cerabondart · 4 months
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A dumb little Deltarune AU thing where it's based off of the internet and everything that it has to offer, big and small. I call it Deltanet.
These are the Shadow Bosses for it, Mysillycomics as Jevil and Nostalgia Critic as Spamton. The Freedom leitmotif in this case is Welcome To The Internet.
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The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Skilled Laravel Developer for Your Project ?
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Laravel is a popular PHP framework known for its elegance, simplicity, and robustness. It has gained significant traction in the web development community due to its intuitive syntax, comprehensive documentation, and extensive ecosystem of packages. If you're planning to build a web application using Laravel Development Company India, hiring a skilled Laravel developer is crucial to ensure the success of your project. In this guide, we will discuss the reasons why you should hire a Laravel developer and the skills they should possess.
Some statistics on the popularity of Laravel:
Before diving into the hiring process, it's essential to understand the popularity and widespread adoption of Laravel. Here are some statistics that highlight its significance:
Laravel has consistently ranked among the top PHP frameworks in terms of popularity and usage.
It has a strong and active community, which means you can find abundant resources, tutorials, and support.
Laravel is widely adopted by both startups and enterprise-level organizations, proving its scalability and reliability.
Many well-known companies and platforms, including Deltanet Travel, Laravel.io, and Laravel News, have embraced Laravel as their framework of choice.
Reasons to Hire a Laravel Developer:
Expertise in Laravel-specific features and best practices: A skilled Laravel developer possesses in-depth knowledge of Laravel's features, such as routing, caching, migrations, and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) with Eloquent. They understand the best practices recommended by the Laravel community and can leverage them to build efficient and maintainable code.
Efficient development process: Laravel Development Agency India are experienced in utilizing Laravel's built-in tools and libraries to streamline the development process. They can leverage features like Artisan (the command-line interface) for automating repetitive tasks, Eloquent ORM for database interactions, and Blade templating engine for efficient UI rendering. Hiring a Laravel developer ensures that your project progresses smoothly and efficiently.
Security and scalability: Laravel comes with various security features out of the box, such as built-in protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. Skilled Laravel developers have a deep understanding of these security measures and can implement them effectively. Moreover, they can design and build a scalable architecture that can handle your application's growth and increasing user base.
Community support and ecosystem: Laravel has a vibrant community that actively contributes to its growth. Skilled Laravel developers are well-connected to this community and can tap into the vast ecosystem of packages and libraries available. They can integrate third-party solutions seamlessly into your project, saving development time and effort.
Skills an Experienced Laravel Developer should have:
Proficiency in PHP: Laravel is a PHP framework, so a skilled Laravel developer should have a strong foundation in PHP programming. They should be comfortable with PHP syntax, object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, and common PHP libraries.
Laravel-specific knowledge: A Laravel developer should have a deep understanding of Laravel's architecture, concepts, and core features. This includes routing, middleware, controllers, migrations, Eloquent ORM, and Blade templating engine.
Database management: Knowledge of database systems, particularly MySQL or PostgreSQL, is essential for a Laravel developer. They should be proficient in writing SQL queries, designing database schemas, and optimizing database performance.
Front-end technologies: While Laravel focuses on back-end development, a skilled Laravel developer should have proficiency in front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They should be familiar with front-end frameworks like Vue.js or React to build interactive user interfaces.
Version control: Git is the most widely used version control system in the industry. A Laravel and Digital Marketing Company India developer should be comfortable with Git and understand concepts like branching, merging, and resolving conflicts.
Problem-solving and debugging skills: A skilled Laravel developer should have excellent problem-solving skills and be adept at debugging and troubleshooting issues. They should be able to identify and resolve errors efficiently.
Testing and quality assurance: Experience with testing frameworks like PHPUnit and knowledge of software testing principles are valuable skills for a Laravel developer. They should be able to write unit tests, integration tests, and perform test-driven development (TDD) to ensure the quality and reliability of the codebase.
Hiring a skilled Laravel and Shopify Development Company India developer is essential for the success of your web application project. They bring expertise in Laravel-specific features, ensure efficient development, prioritize security and scalability, and leverage the vibrant Laravel community and ecosystem. Look for candidates with proficiency in PHP, Laravel-specific knowledge, database management skills, front-end technologies, version control, problem-solving abilities, and testing experience. By finding the right Laravel developer, you can build a high-quality, scalable, and secure web application that meets your business requirements.
