#Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End(Book 15)
kidneydangerfield · 10 months
Diary of Wimpy Kid: No Brainer is a terrible horrible, no good, very bad book
(P.S. I apologize deeply for this as it sounds like an 11th grade video essay. This is because *it is* an essay written by an 11th grader, so you get what you pay for.)
Part 1: Acknowledgement
Diary of a Wimpy Kid was a great book series. Greg Heffley was such a relatable-ish character to many people (especially to sociopathic 11 year olds like myself) – he spent a lot of time playing video games, he didn’t like his school, he was so awkwardly lonely it was cringey at points — but with all that the main point remained the same: Greg was a middle school kid with middle school problems. Sure, the books deviated with this at certain points, but it was grounded in a familiar setting and characters. 
Additionally, the series had a good sense of pacing and story arcs: a theme gets set up at the beginning, Greg goes through life and shenanigans happen following said theme, and towards the end that theme gets resolved or ended in some way. This is shown in a lot of the early books–one of the examples I can think of from the top of my head is in Dog Days: it’s summer vacation and Greg wants to stay inside playing video games, shenanigans occur—his mom makes a book club, Greg falls out with Rowley (his best friend), Greg goes to the town pool, Greg goes to the beach—and it ends with Greg entering a video game competition (and losing to Rowley), and with summer ending. Within the themes story beats also merge together. Take for instance in Rodrick Rules with “Mom Bucks”: it’s introduced as a way to let Greg and Rodrick (Greg’s older brother) earn money. Later, Greg finds a lot of Mom Bucks from Rowley, and saves it carefully. Towards the end, Greg needs to do a History project, and buys an old project from Rodrick using said Mom Bucks.
Throughout these arcs, we can also see the characterization from these characters. Greg is an immature child, like everyone else in middle school, but has an idea of what goals are in the books at the very least. Rowley is Greg’s somewhat oblivious best friend, but can stand up for himself (like at The Ugly Truth, where Rowley and Greg had a falling out). Rodrick is Greg’s older brother, who’s mean at points but is just acting like a normal-ish teenager and is arguably better than Greg at navigating life. These characters aren’t by any means “deep”, this is a children’s book where the lens is through a main character who has been ~15 for the last decade. However, they aren’t forgotten or just used as means to an end for story purposes.
Just recently, however, I read the latest book, No Brainer. After reading it (it’s on Internet Archive, for free) and after thinking about it, it’s not the classic case of “it’s not for me anymore”, this book is critically awful.
Part 2: Resolution
This is the part where I summarize the book, and if it were a video essay I would show a few pages (and if I was a storytime animator I would animate scenes, but I can’t draw). This will be a major simplification, as I’m mostly getting the plot from memory. The main overarching story is that Greg’s school is going to get shut down because of low standardized math test scores. This is shown as the school is under budget, the teachers aren’t great, the students aren’t great, and so a new principal was instated. Then, in between this there are some shenanigans: a book is banned from the school, the principal establishes a meritocracy which is overthrown by the rich, Greg talks about an old teacher who taught fake latin and about another school which was started by a criminal, the school invented a new food type, fudge dogs, and the school gets used by advertisers and other people. By the end of the book, the school fails the tests and Greg and everyone else has to move to a new school. In Greg’s new school he gets a girlfriend by being able to tell the time, and later goes on a date with her and her dad, who was apparently the son of the criminal Greg was talking about earlier. The criminal is impressed by Greg because at the restaurant he could talk to the waiter in a new language because he was the old fake latin teacher, and he also cooked fudge dogs from his old school. The dad funds Greg’s old school, Greg gets broken up with, and he goes back to his old school (much to everyone’s disdain).
Notice how towards the end of the last paragraph it got messy and unintelligible? That brings me to my first point: the pacing and story arcs are badly connected. In the same amount of pages where Greg talks about brains and wonders why they can’t just learn on their own, he gets a girlfriend, impresses her dad, and gets their old school back–thereby fixing the main problem. Story arcs were also introduced and barely followed up on until the end, and by then they become fun cameos where the reaction is just “oh it’s that *thing* from the beginning, isn’t that funny?”. Fudge dogs and fake latin went from one-off jokes to story resolutions. In other cases, elements were just forgotten entirely and not followed up upon: advertisements in the school, the meritocracy group, brains learning on their own; these were just elements that felt like they should’ve been followed through the story, but they’re just there as poorly continued jokes. 
