#Despite whatever pure she is in imperial truth she still suspectible on being nice To Xenos
mayoonrices · 5 months
My Rogue Trader, Frida Grathriana Aeos Venria de Vhal af Calaxis or Recently, Frida Von Valancius
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A Noble Voidborn, And Officer of regiment. High Dogmatic and low Iconoclast decisions and totally dint indulge a little bit of heresy on her darkest hour.
She was my first and won't be my last rogue trader I'm gonna make portrait and do gameplay. Right now I'm doing high Dogmatic with plus narcissism and high coercion like good bred Noble.
Will be doing Pure Pysker Iconoclast and Crime Lord Heretical next since I'm almost done with act 4 and closer to the last act. Which means I have to painstakingly paint their portraits as well
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The Misadventures of Prince Kim - chapter 9
(aka the royalty AU story)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] [AO3]
Princess Alya, heir to the throne of the Césaire Kingdom, had always prided herself on how observant she was. If anyone had a secret, she would always be sure to figure it out. She always had to be the first to know about things. It was just that hunger inside her for knowledge, for truth, always looking for more things to discover! Her family had told her that her skills would make her an excellent spy network leader later on in life, but little did they know she already was one.
Reports were constantly being flown in from home by a trail of messenger pigeons, letting her know everything that was going on that she hadn’t been explicitly told. Hmm, spymaster Theo had just taken up yet another “job”, this time in the household of Lord Cataldi. Hopefully the intel from him would let her know what that untrustworthy noble was up to now, and whether or not he was plotting against her family like she suspected. She would definitely have to keep an eye on that.
Alya had even started up her own network within the school itself. There were a few nobles from her own kingdom here so she had already recruited them, and even found some bright and upcoming spies from other countries who she could bring to her side after gaining their trust. This way she would be able to find out everything that was going on.
Her favourite spy in her confidence had to be Marchesa Lila. That girl would do anything to get into the good books of members of royalty, including telling some of the most convincing and intricate lies Alya had ever heard. With a girl like that under her wing, she had the power to strike her influence everywhere!
Well, almost everywhere. Alya had a new challenge now, and the nobility would not be able to help her this time. She would have to rely on her own observational skills to figure out the thing she was just burning to know – who was the other girl in her class who liked girls?
Really, it could be anyone. Such things were often impossible to tell from the outside. After all, Alya herself had managed to keep her own preferences mostly hidden from the outside world for now, although she waited for the day when she would ascend the throne and then be able to freely show who she really was without anyone being able to say anything about it.
But then again, Alix had said that the girl was “not that subtle about it”. In that case some snooping around should be able to solve the mystery. Especially since someone as oblivious as Alix considered it unsubtle, since she hadn’t even managed to notice how obviously head over heels Kim was for her – and Alya certainly wasn’t going to interfere there!
Of course there was always the possibility that Alix had been lying about all this. But why would she? She had shown herself to be nothing but truthful so far, even rather tactlessly saying whatever was on her mind at moments where keeping quiet would have been wiser. No, she was not lying. And statistically speaking, she was right. There had to be other girls in the class who were not straight. There just had to be.
So… who was it? In the days leading up to the ball, Alya used the time during lessons to pay close attention to her fellow lady classmates, and the time during breaks to converse with them and try to figure out which way they “swing”, so to speak.
She realized fairly quickly it was not her friend Marinette. No, if Marinette liked girls then she was clearly keeping that hidden, since there were no signs of it whatsoever. If anything, Marinette seemed to be leaning towards Prince Nino as an object of her affections, often gushing about how lovely he was and how excited she was to be his partner for the ball. She definitely could not have been the one who asked out Alix. Anyway, she told Alya everything. If that was the case then Alya would already know.
What about Chloé? Alya had suspected from day one that Chloé might not be as straight as she seemed. But the stuck-up imperial princess had been expecting the whole time that she would be going to the ball with Adrien, so would she have asked out anyone else in the meantime? There was no chance.
How about Sabrina? No, it was unlikely. The only person she ever associated with was Chloé, in a rather strange mix of loyalty and fear. If she was into girls then there was nothing “not that subtle” about it, since Alya did not notice anything about her that suggested it at all.
Mylène was easy to rule out. Everyone could clearly see her interest in Ivan, and indeed those two were going to the ball with each other. Any love for other girls that Mylène had was, quite obviously, purely platonic.
Rose… now there was a more likely suspect! Sweet Rose did tend to go overboard with expressions of love for her friend Juleka, often holding her hand, giving her hugs, all kinds of physically affectionate actions like that. Was she merely just very friendly for a royal, or was this something more?
Chatting with her during a horse ride through the surrounding countryside, however, led Alya to believe Rose really was just a very affectionate person in general. She went on and on about a servant boy from home who she was madly in love with and wished she could see again, some fellow named Ali (which, to be fair, was only one letter off). In that case Rose probably was not the one Alya was looking for.
