#Didn’t quite get to the action this time but nearly time for Inu to swing that axe!
mamabearcat · 5 years
Into The Woods - Part 3
Tagging my two main cheerleaders for this @clearwillow and @keichanz and also @redflamesofpassion@xxracheyxx @mcornilliac @inuyashasnook @cstorm86@xfangheartx
Part One  Part Two
Inspired this time by Monster, Imagine Dragons
Ever since I could remember, Everything inside of me, Just wanted to fit in (Oh oh oh oh) I was never one for pretenders, Everything I tried to be, Just wouldn't settle in (Oh oh oh oh)
If I told you what I was, Would you turn your back on me? And if I seem dangerous, Would you be scared? I get the feeling just because, Everything I touch isn't dark enough If this problem lies in me
I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me, I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me. A monster, a monster, I've turned into a monster, A monster, a monster, And it keeps getting stronger.
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 Kagome shivered, tears leaving icy trails on her cheeks as they moved swiftly through the forest, the sure-footed youkai hardly making a sound. Not even the combined heat of her red hoodie and the warm solid chest she was held against could chase away the bone chilling terror of what she’d just seen.
 She almost giggled hysterically at the absurdity of the situation. It was impossible. How could she reconcile her memories of the traditional but affectionate old man she loved against the horrifying image of her Grandpa’s chin and teeth coated in red, slavering over the blood pooled in her palm? And she had hit him. That wet cracking sound replayed itself over and over again in her mind. He was an old man, an elder, meant to be cherished and looked after. Her father’s father – the only living link she had left of her father’s family. What would her mother say? What would Souta say? How could she ever face them all again?
 Ever since she’d arrived at the shrine, her intuition had been going haywire. That small soft voice that lived in the back of her mind had been chanting random words incessantly – wrong, foul, wicked, malicious, menace… It hadn’t been the first time she’d heard that voice. And after the first time she’d heard it all those years ago, she’d never wanted to hear it again, had always blocked it out with every fibre of her being. Perhaps this one time she should have listened.
 They were slowing down. Now that she thought about it, how had Inuyasha-san known that she needed help? Had he known that something was wrong? He had tried to dissuade her from going up to the shrine this afternoon, so maybe he had some sort of suspicions that something was wrong with her Grandfather. But why hadn’t he just told her? Had her Grandfather got himself involved in something dangerous?
 “How did…”, she began, but he hushed her sharply.
 “We’re nearly there”, he whispered, bending his head so his fanged lips were close to her ear – she could feel the warmth of his breath tingling her cold skin. “Wait until we’re behind the barrier.”
 She was ready to argue, but then she saw they were approaching a small single storey wooden cottage. The cottage and the small outhouse beside it looked like an empty ruin. They blended into the forest surroundings so well they seemed almost difficult to see, like they were crouched low with their backs to the outside world, propping each other up and hiding from view, and she wondered why they were running to a derelict house. Suddenly she felt a feeling of warmth and light slide over her skin, like a sudden sunbeam, and the house jumped into focus like her vision had previously been blurred. She gasped in surprise.
  The cottage and outhouse were partially nestled into the side of a small hill, built on a stacked stone platform. Now that Kagome could see them properly, they no longer looked like a ruin, but old and sturdy, reminding Kagome of pictures of minka farmhouses she’d seen in history books. The wooden walls were silvered with age, and the high pointed roof was traditionally thatched. The eaves of the roof projected down over the timber floored veranda, and any windows were hidden from view, protected by storm shutters.
 The youkai placed her on her feet carefully, one arm still gently around her shoulders, as if worried she might collapse without assistance. She tried to stand up straighter, pushing back her shoulders and thrusting out her chin, holding her head high – this might be one of the worst nights of her life, but that didn’t mean she was going to collapse in front of a virtual stranger like a puppet with cut strings. He quirked one eyebrow at her, smiling approvingly, and opened the door, guiding her in and immediately shutting it behind her.
 Kagome unlaced her boots, wincing and hissing in pain as she flexed her injured palm, and placed them in the little cubby near the door next to Inuyasha’s axe and his much larger boots. Straightening up, she gazed around in amazement – the inside of this cottage was not the rugged bare bones that she expected.
 Dark wood floors lined the entrance way, with a small step up to fresh smelling tatami mats. Original farmhouse doors and wooden cupboards lined one end, with paper shoji screens slid back to make the space into one long rectangular room. A huge picture window at the other end framed a view of the mountain peak, barely discernible in the gathering twilight. Shivering, she turned her back to the window, not wanting to be reminded of the shrine at the moment. She looked upward, entranced by the open thatch of the ceiling, the protected reeds inside a much brighter colour than the ones faded by the elements outdoors. Altogether, the feeling in this room was one of comfort and warmth. Of safety.
