#Detroit Community Technology Project
beardedmrbean · 1 year
Detroit City Council on Tuesday approved a $5 million expansion of the use of license plate readers across the city, using federal pandemic relief funds.
It's the latest City Council vote on surveillance technology that has ignited debate in the community. Other surveillance tools Detroit police utilize include ShotSpotter — City Council last year OK'd spending $8.5 million on the gunshot detection technology amid fierce support and opposition — Project Green Light video surveillance and facial recognition technology
Two City Council members voted against the license plate reader spending: Gabriela Santiago-Romero and Latisha Johnson.
Detroit police have used license plate readers since 2018. But with the city's new contract with Motorola Solutions, an additional 100 cameras will be set up at 25 intersections, according to Detroit police. There are currently 83 cameras set up at intersections, in addition to over 100 mobile cameras.
The vast majority of community members who tuned in to Tuesday's council vote urged their city leaders to approve the $5 million dollar contract in hopes that it could address speeding on Detroit's roads — but using license plate readers for traffic and civil infractions goes against Detroit police policy.
According to Detroit Police Department policy, license plate readers are used in investigations involving auto theft — which Detroit has seen more of in the past year — and violent crimes such as homicides and sexual assaults.
The cameras are focused on the rear of vehicles and photos are taken of license plates, Deputy Chief Franklin Hayes said during an hourlong debate prior to Tuesday's vote. The cameras do not capture the faces of drivers and are not used to identify them, he said. Officials in other cities, like Louisville, Kentucky, have reported otherwise, stating license plate readers can be used to capture faces.
Data retrieved from Detroit's license plate readers is saved for 90 days, Hayes said.
Police Chief James White described license plate readers as "one of the most useful and powerful tools that we have" during Tuesday's debate.
He noted the technology was used to locate Rashad Trice, the man charged in the killing of 2-year-old Wynter Cole-Smith — the child was kidnapped in Lansing and later found dead in Detroit, and Trice, the prime suspect, was located in St. Clair Shores.
"Certainly we don't want anyone to abuse this tool," White added.
Many community members have opposed using more license plate readers. They spoke of civil liberty and privacy concerns amid growing reliance on surveillance technology, questioned the technology's effectiveness and questioned who owns the data, and how it's protected.
One major concern involves potential harm the technology could cause in Detroit's immigrant communities. White said it's against department policy to share data with government agencies such as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S Customs and Border Protection.
Sean Rositano, who works with the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center and is a member of the Detroit Immigration Task Force, said representatives of the task force met with Detroit police and aren't convinced the department's policies provide enough protection for immigrant communities.
"Cities nationwide have fought to limit license plate readers because researchers have shown ICE and Custom and Border Protection regularly purchase access to Motorola’s license plate databases," Rositano said on Monday during the City Council's public health and safety committee meeting.
"We do not want Detroit immigrant families separated, detained or deported because their license plate was stored in a database that immigration enforcement agencies can access. (Detroit police) would need to make amendments to its policies and contract with Motorola to ensure that safety of immigrants comes first."
Rositano suggested Detroit police limit agencies it shares data with, strengthen its oversight and provide transparent reporting to ensure ICE and CBP do not have access to Detroit’s data.
A spokesperson for the Detroit Police Department said the department owns the data collected by its license plate readers.
Santiago-Romero shared Rositano's concern over potential harm against immigrants in Detroit.
And she, among others, also questioned the technology's effectiveness compared with its cost.
Santiago-Romero noted that, according to Detroit police data, the technology conducted nearly 25 million license plate readings in the last 90 days, leading to only 64 arrests.
But White pushed back: Among the 64 people arrested, 16 are suspected of murder, he said.
"Sixteen murderers. That's the cost," White said.
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ttantta · 6 months
En cualquier caso, no deja de ser cierto que la educación tecnológica, sobre todo de las personas más viejas y de aquellas que no tuvieron la oportunidad de pasar mucho tiempo con estos dispositivos, es un tema importante. Y no solo es importante enseñarles a usar las herramientas, sino a profundizar en los motivos por los que estas herramientas son como son y en la posibilidad de crear otras nuevas. En Estados Unidos hay un grupo llamado Detroit Community Technology Project, del que hablo en el libro, que practica este tipo de educación técnica politizada.
Ben Tarnoff entrevistado en jacobinlat.com 22.10.12
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mariacallous · 1 year
In the 1990s, London built the Ring of Steel—a network of concrete barriers, checkpoints, and thousands of video cameras around the historic City of London—after bombings by the Irish Republican Army. The idea was to monitor everyone entering and leaving the Square Mile, what the The New York Times later called “fortress urbanism.”
After the September 11, 2001, attacks, city planners looking to defend New York from terrorism turned to London and fortress urbanism for inspiration. Fusion centers, where US law enforcement agencies share intelligence at a federal level to be analyzed and build a bigger picture of crime, had been around for a few years. But officials began asking, what if fusion centers could be localized? What if local law enforcement could analyze and gather masses of intelligence from one city?
In 2005, they answered with the first “real-time crime center” (RTCC), a sprawling network of CCTV and automatic license plate readers (ALPR) linked to a central hub in the New York Police Department headquarters costing $11 million. Since then, from Miami to Seattle, RTCCs have steadily expanded across the US. The Atlas of Surveillance, a project from the digital rights nonprofit the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which monitors police surveillance technology, has counted 123 RTCCs nationwide—and that number is rising.
Each RTCC is slightly different, but their function is the same: gather surveillance data across a city and use that to build a live picture of crime in the city. Police departments have an array of technologies available to them that span from CCTV, gunshot sensors, and social media monitoring to drones and body cameras. In Ogden, Utah, police even floated the idea of a 30-foot “crime blimp.” In many cases, images that police systems collect are run through facial recognition technology, and the data gathered is often used in predictive policing. In Pasco County, Florida, which operates an RTCC, the sheriff’s office’s predictive policing system encouraged officers to continuously monitor and harass residents for minor code violations such as missing mailbox numbers and overgrown grass.
Erik Lavigne is a detective at the Fort Worth Police Department in Texas and communications director at the National RTCC Association. He says there has been a boom in RTCCs over the past year because officers believe they help with more precise policing. He likens the scattered approach to policing in previous years to throwing out a fishnet and hoping to catch something. “For what we had at the time, that worked. But what inevitably happens is, you end up alienating the community because you're not just stopping the bad guys, you're also stopping innocent people that are just trying to live their lives,” he says. “A real-time crime center is a scalpel. We aren't catching the wrong people anymore.”
Lavigne says RTCCs are also a cheaper alternative to hiring more boots on the ground because each camera becomes, in effect, a stationary officer keeping watch over an area. Lavigne says this has proved so effective that analysts at RTCCs have been recording more crime than they can deal with, and  the Fort Worth RTCC has significantly helped decrease vehicle thefts.
