#Disney Churnabog
yugirl · 3 years
Churnabog’s thoughts on the Disney Universe
Ok I know the title sounds weird but this has being going around in my head.
You know Churnabog? The villain from Nightmare on Bald Mountain?
Disney’s version of “the devil”
This guy?
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I’ve been thinking about him ever since watching Colin Looks Back’s Fantasia episode on Disney Villains and the times he teams up with the villains to defeat the good guys. Disney park rides, kingdom hearts, once upon a time, mickey’s house of villains etc
The more I think about it, I don’t think Churnabog is trying any time he fights the good guys.
Because let’s be honest. Do you really think he would actually lose to Micky? Or Sora? Or Elizabeth Swan? Or the Disney Park guests. Like if he was at his full “Nightmare on Bald Mountain” power, do you really think any of them could beat him?
“Ok Yugirl, if he is holding back, why?”
Because Churnabog knows if he went full power he would be able to win instantly. He’s not stupid. He knows if he went to his full power, he could have Valpurgis Night every night if he wanted.
So why doesn’t he?
Because he knows that much like having Christmas every day, having Valpurgis Night all the time would get boring in the long run. It takes the specialness out of the one night a year he gets to muck around and do what he wants to do.
“So, why does he team up with the other villains then? Why does he fight at half power if that?”
I have two possible theories for that
1. Much like the other Disney villains he wants to show he still has his edge
Or the more likely of the two
2. Because it entertains him.
I feel like much like any other pop culture based deity, Churnabog hates being bored. So he finds ways of entertaining himself, be it fighting JRPG kids, hanging out at the house of mouse, showing up to terrorize Mickey and Friends, hitting on Maleficent and everything else.
I mean Hades does all that too and we never question him for it.
Does that mean Churnabog isn’t actually evil? Oh no he’s still part of the Disney Villain group and he still enjoys being evil. It’s just he’s a villain who’s smart enough to know where he stands in this mouse shaped universe. He’s comfortable playing this back and forth between good and evil because it keeps things interesting.
Then on that one night of the year, he wakes up, messes around, hears the church bells and goes “well I’ve had my fun, back to bed”
Honestly you got to respect a demon lord who seems to have it all together
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acceberv · 4 years
I think Roman would like Kingdom Keepers. It’s a book series about these teenagers who are transported to the Disney parks as holograms and they go up against the Overtakers aka Disney Villans like Maleficent and Churnabog. I mean, heroics and Disney do seem like his thing.
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ridiculousblogging · 7 years
If Disney is going to keep making live action remakes, I want one of Fantasia.  Make is as realistic as possible.  Keep all the music and intros the same, but make it real people doing all these things.
Dress people as mops and do a cats-the-musical version of mickey.  Make Churnabog a giant human with bat wings.  More non-white centaurs, cherubs and satyrs. Make “the record” into a person like a car sale blow up thing.
Turn Fantasia into a “silent” musical (no singing, just background music).  
Do more with Fantasia!!!!
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thenightling · 8 years
Dear Newbie Once Upon a Time Writers...
Dear Newbie Once Upon a Time Writers,
I realize how “hard” It must be watching six whole seasons of a TV show or checking it’s Wikia for information but here’s a few tidbits that might help.
1.  Belle already has an apartment over the library.  Rumplestiltskin gave it to her in season 2.  The second floor of the building is an apartment.  There was no reason she had to live in Hook’s ship.
2.   Cinderella’s child is female and was a big plot point in season one and caused the debt that enabled Rumple to find his son in Season 2.  That child should NOT be close to the age of Snow White’s child born two seasons later.
3.   The sword used to wake up Rumplestiltskin in season five...  Not the one that threatened him when he was mortal.   That one was taken by Rumplestiltskin.  The one Hook kept is the one that belonged to Milah.  He took it after she died.
4.   Rumplestiltskin is three-hundred-years-old.  There were several Dark Ones before him.  There is no way Nimue became the first Dark One Two Hundred years ago.  If you acknowledge this is a mistake than fix it.  Not all of your viewers read your Twitter feed.
5.   Even when angry at Rumplestitlskin Belle, in Storybrooke, NEVER called him “Gold.”  It was always “Rumple” even when she banished him from the town it was still Rumple.  Even when they fought in Season 2, it was still Rumple.
6.   Rumplestiltskin DID choose love over power a few times already.   When he died in season three to save everyone from Pan (And yes, he did actually die).  When he dropped the dagger to try to save his son, costing him his freedom, power, and sanity. and even simply going to Storybrooke he submitted himself to twenty-eight-years of helplessness, almost as penance, to find his son.  Please stop erasing and undermining all of season 3 because you ran out of ideas.
