#Demetri would be such a ragingly uncool uncle help
Prompt: Magic
Demetri ft. Sam and Miguel’s difficult-to-please daughter XD Future AU!
“Whoa! Where’d it go?”
Demetri opens the cloth, revealing the quarter previously inside is now missing. Zahra LaRusso seems unimpressed.
The 10-year-old crosses her arms, frowning. “You probably yanked it out while you were shuffling the cloth around.”
“Untrue. Look where I found it!”
He grabs at the air behind Zahra’s ear and pulls out a silver coin, beaming.
Zahra scoffs. “Not the same quarter. You dug that out of the couch cushion while I wasn’t looking!”
“But watch what I can do with this dove—”
“MOM!” Zahra hollers. “Uncle Demetri is torturing me with lame magic tricks again!”
@abushelandablog thank you for helping me come up with a sassy and wonderful Samiguel lovechild <3 ALSO @xtraordinaryfangrl I remember a while back you requested more Samiguel kids + weird gay uncles Demetri and Eli??? Well look no further, I gotchu fam <3
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