Most evidence for RTCC effectiveness, however, is anecdotal, and there is a real lack of studies into how effective they really are. In Detroit, a National Institute of Justice study concluded that Project Green Light—a part of the Detroit Police Department RTCC that established cameras at more than 550 locations, including schools, churches, private businesses, and health centers—helped decrease property violence in some areas but did nothing to prevent violent and other crimes. But police departments argue they do work.
Few people know RTCCs even exist, let alone the extent of the surveillance they entail, so they can receive little public scrutiny and often operate without much oversight. There have long been concerns around how surveillance technologies could affect First and Fourth Amendment rights in the US, but Beryl Lipton, an investigative researcher at the EFF, says RTCCs “hyper-charge” these worries by collating all this data in one place.
“It’s perpetuating this mass collection of people's private information from a whole bunch of different video streams,” Lipton says. “They're really lowering the bar on the ways police can access that information … When there are these types of large databases without proper audit and oversight mechanisms, law enforcement officials and individuals can use them for their own purposes, which can be very scary.”
Regulations around the storage and usage of this data are patchy at best. For example, RTCC-collected data may be shared across jurisdictions because third parties contracted for the hardware or software will also collect data and share it, Lipton says. “Some of these companies will, in good faith, delete data in accordance with retention schedules, but we've seen them not do that,” she says. “With large databases like license plate reader databases, that information is sometimes shared without police departments realizing it and in violation of jurisdictional rules.”
While companies will argue this data is being stored securely, this is no guarantee. In 2020, hackers stole internal memos, financial records, and more from over 200 local, state, and federal agencies from web development firm Netsential, which provided data storage for fusion centers across the US. The trove of leaked data later became known as #BlueLeaks.
“There are real concerns around having this amount of information stored somewhere,” says Lipton, “I have no reason to believe these are somehow more secure systems than we have in other situations. And we know that those get breached all the time, law enforcement agencies in this country get hacked all the time.”
Lipton’s biggest worry is that this ability to follow people remotely and share that data across state lines could instead be used to target people involved in protests and political organizing, which has already happened, or those accessing reproductive health care. “Those issues become compounded because there’s the frightening ‘real time’ element to it,” she says. “That means that if you leave your house, there’s a very good chance that law enforcement could jump into a feed that is just following you around.”
In addition to police setting up their own technology, RTCCs draw on wider existing surveillance networks. Cooperation of public institutions like schools and colleges and privately owned cameras have been crucial to developing RTCCs by giving officers access to cameras that might otherwise need a warrant. In Atlanta, which has seen the number of cameras integrated into their RTCC treble to 15,329 in the past year, four higher-education institutions—Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, Morehouse College, and the Morehouse School of Medicine—installed $700,000 worth of cameras, including five ALPRs, that were linked to the Atlanta RTCC.
Fusus, which claims to be “the most widely used & trusted Real-Time Crime Center platform in U.S. Public Safety,” sells hardware that can be connected to private CCTV cameras and linked up to the local RTCC. Fusus sells a solution that brings all the various technologies under “a single pane of glass,” as the company describes it. Through partnerships with companies that provide surveillance technology, including a $21 million investment from Axon, which produces Tasers and body cams, Fusus promises to integrate these technologies into one RTCC platform for analysts.
Police departments that use Fusus, like the Memphis Police Department, have been encouraging homeowners and local businesses to purchase fususCORE bundles—hardware that connects cameras to an RTCC—ranging from $350 to $7,300, plus an annual $150 subscription. Fusus has even gone as far as developing technology that allows Amazon’s Ring doorbells to livestream to an RTCC.
Amid a push for policing to harness new technologies and become “smarter,” Lipton is quick to point out that more technology doesn’t necessarily equal smarter. “It almost always just means that they're going to keep heavily policing poor and minority areas,” she says. Despite Lavigne’s claims that RTCCs mean the wrong people aren’t getting arrested anymore, in a recent lawsuit, the New Orleans Police Department was sued for arresting a Black man after watching him for 15 minutes through their RTCC and wrongly concluding he had a gun. The department ultimately settled for $10,000 in damages.
Lipton believes relentless surveillance is an infringement of citizens rights and would like to see the use of these technologies limited—aside from facial recognition, which she says should be banned. “There are certain elements we just shouldn't be using at all,” she says. “We should never be applying facial recognition to almost anything … As soon as you apply any really individualizing technology like that, I mean, it's kind of over for people's privacy.” Communities and organizations like EFF and ACLU have been arguing for Community Control Over Police Surveillance (CCOPS) laws that bring surveillance technologies under the control of elected officials and communities. Cities like Oakland have found success with this, but without nationwide restrictions, the rise of RTCCs will likely continue on the periphery of the public eye.
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Detroit Lions Heart Shirt
Detroit Lions Heart Shirt
With the United Nations predicting world population growth from 6.7 billion in 2011 to 8.7 billion by 2035, demand for energy must increase substantially over that period. Both population growth and increasing standards of Detroit Lions Heart Shirt for many people in developing countries will cause strong growth in energy demand, as outlined above. Over 70% of the increased energy demand is from developing countries, led by China and India – China overtook the USA as top CO2 emitter in 2007. Superimposed on this, the UN Population Division projects an ongoing trend of urbanisation, from 52% in 2011 to 62% in 2035 and reaching 70% worldwide by 2050, enabling world population to stabilize at about 9 billion with better food supply, clean water, sanitation, health, education and communication facilities. Coal is not limited globally, but large amounts need to be moved from where it is plentiful to where it is needed, mainly for power generation. This has both economic and carbon emission implications (apart from actually burning it). Natural gas is abundant and increasingly traded over long distances, with supplies in several countries increasing due to technology enabling access to gas in shale beds. Oil is more limited, in 2012 global production increased to almost 76 million barrels per day (27 billion barrels/yr), and known reserves increased 8% to 1600 billion barrels.
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techblog3000 · 1 month
How Is Comcast Supporting Local Communities?
Comcast RISE: Empowering Small Businesses Comcast RISE continues to make a difference. They offer more than just financial help. Businesses get access to media consultations and creative production. A small bookstore in Atlanta received a professional commercial. This boosted their visibility and sales. Comcast RISE also provides technology makeovers. A local café in Miami got new point-of-sale systems. This improved their efficiency and customer service. The program’s impact is widespread, touching various industries and communities.
Comcast RISE also focuses on mentorship. Business owners receive guidance from industry experts. In Los Angeles, a fashion boutique owner learned new marketing strategies. This helped her attract more customers and grow her brand. The program also hosts networking events. These events connect business owners with potential partners and clients. Comcast RISE is not just about financial support; it’s about building a community of thriving businesses.
