4K UHD Full Screen Digital Signage and Display Kiosk - WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258.
1. Retail: In-store displays for product promotions, pricing information, and interactive product demos.
2. Travel: Airport and train station displays for flight information, schedules, and travel alerts.
3. Healthcare: Patient education and communication boards for hospitals and medical centers.
4. Food Service: Menu boards for restaurants and cafes. Financial Services: Branches for banks and financial institutions.
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cranesign-blog · 7 years
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Smart Ai Scale Electronic Weighing Scales with Ai Identify Software for Retail Shop. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
Interactive Whiteboard Supplier -OEM Smartboard & Interactive Smart Board Manufacturer and Supplier. Smart Board Supplier | Cheap Interactive Flat Panel | Low Budget Interactive Whiteboard. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
Interactive flat panels are revolutionizing the way we collaborate and communicate in various settings, from classrooms to corporate environments. As a leading supplier, we offer a range of high-quality interactive flat panel displays designed to enhance engagement and interactivity. Our products feature advanced touch technology, vibrant displays, and seamless connectivity options, making them ideal for presentations, teaching, and brainstorming sessions. With user-friendly interfaces and robust software compatibility, our interactive panels cater to diverse needs, ensuring an immersive experience. Partner with us to elevate your visual communication and transform your collaborative efforts with cutting-edge interactive solutions.
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Digital Signage and Display Koisk -4K UHD 3840x2160 LED Commercial Digital Signage Display Supplier. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
Interactive Whiteboard Supplier -OEM Smartboard & Interactive Smart Board Manufacturer and Supplier. Smart Board Supplier | Cheap Interactive Flat Panel | Low Budget Interactive Whiteboard. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
Interactive flat panels are revolutionizing the way we collaborate and communicate in various settings, from classrooms to corporate environments. As a leading supplier, we offer a range of high-quality interactive flat panel displays designed to enhance engagement and interactivity. Our products feature advanced touch technology, vibrant displays, and seamless connectivity options, making them ideal for presentations, teaching, and brainstorming sessions. With user-friendly interfaces and robust software compatibility, our interactive panels cater to diverse needs, ensuring an immersive experience. Partner with us to elevate your visual communication and transform your collaborative efforts with cutting-edge interactive solutions.
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32'' 43'' Hotel Hospital Autoatendimento Arquivo de Saúde Consulta pagamento Terminal de autoatendimento Quiosque. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258.
Os quiosques de pagamento Self-service Health File Query de 32'' e 43'' Hotel Hospital são soluções inovadoras concebidas para agilizar os serviços de saúde e melhorar a experiência dos pacientes. Esses terminais versáteis oferecem uma variedade de funcionalidades, incluindo consultas de arquivos de saúde, processamento de pagamentos e opções de autoatendimento. Equipados com capacidades de impressão e cópia A4, estes quiosques permitem aos pacientes aceder e gerir as suas informações de saúde de forma eficiente. Os terminais possuem controladores de flash LED e módulos de armazenamento, garantindo bom funcionamento e gerenciamento de dados. Com tecnologia de reconhecimento facial e integração SDK, esses quiosques oferecem segurança aprimorada e opções de personalização. Disponíveis em vários tamanhos, estes terminais de autoatendimento são adequados tanto para hotéis como para hospitais, oferecendo uma abordagem moderna à administração de cuidados de saúde e à capacitação dos pacientes.  WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258.
