayapaan dito sa Mindanao dahil ‘yan din ang isinusulong namin - kapayapaan, bilang kami ay mga Muslims na sumusunod sa aming Panginoon na Allah (I joined the government because the President wants peace. Let’s bring back peace here in Mindanao because it is also our goal – peace, as Muslims following our Lord Allah),” Macapaar added.
Local government units have also played a crucial role in sustaining the gains of peace in by facilitating the implementation of much-needed socio-economic and infrastructure projects in the area. “Alam po natin na ang Munai ay isa po sa conflict-affected ng Mindanao. Sa pamamagitan ng proyektong ito, naibibigay ninyo sa amin. Ito po ‘yung magiging daan para maibsan ang paghihirap ng mga tao at matulungan po natin sila para umunlad ang buhay ng ating mga mamamayan sa Munai (We all know that Munai is a conflict-affected in Mindanao. Through this project, it will be given to us. It will help to lessen the hardship of the people and help them improve the lives of the people in Munai),” said Munai Mayor Racma Andamama. Tangcal Councilor Abdani Buanding, who represented Mayor Fatima Tomawis, said that their municipality will significantly benefit from the PAMANA projects once they are completed. “Alam po natin ang aming bayan ay years ago dumaan po ng armed conflict so masyadong kumbaga, kasama kami sa medyo maliit na bayan so kailangan po namin ang ganitong mga projects sa amin (Our town experienced armed conflict, it’s a small town. So we need this kind of projects),” Buanding said. Meanwhile, Lanao del Norte Board Member Achmad Taha, who represented Governor Imelda Angging Quibranza Dimaporo, thanked the government for the projects, noting these are a testament of the President’s desire to help the Bangsamoro people. “President Duterte continues to give importance to peace-promoting projects and staying true to his promise to the Filipino people,” Taha said. “Through the PAMANA program, the LGUs are empowered by leading the implementation of the projects in their localities, while giving residents opportunities to contribute in community development, engage actively in governance processes, and resolve misunderstandings through peaceful means.”
Also in attendance during the MOA signing were PAMANA National Director Cesar De Mesa; Joint Normalization Committee (JNC) Co Chair Ariel Hernandez; OPAPP Assistant Secretaries Andres S. Aguinaldo, Jr. and Atty. Wilben M. Mayor; OPAPP Directors Farrah Naparan and Darwin Wally Wee; LDS Board member Abdulhamid Umpa Amerbito; Major General Generoso Ponio, commander, 1st Infantry Division; Brigadier General Facundo Palafox, commander, 2nd Mechanized Brigade; and Colonel Jose Maria Querpo, brigade commander, 103rd Infantry Brigade. (PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "PAMANA projects to transform MILF camp to peace, dev’t zone." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1115802 (accessed September 18, 2020 at 01:49AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PAMANA projects to transform MILF camp to peace, dev’t zone." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1115802 (archived).
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karisanoca2 · 4 years
Research 4.1: Social Network part I (no selling online but promoting their other work)
Note: these are not new artist, these are people that I am already following and I consider interesting. (I do not look on FB because I do not have a FB account)
People who have it, but do not sell online. I have been thinking about people with social media and original artwork and what are that promoting.
Pep Carrio: I love his sketchbooks and he post staff online often. He does not sell anything online and I have questioned myself why he put his staff online because I think many of his ideas are stolen (I have seen them later on in other people artwork)
He has a website where you can find what he has done. He also has an Instagram account mostly for his artwork and he does only a bit of promotion. Twitter is a more intensive promotion of his conferences, books and workshops.
Oliver Jeffers: I love his work and in particular his sketchbooks are incredible. I do not follow his instal but it seems that he uses it to promote his books and talks.
David Hockney: I love his drawing so much that is crazy. it makes me dream of other planets and the universe. He also seems to live in another era at least because he does not have any social media, the classic exhibitions (perhaps he considers himself more an artist than an illustrator)
Charles Burns: I love his work so I of course when back to see if he had social media or anything else but he just open an Instagram account only 47weeks ago. He is just having fun and it is not promoting any of his work actively. I also not sure this is his real account because it is not confirmed.
