#Do I even tag Jun and Ryo?
starberry-cupcake · 6 years
Ok so, Les Mis fandom, hear me out. 
I was going through the list of upcoming Japanese dramas of the year, as one does, when I stumbled upon a scheduled special drama on January 9 in Fuji TV with the name “Les Miserables”. I hadn’t seen anything about this (maybe I missed it because we’re all so focused on BBC Les Mis?) but I though it would be either a dub of bbc les mis aired all together or a recording of the new staging with Park Romi as Madame Thenardier (how cool is that) and Hiroki Miura as Marius. Which sounds like it’s gonna be amazing, but it doesn’t open until April, so it made no sense. 
Turns out it’s neither. It’s a full on special on its own. 
Remember that one time Fox announced a modern day Les Mis where Valjean was a lawyer? This is a modern day Les Mis (kind of?) where Valjean is a lawyer, apparently. I don’t think the script writer was related to that project, so whether it was inspired or not, I don’t know, but it happened. And Valjean is Dean Fujioka. And Karina is in it. 
The plot sounds convoluted and weird af though, and if it wasn’t stated that it’s based on Les Mis I wouldn’t have got it, but here it is for you to read it yourselves, I’m gonna copy-paste what’s in that site I linked: 
Synopsis: One day in Kobe in the 1990s, news of the escape of a juvenile murderer from prison spreads around. Two years earlier, 17-year-old Baba Jun (Yoshizawa Ryo) got into a scuffle with Saito Futoshi (Terawaki Yasufumi), a self-serving man who had cheated his mother Yuko (Tomita Yasuko) of all her money, and killed Saito in self-defence. A high school drop-out, Jun worked hard at part-time jobs to earn money for surgery for his younger brother who suffered from biliary atresia. But he was slapped with criminal charges and thrown into a juvenile corrective institution. One day, Jun hears that his younger brother is in critical condition and breaks out. However, his brother is already dead. A despondent Jun tries to commit suicide but is saved by Tokuda Hiroaki (Okuda Eiji) who runs a self-support facility. He hides his identity and begins to live at the place. This is where he meets a youth Watanabe Takumi (Murakami Nijiro) who aspires to be a lawyer. There is another boy Saito Ryosuke, who is the only son of the man that Jun killed. Ryosuke had cut ties with his unscrupulous parents. But when it became known to the world that his father was killed for committing investment fraud, he was harassed by the media as if he was the assailant’s family even though he was supposed to be the victim’s family. Then the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake hit in 1995. This unprecedented natural disaster significantly changes the lives of the two boys. Some 10 years later, Jun (Dean Fujioka) has assumed Takumi’s identity. He opens a small lawyer’s office in a corner of Shinjuku in Tokyo and takes cases to defend the socially vulnerable. He also rehabilitates delinquent youth and provides free consultation to poor people. Ryosuke (Iura Arata) has become a detective with the Shinjuku Police Precinct’s Community Safety Division. He is in charge of many delinquent youth cases and is enforces strict control over them. One day, Ryosuke meets Takumi while cracking down on a brawl. The two men eventually develop a relationship of trust. However, Ryosuke finds out that this Takumi is his father’s murderer … …
I’m gonna assume that in this scenario, Baba Jun is obviously Valjean (I mean the name sounds close even) and Saito Ryosuke is Javert? Maybe this Takumi is kind of Fauchelevent-ish? I don’t even know, folks. It sounds very weird but I hadn’t heard about this so I thought I’d share in case anyone has seen anything about it to tell me what’s going on. Also, being a special, it’s a one episode thing, so it would be interesting to watch, but it wasn’t picked up by any fansub, so I guess it’s not gonna be around to watch easily, unless someone takes pity and picks it up. 
Anyway, I thought I’d share my amusement with you all. Maybe someone out there knows more about it than I do. And I fear I might be a bother but I’m gonna tag @pilferingapples because I thought the weird adaptation quality of it might be of interest. 
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wildxplosion · 5 years
I'm feeling sappy so listen up. Anyone who knows me, hell, anyone who clicks onto my blog at the right time knows how much I adore the fantasy AU. The ending and illustrations were fucking amazing starting points. The actual chapter we got...not so much but that's against the point. What started as me going oh I can do fantasy things? Hell yes. Has transformed into something much bigger, something so many of us have worked so hard on and something I want to share with the world.
And so much of that is down to the people who I've been lucky enough to meet and plot and write with.
I'm gonna put this under a cut so it doesn't get long but I just wanna say some stuff.