 Inuyasha knelt next to a traditional irori fire pit in the centre of the room – it was lined with stone, and had several cast iron cooking pots stored nearby. A kettle hung over the firepit, swinging gently on a hooked chain suspended a ceiling beam. He blew on the kindling, encouraging the fire to crackle to life, and filled the kettle with water from a small wooden bucket and ladle.
 “Please, Higurashi, sit”, he said, gesturing towards a floor cushion near the fire pit. He moved to the other end of the room, looking through the cupboards and returning with a large first aid kit. He sat down on a cushion close to her and sighed, running clawed fingers through his choppy white bangs, avoiding his twitching ears. “I know you have questions. But first, let me look after your injury.”  He touched the back of her injured hand gently, running his fingers softly over her knuckles. “Show me your hand.”
 The words jolted her. Looking into his amber eyes she saw concern and compassion. He’d just spoken the exact same words her Grandfather had said to her just half an hour ago. But the difference in tone was so jarring it made tears spring to her eyes. She couldn’t stop her lip from trembling. Hastily, she looked up to the ceiling, trying to focus on not letting her tears fall as she struggled to get her emotions under control. This stranger, a youkai that she barely knew, wanted to help. But the person that she’d usually expect to receive loving concern from had attacked her. Her world was turning upside down.
 A gentle hand touched her shoulder. “Kagome… I know you’re frightened. I don’t know exactly what happened up there, but you’re not alone in this. I promise, whatever happens, I’ll protect you with my life.”
 The small voice in the back of her mind practically purred, the tone and feel the exact opposite of the shrill sibilant whispers she’d been ignoring. ‘Guardian…’ Taking a deep breath, she did her best to smile at him, blinking back tears and holding out her injured hand. “Inuyasha… I trust you.” The way his furry white ears suddenly pointed straight upwards, paired with the beaming smile he gifted her with in response almost made her feel like everything was going to be okay.
 As Inuyasha carefully cleaned and bandaged the bruised cut on her palm, she haltingly told him what had happened. He questioned her carefully, asking after every little detail, how her Grandfather had looked when she first saw him, how he’d made her feel, how had the house and shrine seemed. When she falteringly explained how he had licked the blood from her palm and what he had said, he jumped to his feet, growling in fury.
 “Fucking dammit! He’s found a workaround…”
 “What do you mean?” stuttered Kagome. “Grandpa found a workaround? For what?” Kagome’s heart beat faster, like it was trying to punch its way out of her chest. Exactly what had her grandfather got himself involved in?
 Inuyasha clenched his fists, his eyes pinched shut. Taking a deep breath, he sat down again, close to Kagome, gently taking her bandaged hand in his. “I’m sorry for yelling Kagome. Tell me, did your Grandfather ever speak to you about Naraku?”
 “But that’s just a story!” sputtered Kagome. “He told me that story at bedtime when I was a child – the one about Midoriko trapping Naraku…”
 “Kagome, it’s not a story.” Inuyasha’s mouth was a grim line. “For the past millennia my ancestors and yours have worked together to keep Midoriko’s barrier strong. The shrine is his prison, and we are its guardians.”
 Inuyasha nodded. “Yes, your Great Uncle Ichiro was the last shrine guardian. Unfortunately, it seems he didn’t pass down the stories and find a successor as he should have before he died, and he’s left us a huge fucking mess to clean up. Naraku is a being of pure evil, and he can never be allowed to escape.” He drew in a deep breath. “I believe that he’s trying to escape the barrier, and he thinks he’s found a way out by possessing your Grandfather.” The look he gave her was filled with compassion. “Kagome, I’m sorry, I don’t know if we’ll be able to save him.”
 Kagome’s eyes widened. “You’re crazy! You think my Grandfather is possessed… by Naraku?!” She laughed without humour. “This is all just… just make believe and stories.” She tugged her hand abruptly out of his grasp and got to her feet. ‘Listen… Trust… Believe’ whispered the small voice.
 Kagome clenched her fists in sudden rage, pacing around the room as Inuyasha watched. “No! I’m NOT going to listen to him!” she screamed at the voice. “And you say I should trust him and believe him? I’ve only just met him! The only thing I’ve ever got from listening to you was heartache!”
 Inuyasha drew in an awed breath. “You can hear her can’t you. You can hear Midoriko!” He got to his feet, approaching Kagome carefully. “Kagome, think. Do you really believe your Grandfather would ever speak to you that way? Would ever touch you that way? Frighten you?”
