#Did y'all sob during this reunion or was it just me???
effervescentmelody 8 months
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Day # 8!
Two out of three Bowman brothers 馃ス
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The little things
Just a lil something i wrote while trying to get out of my creative block let me know you y'all want more ;)
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Castellano tiredly dragged his and his wifes full suitcases through their house to their shared bedroom while she played in the living room with their pups he was tasked with unpacking their vacation bags. Throwing the cases on the bed the wolf scratched his head wondering if rich or cam had even unpacked their own bags yet, although his thoughts didnt wonder too far as there was a knock on the front door. "I got it!" He called out knowing how much his wife elle missed her pups and how much the two pups missed their parents so he didnt want who ever it was to disturb them. Swiftly opening the door he found his father looking quite confused and uneasy, "hey cas sorry to bother you during this happy little reunion" looking past his son benny saw ellie and the pups playing happily "but let me talk to you privately for a minute". Taking a step back the older wolf motioned for his son to follow to which he did closing the door behind him, "okay pops whats wrong? Is it mom? Did the pups do something while they were over there? awe man i knew we should of left them with jack in the north" cas groaned knowing how rowdy and wild his kids could be sometimes especially when joined by their cousins. benny chuckled shaking his head "no son its not that but i was wondering did your mother seem strange to you earlier when you and your siblings came to pick up the pups from our house?" Crossing his arms cas went over the days earlier exchange with his mother in his head. furrowing his brows castellano shrugged shaking his head nothing out of the ordinary coming to mind which baffled his father even more "well cause when i got home from checking out the shop she was unusually quiet and a little stiff you know how your mother is and thats not normal" the younger wolf nodded. it was a sign of warning when his mother was quiet which meant one of two things either she was upset or his dad was in the dog house, most of the time it was the latter rather than the former which explain why he was asking his son instead of his wife. benito gave a deep sigh before ultimately giving up "i know it cant be something i did cause its not her birthday or our anniversary, i got her a bouqet of white lillies the other day so it cant be me" the two shrugged "i dont know dad you'll have to ask her this time" nodding the older wolf turned to leave "give my love to my daughter in law and have fun with your pups figlio". waving goodbye benny left walking towards home to do the impossible since having to ask his wife why she was upset would only make her more upset which in turn might land him in the dog house anyway. the alpha shuddered at the thought of his wifes wrath, sure he was the alpha the leader in the relationship and her loving protector but all that went out the window when she was angry with him and getting back in her good graces wasnt always easy.
Approaching the front door cautiously benny looked around for something to grab to act like he was busy just passing through as a back up plan for a quick escape "always got to think ahead benny boy" repeating his own fathers words to himself he grabbed a box of tools he left out on the porch before walking inside. immediately upon walking in he heard his wifes sniffles and whimpers coming from the kitchen, almost dropping the box benny rushed to her finding vivian at the table teary eyed looking through an old family album of theirs. Instantly going into worried husband mode he put down the tool box holding his wifes tear streaked face in his hands "cara mia" seeing her pouty face always made his heart break "whats wrong amore mio?" he asked looking softly into her eyes as she babbled he just tried to calm her. holding her close to him while she sobbed into his shoulder benny took a peak at the page in question she was crying over and then it all clicked, "benito querido i want a baby!" viv exclaimed loudly holding him tight "i miss our pups being little and having our grandpups around just made me miss it more!". Benny tensed up at the thought of having another little trouble maker running around their small home "amore is that all?" playing it off like it wasnt such a big deal the wolf lifted his wife from her chair carrying her to their shared room laying her on the bed "you sit right here and ill be right back okay let me go put my tools away" kissing her head backing away she stopped him. Vivian had an iron grip on her husbands shirt "hurry back okay mi corazon" her pouty face almost made him want to stay but the stone grip she had drove her point home very clearly "of course fiore" softly kissing her face once more she finally let him go. the alpha let out a breath he didnt know he was holding once he was out of the room now was his chance to run, it started off slow and swift before he broke out into a full sprint not even grabbing his tools to put away. benny had to think of somewhere to hide out for a little bit until his wifes baby fever went away, "im sure my sons wont mind some company" he said to himself quickly rushing off to the bunker that dean and sam had put together for their hunts.