Project UP: Bridging the Digital Divide Project UP’s impact is growing. They partner with schools and libraries. In Detroit, a library became a Lift Zone. Families now have a place to access the internet. This helps with job searches and online learning. Project UP also supports digital literacy programs. In Houston, workshops teach seniors how to use the internet safely. These efforts ensure everyone can participate in the digital world. Comcast’s investment in digital equity is changing lives.
Project UP also collaborates with local governments. In Boston, they worked with the city to expand internet access in underserved neighborhoods. This initiative provided thousands of residents with affordable internet. Project UP also offers scholarships for digital skills training. In New York, a single mother received a scholarship to learn coding. This opened up new career opportunities for her. Project UP is dedicated to closing the digital divide and empowering communities.
Comcast Cares: Volunteering and Giving Back Comcast Cares Day is a major event. Thousands of employees volunteer nationwide. They clean parks, paint schools, and plant gardens. In Philadelphia, volunteers renovated a community center. This provided a safe space for kids to play and learn. Comcast also supports disaster relief efforts. After hurricanes, they help rebuild homes and restore services. Their commitment to community service is unwavering. Comcast Cares is more than a program; it’s a movement.
Comcast Cares also focuses on education. They partner with schools to provide resources and support. In San Francisco, they donated laptops to a local school. This helped students with their studies and improved their learning experience. Comcast also runs mentorship programs for youth. In Dallas, employees mentor high school students, helping them with career planning and college applications. Comcast Cares is dedicated to making a positive impact on communities across the country.
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innovativesjobs · 2 months
Finding Senior Software Engineer Jobs in Chennai: A Comprehensive Guide
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From Filter Coffee to Cutting-Edge Code: Mastering the Senior Software Engineer Job Hunt in Chennai
Chennai, the "Detroit of India," is experiencing a metamorphosis. Once known primarily for its auto industry, the city is now a burgeoning tech hub brimming with opportunities for software engineer jobs. If you're a seasoned developer seeking your next challenge, this comprehensive guide equips you to navigate the exciting landscape of Senior Software Engineer jobs in Chennai.
Chennai's Tech Takeoff: A Hotbed for Innovation
Chennai's tech scene is no longer a secret. Fueled by a robust talent pool, a supportive government, and a thriving startup ecosystem, the city is attracting major players and fostering cutting-edge innovation. From IT giants to homegrown unicorns, Chennai offers a diverse range of companies and projects for senior software engineers to sink their teeth into.
The Chennai Tech Ecosystem: A Who's Who
Understanding the key players is crucial for any job hunt. Here's a glimpse into Chennai's dynamic tech landscape:
IT Powerhouses: Global tech giants like Infosys, TCS, Cognizant, and Accenture have a significant presence in Chennai. These companies offer stability, attractive compensation packages, and the chance to work on large-scale projects with global impact.
Startup Stars: Chennai is a breeding ground for innovative startups like Zoho, Freshworks, and Chargebee. These companies attract talent with their fast-paced environments, ownership opportunities, and the chance to be at the forefront of disruptive technologies.
Emerging Leaders: Alongside established players, a new wave of exciting startups and mid-sized firms are creating a vibrant ecosystem. These companies offer a unique blend of growth opportunities, exposure to cutting-edge technologies, and a chance to shape the future of their respective industries.
Unveiling Hidden Gems: Expanding Your Job Search Horizons
While the aforementioned companies dominate the market, there's a hidden treasure trove of smaller firms and exciting startups offering unique opportunities for senior software engineers. Here's how to find them:
Local Job Boards: Utilize platforms like Indeed, Naukri.com, and TimesJobs to discover a vast array of positions across various industries and company sizes. Leverage location filters and keywords specific to your skillset to refine your search.
Networking Events: Attend meetups, conferences, and workshops specific to your area of expertise. These events allow you to connect with potential employers, learn about upcoming opportunities, and stay updated on industry trends in Chennai's tech scene.
Connect on Social Media: Follow tech blogs, company pages, and industry influencers on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. This allows you to stay informed about new openings, company culture, and potential connections with hiring managers.
Standing Out from the Filter Kaapi Crowd: Sharpening Your Skills
The competition for Senior Software Engineer jobs in Chennai is fierce. Here's how to showcase your expertise and land your dream role:
Master the Fundamentals: Possessing a strong foundation in algorithms, data structures, and object-oriented programming is essential.
Embrace the Latest Trends: Stay updated on the ever-evolving tech landscape. Focus on areas like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and DevOps – skills highly sought after by top companies in Chennai. Consider online courses or certifications to demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning.
Open Source Contribution: Contributing to open-source projects is a fantastic way to showcase your coding prowess, build a strong portfolio, and potentially connect with like-minded individuals and potential employers in Chennai's tech community.
Craft a Compelling Portfolio: Don't just tell, show! Create a portfolio website showcasing your past projects, highlighting your problem-solving skills, technical expertise, and experience working in collaborative environments.
Beyond the Resume: Embracing Chennai's Tech Culture
Landing a top job in Chennai goes beyond technical skills. Take the time to understand the city's vibrant tech culture. Explore meetups focused on specific technologies, attend industry conferences, and connect with local developer communities. This demonstrates your enthusiasm for the city and positions you as a well-rounded candidate.
The Final Line: Your Chennai Software Engineering Adventure Begins
Chennai's tech scene is brimming with opportunities for skilled senior software engineers. By understanding the market, identifying the key players, and actively honing your skills, you can unlock a plethora of exciting opportunities in this dynamic city. So, pack your bags (and maybe a filter coffee for those late-night coding sessions!), embrace the spirit of Chennai, and embark on your next software engineering adventure!
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paletalegear · 3 months
Official Medium Build In Detroit, MI On June 28, 2024 Tour Poster shirt
Official Medium Build In Detroit, MI On June 28, 2024 Tour Poster shirt
With the United Nations predicting world population growth from 6.7 billion in 2011 to 8.7 billion by 2035, demand for energy must increase substantially over that period. Both population growth and increasing standards of Official Medium Build In Detroit, MI On June 28, 2024 Tour Poster shirt for many people in developing countries will cause strong growth in energy demand, as outlined above. Over 70% of the increased energy demand is from developing countries, led by China and India – China overtook the USA as top CO2 emitter in 2007. Superimposed on this, the UN Population Division projects an ongoing trend of urbanisation, from 52% in 2011 to 62% in 2035 and reaching 70% worldwide by 2050, enabling world population to stabilize at about 9 billion with better food supply, clean water, sanitation, health, education and communication facilities. Coal is not limited globally, but large amounts need to be moved from where it is plentiful to where it is needed, mainly for power generation. This has both economic and carbon emission implications (apart from actually burning it). Natural gas is abundant and increasingly traded over long distances, with supplies in several countries increasing due to technology enabling access to gas in shale beds. Oil is more limited, in 2012 global production increased to almost 76 million barrels per day (27 billion barrels/yr), and known reserves increased 8% to 1600 billion barrels.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Mark S. Tillman (June 25, 1966) was the 34th General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He served the fraternity in numerous leadership positions and most recently as the immediate past Midwestern regional vice president and a district director of Michigan. He has thirty years of dedication as a member in maintaining Alpha Phi Alpha as a leader in the eyes of the members it serves and the community at large.