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
Delta Media Hosts Webinar to Display New DeltaNet Marketing Platform — RISMedia
Delta Media Hosts Webinar to Display New DeltaNet Marketing Platform — RISMedia
Delta Media Group, a provider of real estate technology solutions for real estate brokerages, is hosting a free webinar to help real estate brokerages and agents “double down on online marketing.” The webinar will showcase Delta Media’s new AI-powered digital marketing platform – the new DeltaNet – on Wednesday, November 9, at 2:00 pm ET. Register here. Delta Media’s new DeltaNet platform is…
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szepkerekkocka · 3 years
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ahcnaws · 3 years
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hey guys i think i know what papyrus has been doing all this time
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tech2guides · 5 years
dlnet – Delta Login | Dlnet Delta com | Extranet Landing Page
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Dlnet: Delta Air Lines has an extranet which is very useful for the Employees who wants to access their Data such as pay stubs, work schedules etc. This extranet is also best in terms of the get into the Delta Login From Anywhere to the Employees.   The Employees of Delta Airlines can Able Acces Delta Login to check their details and the Important thing is to check The schedule. It's being a serves as the HR portal the Employees and other Delta Air Lines retirees, contractors and vendors can also access this is because of  Delta Air Lines extranet data will also helpful and relevant to the People retirees, as well as the contractors and vendors who worked for Delta Airlines.   Dlnet.delta.com. is the Place to Login Delta Air Lines extranet. So this is the website address which you have to Enter into the Web Address and also you have to make sure that Whenever you want to get into the Official Website do check the Address so that your work will be very easy and we all provide the RIght Information to our Readers so that can be add more Benefit to the Readers for sure.   Launch the Web browser and Move your Curser into the Browser Address Bar. Now Type the Address of Delta (Dlnet.delta.com) After You have entered the Address Hit the Enter button on the keyboard. It will simp;y takes you into the DeltDlnet. That all.   Related: MyAccountAccess login Read the full article
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sportsnake · 5 years
[ Ayy-cool-snakey91 posted a status update ]:
Almost set my house on fire while trying to make french fries
They’re very crunch and charred but they taste good!
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loginsinfo · 2 years
#deltanet #deltanetlogin #loginsinfo
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litebluedll · 5 years
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divineninelover · 3 years
I see the inquiry about YouTube, do you think YouTube is apart of the problem for “new Greeks”?
So, here is a little inter-generational history for you, from my perspective.
The first Black Greek presence on web 2.0 was Shout Out Central at stepshow.com. It was established in the mid 90s by a Delta I happen to know. It was a simple message board that let you leave shout outs. It was an interesting mix of working professionals who could stay logged in all day while at work, while college students would check-in intermittently from computer labs.
It has been said that SOC was one of the reasons that the tide turned in favor of Iota Phi Theta joining the NPHC. Iotas were active on this board and other Greeks quickly spread the word that the organization was fun and legitimate. Much more efficient than a letter-writing campaign, right?
SOC, being open to the public, was viewed by everybody, Greek and non-Greek alike. Friendships were made and rules were a lot looser about how much one could say about joining an organization.
Around the same time, the late Bonita Jackson, aka BeeJae, created the DeltaNet. It was a virtual space where Deltas could mix and mingle, but friends and guests could also join. BeeJae wrote a famous essay called "So you want to be a Delta?" I believe that this essay seeded the fundamentals of pursuing an organization for the next generation. BeeJae's fundamental points were that it took building relationships and being independently dope were the most important factors in getting chosen.
Delphi.com had a series of free message boards that sorority women would join that were also open to potential members. A lot of those boards were frequented by AKAs, who weren't really at home on the DeltaNet.
Slowly, but surely, aspiring women would make relationships with the members on these boards. Sometimes it was just moral support, but sometimes folks would get connected to potential sponsors.
This happened similarly on BlackPlanet, CollegeClub, GreekEmails, and MegaGreek.
Why is my preface so long? To make the point that women and men your parents age have benefitted from the internet to get into Greek life.
The problem was not the internet, or the message boards, or anything like it. The problem was instant clout culture that came from counting followers and the potential monetization of YouTube videos.
People who have no business sharing advice are now making very general videos about their very specific campus culture. People who really don't care about improving Greek culture are just saying any damn thing and saying they are successful because of the views.
A generation ago, it was about relationships. Now it's about performance.
DivineNineLover (which I did not start, btw) was always more progressive. We had strong opinions before they were popular or politically correct. We did not delve into videos. We focused on help and tough love, when necessary. We advocated saying no to hazing and being man or woman enough to walk away. We stuck to BeeJae's main thesis that relationships were the most important thing.
YouTube can be such a positive tool, and it did a lot to standardize Black Greek traditions. It also makes it very hard to know who the true experts are.