The lack of grounded realism also breaks this book for me. The school has teachers who literally don’t teach anything, the school places advertisements everywhere in an attempt to get more money, the school somehow invents a new food and others attempt to steal it, the criminal’s son just so happens to be the father of the girl Greg dated, the school somehow starts a subscription program for better perks (how subtle, Jeff Kinney /s), and when the school shuts down there’s only two schools with one being a very sophisticated school and the other a poor public school on the other side of town. It's unlikely that any child could relate to this or how the characters react to their situation. While a lot of the early books didn’t exactly match universally with everyone growing up (I certainly didn’t go to a video game tournament and get my hand smashed with a mallet while I was camping there), but at the very least it *felt* like it could be real and tangible. The book felt like a series of jokes that the author came up with, and hastily shoved together without any sense of plot or substance.
Lastly, a lot of characters were just missing or not mainly present in the book. Rowley wasn’t there (save for a few pages), Rodrick wasn’t there, Manny (Greg’s younger brother) wasn’t there; minor characters, such as Holly Hills or Chirag Gupta (my beloved) weren’t there either. These characters and their interactions with Greg were what ultimately pushed a lot of the plot from the older books forward: in Book 1 it was Rowley and Greg’s friendship, in Book 2 it was the dynamic and tension between Rodrick and Greg. Here, it feels as though the book just throws plot elements at the main characters inorganically; in the context of the story, at best it makes somewhat logical sense, but from a literary perspective it just feels like a mish-mash of plot elements and jokes.
While this book satirizes and points out a lot of problems in modern society: the overshadowing of money over merit (the principal literally gives a paid subscription for better perks), advertisements, inequality due to capitalism (there are, for some reason, only two other schools, one being rich and the other poor), and the major problems in the education system, the book’s quality does not make up for whatever message the author was trying to tell. 
Part 3: Pursuance
(This is the required part of the essay for school. Skip here if you don’t wanna read a really preachy and a very “16 year old on Twitter” sounding message)
Ultimately, this book lacks a lot of what made the older books shine. This feels like another meaningless cash-grab by the author on an established series. It’s poorly written, yes, but considering it has the name brand “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”, it’ll still be sold well enough. The lack of depth and substance the book has can be excused with a handwave: “it’s just a children’s book, the curtains are just blue, deal with it.” Why bother trying if it works, or if the complaints still result in a paycheck? Why does anything have to be good, when it can just make money? 
This book series is by no means “art”. It is not culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. It is, to many people, a children’s book they read when they were 11 years old. However, even this small legacy remains important to some. “Why try?”, you say? Well why don’t you? Even a stupid series about a sociopathic kid feels important to me, and it is disheartening seeing its quality be diminished in the present.
Part 4: Psalm
I hope this series gets better. I hope that the plot doesn’t have a falling action so thin it feels nonexistent. I hope some of the characters come back. I hope that the jokes actually land the next time. I hope that the story arcs actually connect this time instead of intersect awkwardly. I hope that others can see how great this stupid, children’s book was.
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looksforleaders · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 📷🩵The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15) Hardcover Book.
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bootstraplemon · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15: The Deep End, Kinney, hardcover, amazing condition.
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sadiesaids0h · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Diary of a Wimpy Kid book The Deep End in the series by Jeff Kinney.
