#De Noailles was such a nosy guy like girl really
“It was said now that she usually slept for at most four hours at night. De Noailles was told by a lady who slept in the Queen's chamber that Mary's dreams of love and passion were so vivid that she often lost complete control of herself in bed, apparently reliving the delights of Philip's lovemaking. In her waking hours, he reported, she spent her time weeping, sighing and raging against her people, and was in such depths of melancholy that nothing seemed to remain for her but to imitate the example of Dido', who had committed suicide. 'But that she will not do,' for suicide was a mortal sin. Instead, she told her ladies, that 'As she had done all possible to induce her husband to return, and as she found he would not, she meant to withdraw utterly from men and live quietly, as she had done the chief part of her life before she married.' In future, religion would be her chief consolation”.
The Children of Henry VIII by Alison Weir (page 324)
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