fictionkinfessions · 3 days
A long (I apologize for the length) response to https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/748773698635513856/ive-seen-enough-asks-on-here-about-the-topic-so?source=share
Aka "get therapy systems" anon.
1) Please don't tell us what to do. Some of us are already in therapy. Some of us have trauma surrounding therapy. Sure it's not normal... FOR YOU. That's dangerous and abelist thinking. It's comparable to saying neruodivergent people need to be in corrective therapy because they're "not normal." (Which is a disgusting thought process! And we here are already in therapy!)
2) We can kin whomever we want and have as many kins as we want. For copinglinks, there might be a plethora of characters helping cope with things in life. For systems, we all have our own exposure to media at varying levels. And for spiritual kin, time is not linear and someone can have infinite number of kins. But we have more important topics to touch on and I'd be happy to get into that later.
3) How would you like it if we told YOU to get therapy? Because coming into a safe space for people who ARE systems and HAVE many kins, seems insane to us here in this system.
4) You're correct in the fact that ADHD, Autism and CPTSD can cause dissociative episodes but guess what? DID and OSDD are caused by repetitive traumatic experience in childhood. Which did you know? Being neurdodivergent and not getting your needs met due to lack of communication/understand and overstimulation (amongst other various factors) can be considered traumatic? Especially to children? It sounds like you've done BARE BONES research into dissociative disorders and have made assumptions based on research into neurodivergency. (And we are a nerurodivergent system so we've had to pay attention to the differences and sort things out in therapy!)
5) Final note from a system (THAT'S OVER 30 BTW), don't ever get upset over systems with over 100 alters because that system might just have a low split tolerance or has experienced a lot of different traumatic events and need a lot of extra support.
SO TLDR; instead of coming into a safe space and being an asshole, show compassion to people who have clearly GONE THROUGH IT. Kindness and understanding helps heal more than harsh words. I hope you have a lovely day and learn a lot more that will help open your mind further in the future.
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the-kinfesssional · 1 month
anyone else ever wonder how some people would feel if they found out the very character they blog about thinks their takes are dogshit
me ✋
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fictionkinfessions · 2 days
Some of y'all really think therapy is a cure all, huh? Even ignoring the points that some people can't access therapy or may already be in therapy, you guys do realize that for some people therapy can do more harm than good, right? Some therapists can be abusive or bigoted or just plain bad at their jobs.
Most therapists aren't taught anything about autism and how it works unless they specialize is it, and autism can completely change how well a treatment will work, for example an autistic person's brain is often more prone to lopping information or getting stuck in it, which can cause treatments like EMDR, meant to help desensitize a person to their trauma, can have an adverse effect and actually re-traumatize the person instead (hi this happened to me) and most therapists aren't made aware of that.
Some people have trauma from being forced into psych wards against their will and can't trust therapists anymore out of fear that it will happen again the moment they seem a little too unstable or suicidal.
Don't get me wrong, therapy can be great and it can absolutely help people, but there's no such thing as a one size fits all treatment, therapy is not for everyone and survivors of therapy abuse are often to to just sit down and shut up because we're obviously either too crazy or too stupid to know what we're talking about. Please take it from someone who's been in and out of therapy since pre-school and is now in their 30s, forcing therapy on someone who isn't willing for one reason or another will only make them more resentful and more resistant. I ended up quitting therapy, likely for good, after months of my therapist trying to pressure me into ketamine and shock therapy even though I told her over and over that I wasn't comfortable with the idea, and I have genuinely never felt better about myself, if I go back it will be kicking and screaming.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 days
Sending this as a supportive message in that it's okay to kin! It's okay to be a system! For whoever needs to hear it
Healthy plurality exists! It's okay if you are happy to be a system, it's okay to also not be - and finding peace with yourselves is really hard but I hope you can find methods and support that help you too
Kinning can be so scary sometimes and hard to discover yourself with but find you! If you find yourself and love it then be happy! Be free in the ways you can be
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if you have a gazillion kintypes I love you. if you kinfirm more often than you're comfortable with I love you. if you're perfectly fine with your multi-page kinlist I love you, and I love you if your feelings are more complicated than that. whether you're confident in your identity or unsure how many kintypes you truly feel connected to, I love you soo much. we're fine. we're all fine.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 days
hey man. as a psychology major specializing in dissociative disorders, you're wrong. maybe rethink your worldview on a traumagenic disorder + also work on this conflation you have between systems/fictives and kinning. this is a really shitty way to think about people.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 days
*touches ground thoughtfully* something terrible happened here
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fictionkinfessions · 3 days
yeah im a fictivecel, could even say im fictionkinpilled, gotta start c'linkmaxxing soon
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fictionkinfessions · 3 days
Mpc why is everyone deciding to send weird batshit rants to your inbox suddenly….