Which just left Juleka.
Alya had barely even noticed Juleka before. She was princess of the mysterious distant country of Couffaine, always dressed all in black, and barely ever spoke above a whisper – if she even spoke at all. Alya certainly hadn’t noticed anything “not that subtle” about her despite having been here for over a month. But then again, that was because Alya had never even paid any attention to her. No one had. Juleka went almost as unnoticed as the paint on the walls.
But now… Alya could see it. Tiny lovestruck glances at Rose out of the corner of her eye when she thought no one was looking. Small hidden smiles to herself whenever Rose said something particularly cute. The way her face would go pink whenever Rose called her “sweet” or “pretty” or “my Juleka”. The way she would end up dreamily gazing at Rose when bored during class.
How had Alya not noticed it before? Was Juleka just that good at being almost invisible, simply fading into the background despite how much an appearance like hers should stand out? In any case, Alya understood now. Juleka really was not that subtle. It was just hard to notice when you weren’t specifically looking for it. And now that she was…
It was obvious! Juleka liked girls, and not just platonically! She had a huge, glaring crush on Rose. But then, why hadn’t she just asked Rose to the ball? Was she too nervous? If she was then Alya couldn’t fathom why she would go for someone as intimidating as Alix instead. It seemed like there was a new mystery to solve – and this time maybe direct action would be better.
Alya walked over to Juleka’s dorm room that evening and knocked on the door.
“Oh, Alya! Um, hi.” Juleka was still wearing a dress that looked uncomfortably tight around the waist, but her hair was fully down now. It was incredibly long and had purple streaks at the tips, something that wasn’t usually visible.
“Can I come in?”
Juleka let Alya into her room and closed the door. Almost everything in here was black, with lace and velvet and skulls decorating everywhere. What kind of kingdom even was Couffaine? Was everyone there like this? Or was it just Juleka? This girl really was a mystery.
“So,” Alya said immediately, “have you got a date for the dance?”
“I think you should ask Rose.”
Juleka blushed and looked at the ground. “You mean… like as a friend?”
“If you want. But I meant as a date. A romantic date. You two make a good couple.”
“Oh… I mean…” Juleka ran a nervous hand through her hair. “Maybe, but… why do you say that?”
“I’ve seen how you look at her, it’s obvious you like her. And don’t worry, I’m not going to judge that. Actually I can relate.”
“Really?” Juleka’s face lit up. “Awesome… I mean, okay I like Rose, I never told anyone because what if I get deposed or something… Anyway, I don’t think Rose likes me like that so I guess I’ll just ask her as a friend then…”
“That’s a good start. You’ve totally got this, girl. And anyway, I hear that’s not the only time you’ve asked out a girl, is it?”
Juleka’s face suddenly switched straight to a death glare. “Who told you about that?”
“Relax, I figured it out myself. Kinda. Well, Alix said some ‘chick’ asked her out and when I asked about that she said she won’t tell me who but that it’s someone from our class, and I figured it out from there!”
“Oh, right…” Juleka’s face had gone back to neutral. Thank goodness, since a glare with those red eyes was far from pleasant. “Um, yeah. I just think venomous animals are cool so I asked her if I could see her snake, and she was telling me about it, and then I suddenly freaked out and asked her to the ball. But she said she’s not going and not to take it personally.”
“Yeah, she doesn’t seem like she’s the kind of person to be interested in posh fancy balls. So anyway, you’ll ask out Rose?”
“Platonically,” Juleka said, nodding.
“Nice. I hope it goes well for you. That was all I really wanted to talk to you about, so I’ll get going now, and rest assured your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you, Alya.”
“No problem! And uh… I’m sorry if I alarmed you by just barging in here and asking you about this. I know it’s personal and all, it’s just I’m really nosy and I really wanted to know, and anyway like I said I can relate, so…”
“I guess it was good to be able to tell someone,” Juleka admitted. “But yeah, maybe don’t do that to other people, it’s not something most people want to talk about…”
“You’re right, I’ll be more mindful of that in the future. But good luck with Rose anyway. I’ll see you soon!”
“Yeah, see you in class.”
Alya left the room and closed the door behind her.
Yes, perhaps she did overstep her boundaries a little sometimes. But how else was she supposed to be the greatest spymaster the world had ever seen? Knowledge was power, and in a kingdom like Césaire, no power meant you were going to get overthrown. She had to stay atop the pack. But perhaps she could find a way to go about it more considerately?
The night of the autumn ball soon arrived. Most people had decided to attend, wanting to see how a school ball would differ from the ones usually held at royal and noble courts. The only people here would be students, for a start, so despite being a formal affair it wouldn’t be too bad to accidentally get something wrong.