New Greeks: Read more than you watch. Observe more than you speak. And teach when you have the opportunity to change the culture for the better.
--Uncle Rashid
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vaskeishz-blog · 4 years
How to Register With Deltanet portal
Dlnet On the off chance that you have  a record with Delta Airline by means of the delta entryway extranet you can sign into your record. Be that as it may, on the off chance that the opposite is the situation, at that point, you need to make Deltanet extranet login account. Making a record just requires some fundamental needs which we'll examine here so you'd recognize what to get ready in the offer to get to the Dlnet login.
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 You need a gadget with web get to that you'll use to get to the Deltanet gateway for retirees and dynamic staff. During the enlistment, you should enter your data before you can make your client ID and secret phrase. Be that as it may, the Deltanet login gadget just expects you to have either a cell phone or PC or a personal computer with web get to.
 Download and introduce a web program that you will use to get to dlnet.delta.com. You can utilize Mozilla Firefox or Opera Mini or Chrome. Everything relies upon the program that you love to utilize.
 A web association is required to login Deltanet. Notwithstanding, you can utilize a versatile system in the event that you need to get to dlnet.delta.com on telephone or utilize a WiFi or hotspot on the off chance that you are getting to the dlnet.delta.com on a PC or work area to make your Dlnet account.
 A novel PIN to make sure about your record. In any case, on the off chance that you are employed by the organization's HR, you may likely need to contact the organization HR whether there is a one of a kind PIN that is required else you can make your PIN for dlnet.delta.com during enrollment.
 Finally, you need the Delta client ID or PPR to sign into your Dlnet login. Your username and secret key will be one of a kind to you. At the point when you have all these accessible, at that point, you can continue beneath to figure out how to make Dlnet login.
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 The most effective method to Create Deltanet Login
 In the event that you as of now have Dlnet login you can skirt this progression. In any case, in the event that you are another client, this guide will get you through what you have to do to make your Dlnet login. In the interim, the whole strategies take under 3 minutes to finish.
 1. Open your program and visit dlnet.delta.com. You will be taken to Delta Airline entryway where you will have the option to make your Deltanet account.
 2. Tap on the difficulty marking In connect IF you are another client or enter your login data in the event that you are a current user.One of the key manners by which present day carriers obtain new workers is through online enrollment. Soul Airlines has not been abandoned right now: it has a fairly pleasantly crated online enrollment framework. This is a framework that can be exploited by any individual who is keen on working for Spirit Airlines — which happens to be one of the quickest developing minimal effort bearers on the planet. The way where Spirit Airlines' online enlistment framework works is basic. Initially, the individuals who are keen on working for the aircraft are allowed to peruse through the as of now open occupations. In this manner, should one discover a position they are keen on, and which they feel sufficiently equipped for, they get an opportunity to apply for a similar straightaway.
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camradioblog-blog · 7 years
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Els set ajuntaments i els voluntaris del parc natural del delta de l'Ebre tornen a posar en marxa la campanya 'Per un Delta net' per recollir i retirar els residus que el mar, el vent, el riu i, sobretot, l'acció incívica humana escampen per l'espai natural protegit. Si bé l'acció de neteja col·lectiva convocada el matí del pròxim diumenge, 11 de març, serà un dels actes més visibles i representatius de la iniciativa, els seus impulsors recorden que la clau continua sent la conscienciació i l'educació, tant de la població autòctona com dels visitants. També volen que els diversos agents socioeconòmics del Delta assumeixin compromisos efectius en la resolució d'un problema amb implicacions ambientals però també econòmiques. Consideren que cal canviar els hàbits i patrons de consum de la població, reduint considerablement la generació de deixalles. L'any passat, unes 220 persones van contribuir a recollir prop de sis tones de residus, un 82% dels quals eren plàstics.