It feels like people spend too much time in online spaces of echo chambers and bad opinions [aka ableism, classism, etc] and not enough time going outside and talking to, idk, grocery store cash register people. Their neighbor. Literally anyone.
And listen I know it's ableist to say shit like 'lol go outside'. But honest to god people only show a specifically curated image online. And it's very easy to mistake a facade of a person for what humanity really looks like.
Y'all. The people in your phones isn't real. Go people watching. Talk to strangers in your community. Remember all movies is propaganda and fiction, and does not reflect the reality you live in.
connie / mod whatever.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 days
I already said my piece in my reblog of the one gatekeeper anon's ask, and I don't have much to say about documentary anon/Sherlock Holmes' ask either.
We (I and the rest of my system) just don't understand people who did this shit.
What in Hell's name do you get out of it? /rhetorical question
It's confusing, and fucking exhausting. It's already depressing and distressing to see discourse like this about kins and systems (and it really pisses us off to see the two being conflated), and just...
- Vox, fictive (Hazbin Hotel)
~~~~~~ (switched mid-ask, oop)
In-fighting like this only destroys communities. It doesn't build them up. I'm sick of seeing people who are supposed to care about each other, and comfort and protect each other instead tear each other apart over what?! Amusement!? Inability and/or unwillingness to understand mental health?!! How does this gatekeeping and bashing and fakeclaiming help anyone?! I don't understand it!!
- Morningstar (Charlie Morningstar fictive, Hazbin Hotel)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
What's really wild is that you have to accept that some people will know themselves just as well as you know yourself and have 200+ kintypes. some people will have 10 kintypes. Many will have 1 or thereabouts. I have only been awakened to my fictionkin nature for ten years, and have 6, as far as I know (though, perhaps less or more. im doing some Thinking.)
You must accept that some kin folk will say the origin of their kin nature is spiritual and comes from the shape of their soul, or a sharded fragment of another entity, or perhaps from some sort of reincarnation even. Accept also that some kin folk will say the origin for them is instead found only within the human mind.
These groups overlap, easily and often. They can have identical experiences, from phantom limbs to shifts to memories to noemata - and you will find you cannot truly tell one from the other without simply asking. And none is more foolish than the one who tries to claim one is more correct than the other.
You must accept this. You must explore the things you don't understand, or wilt in an ill-drained pot with stale soil.
To be fictionkin, we must at least try to extend ourselves out to accept many things we are not invited to by our world. That is a beautiful thing. But, what can not be accepted, what I REFUSE to accept. is. that. i am in fuuuucking danganronpa!!!!!!! COME ON!!!! NO!
*rolls around on the ground throwing a fit and kicking my feet* I WONT
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
I think as fictionkin we deserve free merch from our sources as a treat.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
It would be so nice to hang out with other fictionkin in person. Dressing up to look more like ourselves, going by the names we want to, casually talking about characters we knew personally without getting weird looks, it would be nice. I wouldn’t have to repress anything. I’m so sick of all the parts of myself I feel I have to hide just so people will even tolerate me.
It would probably never happen, though. I don’t know if I could ever trust a meet up. I already worry about safety with any meetups, and I’d constantly be afraid that everyone I talked to was actually antikin, and there to take advantage of the trust of myself and others.
I have this fantasy about starting a ‘kin cafe. I’ve thought about this for selfshippers and ficto people as well, maybe it could be both? Just a place where you know you’re around people who won’t judge you for talking openly about who you are without hiding anything.
I don’t think it could ever happen, I think I’d get harassed for it. But it’s a nice thought.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
talking abt my fictotypes in third person to non-kin is so funny like "*guy standing in corner at a party* they dont know im actually talking about myself"
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
Y’all got nothing on me. I made a kin server for my source with an old friend group, posted the link on a public tumblr post, the fucking source creator joined it, didn’t know what kinning was, and when we explained it to him, he STAYED IN THE SERVER FOR LIKE A MONTH OR TWO. And then a while later when the game updated there were references to kin stuff. They put a no doubles joke in the fucking game. And I feel partially responsible because we are the ones who introduced the creator to kin terminology 💀
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fictionkinfessions · 26 days
i can make anything a reference to my source
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