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jewelsfest · 4 years
Top 5 books of Diary of wimpy kid - The Deep end
hey everyone! welcome to Studio B. it's me, Brooke and we are going to be talking about Diary of a Wimpy Kid today I'm super excited to be doing this video this is crazy to me because I have never even been able to figure out which one is my favorite let alone my top five! it's really hard to rank one of your favorite series and that is what I'm going to be doing for you guys today. make sure to watch to the end because my number one and number two are very surprising if you are a Wimpy Kid fan - then make sure to LIKE this video and comment below that you're a Wimpy Kid fan we'll also up here have my playlist of all of my Wimpy Kid videos if you are true diary 
fans official website: https://diaryofwimpykids.com/the-deep-end-book-15/
of a wimpy kid fan. SO. I have it narrowed down to eight I'm going to be going up to book number fourteen and starting with this one it is on my top eight but this book I felt like was a little bit unrealistic one thing that I've always loved about Diary of a Wimpy Kid books is that it's just like real life but in this one his brother Manny builds his own house there's this element that I don't like kind of separated me from the books if they didn't feel like this was super fictional and the characters are so real life and lovable 
Fans of DOAWK
and you feel like it's actually Greg's diary but with this one you soak because a child cannot build a house another one that I feel just won't make it is Diary of a Wimpy Kid Double Down I thought this book was so fun and funny and it did make my top eight but unfortunately I felt like this book spent a little bit too much time on them making the movie now my top 5 coincidentally number 5 is number 5 the ugly truth is my fifth favorite Diary of a Wimpy Kid book I really love this one because it's about Greg growing up and him dealing with all that comes with that it is so funny and I really feel like Greg is just very himself in this one and this one isn't to centered around school which was something that I do like because sometimes reading about school kind of stresses me out number four Diary of a Wimpy Kid the long haul I absolutely love this book because it really is centered around greg and his family also
 I kind of felt like this book lasts forever I know that it's no longer than the other ones but I did feel like it was longer because there was just so much happened he was very quick and it combines the elements of Greg's past with the story that it's telling which was awesome to me and one other thing that I love about this book is I have a ton of Merch to go with it if you want to see that it is up here also I forgot to ask you guys what do you think about the cards I think they're called cards I've been adding them in the videos with a couple polls and a couple suggested videos and I've just recently started doing that with my videos so please use the poll there and tell me what you think okay my third favorite Diaries it would be kid book in is number
 ten old school diary of Wimpy Kid I love this one because it reminds me of all my adventures that I had at sixth grade camp and all of the adventures that I have every year as girls camp I have quite a bit of experience with camp and I love seeing Greg's I feel like I get like more of a peek into his life not just seeing what happens every day but what he does in a new environment. I really love this book it is hilarious and I love seeing
 him with all of his friends and classmates okay this next one is definitely gonna surprise you my number two is the get away I always thought that this would be my number one until I read this series over again for this video I've always thought this would be my number one because it reminds me of all of my Hawaiian vacations and cuz I love seeing all of the Heffley family together I see a little bit more Rodrick and of Manny and I love Seeing his goofy dorky family I also just love the travel aspect of it and him in airports and stuff because reminds me of when I go on vacation I'm sorry is the obvious that these book covers are dirty? it's not my fault, my brothers are reading this series right now and they are in their dirty rooms so these 
books are obviously dirty too so blame them not me my brothers are reading this series right now and for number one No, first honorable mention! cabin fever this one is so fun I love it and it's just about the Heffley family and you get to see a little bit more on Greg's childhood okay finally number one number one this might seem a little bit obvious that's the first every boy into kid is about Greg at school it's just such a classic I basically have it memorized and it is about just him starting middle school and it's so
 much fun I feel like it's the best so that is my favorite diary of a wimpy kid book I thought it would be the getaway so I just had to come back to this one thank you so much for watching this video I know my number one wasn't expected but I'm glad that I had a surprise for you I hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to LIKE below I was kind of contemplating whether or not to do this video I felt like I was a little grown-up for Diary of a Wimpy Kid because I've stopped reading that series a little bit and I'm trying to move on to why you can grow up a little bit more but I still do love this series so I looked up the title of the video there and most of the videos were made by
 basically adults so hopefully I will be able to improve that for you guys for you that are actually wanting someone younger to review it I just had to tell you that because that was hilarious to me so apparently I'm not actually too old to be reviewing so again if you love downs Wimpy Kid make sure they go check out my Darwin Wimpy Kid playlist that has like a million videos if you're a true Diary of a Wimpy kid fan make sure to like this video and subscribe to my channel thank you so much for watching if you can please comment below what your favorite diary of a wimpy kid book is or tell me your top five I really want to hear it thank you guys  
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ruthlangdon · 2 years
[PDF Download] The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #15) - Jeff Kinney
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 In The Deep End, book 15 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip, ready for the adventure of a lifetime. But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves stranded at an RV park that?s not exactly a summertime paradise. When the skies open up and the water starts to rise, the Heffleys wonder if they can save their vacation?or if they?re already in too deep.
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 In The Deep End, book 15 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip, ready for the adventure of a lifetime. But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves stranded at an RV park that?s not exactly a summertime paradise. When the skies open up and the water starts to rise, the Heffleys wonder if they can save their vacation?or if they?re already in too deep.
