#Doctor Evander Locklear kin
kincalling · 7 years
Hello! I am Doctor Evander Locklear (from Good Doctor Locklear, Return of Locklear, and Locklear: Mindgames), looking for my Bernadette Devereaux. Actually, any Berdie out there! My canon was pretty adherent to actual canon, but I remember later on how me and Berdie ended up close. There may have also been a reanimated raven/crow named Nevermore, who I think I programmed a robotic brain for. Still not sure about that though. Anyways, please message me @flocklear!
x @flocklear
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i feel really bad for being kin with Doctor Evander Locklear because everyone sees me as a psycopathic murderer but i only ever killed criminals that were released because of a messed up law system! and i just found that my creator, Madame Macabre, has not only said that im a "narcissistic sociopath" (which isnt necesarrily a bad thing but in the society we have it just feels really insulting and wrong) but also that she isnt 100% okay with people being kin with Locklear like ??? i cant choose!
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