Once there he banged on the door like his life depended on it which maybe it did since when he left benny could tell vivians neediness was getting more severe and primal as it always often did when she had her little fits of possesive wanting. sighing relieved as sam opened the door benny walked right in seeing dean at the large table cas and rich built for them that was adorned with decorative wolves and trees, "alright you two i need your help right now" dean stood up at once "what happened old man?" He asked concerned "nothing serious i just need to stay here since viv wont look here for me". The two brothers looked at each other settling down after ben had riled them up as if it was a life or death emergency "okay ben what did you do this time?" The alpha growled "thats just it sammy boy i didnt do anything my wife wants a baby so for the sake of my safety im hiding out here" dean scoffed at the old wolf. "Okay papa wolf you can stay here for a little while but just until mama wolf calms down but why run from her?" dean sat back putting his feet up "because son my little adorable wife who you lovingly call mama becomes a feral love beast when she gets like this and she wont stop until she gets her way how do you think cas got here? so Ive learned its best to just stay out of sight until this blows over". furrowing his brows sam crossed his arms "so why not just give her what she wants that seems a little smarter if you ask me" benny laughed and shook his head looking at dean "you can tell hes never slept with a crazy baby hungry wolf" the two shared a knowing laugh both having wolf mates and knowledge of what it was like "but if you must know sam we're old our pups are grown and we have grandpups, that would just be us starting over again and i dont know about her but im not ready for that again". The brothers shrugged going back to work as the wolf leaned back and relaxed thinking to himself this was going to be a long couple of days but at least he was in familiar company with no worries of his love hungry shewolf finding him, hopefully.
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maxineswritingcenter 5 years
Class Reunion - Sam x fem!reader pt 2
Read part one here!
Summary: Sam and Dean hit up a case in a town they lived in for Sam's senior year of high school. While on a supply run, Sam runs into reader who he dated that year. Reader invites him to the class reunion. Sam is hesitant but the case leads to the reunion. SPARKS FLY BITCHES
Sam had arrived extremely early to the restaurant. He had picked their usual booth. He had great memories here. After school , (Y/N) and the student council would sit in the big booth in the corner. She would usually invite him along. Then after the meeting, they would sit at a small booth and share a milkshake and fries.
But anything he was thinking about now was over shadowed by the fact that there was a huge possibility that he had a son. A son that he didn't know about for 18 years. How was he supposed to handle it? How could he talk to the kid.
"Hey, I know I'm a little late. Jared needed some help." (Y/N) set her purse down and sat across from him at the booth. She sighed and grinned. Sam smiled at her weakly.
"So uh... How.. how old is Jared?" He asked, trying to ease into it.
Her smile faltered, "Oh God, I know." She hid her face.
"I'm really sorry, Sam." She sighed, and looked up at him.
"I just... You knew I went to Stanford, why didn't you come tell me?" He placed his hands on the table.
(Y/N) touched his hand and smiled, "I did. It was after I found out. You had been gone for a month."
(Y/N) sat on the Greyhound bus, her stomach was fluttering with butterflies. Among... Other things. She looked down and ran her fingers over her stomach lightly. She wasn't showing. How would Sam even believe her?
The bus came to a stop outside Stanford. It was the afternoon, menacing most everyone was getting lunch. She began her search, using the only picture she hand to ask people if they had seen him. It was a Polaroid of the two of them on prom night. Eventually, she was pointed in the right direction. She made her ways towards the library. She was told he was usually in there studying even though classes had just started. She knew he was dedicated, but he took on summer classes to get ahead. That was her Sam.
(Y/N) she made her way inside, looking through the aisles for that familiar smile. She found him at the study tables. His nose was stuck in a book. His eyebrows were scrunched together in deep thought. She grinned and made her way towards him, but stopped.