Aurel Schmidt: Her work is quite interesting and her social media usage. Her account is private so I do not know what is on it, but she has 1000 publications so she is using it a lot. Her website is also quite interesting. it shows her work with a lot of detail.
She also seems to have sell clothing, but I am not sure where I can get it if I want to buy it because it is not on the website.
Ignasi Monreal: I am not crazy about his social media account but he clearly promotes his profile as an illustrator but he does not sell his work. He also has a nice Vimeo account that is great.
Silja Goetz: He has a lovely Instagram account and her work is beautiful. She uses her Instagram account to create a profile of her work but also shows her more recent work. Her website is a portfolio of her work. She is also a traditional illustrator with someone who represents her.
Hilda Palafox: Here is another example of someone using her Instagram account to increase her profile as an illustrator and showing her work but not selling staff.
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jeramymobley · 4 years
Fifa football shows appreciation and support to healthcare workers
FIFA has launched a #WeWillWin campaign to appreciate their efforts
Fifa, a non-profit football organisation, football stars both past and present have come together to pay tribute to humanity’s heroes to show appreciation for the efforts made and risks braved by healthcare workers and other professionals who are giving their all to ensure society continues to function in the face of the coronavirus.
Across the globe, staff and volunteers at medical facilities have been risking their lives on a daily basis to support humankind. Some have, sadly, paid the ultimate price. People working or volunteering in law enforcement, pharmacies, shops, warehouses, delivery services, public transport, and safety and security have also been playing a key role in protecting our way of life.
To all of these heroic people: football thanks you, football remembers you and football supports you.
Fifty of Fifa football’s biggest stars have all provided their support to humanity’s heroes by applauding their efforts in taking the fight to the coronavirus: Holger Badstuber, David Beckham, Bhaichung Bhutia, Lucy Bronze, Gianluigi Buffon, Cafu, Fabio Cannavaro, Iker Casillas, Deyna Castellanos, Giorgio Chiellini, Charlyn Corral, El Hadji Diouf, Youri Djorkaeff, Han Duan, Magdalena Eriksson, Samuel Eto’o, Pernille Harder, Javier Hernández, Luis Hernández, Kaká, Harry Kane, Carli Lloyd, Harry Maguire, Diego Maradona, Marta, Vivianne Miedema, Ajara Nchout, Michael Owen, Mesut Özil, Norma Palafox, Pavel Pardo, Park Jisung, Pelé, Gerard Piqué, Alexia Putellas, Sergio Ramos, Nicole Reigner, Wendie Renard, Roberto Carlos, James Rodríguez, Ronaldo, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Virginia Torrecilla, Yaya Touré, Marco van Basten, Daniëlle van de Donk, Ivan Vicelich, Arturo Vidal, Javier Zanetti and Zinedine Zidane.
“To recognise the risks that doctors, nurses and other essential workers are having to take on a daily basis, football wants to show its support,” said Carli Lloyd. “They are on the front line of the coronavirus battle, working as a team to defend us, to protect us and to keep us healthy. It is thanks to their dedication and professionalism, supported by everyone else’s absolute commitment to following the rules of each national health authority, that we will win.”
“As footballers, we are used to receiving applause, but this time, we have the opportunity to show our appreciation for the many people who are risking their lives to protect ours,” added David Beckham. “You are humanity’s heroes and we want to show that all of football supports you and everything that you do to defend all of us.”
The article Fifa football shows appreciation and support to healthcare workers appeared first on World Branding Forum.
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juarezesdeporte · 5 years
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Luego de llevarse a cabo la competencia en deportes individuales de la Universiada Regional UACH 2019, un total de 64 deportistas de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez tienen su boleto para participar en la Universiada Nacional UADY 2019.
Lo anterior fue dado a conocer por la directora de extensión y servicios estudiantiles de nuestra máxima casa de estudios, Flor Rocío Ramírez Martínez, quien manifestó su satisfacción por la destacada actuación de sus deportistas en la primera etapa de la justa regional al tiempo de señalar que esperan tener un buen desempeño en la segunda fase que se llevará a cabo también en la ciudad de Chihuahua el próximo fin de semana.