“You, uh, go on ahead,” Kim said to Max. “I’ll go and see if Alix changed her mind about going.”
“She won’t, but alright. Are you planning to tell her–”
“Nope. Not today. Not telling her anything.”
Max chuckled. “Alright. I’ll see you there.”
He headed off in one direction while Kim went in the other.
Kim arrived at Alix’s room and knocked on the door. She opened it and he saw that she was wearing some kind of pyjamas – okay, she definitely wasn’t going then.
“Hey Kim,” she said, yawning. “What’s up? Are you going to that lame ball thing?”
“Uh, yeah actually,” he said. “That’s why I’m wearing posh clothes…”
“Huh? Oh yeah. What are you doing here then?”
“I was just wondering, um, if you changed your mind? And you wanted to go after all?”
“No way. I’ve got better things to be doing with my time than going to some stupid ball. Like, you know, not going to the ball.”
“Okay, fair enough.”
“Seriously Kim, formal balls are boring. Have you been to one before?”
“Um, I’ve been to banquets, and…”
She shook her head. “Nope. Banquets are okay because you can just stuff your face with food. Balls are the worst. You’d hate it, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“It might be fun if you go with friends…” He had actually been talking about Max, but she didn’t realize.
“I told you, I’m not going. But if you get bored you’re welcome to come and hang out in here with me. I swear I’ll keep the snake in his enclosure.”
Hanging out with her… that might actually be more fun than the ball. “Can I just stay and hang out now?”
“Yeah, sure.”
She invited him in. He had only seen her room once or twice, preferring to spend time in Max’s room. Alix’s room was just too hot and stuffy. He knew she kept it like that to keep her snake more comfortable since that was what the climate was like back in her country, but still, how did she cope?
The snake was draped over the back of a chair but she picked it up and put it into a big enclosure that took up at least half the room. It was filled with sand and rocks and twigs and all sorts of other outdoorsy things.
“So what now?” Alix said, bypassing the chair entirely and sitting on the table instead. “I’ve got chess, Scrabble, Monopoly, darts, an actual fist fight could be fun since I’ve always wanted to try it…”
He hadn’t even heard of half of those, but anyway he had something else to ask about. It seemed like she was hiding something. “Alix, why do you hate formal balls so much? Are they really that boring?”
She sighed. “Well, they’re boring when you’re a pharaoh and you’re not allowed to do what you want because everyone’s watching you and you have to keep your country and your family’s reputation up.”
“But surely the whole point of being a pharaoh is that you can just do whatever you want and no one can stop you?”
“Nah, not really. I mean, I know I act like that all the time, but it’s really not true.” She crossed her arms. “I’m never allowed to do what I want. Never have been, never will be. Listen… do you know what ‘HDI’ means?”
He had heard Max use that term before but never bothered to ask about it. “No.”
“It stands for ‘Human Development Index’. Basically it’s a measure of stuff like life expectancy, income, education, that kinda thing. It tells you how well your country’s doing. Kubdel has the highest HDI in the world and the commoners are pretty much free to do whatever they want. They’re guaranteed a long life, enough money to live on, freedom of speech, high standard of living and quality of life, you know what I mean.”
“Does it mean your country’s the best in the world?”
“No, there’s no way to judge something like that, it just means it’s one of the nicest places to live in. If you’re a commoner, that is. Because I’m the one who’s expected to run the whole place now, so if I make any wrong moves it’s going all downhill.”
“But you’re like, a teenager. Surely they can’t expect you to rule a country properly already.”
“Of course they don’t. I mean technically I could if I wanted to, but I’m just gonna let my dad essentially be regent for me until I’m like 18 at least. And anyway the elected council does the normal day-to-day running of the country, I don’t need to have a say unless I specifically want to. But I still have to do all the ceremonial stuff.”
“Greeting ambassadors, attending meetings, wearing fancy uncomfortable clothes and going to stupid posh events all the time where I can’t do anything except stand there being bored, making stupid small talk with people I don’t care about, not even allowed to bring my snake with me for company, pretending to be just as boring and stuck-up as everyone else is…”
She tucked her feet up and rested her chin on her knees, making her look even tinier than usual.
“My country isn’t like most of the others, Kim. It’s right at the top and now it’ll be my responsibility to somehow keep it there. I can’t mess up even a little bit. And all my life I’ve been told that if I want to be a good ruler of the most developed country in the world then do this, do that, stop having fun, be more serious, put on a dress for once, whatever. Now that I’m an actual ruler I get told what to do even more, would you believe. It’s so stupid and annoying.”
“So is that why you don’t wanna go to the ball? Because I’m sure no one there will tell you what to do…”
“I know they won’t, but it’ll still remind me of all the stupid balls I have to attend back at home. And trust me, they are always boring. If I ever have a chance not to go then I just won’t go. That’s one thing I love about being at this school – I really can do what I want now. I don’t have to worry that my dad’s gonna suddenly turn up and tell me off for being a reckless idiot or something.”