He has over 30 years of information technology experience with Hewlett Packard Enterprise. His current responsibilities include leading a team of systems engineers to design, build, and test cloud solutions. He provides leadership in project management, determining technical direction and research, and supporting implementation plans for new technology standards and processes.
He is the former chairman of an employee network group where he promotes and executes programs that enhance professional development and diversity within the IT profession.
A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, he completed his BS in Computer Science at Dillard University and he moved to Detroit. He is married to Velicia and is an avid outdoorsman. He is a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters and has been honored as a “Person of the Week” by the local ABC-affiliated news station WXYV and the 100 Black Men of Metro Detroit for his dedication to mentoring. He is a recipient of the Michigan Chronicle, Men of the Year Award. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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jlusifer007 · 4 months
Choosing the Best Web Development Companies in Chennai
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In the bustling city of Chennai, where technology thrives and businesses are constantly evolving, selecting the right web development company is paramount for online success. With numerous options available, finding the best fit for your project can be daunting. However, by understanding the key factors to consider and conducting thorough research, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals.
Experience and Expertise: 
One of the primary factors to consider when choosing a web development companies in Chennai is its experience and expertise. Look for companies with a proven track record in delivering high-quality websites and digital solutions. Evaluate their portfolio to gauge the diversity and complexity of their past projects. Additionally, consider their specialization areas to ensure they have the skills and knowledge relevant to your project requirements.
Technology Stack: 
The technology stack used by a web development company plays a crucial role in the performance and functionality of your website. Opt for a company that employs the latest tools and technologies, ensuring compatibility, scalability, and security. Discuss their technology preferences and assess whether they align with your project needs and future growth plans.
Client Reviews and Testimonials: 
Client feedback can provide valuable insights into the reliability and professionalism of a web development company. Look for testimonials and reviews from past clients to gauge their level of satisfaction and overall experience. Additionally, ask the company for case studies or success stories showcasing their achievements and problem-solving capabilities.
Communication and Collaboration: 
Effective communication is essential for the success of any project. Choose a web development company that emphasizes clear and transparent communication throughout the development process. Evaluate their responsiveness, accessibility, and willingness to listen to your ideas and concerns. A collaborative approach fosters trust and ensures that your vision is accurately translated into the final product.
Budget and Cost Considerations:
 When choosing a web development company, it's crucial to factor in your budget without making it the sole deciding element. Seek comprehensive quotes from several companies and analyze their pricing models thoroughly. Prioritize transparency in their pricing structures to avoid unexpected expenses later on. Remember, while affordability matters, focus on getting the best value for your investment rather than simply opting for the cheapest option.
Support and Maintenance: 
Launching a website is just the beginning of your online journey. Choose a web development company that offers comprehensive post-launch support and maintenance services. Inquire about their support packages, response times, and procedures for handling updates and technical issues. A reliable support system ensures that your website remains secure, up-to-date, and functional in the long run.
Why Choose a Web Development Company in Chennai?
Chennai, known as the "Detroit of India" for its thriving automobile industry, has also emerged as a hub for technology and innovation. With a robust IT infrastructure and a pool of talented professionals, Chennai offers a conducive environment for web development companies to flourish. Here are some reasons why you should consider choosing the right web development company in Chennai
Talent Pool: 
Chennai is home to some of the top engineering colleges and IT training institutes in the country. As a result, the city boasts a vast talent pool of skilled web developers, designers, and technologists. When you hire a web development company  you gain access to this rich talent pool, ensuring that your project is handled by experienced professionals.
Compared to other major IT hubs like Bangalore and Hyderabad, the cost of living and operating a business in Chennai is relatively lower. This translates to cost savings for clients seeking web development services. Chennai-based companies can offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to optimize their budget.
Quality of Work:
 Despite offering cost-effective solutions, web development companies in Chennai are known for delivering high-quality work. Many companies in the city adhere to international standards and best practices in web development, ensuring that the end product meets or exceeds client expectations. Whether you need a simple website or a complex web application, you can trust Chennai-based companies to deliver top-notch results.
Robust Infrastructure: 
Chennai boasts a robust IT infrastructure, with state-of-the-art technology parks and business incubation centers. These facilities provide web development companies with access to cutting-edge hardware, software, and networking resources, enabling them to execute projects efficiently and effectively. Additionally, Chennai's reliable power supply and internet connectivity ensure minimal downtime, allowing projects to progress smoothly.
Cultural Compatibility: 
Chennai's cosmopolitan culture and diverse workforce make it an ideal destination for international clients seeking web development services. The city is known for its hospitality and warmth, making it easy for clients to communicate and collaborate with local teams. Chennai-based companies are adept at understanding and accommodating the cultural nuances of their clients, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable working relationship.
Choosing the best web development company in Chennai requires careful consideration of various factors, including experience, expertise, technology stack, communication, budget, and support services. By leveraging the city's talent pool, cost-effectiveness, quality of work, infrastructure, and cultural compatibility, you can find a trusted partner that meets your specific requirements and helps you achieve your online objectives
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meika-kuna · 4 months
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In a small garage on the outskirts of New Detroit, nestled among the rusting remains of old combustion engines and gleaming new electric prototypes, Elara Callahan was more than just a mechanic. Her fiery red hair, often tied up in a practical bun, and her tattooed arms spoke of a past as vivid and complex as the machinery she worked on. Elara was a woman of many talents, but one stood out above all: she was the only person in the solar system who could communicate with the stars.
Elara's journey to becoming the Cosmic Mechanic began years ago when she stumbled upon a piece of alien technology in the wreckage of an asteroid mining accident. The device, a sleek, black orb no bigger than a grapefruit, was covered in strange symbols that glowed with an otherworldly light. She took it back to her garage, her curiosity piqued, and began to tinker with it.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as she tirelessly worked to unlock the secrets of the orb. One night, while adjusting the device’s core frequencies, the garage was suddenly filled with a burst of static and a flurry of star-like projections. Elara realized she had stumbled upon a form of radio astronomy far beyond human comprehension.