La del pròxim dia 11 no serà la primera acció de neteja que s'organitza enguany en el marc de la campanya. Els passats 24 i 25 de febrer, 57 voluntaris van recollir 3.800 quilos de deixalles –plàstics en un 84%- de la zona de la punta de la Banya. També el pròxim 13 de maig està prevista una nova acció a la Platja d'Eucaliptus en el marc de la campanya Let's Clean Europe i, el 18 de mig, tindrà lloc una marató de neteja entre Sant Jaume d'Enveja i l'Ametlla de Mar. Per als voluntaris i els ajuntaments, però, es tracta d'actes principalment simbòlics que, a la llarga, han de servir principalment per conscienciar i educar la ciutadania sobre el greu problema ambiental –i econòmic- que suposa la presència de residus en un espai natural tan sensible."Creiem que, realment, el que importa d'aquesta campanya és la sensibilització: que la gent s'adoni de la problemàtica de la brossa als espais naturals. És intentar canviar els hàbits de consum de la gent, reduir al màxim la reducció de brossa i que no arribi als espais naturals. És realment esperpèntic i un reflex del món en què estem", argumenta Pere Mangrané, president de l'Associació de Voluntaris del parc natural. "Això només passa per l'educació i la conscienciació de les persones", ratifica Anna Giménez, tinent d'alcalde de Dinamització Econòmica i Enfocament Turístic i Cultural de Deltebre, ajuntament que participa en la campanya al costat dels de l'Aldea, l'Ampolla, Camarles, Amposta, Sant Carles de la Ràpita i Sant Jaume d'Enveja.Amb aquest objectiu, paral·lelament a les accions de neteja, els consistoris i voluntaris que impulsen la campanya organitzaran taules sectorials als diferents municipis per trobar la manera d'implicar activament els agents socioeconòmics del delta de l'Ebre i que "adquireixin compromisos" per fer front a un problema que afecta entorns naturals i també urbans de la zona, amb conseqüències econòmiques, com per exemple, en el cas de la neteja de platges i les consegüents queixes dels turistes. El debat es traslladarà a les escoles a partir de les xerrades dins d'un programa d'educació ambiental, així com en fires i amb un aquari a la Casa de Fusta. Els voluntaris, per la seva banda, portaran als diferents plens municipals mocions perquè els ajuntaments de la zona adoptin definitivament l'ús de gots i coberts reutilitzables en les festes i esdeveniments populars que celebrin. També s'ha demanat una subvenció al Grup d'Acció Local de Pesca de la Mar de l'Ebre per crear un protocol de neteja de platges i avançar en programes educatius.Tot i que quantitativament no es considera representatiu, les accions de neteja permeten valorar el tipus de residus i els seus efectes sobre la fauna i l'entorn natural. Dels 5.830 quilos recollits l'any passat, una immensa fracció, el 82%, eren plàstics. Uns 600 quilos d'aquest material van ser traslladats a una fàbrica de Montpellier on es van transformar en 180 quilos de taps per a ampolles xampú. La destinació dels que es puguin treure enguany, però, no està decidida. La composició restant dels residus era en un 6% metalls, un 5% tèxtil, 4% vidres i resta un 3%. "És resistent i dura, però té com a contrapartida que no és degrada. Dins al mar, per l'acció del vent i les corrents, es fragmenta en microplàstics i estan escampats pel medi: la fauna se'n veu ressentida", recorda Mangrané. Precisament, el parc natural participa també enguany, als mesos d'abril, juliol i octubre en la campanya Act4litter, juntament amb una vintena d'àrees marines protegides de la Mediterrània, que caracteritza els residus en un tram de platja de platja de 100 metres i ha de servir per programar accions conjuntes per preservar els ecosistemes de les escombraries.
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kingkaardquotes · 6 years
King: Just leave me to do my dark bidding on the deltanet.
Rouxls: What art thou bidding on, Sire?
King: I'm bidding on a table.
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talktsonic-blog · 5 years
Deltanet for retirees
On Monday, September 17 the stock rating was redesignd by JP Morgan to "Fair". The supply of Federated Investors, Inc. (NYSE:FII) earned "Hold" rating by Deutsche Bank on Friday, November 16. Capital Management Corp broadened Greenhill and Co Inc (NYSE:GHL) stake by 78,909 plans to 714,352 respected at $17.43M in 2018Q4. It in like way extended Delta Air Lines Inc Del (NYSE:DAL) stake by 38,500 offers and now ensures 194,870 offers. Eaton Vance Corp (NYSE:EV) was raised as well.
 Later Federated Investors, Inc. (NYSE:FII) news were scattered by: Globenewswire.com which discharged: "Cash related ace Expectations to Drive Momentum inside Freeport-McMoRan, Snap, Maxim Integrated Products, Simon Property Group, Golden Ocean Group, and Federated Investors — Discovering Underlying Factors of Influence – GlobeNewswire" on February 28, 2019. Besides Prnewswire.com coursed the news titled: "Month-End Portfolio Data Now Available for Federated Premier Municipal Income Fund – PRNewswire" on February 15, 2019. Seekingalpha.com's news article titled: "Joined Investors Q4 2018 Earnings Preview – Seeking Alpha" with scattering date: January 23, 2019 was in like way a fascinating one. Specialists imagine Federated Investors, Inc. (NYSE:FII) to report advantage on April, 25. They expect $0.55 advantage per share, down 8.33% or $0.05 from a year earlier's $0.6 per share. FII's preference will be $55.42 million for 13.60 P/E if the $0.55 EPS changes into a reality. After $0.61 certifiable advantage per share revealed by Federated Investors, Inc. for the past quarter, Wall Street before long checks - 9.84% negative EPS improvement.