@embidoesrp-bnhaarchives - I'm not gonna tag the actual rp blogs as I'd be here a while. Embi wasn't one of the first people to get involved in the verse. I'd always thought about asking her but I wasn't sure if she wanted to so I got awkward and left it. But I'm so glad she decided to join in our group verse. Embi is just...so talented. She writes well, she draws well - the map, her character sketches, even the silly comic she did of Eri and Katsuki - and she's just so nice on top of that? She loves world building and plotting and coming up with ideas. She has so many characters and a few NPCs and she's just so involved. I fucking love it. Even if she doesn't need to be involved with something she likes suggesting ideas and seeing other people use them. She's the reason we have the server and honestly she's just an integral part of our group verse. I love talking to her and rping with her so much. I want to write with all her involved characters. But obviously Eri is my favorite. Thank you for providing my grumpy man with a child Embi and for all your hard work. We'll get to the Eri returning to the alchemists angst eventually and that's gonna be super fun and dramatic.
@quirkless-wonder - So Jay was one of the two people i was originally doing fantasy group stuff with. It was a bit of fun and our characters didn't get along and it could be really interesting. I didn't mean to get as invested as I did. I didn't mean to start shipping Katsuki and Yami so hard. But here I am and somehow Jay has stuck around and continued to put up with me throwing like a million threads at them and showing them things every other day or so that remind of usually fantasy yamibaku. They've made Yami into such an interesting character and his background and plots and relic are all so interesting. If I could get art of him in his fantasy gear I so would as I need it so I can love it. Katsuki and Yamikumo's dynamic is unsurprisingly one of my favourite things in this AU. They've grown and changed so much. They still fight sometimes and still piss each other other but they've become a team and a family and yet they're still learning things about eachother. I love seeing them interact and I look forward of what's to come. Thank you so much for giving me this unexpected ship, for encouraging me to do more with this AU and for letting me see your little sketches when you do them. It's all amazing.
@glamie - Nova has so many characters within the AU but they all tend to be so interesting. She always put such thought into your characters fantasy stories and they're all so fun. The group wouldn't be the same without Camie or Jun or Ryo or Iida or Sho. It wouldn't be the same without Nova in general. Nova's ideas for her characters are always so original. You're so great with coming up with these different stories that make her characters stick out and I'm just so amazed by this. She doesn't always join in with everything but whenever she does I know it's gonna be fun and quite often adorable. Seriously. All the cute animals running around thanks to Nova writing kitsune and puppies. Plus a baby now too. Not to mention how hard I ship Tamie now thanks to her and Birb. I just...we'd been friends a while anyway but I'm so glad she joined me in the fandom and in this little group verse. Nova is always so fun to interact with and she's one of my best friends so I hope we continue to have a lot of fun.
@createinfinity - I'm pretty sure that one of the ways I dragged Birb into rping BNHA with me was by saying fantasy AU and if not I definitely thought it. She has a lot of characters and they're all so fun. She doesn't really join in very often as time zones and real life and the like but each character she writes brings something so different that they at least get referenced by others a lot. Katsuki might not like a lot of them but they've still had an impact on them. I just hope she'll get more chances in the future to join in and that she'll at least reblog more fantasy memes as I need MORE. And as her best friend I should be able to encourage her...I hope XD.
@nitrosweet - Though Quinn has technically been part of the group for a long while, it's not really been that long since Katsuke has really been getting involved but I love him. I love having someone writing a sibling for my character. I love the shared past and world building we can do together and the discussions we can have because of their past. I love that we can write some good family bonding now. Quinn has taken a character that people just know as the happy Bakugou but turned him into something completely just Katsuke in the fantasy AU. Sure, they're identical twins but they couldn't be more different. They have different wants and lives and it's just so awesome. I know Quinn wants to bring in Kiri at some point too and it's safe to say I'm super excited.
@silver-strings-of-fate - Rae is someone whose characters are very built up, have their own religions and lives and world building and yet they were still able to blend them in seamlessly with the stuff I've mostly come up with? It's so cool. I've not interacted with Akira much but Yayoi is fun and terrifying and there's those two server only baby boys who are adorable. Rae has some really great ideas and I love writing with them and seeing what they come up with. I also just love to tease Yayoi as that's fun and I'm definitely looking forward to rping more with them in the future.
As well as this plenty of other people have written this AU with me. There are some people in the server who haven't had the chance to write much and I look forward to seeing more and others I've just written a bit with on tumblr and would always be interested in more. I want to thank all of you too and remind you that I'm always up for fantasy AU. Thanks for putting up with me.
@aidonneus | @plagued-yakuza | @oneshockyboi | @bubblyacidqueen | @magicsp3lls | @nurse-salamander | @mindlesspurplegaze
If I've missed someone then I apologize I just keep getting distracted while doing this.