The orb was a cosmic translator, capable of decoding the electromagnetic whispers of the universe. By aligning it with Earth's radio telescopes, Elara began to receive messages from the farthest reaches of space. At first, they were simple bursts of data—coordinates, frequencies, and pulses. But soon, patterns emerged, forming coherent signals and, eventually, a language.
Elara's life changed irrevocably. She was no longer just a mechanic; she was humanity's liaison with the cosmos. Her garage became a hub of interstellar communication, with scientists and engineers from across the globe coming to her for help. Elara reveled in her new role, her tattoos now symbolizing the constellations and star systems she communicated with daily.
One day, while working on a particularly stubborn engine part, the orb emitted a series of urgent beeps. Elara dropped her wrench and rushed to the device. The signals were unlike any she had seen before—rapid, intense, and laced with a sense of desperation. As she decoded the message, her eyes widened in shock.
The message was a distress call from a distant star system. An advanced civilization was on the brink of annihilation, their planet threatened by a colossal rogue asteroid. They had detected Earth’s radio signals and, recognizing humanity’s burgeoning space-faring capabilities, had sent out a plea for help.
Elara knew she had to act fast. She contacted the global space agencies and, using her unique understanding of the alien technology, helped coordinate a daring rescue mission. Engineers and astronauts worked around the clock, retrofitting an old asteroid mining ship with new propulsion systems and advanced weaponry capable of diverting the asteroid’s path.
As the ship launched into space, Elara felt a surge of pride and anxiety. She spent sleepless nights in her garage, monitoring the mission’s progress through the orb. Finally, after weeks of tension, the ship reached the alien star system. The crew managed to alter the asteroid’s course, saving the alien planet from certain destruction.
The grateful aliens sent back a message of thanks, their symbols now familiar to Elara. They offered to share their knowledge and technology, marking the beginning of a new era of cooperation and understanding between the two civilizations.
Elara Callahan, once a simple mechanic, had become a hero. Her garage, filled with the hum of engines and the whisper of stars, was a testament to the boundless possibilities of the universe. She continued her work, bridging the gap between Earth and the cosmos, knowing that the stars still had many secrets to reveal.
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twiainsurancegroup · 5 months
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mariacallous · 2 years
Washington, DC, is the home base of the most powerful government on earth. It’s also home to 690,000 people—and 29 obscure algorithms that shape their lives. City agencies use automation to screen housing applicants, predict criminal recidivism, identify food assistance fraud, determine if a high schooler is likely to drop out, inform sentencing decisions for young people, and many other things.
That snapshot of semiautomated urban life comes from a new report from the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC). The nonprofit spent 14 months investigating the city’s use of algorithms and found they were used across 20 agencies, with more than a third deployed in policing or criminal justice. For many systems, city agencies would not provide full details of how their technology worked or was used. The project team concluded that the city is likely using still more algorithms that they were not able to uncover.
The findings are notable beyond DC because they add to the evidence that many cities have quietly put bureaucratic algorithms to work across their departments, where they can contribute to decisions that affect citizens’ lives.
Government agencies often turn to automation in hopes of adding efficiency or objectivity to bureaucratic processes, but it’s often difficult for citizens to know they are at work, and some systems have been found to discriminate and lead to decisions that ruin human lives. In Michigan, an unemployment-fraud detection algorithm with a 93 percent error rate caused 40,000 false fraud allegations. A 2020 analysis by Stanford University and New York University found that nearly half of federal agencies are using some form of automated decisionmaking systems.
EPIC dug deep into one city’s use of algorithms to give a sense of the many ways they can influence citizens’ lives and encourage people in other places to undertake similar exercises. Ben Winters, who leads the nonprofit’s work on AI and human rights, says Washington was chosen in part because roughly half the city’s residents identify as Black.
“More often than not, automated decisionmaking systems have disproportionate impacts on Black communities,” Winters says. The project found evidence that automated traffic-enforcement cameras are disproportionately placed in neighborhoods with more Black residents.
Cities with significant Black populations have recently played a central role in campaigns against municipal algorithms, particularly in policing. Detroit became an epicenter of debates about face recognition following the false arrests of Robert Williams and Michael Oliver in 2019 after algorithms misidentified them. In 2015, the deployment of face recognition in Baltimore after the death of Freddie Gray in police custody led to some of the first congressional investigations of law enforcement use of the technology.
EPIC hunted algorithms by looking for public disclosures by city agencies and also filed public records requests, requesting contracts, data sharing agreements, privacy impact assessments and other information. Six out of 12 city agencies responded, sharing documents such as a $295,000 contract with Pondera Systems, owned by Thomson Reuters, which makes fraud detection software called FraudCaster used to screen food-assistance applicants. Earlier this year, California officials found that more than half of 1.1 million claims by state residents that Pondera’s software flagged as suspicious were in fact legitimate.
But, in general, agencies were unwilling to share information about their systems, citing trade secrecy and confidentiality. That made it nearly impossible to identify every algorithm used in DC. Earlier this year, a Yale Law School project made a similar attempt to count algorithms used by state agencies in Connecticut but was also hampered by claims of trade secrecy.
EPIC says governments can help citizens understand their use of algorithms by requiring disclosure anytime a system makes an important decision about a person’s life. And some elected officials have favored the idea of requiring public registries of automated decisionmaking systems used by governments. Last month, lawmakers in Pennsylvania, where a screening algorithm had accused low-income parents of neglect, proposed an algorithm registry law.
But Winters and others warn against thinking that algorithm registries automatically lead to accountability. New York City appointed an “algorithm management and policy officer” in 2020, a new position intended to inform city agencies how to use algorithms, and the public about how the city uses automated decisionmaking.
The officer’s initial report said that city agencies use 16 systems with a potentially substantial impact on people’s rights, with only three used by the NYPD. But a separate disclosure by the NYPD under a city law regulating surveillance showed that the department uses additional forms of automation for tasks like reading license plates and analyzing social media activity.
Roughly two years ago the cities of Amsterdam and Helsinki announced plans to make comprehensive lists of their own municipal algorithms, as well as the data sets used to train them and the city employees responsible. The idea was to help citizens seek redress from a human if they felt a system had problems.
But to date, Helsinki’s AI register largely serves as marketing for a set of city services chatbots. The Amsterdam Algorithm Register currently lists only systems for detecting illegal vacation rentals, automated parking control, and an algorithm used for reporting issues to the city. Together the two cities list a total of 10 automated decisionmaking systems, despite the fact that a document released by Amsterdam and Helsinki officials says they jointly had more than 30 AI projects underway in late 2020.