After he had told her about his home life. How his Dad said to never come back after Sam left. Sam wanted to prove his dad wrong. It wouldn't be fair to him. She knew Sam and he would drop everything for her.
"(Y/N)-" Sam began, about to tell her that Stanford wouldn't have mattered anyway considering he didn't even finish college.
"No, Sam. You know I'm right." She said, looking away, "I didn't know you long but I knew enough." She teared up, but wiped them away.
"Besides, look at you now. A strong and handsome FBI agent. Or that's what I've heard. Word spreads fast." She chuckled.
Sam looked down, then back up again. She was right that he would have dropped everything. But that would never be as bad as hunting.
"So, what did you do?" He asked.
(Y/N) played with the condensation on her water cup that the waitress brought during her story, "Well, parents were pissed, they wanted me to get rid of him. And that was a serious thought for me. But," she smiled warmly, "I just had this feeling that he would be special. So they sent me to live with my grandma." She pulled out pictures from her bag.
Sam looked at them, tears lined his eyes. He saw Jared after he was born in the hospital. (Y/N) held him in one arm and gave a thumbs up with the other. The next were more baby pictures, birthdays, Hallweens, Christmases, all leading to his senior pictures.
"He's," Sam sniffled, "So beautiful." He looked up and grinned. He wiped as his eyes and went through the pictures again.
"Did he ever ask? You know, about me?" He asked, half dreading the answer.
"He did a few times. Wondered why you weren't here. I told him the truth, that you didn't know. I tried to find you a few times. But all that popped up were a bunch of wanted ads and death certificates for how many other Sam Winchesters there are. Or were. And it's not like you left me a phone number." She shook her head, "But I should have gotten you involved. That's my biggest regret." She shrugged, "But don't think I'm going to ask you for money or to be involved if you don't want to. Besides it's up to Jared."
Sam nodded and sat back against the booth, "I want to be involved," He said sincerely, "But I agree, it should be up to Jared."
They spent the next hour catching up. They laughed and cried. Sam didn't tell her everything, but he said the important things. They they had finally found a permanent place, him and his brother.
"Man, it must be nice to travel. Especially in that old classic car. What I would give to spend time on the road." She leaned on the table, playing with the paper straw in her milkshake.
Sam could only smile and shake his head.
"Hey uh... Would you want to have dinner with us? You and your brother. I heard y'all were in the motel but... We have room. Plus, it would be a good opportunity for you to meet him. Officially." She blushed. It reminded him so much of high school.
"Uh yeah sure." He smiled and pulled a buzzing phone out of his pocket.
"Uh, Dean needs me." He smiled awkwardly.
"That's fine." She grabbed a napkin and wrote down her number, "Don't lose it." She winked. She stood up, grabbed her purse and walked out.
"So, that's definitely your kid." Dean asked as they parked outside the hospital.
"Yeah." Sam said, blinking in surprise as the truth set in.
"And we definitely are gonna be crashing at her place." Dean grinned, "Been waiting for an actual place to crash. Sure, motels are nice but nothin' beats a BnB with your baby mama."
Sam narrowed his eyes at him, "Dude, don't talk about her like that." He looked down at his text log. (Y/N) just sent her address.
Dean held up his hands, "You're right. Can't talk about my nephew's mother like that."
"You know, for finding out about this, you're oddly chipper." Sam said as he put his phone in his jacket pocket.
Dean's smile slid from his face, "Well Sam, it's about time something good happened, don't you think?"
"But is this really good?" Sam asked, "Dean, people around us die. A lot. It's not safe for them to know us or even be related to us."
Dean clenched his jaw, "So what are you saying? Have Cas make them forget about you?"
"Well, yeah." Sam said, knowing that would be for the best. It still hurt to even think about.
Dean was about to say more, but when he looked up, he saw the sheriff standing on the front steps.
"How about we talk about this after dinner. See what you really think." He said and got out of the car. Sam stayed in for a moment. Thinking about everyone they had lost. Everyone that they had been fighting in the name of. He didn't want to add (Y/N) and Jared to that list.