Here's to plenty more fantasy in the future!
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Could I request headcanons of how the honeymoons of the SnS ships you listed (as a fellow multisshipper I really like them all) would look like?
Hi there, anon! Thanks for the prompt! I decided to split this one up into two separate posts because sometimes people don’t like seeing content for rival ships in the tags 
Honeymoons (Part 1)
These two would have a shorter honeymoon (only about a week) because they’re both extremely busy 
They’d go to Cape Town and stay in the luxurious honeymoon suite of a resort by the sea 
These two are very active vacationers
Souma wants to swim with the sharks, but Erina says no. He convinces her to try skydiving though, and she highkey loves it
They come home exhausted and ready for another vacation
Welllllllll…guess they have to take another week off, after all 
Hayama and Hisako are OUT before the wedding reception is over
Month-long honeymoon. No phones. No emails. No interruptions. 
These two honeymoon in Bali (and on their wedding night, Hayama finally lets Hisako put his hair in a man bun)
They legit spend the first two weeks just lying on the beach with endless drinks (gin and tonic for Hisako, scotch on the rocks for Hayama) and a few good books to read
Later they do some serious sight-seeing (and a little spice/herb hunting)
Hisako’s favorite place is the butterfly park and Hayama really liked the waterfalls 
Then, ugh, back to the real world 
(Erina is confused about her schedule and Jun wants to make sure they’re still alive) 
Hisako gets pregnant on one of their last nights in Bali
Standard ten-day honeymoon (Alice takes vacations whenever she pleases, so it’s not a huge deal to her)
They go skiing/snowboarding in the Swiss Alps 
Alice documents literally every second on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook live, and every other social media platform she has
Ryo, of course, has to go on the most dangerous slopes (while his wife records his exploits)
They also get couples’ massages and spa treatments because it’s Alice
Lots of hot chocolate and cold winter nights spent cuddling by the fireplace
Ten-day honeymoon 
They go to Prague and stay in a historic hotel in Old Town, right by the Charles Bridge
They hike up to Prague Castle and take lots of pictures
They are in love with the medieval architecture 
They go on a beer tasting tour (even though they’re both wine people, tbh)
They buy lots of souvenirs for Isami and the in-laws and friends and extended family and co-workers and the doorman and just about everyone they’ve ever met
They write nice Yelp reviews about a lot of places
Isami x Ikumi 
Two week honeymoon
They go to the Napa Valley in California
Long romantic walks through vast vineyards
Horseback riding (Isami is actually pretty good at it)
They go to ALL the restaurants 
Isami is like “hey, we should buy a vineyard someday” (Nikumi approves)
They might sort of kind of make “someday” the day before they return home (that Mito inheritance though)
Yuki x Marui 
Week-long honeymoon
You would have THOUGHT Yoshino Marui Yuki was going anywhere other than Paris in the Spring
At first they do all the tourist attractions
They’re eating well (and for free) the entire time because Shinomiya, Eishi, and Souma ALL have restaurants there 
Marui NERDS OUT at the Louvre 
They get on the commuter rail and spend two days at Versailles (Yuki falls in love with the palace compound)
Ryouko x Shun
Two week honeymoon
They head to Las Vegas with some serious cash to blow
Shun is crazy good at poker and blackjack (he knows how to count cards and has no obvious tells)
Ryouko owns the slot machines
Ups and downs, you know? 
By the time they leave, they’re around $2,000 in the hole, but they had fun and that’s what matters. This is what happens when Marui isn’t around to regulate them. 
They also take in a lot of concerts and shows (they liked the magic shows the best)
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ao3feed-devilman · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ECf7rH
by OfficialAverageBiscuit
It was enough, just to look at each other
AKA pointless vaguely sad fluff in poetic aesthetic bullshit form. It's short but it's pretty good imo
Words: 541, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Devilman (Anime & Manga), Devilman Lady
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fudo Akira, Asuka Ryo | Satan
Relationships: Asuka Ryo | Satan & Fudo Akira
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Aesthetic bullshit, Something quick Ive been thinking about for forever, Idiots in Love, Akira is too tired to be mad, Poetic nonsense, Word salad to make me sound smart, I hate Lady but that ending though, Mentions of Sex, But like really its devilman when is it not, Ryo literally just doesnt wanna deal with talking about Lan and Jun, Neither do I tbh, Why did Jun seem sentient outside of Satan its so weird, Burn the canon please, Anyways this is useless sappy nonsense, It doesnt even make much sense but its pretty, Like Satan how about that, smoochin, Soft touches just wholesome stuff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ECf7rH
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