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 Author : Jeff Kinney
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 In The Deep End, book 15 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip, ready for the adventure of a lifetime. But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves stranded at an RV park that?s not exactly a summertime paradise. When the skies open up and the water starts to rise, the Heffleys wonder if they can save their vacation?or if they?re already in too deep.
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hunterbreak516 · 3 years
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Read
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Reading Level Ar
If your kids enjoy Diary of a Wimpy Kid and you want to fuel that newfound love of reading check out these read-alikes. In the three books in A Box of Clementines paperback set — Clementine, The Talented Clementine, and Clementine's Letter — by Sara Pennypacker, we meet a spunky third-grade girl named Clementine. There are fifteen books in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and four additional books: The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book, The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary, The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary: The Next Chapter, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Special Cheesiest Edition. The series started off online on Funbrain.com in 2004 and made its print debut in April of 2007. Jan 10, 2018 If your kids enjoy Diary of a Wimpy Kid and you want to fuel that newfound love of reading check out these read-alikes. In the three books in A Box of Clementines paperback set — Clementine, The Talented Clementine, and Clementine's Letter — by Sara Pennypacker, we meet a spunky third-grade girl named Clementine. 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid,' the webcomic, was one such star. The only conclusion I can really draw at this point is that somebody at Abrams is a friggin' genius for plucking the comic up and making it into a book.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Deep End Book 15
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Author : Jeff Kinney
Publisher : Penguin UK
Release Date : 2020-10-27
Genre: Juvenile Fiction
Pages : 224
ISBN 10 : 9780241396964
Suitable for grades 5 - 8, Diary of a Wimpy Kid is about the hazards of growing up before you're ready. Read Diary of a Wimpy Kid online, here.
GET BOOKDiary of a Wimpy Kid The Deep End Book 15 Book Description :
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Reading Level Ar
THE ONE WITH THE CAMPING TRIP DISASTER The BRAND NEW laugh-out-loud, fully-illustrated Diary of a Wimpy Kid book from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney! A global phenomenon with 250 million copies of the series sold worldwide! When Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip, they're ready for the adventure of a lifetime. But their plans hit a major snag, and they find themselves stranded at a campsite that's not exactly a summertime paradise. Things only get worse for the Heffleys when the skies open up and the water starts to rise, making them wonder if they can save their vacation - or if they're already in too deep... WHAT'S IN DIARY OF A WIMPY KID? 50% words, 50% cartoons, 100% hilarious! Stories that all readers can't wait to get their hands on Laughter guaranteed! And DON'T MISS an all-new fantasy from Greg's best friend in Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure, the follow-up to the instant #1 bestseller Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson's Journal. 'Kinney is right up there with J K Rowling as one of the bestselling children's authors on the planet' Independent Have you read all the DIARY OF A WIMPY KID series? Diary of a Wimpy Kid Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End - the BRAND NEW Wimpy Kid book - out now!!
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letsjanukhan · 3 years
The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15) PDF Download Free
The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15) PDF Download Free
Price: (as of – Details) An instant #1 USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times bestseller! In The Deep End, book 15 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip, ​ready for the adventure of a lifetime. But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves…
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a-onemart · 3 years
The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15)
The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15)
Price: (as of – Details) An instant #1 USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times bestseller! In The Deep End, book 15 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip, ​ready for the adventure of a lifetime. But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves…
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hgtidel · 3 years
Download (PDF/Epub) The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #15) - Jeff Kinney
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Book Synopsis :
In The Deep End, book 15 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip, ready for the adventure of a lifetime. But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves stranded at an RV park that?s not exactly a summertime paradise. When the skies open up and the water starts to rise, the Heffleys wonder if they can save their vacation?or if they?re already in too deep.
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sadiesaids0h · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Diary of a Wimpy Kid book The Deep End in the series by Jeff Kinney.
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salesvalve232 · 3 years
✷Get [PDF] The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #15)
The Deep End (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #15)
  Synopsis :
In The Deep End, book 15 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip, ready for the adventure of a lifetime. But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves stranded at an RV park that?s not exactly a summertime paradise. When the skies open up and the water starts to rise, the Heffleys wonder if they can save their vacation?or if they?re already in too deep.
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