“Sí Carlos, estamos muy contentos fue nuestra primera parte donde estuvieron participando nuestros atletas en los deportes individuales, este, tenemos hasta ahorita sesenta y cuatro atletas clasificados a la Universiada Nacional que será en Mérida Yucatán, pero nos falta el próximo fin de semana este viernes sábado y domingo, la parte de los deportes en conjunto que también estaremos participando, para poder ya tener completo nuestro contingente para ir del uno al 17 de mayo a Mérida, Yucatán”, externó la funcionaria de la UACJ.
Ramírez Martínez, agregó que en número de atletas clasificados a la justa nacional podría aumentar, y esperan que sean entre siete u ocho atletas más los que obtengan un boleto para Mérida, aparte de los que ya lo lograron, una vez que se recaben los tiempos en las diferentes justas regionales.
“Esperemos que este fin se semana nos vaya igual de bien con los deportes de conjunto para tener más atletas clasificados para a la Universiada Nacional, concluyó.
Deportistas de la UACJ clasificados hasta este momento para la Universiada nacional por disciplina deportiva:
Rosa Cook, Frida Corona, Elías Zarate, Camilo Guerrero, Uziel Muñoz, Noel Aguirre, Daniel Reyes, Fernanda Cruz, Melissa Limones, Enrique Garibay y Miguel Solís.
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Levantamiento de pesas:
Lizbeth Torres, Kenia Torres, Ana Cristina Reyes, César Enrique Guerrero, Benjamín Casanova, Brandon Sánchez y Pedro Ceballos
Karate do:
Javier Amado.
Tiro con Arco:
Mónica Andrea Hernández, Jaime Sidas y Mario Alberto Rodríguez.
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Carlos Alberto Martínez y Adriana Morales Cabral.
Tenis de mesa:
Karine Tovanche Marmolejo, Margarita Rodríguez Luna , Michell Alejandra  Palafox Gómez, Víctor  Armando Pérez Vázquez, y Mauricio Jurado  Cerros.
Lucha Universitaria:
Edgar Guzmán,  categoría 79 Kilogramos.
Tae Kwon Do:
Laura Alejandra Ovalle Sánchez, Jessica Bujanda Sandoval, Enrique Aram Salas García, Pedro Sebastían León Núñez, Brissa Gutiérrez Muñiz, Alondra Duarte Caro, Irán Alexandra Díaz sandoval, Paula Michelle Cabrera Olivas, Julio Alexis Durán Valenzuela, Carlos Obed Llanes basurto, Maximiliano Flores Ruiz y Kenjib Adrián Matsumoto Hernández.
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Mariana Pichu y Adrián Valdez.
María Fernanda Santoyo, Tania Serna, Aimé Flores, María Vázquez Favela, Itzel Saldaña, Mitchel Espinoza Barraza, Zacnité Arias Valdivia,  Aylin Aliah Morales Flores , Miguel Ángel Corral Campos, José Andrés Martínez Rojas, César Mendoza, Mario Tarín, Luis López, Alejandro Ramos, Ángel González y David Antonio Valenzuela.
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(Carlos Mario Colmenero)
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pasionxnegocios · 6 years
Salieron ya 13 de 33 diputados de la 61 Legislatura
Salieron ya 13 de 33 diputados de la 61 Legislatura
Al menos otros 6 legisladores estarían por tomar licencia para irse a las campañas
Demian Duarte
El Congreso del Estado confirmó la licencia de 13 de los 33 integrantes de la 62 legislatura, que se van en pos de la reelección o bien de saltar a otra posición política, ya sea una diputación federal o una presidencia municipal.