 Dependably, fifteen thousand game plans of Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus plunge upon Gediz Delta, a staggering and superb wetland joining the Gediz River and the Aegean Sea. There, they make their trademark spring of gushing magma shaped homes and raise their young, before setting off in the long run on their yearly relocation. This uncommon natural structure is so wealthy in sustenance and reasonable typical surroundings that it bolsters 10% of the hard and fast individuals, and 30% of the European masses of Greater Flamingo. Similarly, it's not simply flamingos – marvelous winged creatures, for example, the Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis (Vulnerable) and Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus (Near Threatened) in addition discover safe house here, neighboring a flourishing plenitude of other ordinary life. Regardless, in March 2017, it nearly wager being harmed miserable. A recommendation for a super increase accomplice the Southern and Northern shorelines of the Izmir Bay was, unbelievably, grasped by Turkey's Ministry of Environment and Urbanization – regardless of the way in which that Gediz Delta is a by and large checked wetland, qualifying as a Key Biodiversity Area, an Imbportant Bird and Biodiversity Area and a Ramsar site. Doga (BirdLife in Turkey) sprang overwhelmingly, moving a the nation over battle and court case to drop this stunning improvement.
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 Gediz Delta's astonishing scene could have been scarred everlastingly © DoğaGediz Delta's shocking scene could have been scarred constantly © Doğa Supported up by accessories the nation over and an inside and out intelligent report, the court case battled that the enlargement would not just crush central raising islands and looking areas, yet additionally motivation a disastrous decrease in the measure of salt water shrimp on which flamingos feed, taking out an earnest relationship in the normal way of life. Their steady work satisfied – in August 2018, the Administrative Court of Izmir Province ended the endeavor as an attentive development, in the wake of conveying that the past Environmental Impact Assessment had not given enough data. This month ran with the brilliant news that the improvement has been always dropped. This critical achievement demonstrates that crusading and activism can – and does – have a genuine effect.
 General Manager of Doğa, Dicle Tuba Kilic imparted that: "Doğa has been drawing in with different improvement widens that would section and obliterate the Gediz Delta since the connection [was] created. This genuine triumph isn't fundamental for the delta yet in addition for the whole Mediterranean Basin and unmistakable wetlands in Turkey… Doga will proceed to shield and drive the delta with the affiliations and collusions at various estimations. " Enchanted things happen when inverse energies meet. 
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
Delta Media Group to launch CRM-based, digital marketing platform
Delta Media Group to launch CRM-based, digital marketing platform
Delta Media Group, one of America’s largest providers of real estate technology solutions for brokerages, will launch a “next-level,” CRM-based, all-in-one digital marketing platform this fall. DeltaNET 7 leverages artificial intelligence and automation with unparalleled customization. Hosted by Delta Media Sneak Peek Webinar Tuesday, September 6 to showcase its new platform at 2:00 pm ET.…
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tech2guides · 6 years
dlnet – Delta Login | Dlnet Delta com | Extranet Landing Page
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Dlnet: Delta Air Lines has an extranet which is very useful for the Employees who wants to access their Data such as pay stubs, work schedules etc. This extranet is also best in terms of the get into the Delta Login From Anywhere to the Employees.   The Employees of Delta Airlines can Able Acces Delta Login to check their details and the Important thing is to check The schedule. It's being a serves as the HR portal the Employees and other Delta Air Lines retirees, contractors and vendors can also access this is because of  Delta Air Lines extranet data will also helpful and relevant to the People retirees, as well as the contractors and vendors who worked for Delta Airlines.   Dlnet.delta.com. is the Place to Login Delta Air Lines extranet. So this is the website address which you have to Enter into the Web Address and also you have to make sure that Whenever you want to get into the Official Website do check the Address so that your work will be very easy and we all provide the RIght Information to our Readers so that can be add more Benefit to the Readers for sure.   Launch the Web browser and Move your Curser into the Browser Address Bar. Now Type the Address of Delta (Dlnet.delta.com) After You have entered the Address Hit the Enter button on the keyboard. It will simp;y takes you into the DeltDlnet. That all.   Related: MyAccountAccess login Read the full article
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