#Denisa Golgota
gymfanconfessions · 4 years
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“what happened to denise golgota? i read somewhere she retired but why so close to the olympics?”
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tutyayilmazz · 4 years
"Monica Roşu was amazed when she found out that Denisa Golgotă gave up practicing gymnastics!"
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twoflipstwotwists · 5 years
@UEGymnastics: 13.133 (5.6) on floor for Romania's Denisa Golgota 🇷🇴! #Minsk2019
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marz-fraziers · 5 years
golgota on floor. hop back on the piked full-in, falls on the dbl arabian- ugh. gelya-esque landing on the tucked full-in, all over the place on her wolf turn, slight hop on the dbl tuck to end
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aly126 · 6 years
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Denisa’s double arabian from Quals
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queen-chengfei · 5 years
I love golgota's lower beam choreo
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agathacrispies · 6 years
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WAG 2018 European Championships: Vault, Uneven Bars, Balance Beam, and Floor Exercise Medalists (Source: Julian Finney/Getty Images)
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griffinssclarke · 6 years
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smur03 · 6 years
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chaosallstar · 6 years
Golgota: runs around in a little circle in the corner of the floor
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dat-oversplit-tho · 6 years
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Denisa Golgota takes silver on FX at the 2018 Koper World Challenge Cup for Romania
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gymfanconfessions · 4 years
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“I’m so so sad that Denisa Golgota, another amazing Romanian talent, retired at just 18. She really was the strength of their team and only real contender for international finals, and now I sadly can’t see their program being on an upswing in the forseeable future. I just hope that this won’t affect or discourage the 2004 girls from sticking it out.”
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tutyayilmazz · 6 years
Denisa isn't going to Baku or Doha world cups to heal for Euros
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twoflipstwotwists · 5 years
Golgota has fallen on every apparatus so far today :(
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postolympicworlds · 6 years
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aly126 · 6 years
2019 Romanian National Team & Updates by Forminte (including injuries, staff problems and Chernobyl)
I gave up translating interviews lately, mostly because there’s not much to say, and if it is, it raises my pulse and I already have issues with that, but huge shout out to @airforcejuanaurelius​ for showing me Forminte’s latest interview and making my day. Gotta admit I missed the entertainment, because if you ignore the absurdity, he is quite the funny guy and below’s proof.
2019 NT - Denisa Golgota, Maria Holbura, Carmen Ghiciuc, Alexandra Mihai, Nica Ivanus, Laura Iacob, Maria Pana, Iulia Berar, Ana Maria Puiu, Ioana Crisan
(Forminte mentions having 10 seniors on the NT, names 9, says he’s forgetting someone, moves on, 2 minutes later remembers Crisan) 
Golgota will go to Doha and Baku WCs to prepare for Euros. Everyone skipped Jesolo because of the flu which delayed their training. Euros Team will probably be Golgota, Ghiciuc and Iacob, or maybe a miracle will happen with Berar and Puiu and they can get up to date with their training to be able to perform.
Golgota is the only healthy one, Mihai has been out with elbow pain for 2 years - eventually had surgery, Crisan has been struggling for 2 years with a twisted ankle - turns out she will also have surgery (‘to do something to her, I don’t know what, 'cause I’m not a doctor’ - Forminte). Berar and Puiu have been out for 6 months due to ‘common pains’ (‘I’ve never seen such a generation before’ - Forminte).  Later on, he brags about how girls don’t get injured in Deva, apparently all the issues are from before, when they trained at the club.
He names several things contributing to the state of gymnastics, like how gymnasts aren’t as strong as before, you know, due to nutrition and Chernobyl (yes, he actually said that). Also, narrow selection pool, parents being too involved, no choreographer, no doctors on the NT (he has a point with the poor medical staff, though), etc. 
He mentions how, usually, when they have requests to local authorities, they usually get the standard response - ‘there’s no money’, but goes on to say that ‘fortunately, gymnastics can’t complain, as it has everything it needs to function, but we struggle with the staff, such as a choreographer, or a doctor.’ - Idk if he genuinely thinks they can’t find them in all of Romania, because, apparently, it’s not about the money?
The interviewer says he read about Larisa trying to come back and asks Forminte for more info, to which he responds ‘why would you think I'd know more about it?’ Turns out he read from the media that Larisa had the 3rd surgery and is trying to find a solution to train in Bucharest or Izvorani. She didn’t get in touch with him, so he doesn’t know what’s up with that.
Blames others for keep saying that there’s no hope for this generation which makes the girls and their parents lose motivation, totally ‘forgetting’ how he said that himself idk how many times.
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