elianaus · 4 days
In the age of Industry 4.0, the convergence of robotics and ERP systems is paving the way for unprecedented levels of automation in smart factories. As industries embrace the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart technologies, integrating robotics with ERP systems is becoming crucial for achieving complete automation and optimizing production workflows.
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Valtitude -SCM Process - Overview of Demand/Supply planning –
 Overview of Demand/supply and MPS Process
Production Strategies
Key objectives of supply chain management – Customer demand fulfillment
S&OP as the key driver of monthly planning process
Inventory impact on functional Stakeholders
Why Forecast and Plan?
The Service – Cost – Balance Model
Introduction to Demand Planning- What, Why and How?
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Demand Planning -Business Plan
The Business Plan or the annual Budget often follows the following outline:
Strategic analysis of external factors
Internal Factors
Development of a Sales and Marketing Plan
Calendar Monthly forecast
Operating Budget
Manufacturing Costs
Administrative costs
Sales and Marketing Overheads
Capacity and other bottlenecks
Organizational Consensus
Revisions to Spend and volumes
Management buy-in
Outlining Key risks and opportunities to the Annual Budget
Key process driver is forecast reconciliation and a methodology to determine and analyze exceptions. Reconciliation can often be painful. And it can be made worse by a simplistic process lacking an exceptions methodology. Identifying major variances and diagnosing the root-causes for the variance can quickly result in plan consensus.
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rnoni · 25 days
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Valtitude -Advanced smoothing models
First Order Exponential Smoothing
Holt Models to accommodate the trend
Holt-Winters Model
Exponential Trend and Dampening
Interaction between components
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Demand Planning -Why S&OP
Fragmented Planning Activities
– Supply chain challenges – Service, costs and inventories
Disparities between the Financial forecast and operational forecasts
Bottom Line challenges from Fragmented Planning
Benefits of a holistic S&OP Design
Core Components of SIOP
Consensus Demand Planning
Rough Cut Planning and Supply Collaboration
Executive Presentation
Demand-Supply Balancing
Modeling by exception
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Valtitude -Determining Market Share 
Share estimates of the total market can be done as an objective or target estimates based on the promotional plans and budgets committed to achieving that share.  
The other option is to forecast consumption independently and derive the share through two different estimations, namely the market and the consumption. 
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Valtitude -Exception Reporting
Forecast Pro’s flexible exception reporting allows you to focus on areas that need your attention.
The reports are easily customizable to reflect different performance metrics ? such as forecast vs. history or whether forecast error exceeds a pre-defined threshold – and give you a quick way to identify potential problem areas.
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Valtitude -Creating Segmentation
Why we need to create segmentation?
This helps planners with planning priorities and brining attention of other stakeholders into consensus process.
For an advanced demand planning team, segmentation helps to define the statistical modeling strategy e.g. for high volume products we can go with a custom advanced stat model for low volume a simple exponential would be a good starting point.
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Valtitude -Supply Chain Exception Management
Supply Chain Exception Management
Design, Analysis, and Implementation of an zupply chain exception management approach have helped companies to:
Streamline the planning process.
Improve forecast accuracy significantly.
Focus on the major supply chain drivers that improve the bottom line.
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demandplanning-sop · 1 month
Demand Planning - Modeling special cases of Demand Product Life Cycle & Long-term Planning
Product Lifecycle and trend • Launch Forecasting • Volume effect on line extension
Event Modeling Baseline vs. Incremental • Illustration of Event Models
Planning for Intermittent Demand What is Intermittent Demand & what causes it? Strategies to handle intermittent demand & Statistical Models for Intermittent Demand
Higher-order Models
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Demand Planning -Collaborative Demand Planning
Setting up a Consensus Process
Gathering Promotional and event intelligence
Evaluating promotional lifts
Achieving consensus with the Sales Group
Customer Collaboration
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Demand Planning -Effects of Demand Volatility
Is MAPE a questionable measure?
Incentivizing Demand Planners
Identifying forecast Bias when there is persistent volatility
Demand Management
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Demand Planning -Business Planning and Budgeting
Conducted as an annual exercise, the business plan is the volume, cost and profit plan for, typically, the upcoming year. This is also referred to as the annual budgeting process. Some companies conduct this as part of the long-range forecasting process, which cover anywhere from three to seven years.
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Business planning is critical for every company, while long-term forecasting is indispensable for companies with longer product development cycles. The long-term plan provides the inputs for capacity planning and other long-term expansion initiatives.
It is common knowledge that longer-term forecasts are more erroneous than short-term forecasts. There are more dynamic variables and error processes at play in determining the conditions expected to prevail in the future. So it is also necessary to subject your forecast to a sensitivity analysis to understand the robustness of the forecast if the underlying economic and business environment changes. DemandPlanning.Net has developed a unique methodology to develop long-term forecasting and analyzing forecast sensitivity.
Often the annual Marketing Plan is the driver for the demand information in the annual budget. The Marketing Plan is developed with a volume forecast for the year along with the spending levels necessary to create and sustain the expected demand for the products. Marketing-mix modeling is a key component of developing the Marketing Plan.
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SAP IBP is a popular supply chain planning tool among many Fortune 1000 companies today. SAP IBP can help you create better demand forecasts and finished goods plans when properly implemented together with appropriate training for the planning professionals.
The main focus is Statistical modeling and forecasting in SAP IBP. We will cover the various modeling strategies including the automatic model selection procedures. We will spend quality time on explaining data analysis and graphical review in IBP.
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Valtitude - Data Integration and Cleansing
It is all about the data
The Forecast Problem and Data collection
Define True Demand
Data challenges  - Shipment Vs. Orders  - Gross Demand Vs. Net Demand
Historical shifts in demand
Data filtering
Outliers– Identification and Correction
The process to Identify Outliers
Tolerance band
Methodology for outlier correction
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