Researchers from the University of Oxford, Alan Turing Institute in London, and Cardiff University said in a paper last year that Amsterdam’s AI registry omits some of the most concerning or problematic tools encountered by the residents of Amsterdam, calling the list “ethics theater.” In the city, algorithms can also decide where kids go to school or where to send police. The authors concluded that the registry project appeared intentionally focused only on a limited, innocuous set of algorithms.
Winters says algorithm registries can work, if rules or laws are in place to require government departments take them seriously. “It’s a great format,” he says of Amsterdam's approach. “But it’s extremely incomplete.”
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kknrankraze · 6 months
Flutter App Development: Unleash Your Creativity in Chennai's Tech Hub
Introduction: In the fast-paced world of mobile app development, staying ahead of the curve is essential. With the rise of cross-platform frameworks, developers now have powerful tools at their disposal to create stunning and efficient apps for multiple platforms simultaneously. Among these, Flutter has emerged as a game-changer, enabling developers to build beautiful, native-quality applications with ease. If you're looking to master this cutting-edge technology, look no further than Chennai, where innovation thrives and opportunities abound. In this blog, we'll explore why taking a Flutter app development course in Chennai can be the catalyst for your success in the dynamic world of mobile app development.
Why Flutter? Flutter, developed by Google, is an open-source UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. What sets Flutter apart is its ability to deliver high-performance, visually stunning apps with a single codebase, significantly reducing development time and cost. With a rich set of customizable widgets, seamless animations, and hot reload feature, Flutter empowers developers to bring their ideas to life quickly and efficiently. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a novice, mastering Flutter opens doors to a world of opportunities in the rapidly growing mobile app market.
Chennai: A Thriving Tech Ecosystem Chennai, often referred to as the "Detroit of India" for its booming automobile industry, is also emerging as a prominent player in the technology landscape. With a robust IT sector, a burgeoning startup ecosystem, and a pool of talented professionals, Chennai offers the perfect environment for aspiring app developers to thrive. From multinational corporations to innovative startups, businesses in Chennai are increasingly adopting Flutter for its versatility, performance, and cost-effectiveness. By enrolling in a Flutter app development course in Chennai, you'll not only gain valuable skills but also tap into a network of industry professionals and mentors who can help accelerate your career.
Benefits of a Flutter App Development Course in Chennai:
Comprehensive Curriculum: A reputable Flutter app development course in Chennai will cover everything you need to know to become proficient in Flutter, including widget creation, state management, navigation, animation, and more. You'll learn from experienced instructors who are passionate about teaching and dedicated to helping you succeed in your app development journey.
Hands-on Experience: Chennai's dynamic tech scene provides ample opportunities for practical learning. Many Flutter app development courses offer hands-on projects, hackathons, and workshops where you can apply your skills to real-world scenarios. By working on actual app projects, you'll gain valuable experience and build a robust portfolio to showcase your expertise to potential employers.
Industry Exposure: Chennai is home to a diverse range of companies, from established tech giants to innovative startups, offering a plethora of internship and job opportunities in the app development space. By enrolling in a course with industry connections, you'll have access to internships, job placements, and networking events that can help kickstart your career in Flutter app development.
Supportive Community: Chennai's vibrant tech community is known for its inclusivity, collaboration, and support. By joining a Flutter app development course in Chennai, you'll become part of a thriving community of developers, enthusiasts, and industry professionals who share your passion for technology. Whether through meetups, online forums, or alumni networks, you'll have access to valuable resources and support to help you succeed in your app development journey.
Conclusion: In the ever-evolving world of mobile app development, mastering Flutter is the key to unlocking a world of possibilities. By enrolling in a Flutter app development course in Chennai, you'll not only gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your career but also immerse yourself in a vibrant ecosystem of innovation, collaboration, and opportunity. So why wait? Seize the moment, unleash your creativity, and embark on a transformative journey in Chennai's thriving tech hub. Your future in Flutter app development awaits!
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estbenas · 9 months
Introduction to Data Science and its Importance in Chennai
Data science has taken the world by storm, transforming industries all over the world. In Chennai, one of the world’s fastest-growing tech hubs, the importance of data science has never been higher. Data generated by various industries in the city, such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, e-commerce, etc., creates a huge demand for skilled data scientists who are proficient in programming languages. In this article, we’ll explore the best programming languages for datascience in Chennai for data science. We’ll discuss their features, benefits, and relevance so that data science professionals can make informed decisions throughout their careers. Let’s take a look at the most commonly used programming languages and tools in Chennai’s data science landscape to give you the knowledge you need to succeed in this fast-paced and data-driven world.
Introduction to Data Science and its Importance in Chennai
What is Data Science?
Data Science is the art and science of extracting information and insights from data using a variety of methods and tools. It is similar to being a detective in an ever-changing world of technology.
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Role of Data Science in Chennai
Known as the ‘Detroit of South Asia’ owing to its thriving auto industry, Chennai has seen an increase in the need for data scientists. As companies rely on data-driven decisions, data science plays an important role in providing insights and predictions to help businesses grow in Chennai.
Overview of Programming Languages for Data Science
Why Programming Languages are Essential in Data Science
Programming languages ​​form the foundation of data science and enable professionals to manipulate and analyze data effectively. They provide the tools necessary to manage large data sets, perform statistical analysis, and build machine learning models.
Commonly Used Programming Languages in Data Science
Although different programming languages ​​are used in data science, two programming languages ​​stand out: Python and R. Both have their strengths and are widely accepted by data scientists around the world.
Python: The Leading Programming Language for Data Science in Chennai
Features and Advantages of Python for Data Science
Python is widely popular among data scientists due to its simplicity, versatility, and large ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. It offers an intuitive syntax that makes it easy for even beginners to read and write code.
Popular Python Libraries for Data Science in Chennai
The data science community in Chennai relies heavily on Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib. NumPy offers efficient numerical operations, Pandas excels at data manipulation, and Matplotlib allows for beautiful visualizations.
R: An Alternative Programming Language for Data Science in Chennai
Overview and Benefits of R for Data Science
R is a powerful and specialized programming language for statistical analysis and data visualization. It offers a wide range of packages specifically designed for data analysis tasks, making it a popular choice among statisticians and researchers.
R Packages and Tools for Data Science in Chennai
In Chennai, data scientists often use R packages like ggplot2 to create visually stunning charts, dplyr for data manipulation, and caret for machine learning tasks. These packages contribute to the success of data science projects in the city. In conclusion, Python has become the leading programming language for data analytics in Chennai due to its simplicity and availability of comprehensive libraries. However, R remains a powerful alternative for statisticians and researchers who need specialized tools. Aspiring data scientists in Chennai can benefit from mastering any language to succeed in their careers.Remember, it's not the language that matters, but how effectively you use it to uncover the secrets hidden in the data!