 Kagome swallowed a sob. “Maybe… maybe he’s mentally ill. Maybe being alone up here has got to him.”
 “You don’t really believe that, do you?” said Inuyasha softly. “Please Kagome. That purple and black miasma you saw? That was Naraku. And the pink light? That. That was you. Your power. You’re so strong Kagome. You were born for this. And I was born to protect you.”
 “That can’t be true. I don’t have any power”, begged Kagome, biting her lip to stop it from shaking. “I can’t have. I’m a nursing student, who lives in Tokyo. I just moved into an apartment on my own. I work in a coffee shop. I don’t… I… I can’t…” Her eyes pleaded with him to tell her it was all a big joke, that none of this had actually happened. But he didn’t. ‘Be brave Kagome… It’s going to happen…’ the small voice whispered. And Kagome dropped to her knees and sobbed. “Grandpa.”
 Kagome smiled at her reflection in the mirror as she brushed her hair until it shone. Today was going to be a good day. Her best friend Sango was coming over this afternoon, and Papa was coming home early from work to take them to the circus as an early birthday present. She twirled in her new pale blue dress, laughing as the silky fabric swished around her legs.
 ‘It’s going to happen…’
 “Huh? Mama, did you call me?” yelled out Kagome, then realised that she hadn’t heard the voice with her ears. “Who’s talking?”
 ‘Be brave Kagome – it’s going to happen…’
 Kagome shook her head. Her imagination was playing tricks on her again. Sometimes it did that. Sometimes she just knew stuff, like when they played Kagome Kagome, and she knew who was behind her every time. A sudden loud knock on the front door startled her.
 Kagome giggled. “I’ll get it Mama”, she called out. “Papa probably forgot his keys again!” She skipped to the doorway, standing on her tiptoes to undo the latch. “Hey Papa…” She was surprised to see a policeman and a police lady. “Hello?” she said uncertainly. “Do you want me to go get Mama?”
 The police lady smiled. “Yes please.”
 Her mother came into the hallway, waddling a little, her hands resting on her very round pregnant stomach. “Kagome, who…?” She looked at the police in the doorway with their compassion filled expressions and shook her head. “No, please...” Her eyes filled with tears, and she looked at Kagome and then down at her stomach. “Please…”
 “I’m so sorry Mrs Higurashi. Would it be possible for us to come in?”
 Kagome sat in her bedroom, hugging the soft toy dog that her mother and father had given her last year for her birthday. There would be no more presents from him ever again. She hated the people in the car that had crashed into him. She hated that she would have to live in a world that he didn’t live in anymore. The small voice whispered in her head sadly.
 “I’m sorry Kagome. Be brave.”
 “I hate you”, whispered Kagome, with all the vehemence and vitriol that an eight-year-old girl could manage. “I hate you so much. Never speak to me again.”
 Inuyasha pulled the weeping Kagome into his lap, rocking her gently and stroking her hair. “I’m so sorry Kagome”, he said gently. “You never should have been told about the guardianship in this way. It is both an honour and a burden, I know. I grew up knowing what I was destined for. I wish I could give you time, but that’s one thing we don’t have the luxury of right now.”
 Kagome buried her face into his neck, her cheek rasping against the stubble, trying to get her breathing under control. Even though everything was falling apart, she trusted him. She knew in her heart that he wasn’t lying. She took deep breaths, listening to the soothing rumble in his throat, feeling comforted by the clean scent of soap and sawdust. She believed him. But that meant that her whole life was about to irrevocably change. And she would have to face her… whatever that thing was in her Grandfather’s body. She leaned into Inuyasha’s warmth, trying to gather her courage. “I don’t know if I can do this”, she whispered brokenly.
 Inuyasha pushed on her shoulders firmly but gently, so she could look into his eyes. Those otherworldly amber eyes, which drew her in, tugging on a memory, and she felt it, a connection, a click like two magnets drawn together. ‘Guardian…’ breathed the small soft voice.
 Inuyasha’s voice was firm, his eyes locked on hers. “I know this seems like too much, but I believe in you Kagome. And I know we’ve only just met, and everything seems like it will never be right again. But I meant what I said. I promise, I’ll protect you with my life.”
 Kagome took in a deep breath and breathed out long and slow. She felt acceptance settle into her bones. She stared back at him, thrusting out her chin and squaring her shoulders. “Tell me what I must do”, she said, trying to keep the quaver out of her voice.
 Inuyasha beamed at her, one fang poking out over his lip. “That’s my girl”, he rumbled, and for the second time that night, he almost made her feel like everything was going to be okay.
Part Four
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