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32'' 43'' Fail Kesihatan Layan Diri Hospital Hotel Pembayaran pertanyaan Kiosk Terminal layan diri. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
Kios pembayaran Fail Pertanyaan Kesihatan Layan Sendiri Hospital Hotel 32'' dan 43'' adalah penyelesaian inovatif yang direka untuk menyelaraskan perkhidmatan penjagaan kesihatan dan meningkatkan pengalaman pesakit. Terminal serba boleh ini menawarkan pelbagai fungsi, termasuk pertanyaan fail kesihatan, pemprosesan pembayaran dan pilihan layan diri. Dilengkapi dengan keupayaan pencetakan dan penyalinan A4, kiosk ini membolehkan pesakit mengakses dan mengurus maklumat kesihatan mereka dengan cekap. Terminal mempunyai pengawal denyar LED dan modul storan, memastikan operasi lancar dan pengurusan data. Dengan teknologi pengecaman muka dan penyepaduan SDK, kiosk ini menyediakan pilihan keselamatan dan penyesuaian yang dipertingkatkan. Tersedia dalam pelbagai saiz, terminal layan diri ini sesuai untuk kedua-dua hotel dan hospital, menawarkan pendekatan moden untuk pentadbiran penjagaan kesihatan dan pemerkasaan pesakit. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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 32'' 43'' Отель Больница Самообслуживание Запрос файла о состоянии здоровья Оплата Терминал самообслуживания Киоск. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
32-дюймовые и 43-дюймовые платежные киоски для запроса медицинских файлов в гостиничных больницах — это инновационные решения, предназначенные для оптимизации медицинских услуг и улучшения качества обслуживания пациентов. Эти универсальные терминалы предлагают ряд функций, включая запросы файлов о состоянии здоровья, обработку платежей и возможности самообслуживания. Эти киоски, оснащенные возможностями печати и копирования формата A4, позволяют пациентам эффективно получать доступ к своей медицинской информации и управлять ею. Терминалы оснащены контроллерами светодиодной вспышки и модулями хранения, обеспечивающими бесперебойную работу и управление данными. Благодаря технологии распознавания лиц и интеграции SDK эти киоски обеспечивают повышенную безопасность и возможности настройки. Доступные в различных размерах, эти терминалы самообслуживания подходят как для отелей, так и для больниц, предлагая современный подход к управлению здравоохранением и расширению возможностей пациентов. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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32'' 43'' Hotel Hospital Self-Service Health File Query Payment Self-Service Terminal Kiosk. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
Die 32'' und 43'' Hotel Hospital Self-Service Health File Query Payment Kiosks sind innovative Lösungen, die darauf ausgelegt sind, Gesundheitsdienstleistungen zu rationalisieren und das Patientenerlebnis zu verbessern. Diese vielseitigen Terminals bieten eine Reihe von Funktionen, darunter Gesundheitsdatenabfragen, Zahlungsabwicklung und Self-Service-Optionen. Ausgestattet mit A4-Druck- und Kopierfunktionen ermöglichen diese Kioske den Patienten den effizienten Zugriff auf ihre Gesundheitsinformationen und deren Verwaltung. Die Terminals verfügen über LED-Blitzsteuerungen und Speichermodule, die einen reibungslosen Betrieb und Datenmanagement gew��hrleisten. Mit Gesichtserkennungstechnologie und SDK-Integration bieten diese Kioske verbesserte Sicherheit und Anpassungsoptionen. Diese in verschiedenen Größen erhältlichen Self-Service-Terminals eignen sich sowohl für Hotels als auch für Krankenhäuser und bieten einen modernen Ansatz für die Gesundheitsverwaltung und Patientenermächtigung. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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32 '' 43 '' فندق مستشفى الخدمة الذاتية الملف الصحي الاستعلام عن دفع كشك محطة الخدمة الذاتية, WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
تُعد أكشاك الدفع الخاصة بالاستعلام عن الملفات الصحية ذات الخدمة الذاتية في المستشفيات الفندقية مقاس 32 بوصة و43 بوصة بمثابة حلول مبتكرة مصممة لتبسيط خدمات الرعاية الصحية وتحسين تجارب المرضى. توفر هذه المحطات متعددة الاستخدامات مجموعة من الوظائف، بما في ذلك الاستعلامات عن الملفات الصحية ومعالجة الدفع وخيارات الخدمة الذاتية. تتيح هذه الأكشاك، المجهزة بقدرات الطباعة والنسخ مقاس A4، للمرضى الوصول إلى معلوماتهم الصحية وإدارتها بكفاءة. تتميز الأجهزة الطرفية بوحدات تحكم فلاش LED ووحدات تخزين، مما يضمن التشغيل السلس وإدارة البيانات. بفضل تقنية التعرف على الوجه وتكامل SDK، توفر هذه الأكشاك خيارات أمان وتخصيص محسنة. تتوفر محطات الخدمة الذاتية هذه بأحجام مختلفة، وهي مناسبة لكل من الفنادق والمستشفيات، وتقدم نهجًا حديثًا لإدارة الرعاية الصحية وتمكين المرضى.واتساب: WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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32'' 43'' Hotel Hospital Self-Service Health File Query payment Self-service Terminal Kiosk. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
The 32'' and 43'' Hotel Hospital Self-Service Health File Query payment kiosks are innovative solutions designed to streamline healthcare services and improve patient experiences. These versatile terminals offer a range of functionalities, including health file queries, payment processing, and self-service options. Equipped with A4 printing and copying capabilities, these kiosks enable patients to access and manage their health information efficiently. The terminals feature LED flash controllers and storage modules, ensuring smooth operation and data management. With face recognition technology and SDK integration, these kiosks provide enhanced security and customization options. Available in various sizes, these self-service terminals are suitable for both hotels and hospitals, offering a modern approach to healthcare administration and patient empowerment. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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 55 inch Touch Screen Monitor For Self service Kiosk – Ithebhulethi & iPad Kiosks & Stands for Self-Service. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258.