Java and Scala: Suitable Programming Languages for Data Science in Chennai
When it comes to data analysis in Chennai, Java and Scala are two programming languages ​​worth mentioning. Both languages ​​offer unique features and capabilities that can significantly help data scientists in their work.
Utilizing Java for Data Science in Chennai
Java can be a powerful tool for data analysis in Chennai with its huge ecosystem and widespread adoption. Its object-oriented nature and robust libraries make it suitable for tackling complex data analysis tasks. Additionally, cross-platform compatibility and strong community support make Java a reliable choice. Although Java may not be as popular in the data science community as languages ​​like Python or R, it offers advantages in terms of performance and scalability. If you work on processing large data or need integration with other enterprise systems, Java can be a valuable resource.
Scala for Big Data Analytics in Chennai
Scala, a language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), is gaining popularity in the data analytics space, especially for big data analytics in Chennai. Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, making it a flexible and powerful language for data manipulation and analysis. One of the main advantages of Scala is its seamless integration with the most popular big data frameworks such as Apache Spark. With concise syntax and strong support for parallel processing, Scala can efficiently process large amounts of data. For data scientists in Chennai involved in large-scale data analytics or machine learning projects, Scala can be a game-changer.
 Tools and Libraries for Data Science in Chennai
To excel in data science in Chennai, it is important to have the right tools and libraries. These tools can streamline your workflow and provide the functionality you need to efficiently gain insights from your data.
Introduction to Data Science Tools
Data analysis tools like Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda and Apache Zeppelin are widely used by professionals in Chennai. These tools provide an interactive and collaborative environment for data exploration, analysis and visualization. With intuitive interfaces and comprehensive support for various programming languages, they make data analysis tasks more accessible.
Essential Libraries for Data Science in Chennai
In addition to the tools mentioned above, using powerful libraries can significantly improve your data analysis skills. Popular libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib in Python, as well as Apache Spark's MLlib, provide a rich set of functions and algorithms for data manipulation, statistical analysis, and machine learning. By mastering these libraries and integrating them into your workflow, you can unlock the full potential of data analysis in Chennai.
Choosing the Best Programming Language for Data Science in Chennai
Choosing the right programming language for data analysis in Chennai can be a difficult task. However, considering several factors can help you make an informed decision.
Factors to Consider When Selecting a Programming Language
- Community and Support: The availability of active communities and resources specific to the programming language can greatly facilitate the learning process and problem-solving skills. – Ecosystem and Libraries: Consider the availability of libraries and facilities that support data science activities. The wealth of these resources can streamline your workflow and accelerate your development. – Performance and Scalability: When working with large data sets or computationally intensive tasks, languages ​​like Java and Scala can be useful because of their speed and scalability. – Personal preferences and knowledge: Ultimately, choose the language that suits your personal preferences and knowledge.Knowing a language can significantly reduce learning time and increase productivity.
Making the Right Choice for Data Science in Chennai
Although there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the best programming language for data science in Chennai, Python remains the most popular choice due to its simplicity, extensive libraries and active community. On the other hand, Java and Scala offer their unique strengths in certain scenarios. Ultimately, it is important to consider the specific needs of data science projects in Chennai and choose the language that best suits your needs.
Conclusion and Recommendations for Data Science Professionals in Chennai​
Overall, Chennai offers a robust environment for data scientists with the availability of multiple programming languages ​​and a vibrant tech community. While Python remains the language of choice for most data scientists, Java and Scala can provide viable alternatives, especially for large data processing and big data analysis. To be successful in data science in Chennai, it is important to not only master the programming language but also use the right tools, libraries and frameworks. This combination enables you to gain meaningful insights, make effective decisions, and thrive in the ever-evolving field of data analytics.
Conclusion and Recommendations for Data Science Professionals in Chennai
In conclusion, choosing the right programming language for data science in Chennai is a crucial decision that can have a significant impact on a professional's career path. Python is emerging as a leading language due to its versatility, extensive libraries, and community support. But alternative options such as R, Java and Scala also offer unique advantages and possible uses. It is important for data science professionals in Chennai to stay updated with the latest tools and libraries, constantly improve their skills and adapt to the changing needs of the industry. By carefully considering the factors discussed in this article and aligning them with your career goals, data scientists in Chennai can make informed decisions and excel in this rapidly evolving field.
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ovpwebnetwork · 11 months
NEWS - Michigan Central, MDOT launch Advanced Aerial Innovation Region in Detroit to accelerate commercial drone development
October 25, 2023
Michigan Central, Alyssa Strickland, 616-260-6444
MDOT, Michael Frezell, 517-281-6519
Michigan Central logo
Michigan Central, MDOT launch Advanced Aerial Innovation Region in
Detroit to accelerate commercial drone development
First-of-its-kind urban airspace infrastructure establishes Michigan as a national leader in the
emerging advanced aerial mobility industry.
DETROIT — Michigan Central and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) announced today the launch of Detroit’s Advanced Aerial Innovation Region – an initiative that will position the state as a leader in next-generation aerial mobility and drone technology by attracting startups, catalyzing new high-skill jobs, advancing policy, and driving commercialization and adoption of drone technology.
As the first cross-sector, advanced aerial urban initiative in the United States, the innovation region aims to future-proof Michigan’s status as a mobility solutions epicenter and stake a claim to jobs and economic opportunities in an industry predicted to top $50 billion by 2030. Covering a 3-mile radius around Michigan Central, the two-year project will provide open, shared infrastructure and services that enable commercial drone development while ensuring safety in the air and on the ground. Participating drone operators will have access to concept and operational support. The initiative will propel solutions focused on addressing accessibility, safety, tech equity and regulatory challenges by testing potential commercial drone uses – ranging from delivery of medical supplies, consumer goods and manufacturing materials to
infrastructure inspection. Initial usage pilots will launch early next year.
Michigan Central will provide resources for foundational infrastructure, community engagement and skills training. MDOT will manage the network and define operating parameters, as well as data and safety protocols. Flight data from all pilots will feed the initiative’s overarching goal to drive drone operations beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS). Gaining Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) BVLOS approval would reduce existing barriers to commercial development and allow operators to fly drones without maintaining visual sightlines, opening the door for longer-range delivery and a variety of new potential uses in Southeast Michigan. Strategic partners Newlab and Airspace Link will support activation and development in the Advanced Aerial Innovation Region.
Newlab will collaborate with Michigan Central and MDOT to mobilize startups and industry partners through pilot projects aimed at de-risking and accelerating the commercial scale of high-value drone use cases. Airspace Link will provide the platform and processes to support safe operations in a real-world urban environment. Its platform creates digital mapping using more than 60 data sources to help drone operators understand ground and airspace risks at any given time while simplifying Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) flight authorization requests to the FAA. Airspace Link will also boost visibility for the public so that Detroit residents can understand which flights, plans and programs will happen in the area.