Inside, Sam and Dean followed Witicker to the back office.
"This isn't like the others. Like I told your partner at the scene, these killings were interrupted. The babysitter came home with the kid. They didn't see the perp except for when they jumped out the kitchen window." When they reached the room, the sheriff handed Sam a file. Inside where crime scene photos. They were at ten women dead on the floor. Throats torn out and partially eaten except for a few.
"Any survivors?" Sam asked as he closed the file.
"Just one. She was hiding in the bathroom when we arrived." The sheriff said as he led them to the room, "Her name's Sherry Coe. They old cheer squad was going to make a routine for the reunion." Dean looked at Sam in a silent agreement.
"We would like to speak with her." Sam nodded. Sheriff Witicker nodded and opened the door.
"Sherry? It's Lonny." The sheriff slowly entered the room. Dean looked at his brother.
'Lonny?' He mouthed. Sam gave him a look, then looked back at Sheriff.
Sherry was a blonde girl that Sam recognized as the head cheerleader from high school. She was sitting in the hospital bed, hugging her knees to her chest. There was makeup and blood on her face, blood matted in her hair.
Sherry gave the Sheriff a weak smile, before looking warily at the two brothers.
"Sherry, these guys are FBI. Is it alright if they ask you some questions about today?" The sheriff asked, putting a hand on the rail of the hospital bed.
Sherry nodded, "I suppose so. That son of a bitch killed all of my friends...." She let out a little sob.
Sam sat on the edge of the bed, "We are so sorry for your loss." Sherry nodded.
"Can you tell us what happened?" Dean asked.
Sherry nodded, "Well, we were in Felicity's living room. We had moved all the furniture and practiced our routine from homecoming senior year. We stopped for a minute and watched the tape from the football game that year."
The sheriff laughed, "Our prank was the best."
"Prank?" Sam asked.
"Ah well, the whole school was in on it. There was this kid that was a little weird in the school. Known him our whole lives. During the halftime the football team called him down the stands and we pants him in front of everyone. Well, the guy wasn't wearing underwear. Because the head cheerleader convinced him not to." He winked at Sherry, "He dropped out after that." The sheriff sighed at the 'fond' memory.
Sam and Dean were driving towards the edge of town where (Y/N) lived.
"Did you know about that?" Dean asked, if he had heard about a prank like that he would have remembered it.
"No way, I didn't go to school there until after homecoming. What they did was awful." Sam said. Though things were starting to make sense. All those assemblies about bullying, the cancelled events.
"Do you think (Y/N) was in on it?" Dean asked, gripping the steering wheel.
Sam shook his head, "No, she wouldn't do that."
"Well she'll know something about it." Dean said as he pulled into the driveway. Sam stared at the house, then down at the flowers in his hand that he picked up at the hospital giftshop.
"Come on, Casanova, I'm starving." Dean opened his door and straightened out his suit. Sam inhaled deeply and let out a long exhale. This was big. Very big. He felt less nervous facing Lucifer than facing his own kid.
(Y/N) was working hard in the kitchen. She had a chicken in the oven and a nice stew on the stove top. A heart meal to warm everyone from the autumn chill. Jared was setting the table with forks and knives.
"Who are these guys again?" Jared asked as he went to the fridge. He opened it up and grabbed a water bottle.
"Some guys I knew from high school, honey." She didn't look at him. If she did she would break. Jared didn't press anymore. He just got an odd feeling around the guys and mom seemed real nervous about it.
The doorbell rang, breaking the tension.
"I'll get it." Jared said, making his way through the dining room and to the front door. He opened the door and saw their guests for the evening. The shorter guy was giving him a smile and the tall guy had flowers in his hand. They both looked surprised that he opened the door.
"Uh, hey, Jared." Sam said, tightening his grip on the flowers.
"Hey..." Jared looked between them, "Come on in. Dinners almost ready." He let the brothers inside.
Read part 3 here!
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Class Reunion Taglist:
I don't know why it's not tagging some people but you can't say I didn't try.
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