Oficialmente los que se han ido son David Palafox Celaya, Iris Sánchez…
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elcachanillacom · 5 years
Pacta Rector la entrega de 600 millones de pesos a UABC
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Informó que se emitirá Convocatoria de nuevo ingreso 2019-2020, la cual estará sujeta a la recepción de recursos
Ya se entregaron 56 millones de pesos y el próximo jueves llegarán 100 más
MEXICALI - El Rector de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), doctor Daniel Octavio Valdez Delgadillo, y el Secretario General de Gobierno, Francisco Rueda Gómez en representación del Gobernador del Estado, Francisco Vega de Lamadrid, firmaron este día un convenio para entregar 600 millones de pesos con el fin de que esta no vea afectadas sus funciones sustantivas.
Asimismo, se informó que el día de ayer fueron depositados a la UABC 56 millones de pesos y existe el compromiso de que el siguiente jueves se entregarán 100 millones más vía Oficialía Mayor, por lo que el Rector afirmó que mañana miércoles 13 de marzo se lanzará la convocatoria de nuevo ingreso 2019-2020, misma que estará sujeta a la recepción de los recursos comprometidos por el Gobierno Estatal.
“Agradezco a toda la comunidad universitaria y a la sociedad en general por su respaldo, especialmente a los consejeros universitarios, a los integrantes del Comité Estatal de Sociedades de Alumnos y a todos los estudiantes que de distintas formas apoyaron nuestras acciones institucionales, también, por supuesto, a profesores e investigadores y a ambos sindicatos universitarios”, señalo el doctor Valdez Delgadillo, aclarando que se continuará trabajando para ofrecer educación superior de buena calidad y reconocida internacionalmente.
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Afirmó que este convenio es diferente a los anteriores, en virtud de que las gestiones que se hicieron ante los gobiernos federal y estatal, han dado resultado, y que continuará realizando negociaciones por las vías pertinentes para que el adeudo a la UABC sea saldado en su totalidad. “Queremos dar una muestra de cómo a través del diálogo podemos resolver algunas situaciones”. Indicó que serán muy responsables en el ejercicio del gasto. “Esta Universidad tiene implementado un sistema de operación en el cual se maneja responsablemente los recursos”, manifestó el Rector.
El Secretario General de Gobierno indicó que el Gobernador del Estado ha manifestado su voluntad para apoyar a la Universidad en la medida y alcance de sus posibilidades, siempre comprometidos con la Máxima Casa de Estudios. “Que no haya ninguna duda en el compromiso y cariño que se le tiene la UABC”.
Atestiguaron la firma de convenio los líderes estudiantiles y Coordinadores del Consejo Estatal de Sociedades de Alumnos (CESA), por el Campus Ensenada César Guerrero y David Flores; por el Campus Mexicali, Guillermo Reina y Tania Araujo, y del Campus Tijuana,  Darío Torrez e Issa Rodríguez. También estuvieron presentes los Secretarios Generales del Sindicato de Profesores Superación Universitaria (SPSU) y Sindicato Estatal de Trabajadores Universitarios (SETU), maestro Francisco Javier Márquez Cortez y el licenciado Nazario Rangel Cataño.
Además, se contó con la presencia del doctor Víctor Manuel Alcántar Enríquez, Tesorero de la UABC; doctor Edgar Ismael Alarcón Meza, Secretario General de la UABC; maestro David Álvarez García, Abogado General de la UABC; doctor Luis Enrique Palafox Maestre, Coordinador General de Servicios Estudiantiles y Gestión Escolar.  Por parte del Gobierno Estatal asistieron Bladimiro  Hernández Díaz, Secretario de Planeación y Finanzas, además de Víctor Lujano Sarabia, Subsecretario Jurídico.
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whiteanddenim · 7 years
Diseñando México 32
Es un proyecto que busca visitar los 32 estados de la república mexicana llevando a cabo conferencias, exposiciones de arte, talleres, desfiles de moda, entre otras actividades dentro de la industria creativa haciendo un descubrimiento de nuevos talentos por entidad. Está iniciativa recientemente visitó el estado de Tamaulipas, teniendo como sede el Puerto de Tampico donde se ofreció un ciclo de conferencias impartidas por Sara Galindo, Johann Mergenthaler, Gustavo Prado, Fernando Marroquín, David Souza, Luis García Serrano y Khristio. Yo personalmente pude asistir a la exposición de Gladys Tamez, quien ha diseñado sombreros para Lady Gaga, Jhonny Depp, entre otros. También fui parte del equipo de backstage para el cierre del evento, siendo cuatro desfiles donde pudimos ver las propuestas de otoño-invierno por parte de Palafox, diseñador tamaulipeco, Julia y Renata, Luciana Balderrama y Alfredo Martínez.