As if on cue, a tune started playing from her sceptre that was leaning against the wall in the corner of the room.
“Ugh, that’s probably him. Well I’m not answering it.”
“Why’s it playing music?” Kim asked. It had started lighting up too, like there was something blue glowing inside it.
“That’s just the ringtone.”
“The what?”
“You know… when the phone rings, it makes a noise so… Seriously, have you never made a phone call in your life? Every kingdom has at least a few telephones, I know that much!”
“Well I’ve never used a telephone!”
“Okay, some day I am definitely showing you how to use one.”
The sceptre stopped ringing after a few more bars.
“Oh good, I hope whoever it was doesn’t call back. It’s probably someone calling to tell me off and I’m not in the mood for that. Literally the only person back home who doesn’t just start scolding me on sight is my brother Jalil, and that’s because he’s almost as much of a failure as I am.”
“You’re not a failure!”
“Yeah, but I probably will be. You know me, don’t you? Do you honestly think my country will be okay with someone like me ruling it? I’ll certainly try my best and I don’t want to let anyone down, but I know perfectly well I’m not the kind of person who should be put in charge of a ridiculously prestigious kingdom… Inheritance is a mess, honestly…”
She laughed, but it didn’t sound particularly happy.
“I just want to make my family proud. I know I’ve kind of a been a temperamental brat my whole life, it’s probably so stressful on my dad. But I just hate having to do what I’m told! And how am I ever supposed to be even a slightly competent ruler if I can’t even be a competent daughter? Pfff, it’s gonna be a disaster and you know it.”
This was not what Kim had in mind when he said he wanted to hang out with Alix. He really did feel bad for her, hearing about her life problems and whatever pressure she was under, but how was he supposed to help? If there was anyone who was more of a reckless idiot than her, it was him!
Still, he should say something…
“Even if it’s a disaster I’ll still be your friend,” he said quickly. “And so will Max, probably. He could help you run your kingdom in the future, couldn’t he? I mean I know you said that council thing can do it for you and the problem is the whole acting like a serious pharaoh and going to posh meetings and stuff but…”
“Wait, you were properly listening to all that?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Really? I thought you must have zoned out!” She grinned. “Well it’s nice to know you and Max will stick around even after I’ve inevitably been overthrown in utter disgrace for like, starting a food fight at a banquet for diplomats or something.”
“For the record, that would be awesome.”
“I’m glad you think so at least. If I told Jalil that idea he’d probably have a heart attack. But anyway I’m not actually gonna start a food fight, and you’re probably a bad influence on me for encouraging that sort of behaviour.”
“Good thing we’ve got Max to stop us, huh?”
“Yeah. And it’s a good thing Max has got us, that stick-in-the-mud needs some adventure in his life. Anyway, uh… Sorry for rambling a bit. I basically gave you a geography lesson, didn’t I? You might have had more fun at the ball actually.”
“I don’t know about that–”
“And thank you for listening. No one at home ever listens for that long, even Jalil’s usually too busy. It’s nice to have friends here.”
Kim was about to say something when he saw that she was holding her arms out open, an invite for a hug. Sitting up on the desk made her at least the same height as him.
He almost hesitated to go for it – over the past few minutes he had been so absorbed in what she was saying that he momentarily forgot how much he was crushing on her. But he suddenly remembered, as his pulse shot up so fast it was like he’d had too many cups of coffee in a row, oh yes he remembered now alright…
Trying to ignore that, he leaned forwards and gave her a quick hug. She really was tiny, wasn’t she? Much tinier than Max, and even he was tiny compared with Kim. In any case, despite not really wanting to let go, Kim did indeed let go rather quickly. He could feel his face starting to heat up and if that was happening it probably meant he was about to start blushing, and she might notice, and might figure it out, and…
“I think I’ll go find Max now,” he mumbled.
“Cool, have fun,” she said. “If you even can have fun at something as boring as a ball, anyway.”
“Yeah. I’ll try.”
He quickly headed out of the room and then sank down against the wall, trying to calm his racing heart. Having a crush on a friend was definitely not as fun as the troubadours always made it sound. What was he even supposed to do about it? It was making everything weird!
Was a friendship hug supposed to last longer than that? He had no idea, since his brain at that moment had been running on something other than friendship. Did he make it too short? Did that mean she thought he didn’t want to hug her? Would it have been creepy if he’d hugged her for longer, considering she didn’t know he thought she was kinda hot? Ugh, this was so confusing!
He stood up and took a long, deep breath. Right. Time to go find Max. And maybe to tell him that Kim really wasn’t in the mood for being at the ball anymore, and that maybe he’d just go back to his room for now and get an early night. Athletes needed their sleep, after all.
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