#Disunited States of Titan lmao
dizzycloudzzz · 5 months
Disunited AU
Luz's goal is to travel to Titan's head cause the only other portal back home is there (PS: she spawned at Titan's feet ☠️)
Changing something in the history and politics of the Boiling Islands (Boiling Country???)
Okay, in parts, after Belos created the Coven System to categorize magic, he saw that people were still tempted by the wild one, so he decided to plant the seed of ✨prejudice✨ among the covens, so - for example -, a person of Potion magic would not wanna hang out with a person of Bardic magic and there would be no mixture
Everyone accepted this man in power and literally all he had to promise was that he would end diversity lol at least he kept his promise
It worked so well that now people from different covens were starting to HATE each other (the majority) and couldn't stand being in the same place, including coven leaders
So they suggested the idea of ​​having specific areas on the Islands where only people from a certain coven could live and work and study and stuff only with their equals ☠️
(I found just this image of the entire Titan and edited to use as an example, with the covens' colors indicating the places where they dispersed 👇)
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So, the Islands are disunited, this has been a time ago
Anyone who born in any part of Titan was obliged to follow the path of magic that belongs to that place (like, getting the coven's sigil when they're just a baby, no choice allowed, something like that) if your parent(s) had you in the Titan's legs - for another example -, CONGRATULATIONS, you will do Abomination magic for the rest of your life!!!
Look at the map 🗺️:
Emperor's Coven: Head and Horns (inside the skull is the... secret 🤫)
Abominations Coven: Legs (rich part - the thigh - and poor part - the lower leg - separated by the knees, who belong to another coven. the industry is here, sell and buy what you can, small and big businesses. all the cheap entertainment you could want. big city and cyberpunk vibes)
Plant Coven: Feet (cause it's what steps on the grass. thank them for the oxygen. beautiful forest, beautiful people with beautiful culture and a beautiful language. they invented alternative healing methods and have a much more sustainable lifestyle, they don't buy, they MAKE. their festivals rock, BTW)
Healing Coven: Chest (cause I find it poetic to refer to a healed heart and, idk, cardiology? come here to be healed and mistreated by healers if you are from another coven. the best schools and colleges are here, some covens risk sending their children to come and study here in full-time. there's a LOT of kids - and teens -, the parents didn't have much to do ☠️. there are cool museums and libraries and all the nerd things)
Potions Coven: Hip (has a "free pass" to visit all areas of the Islands cause they are exporters of potions... with a delivery app. most people here are workaholics or sitcom families, sometimes both, sometimes neither. not a fun fact at all: some cool inventors were born here and let's ignore the fact that their projects were stolen by the Emperor to him spread the news across the Islands, YEAH BELOS YOU CERTAINLY INVENTED THE SCROLL VERY THANK YOU)
Bard Coven: Hands (cause hands play instruments and all. this place is wonderful to live, THERE'S SAFETY, MUSIC, BASIC SANITATION, DID I ALREADY SAY MUSIC? well, except for people who don't have the slightest musical aptitude and were bullied by children in the school choir but are still forced to live here - totally random example. they take deep-rooted traditions a little too seriously, but many revolutionists live[d] here)
Construction Coven: Arms (💪. Emperor's workforce, some other states need them sometimes too. laws are not really followed, fight for your job and your life. they're planning a coup d'état but don't tell anyone. here are the mountains and the slums, I DUNNO WHAT THE HELL MASON IS DOING WITH THE PEOPLE'S MONEY BUT SOMETHING WRONG ISN'T RIGHT)
Illusion Coven: Knees and elbows (body joints. they're important to avoid war crimes between the Bardo state and the Construction state - the first covens to initiate the disunity at the time it all started, cause the Construction people wanted to keep the area in Titan's hands, since "they did the manual work" - separating them and also separating the proletariat of the Abomination state from the bourgeoisie.)
Oracle Coven: Neck (has many vertebrates - discreet delivery men - that connects the head - the head of the state - with the torso - the healing coven treatment he needs cause he's old -, supports the weight of the head - the weight of the government's lies - and protects the nerves that carry sensory - the Oracle have spies everywhere that carry information - from the brain down to the rest of the body, in addition, the neck is highly flexible and allows the head to turn and flex in all directions - they do the opposite process, take what they know about other states to the Emperor)
Beast Keeping Coven: Belly (agro-industry, agroforestry, agro is everything. a lot of farms and palismen and history and wild life. the kind of place where everyone knows everyone. Eberwolf is currently a very good governor)
Luz will bring them all back together and not ironically lower the prejudice percentage to 0%, EVEN IF IT'S ONE BY ONE, trust this human girl and her charisma, she'll open everyone's minds
I'll tell more later, xoxo 💖
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