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thesportswarriors · 5 years
IE Fight Night: Endeavor results
IE Fight Night: Endeavor results
IE Fight Night: Endeavor
January 20, 2019
A night full of anticipation from the youth fight to the adult show. When you walk into the CEPAC center in Ontario, CA first thing you notice walking into an IE Fight Night event is that every fan is talking, engaging with each other and fans taking photos. David Bramlette, Lorenz Larkinare the two guys behind the IE Fight Night Brand with Endeavor…
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mt-noticias · 4 years
Sin reclamar cadáver encontrado sin vida en una vivienda
Sin reclamar cadáver encontrado sin vida en una vivienda
David Díaz.
Reynosa, Tamaulipas.-En una gabera del Semefo, quedo el cuerpo de una persona quien fuera encontrada sin vida en su vivienda, por lo que las autoridades esperan que alguna persona acuda a reclamarle para que le den cristiana sepultura.
Los hechos ocurrieron en la calle Palafox, de la colonia Centro en el conocido “Barrio del Chaparral”, donde acudieran autoridades policiales, ya que…
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glenmenlow · 4 years
Fifa football shows appreciation and support to healthcare workers
FIFA has launched a #WeWillWin campaign to appreciate their efforts
Fifa, a non-profit football organisation, football stars both past and present have come together to pay tribute to humanity’s heroes to show appreciation for the efforts made and risks braved by healthcare workers and other professionals who are giving their all to ensure society continues to function in the face of the coronavirus.
Across the globe, staff and volunteers at medical facilities have been risking their lives on a daily basis to support humankind. Some have, sadly, paid the ultimate price. People working or volunteering in law enforcement, pharmacies, shops, warehouses, delivery services, public transport, and safety and security have also been playing a key role in protecting our way of life.
To all of these heroic people: football thanks you, football remembers you and football supports you.
Fifty of Fifa football’s biggest stars have all provided their support to humanity’s heroes by applauding their efforts in taking the fight to the coronavirus: Holger Badstuber, David Beckham, Bhaichung Bhutia, Lucy Bronze, Gianluigi Buffon, Cafu, Fabio Cannavaro, Iker Casillas, Deyna Castellanos, Giorgio Chiellini, Charlyn Corral, El Hadji Diouf, Youri Djorkaeff, Han Duan, Magdalena Eriksson, Samuel Eto’o, Pernille Harder, Javier Hernández, Luis Hernández, Kaká, Harry Kane, Carli Lloyd, Harry Maguire, Diego Maradona, Marta, Vivianne Miedema, Ajara Nchout, Michael Owen, Mesut Özil, Norma Palafox, Pavel Pardo, Park Jisung, Pelé, Gerard Piqué, Alexia Putellas, Sergio Ramos, Nicole Reigner, Wendie Renard, Roberto Carlos, James Rodríguez, Ronaldo, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Virginia Torrecilla, Yaya Touré, Marco van Basten, Daniëlle van de Donk, Ivan Vicelich, Arturo Vidal, Javier Zanetti and Zinedine Zidane.
“To recognise the risks that doctors, nurses and other essential workers are having to take on a daily basis, football wants to show its support,” said Carli Lloyd. “They are on the front line of the coronavirus battle, working as a team to defend us, to protect us and to keep us healthy. It is thanks to their dedication and professionalism, supported by everyone else’s absolute commitment to following the rules of each national health authority, that we will win.”
“As footballers, we are used to receiving applause, but this time, we have the opportunity to show our appreciation for the many people who are risking their lives to protect ours,” added David Beckham. “You are humanity’s heroes and we want to show that all of football supports you and everything that you do to defend all of us.”
The article Fifa football shows appreciation and support to healthcare workers appeared first on World Branding Forum.
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