Imonitha yesikrini esithintwayo esingamayintshi angu-55 sihlinzeka ngokubonakalayo nokusebenziseka kalula komsebenzisi okuthuthukisa kakhulu ukusebenzisana kwamakhasimende. Ngokubonisa kwayo okunwetshiwe, abasebenzisi bangazulazula kalula kumamenyu, babuke imininingwane enemininingwane, futhi bahlanganyele nokuqukethwe kalula. Usayizi wesikrini omkhulu uvumela umbhalo ocacile, ofundekayo kanye nezithombe ezigqamile, okuwenza ufinyeleleke kubasebenzisi bayo yonke iminyaka namakhono. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258.
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Màn hình cảm ứng 55 inch dành cho ki-ốt tự phục vụ, WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
Màn hình cảm ứng 55 inch mang đến giao diện sống động và thân thiện với người dùng, giúp cải thiện đáng kể sự tương tác của khách hàng. Với màn hình m�� rộng, người dùng có thể dễ dàng điều hướng qua các menu, xem thông tin chi tiết và tương tác với nội dung một cách dễ dàng. Kích thước màn hình lớn cho phép văn bản rõ ràng, dễ đọc và hình ảnh sống động, giúp người dùng ở mọi lứa tuổi và khả năng có thể truy cập được. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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Monitor Layar Sentuh 55 inci Untuk Kios Layanan Mandiri – Kios Tablet & iPad & Singkatan dari Layanan Mandiri. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
Monitor layar sentuh 55 inci menawarkan antarmuka yang imersif dan ramah pengguna yang secara signifikan meningkatkan keterlibatan pelanggan. Dengan tampilannya yang luas, pengguna dapat dengan mudah menavigasi menu, melihat informasi detail, dan berinteraksi dengan konten dengan mudah. Ukuran layar yang besar memungkinkan teks yang jelas dan terbaca serta visual yang hidup, sehingga dapat diakses oleh pengguna dari segala usia dan kemampuan. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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Monitor de pantalla táctil de 55 pulgadas para quiosco de autoservicio: quioscos y soportes para tabletas y iPad para autoservicio. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
El monitor de pantalla táctil de 55 pulgadas ofrece una interfaz inmersiva y fácil de usar que mejora significativamente la participación del cliente. Con su amplia pantalla, los usuarios pueden navegar fácilmente por los menús, ver información detallada e interactuar con el contenido sin esfuerzo. El gran tamaño de la pantalla permite texto claro y legible e imágenes vibrantes, lo que la hace accesible a usuarios de todas las edades y habilidades. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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 Self Servis Kiosk için 55 inç Dokunmatik Ekran Monitör - Self Servis için Tablet ve iPad Kiosklar ve Standlar. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258.
55 inç dokunmatik ekranlı monitör, müşteri katılımını önemli ölçüde artıran etkileyici ve kullanıcı dostu bir arayüz sunar. Geniş ekranı sayesinde kullanıcılar menüler arasında kolayca gezinebilir, ayrıntılı bilgileri görüntüleyebilir ve içerikle zahmetsizce etkileşim kurabilir. Büyük ekran boyutu, net, okunaklı metinlere ve canlı görsellere olanak tanıyarak her yaştan ve yetenekten kullanıcının erişebilmesini sağlar. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258.
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Monitor touch screen de 55 polegadas para quiosque de autoatendimento - quiosques para tablets e iPads e suportes para autoatendimento. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
O monitor com tela sensível ao toque de 55 polegadas oferece uma interface envolvente e fácil de usar que melhora significativamente o envolvimento do cliente. Com sua tela expansiva, os usuários podem navegar facilmente pelos menus, visualizar informações detalhadas e interagir com o conteúdo sem esforço. O grande tamanho da tela permite texto claro e legível e visuais vibrantes, tornando-o acessível a usuários de todas as idades e habilidades. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258
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