7.    Unless there is more than one Genie lamp in Rumple’s shop (And that is possible) the lamp Aladdin took is actually Sidney’s from Season 1.  Sidney was not Aladdin’s Genie.   Sidney was freed by Snow White’s Father, not Aladdin.  Aladdin was no where around at the time.  And then he got himself trapped in a mirror.
8.   Anastasia from Once Upon a Time in Wonderland is Will Scarlett’s love interest.  You took him away from her without explanation in Season four while still insisting Once Upon a Time in Wonderland and his happy ending were still canon.  How? 
9.  Anastasia is THE Anastasia from Disney’s Cinderella, not the Russian Princess.  Anastasia was one of the two wicked stepsisters. That was her name in the movie for Heaven’s sake.  This is established in the first episode of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.  How can you claim Once Upon a Time in Wonderland is still canon when you just gave Cinderella two renamed stepsisters and stepmother in The Land Without Stories?  Fix this!  The only way both can still be canon is if you decide there are alternate reality versions of Cinderella’s family.
10.    Why would Thomas (Cinderella’s Prince) have thought she might want to kill her step-family if he truly knew her story and knows her?  So much for true love.
11.  In regard to Rumplestiltskin and Belle.  The true love’s kiss nearly worked in Skin Deep in Season One but Rumplestiltskin resisted.   Then it nearly worked in the dream in Season six.  Why would it not work in season four?   You don’t fall out of love with “True love” and it doesn’t stop being true love just because you happen to be fighting with the person.  What the Hell kind of messed up message is that?  True love is just that, true love.  That means eternal, endless, without condition.   Once you put conditions on it, it’s not True Love.   Learn what the terms mean before writing for plot convenience.
12.   You still have the unresolved issue of having corrupted the Charmings in Season Four by having them abduct a baby (thinking it’s okay because she’s not human) and THEN giving the child double potential for Darkness after being told twice that all people have the potential for dark and light.   If the plot ruins two well established characters and is full of contradictions it does not “make for a better story.”   You left this hideous mess unaddressed.
13.  And speaking of unaddressed we have Grumpy / Dreamy and Nova / Astrid.   Blue Stole their happy ending and it’s never, ever been fixed.  Why?
14.  It was Henry who tore out the final pages, not Regina back in season one.  See, we have these new fangled things called DVDs and we can check these things...
15.  Several characters were NOT shown getting their memories restored after the events of season five and that’s just lazy.
16.  “Dark Ones don’t sleep.”   I swear they don’t remember ANYTHING from Season Three.  Do they completely forget Rumplestiltskin’s nightmare / conscience crisis when he had the nightmare about killing Henry?
17.   Hercules saying he could not beat cerberus because he has three heads yet one of his badges from The Trials of Hercules shows that he beat a Hydra.  
18.  Characters with hearts blacker than Rumplestiltskin and older than Rumplestiltskin (like Churnabog) didn’t suddenly drop dead from a heart attack in Storybrooke so why was Rumplestiltskin’s darkness taking over his body after he dies even a thing?!  It made no sense.   After years of establishing that he’s immortal just to retcon it like that with the idea that “The Dark One is Immortal, Rumplestiltskin is not” was just stupid.   It especially doesn’t make sense if we now discover he’s half-faery and Mother (Black Fairy) is more evil than he is but clearly didn’t die.
19.  Belle claimed she always saw the man in the Beast.  Was she lying?  If this is true than he would not have been just The Beast to her in her dream world at the start of season six.
20.  How the Hell did Regina simply magically open Rumple’s cell in The Dream World?  The very reason he can’t get out is because it’s magick resistant.
21.   Rumplestiltskin killed the healer (who knew him when he was human) at the time he was having the affair with Cora.   Cora isn’t THAT old.  Rumplestiltskin is a good three hundred years old.  So this can’t have been more than a hundred years ago...  HOW would the healer still be alive at that point and not aged?  It would be easy to assume he just went back and killed the Healer shortly after becoming The Dark One but Hades himself said it was while he was with Cora. The timeline doesn’t add up.   Rumplestiltskin would have been at least two hundred at the time he met Cora. Why would the Healer still be the age he was when Baelfire was a little boy?!
22.   Excalibur was designed to cut immortal ties and the slightest wound from it is fatal (as proven with Hook).  If this is true than how come Rumplestiltskin can be lightly nicked with the Dark One Dagger on more than one occasion (Same blade) without it being fatal?
23.  How was Pinocchio a child with little Prince James (the twin of Charming) and also a child when Prince Charming’s child is a child?   Was it that he didn’t age when he was wood and he had an exceptionally long childhood? 
Please, please, try to be consistent and fix your previous mistakes...
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