#Declan is terrified of being for real alone. he kinda experienced that before and never again
void-botanist · 4 months
🤪‼️🙏 for the OC most on your mind rn
Well the last OCs I was thinking about were the Nicea crew (and how they should have more problems) so let's go with them:
🤪Do they have a “fun uncle” type family member?
Declan: not really.
Isabel: she does - one of her dad's brothers - but she stopped liking him when she stopped being able to swindle him out of candy and pocket change. She hasn't seen him since before high school, because she hasn't been back to her home planet since then.
Rodney: same as Isabel but he never liked the fun uncle to begin with. He was too loud and too much.
Tristan: she's had several, if "family" includes her mom's many girlfriends over the years. She'd also consider Von kind of a fun uncle, though more of the "grumpy but will let you drive the truck and sneaks you candy" kind.
Spinder: technically speaking, he is an uncle to the vast majority of his family. But his "fun uncle" has always been his second sister, Teagan, who is also Cady's mom. She's some 25 years older than him, but he and Cady are only five years apart, which meant that Teagan allowed them to be collectively a menace, but Spinder got to go home at the end of the day.
Cady: Spinder, his uncle who is younger than him. No contest.
Bo: also not really.
‼️What’s the most important part of having a “family” to them?
Declan: having people he can rely on, closely followed by not being for real alone.
Isabel: having someone who will stand by her no matter what. Which makes Rodney the most family family member she has.
Rodney: having people who will always need him, because he desperately needs to be needed.
Tristan: being in community with them, and especially sharing meals.
Spinder: his family is huge, so having an abundance of people to meet his social and emotional needs and engage with him about different interests, or in short: never being alone.
Cady: to be honest it's kind of a relief to have people who are supposed to like him, because he thinks he might kind of suck.
Bo: always having a place to return to, whenever they return.
🙏Are there things about their family they wish were different?
Declan: he wishes his moms weren't dead. But with the family he has living, he wishes that he knew how to talk to Teagan (his mother-in-law). He always feels so awkward with her, like she's kinda disappointed in him, and he doesn't want to give her any reason to be more disappointed in him.
Isabel: where does she even begin with them…she's concluded that things would be better for everyone if her and Rodney's parents had gotten divorced when she was about ten. Then she wouldn't have had to experience her dad doing transphobia with extra steps, her mom screaming at him all the time, Rodney becoming even more a nervous wreck, and becoming ride or die with him out of perceived necessity. But given what she has to work with now, she wishes Fay could just fucking chill out already and not always find some way to belittle her, whether intentional or not.
Rodney: could Fay and Isabel be okay please? And could someone tell him if his dad is still transphobic with extra steps or is he gonna have to go find out himself
Tristan: she wishes she knew more of her blood family. A good chunk of them still live on Antarac, and many of them around her hometown, but there a few branches of her family that are either all dead at this point or disappeared out into the galaxy, never to be heard from again. She wishes the family she does know could help her find the rest, even though they probably disappeared for a reason.
Spinder: in his immediate adoptive family (his third sister and her husband and kids) he wishes Michael hadn't been such a shit, because then he probably wouldn't have fallen out with Gwinnia for fighting with Michael. But he also has to acknowledge there wouldn't have been a fight if he hadn't engaged…either way he wishes he hadn't fallen out with Gwin, and also that he'd found some way to connect more with his now-deceased birth dad.
Cady: he can put up with just about any family nonsense, but god he wishes his dad hadn't died when he was a kid.
Bo: "we never get to see you anymore Rannebo" except after ten years of accidental exile they feel a lot more like their parents have a point.
Send me some family asks!
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