The initiative will offer open access to shared resources and services, allowing pilot programs to test and evaluate drone capabilities for various uses. This will provide valuable insights for optimizing conditions, validating and expanding commercial applications, meeting demand, and economic feasibility. The results have the potential to mobilize the entire advanced aerial mobility ecosystem of operators, startups and industry stakeholders by breaking down existing barriers to commercial development.
“This first-of-its-kind collaboration will be the framework that puts Detroit in the fast lane for advanced aerial innovation and job creation,” said Carolina Pluszczynski, Michigan Central’s chief operating officer. “As we start launching pilot projects next year, we will prioritize ideas that bridge equity gaps, improve safety and make it easier for people to access the goods and services they need.”
“Michigan is on the cutting-edge of mobility innovation, and with the launch of the new Advanced Aerial Innovation Region in Detroit, we will continue leading the way,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “This new initiative is the result of an effective partnership between Michigan Central and the Michigan Department of Transportation. Michiganders have always been pioneers in the mobility space and now, we are taking to the skies, finding new ways to use next-generation transportation to deliver medical supplies, food and so much more. Let’s keep getting it done.”
The Advanced Aerial Innovation Region initiative builds on an MDOT, Michigan Central and Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) study that analyzed the potential societal and economic benefits of the commercial use of drones. The study also looked at the feasibility of flying drones beyond visual line of sight along key corridors in Southeast Michigan and Ontario. Active collaboration with Ontario will continue within the innovation region to explore uses that increase cross-border supply chain resilience and inform advanced aerial policy between the United States and Canada.
“This initiative and strong partnership will further reinforce Michigan as a global leader in the development and deployment of advanced mobility technologies that will benefit society, protect the environment and strengthen Michigan’s economy,” said State Transportation Director Bradley C. Wieferich. “Michigan is leading the development and implementation of a coordinated advanced air mobility strategy that will leverage Michigan's existing infrastructure, industrial and defense base, and supply chain networks to gain a competitive advantage in the sector.”
Critical to the initiatives’ success is the ability to convene cross-sector stakeholders, made possible by the ground-breaking public-private partnership between Michigan Central, the State of Michigan and the City of Detroit. This framework creates open dialogue and invites new ways of working together on advancing mobility and innovative solutions to societal challenges that will benefit all Michiganders.
“The Office of Future Mobility and Electrification is pleased to join our partners in supporting the Advanced Aerial Innovation Region,” said Justine Johnson, Michigan’s chief mobility officer. “This initiative builds on our broader efforts to strengthen Michigan’s leadership in the next generation of mobility and transportation technologies. As the mobility industry continues to grow and evolve, we are laser-focused on leveraging new solutions and entrepreneurial resources to keep Michigan at the forefront of mobility for generations to come.”
“Newlab is focused on breaking down the barriers that deep tech startups face getting technology to market,” said Newlab Chief Business Officer Liz Keen. “Policy is the most significant barrier for advanced aerial mobility startups. Pilots enabled through this collaboration will generate real-world data to help advance policy in the space while also allowing startups to validate commercial use cases with potential customers.”
Growth in the advanced aerial mobility sector represents a generational economic development and job creation opportunity for the State of Michigan. A Precedence Research analysis predicts the drone market will grow threefold by 2030, from $17 billion today to more than $50 billion, while the urban air mobility market will catapult from $2.6 billion to $28 billion over the next seven years.
Public benefit
The Advanced Aerial Innovation Region partners are committed to community engagement throughout the two-year pilot period and to ensuring the benefits of Advanced Aerial Mobility (AAM) and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) can be shared by all. Drones have the potential to close accessibility gaps through the delivery of critical goods to people with mobility challenges. Urban air mobility development has the power to expand economic opportunities for citizens impacted by transit gaps in communities historically disconnected from mainline transportation networks.
The project will also cultivate workforce development opportunities and skills programs to create a pipeline of talent prepared to join the emerging advanced aerial economy. Leading academic institutions have partnered with Michigan Central to conduct research aimed at advancing AAM and UAS technologies, policies, and increasing public awareness. The first project to launch is a study with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to build a model that represents future drone flights in Detroit. The goal is to identify inequities in the predicted drone traffic and infrastructure and determine if policy interventions might be required to ensure a more equitable future as the industry scales. In the future, as drones and other next-generation aircraft are more widely adopted in mobility applications, AAM has the potential to lower emissions by reducing ground traffic and to enable net-zero transportation with these aircrafts running on battery power and or other alternative fuels.
About Michigan Central
Michigan Central is a center for advancing technologies and programs that address barriers to social, economic, and physical mobility. The campus is both a convening place and a call-to-action to advance a more sustainable, equitable future through a community-based approach to mobility solutions. Building on Detroit’s rich history as an engine of change, the transformative Michigan Central project aims to strengthen the city’s existing fabric of community and accelerate its economy, while inspiring collective action on the most pressing challenges at the intersection of mobility and society worldwide. Learn more at
About Newlab
Newlab is a deep tech venture platform focused on accelerating the development, scale, and adoption of the critical technologies needed to decarbonize the economy. Newlab’s place-based innovation model combines infrastructure, industry partnerships, and direct investment to catalyze deep-tech ecosystems all over the world with centers of excellence in New York, Detroit and Montevideo (Uruguay). Visit www.newlab.com to learn more.
About MDOT and the MAC
The Michigan Department of Transportation is responsible for Michigan's 9,669-mile state highway system, comprised of all M, interstate, and US routes. MDOT also administers other state and federal transportation programs for aviation, intercity passenger services, rail freight, local public transit services, grant programs, and others.
The Michigan Aeronautics Commission is responsible for the general supervision of all aeronautics within the state. It is empowered by state law to make rules and regulations governing all airports, flight schools, and other aeronautical activities.
About Airspace Link
Airspace Link's vision is to create a world where the safe integration of drones fuels human progress, advancing social equity, the environment, and the economy. Founded in Detroit in 2018, Airspace Link is one of the few FAA Approved UAS Service Suppliers of the Low Altitude Authorization & Notification Capability (LAANC). Airspace Link's cloud-based platform, AirHub® Portal, provides the digital infrastructure required to support the safe use of recreational and commercial drone use in communities at scale, supporting the growth of drone operations, drone service providers, drone manufacturers, package delivery, and air taxi deployment in the future. Learn more at www.airspacelink.com.
MDOT: Working with our partners at airports, bus systems, marine and rail to find innovative solutions for Michigan's transportation systems.
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