#Does she think that Mina is more ''mature'' to understand her plight?
immediatebreakfast · 2 years
A thing that it is really remarked in the book, from the first entry to today's, is how the lack of communication, and the whole "ignorance is better than knowing something horrible" helps Dracula in his schemes.
Knowledge is vital, information is important, we humans get prepared for disaster when we KNOW what is coming so we can do something in order to prevent it. Mrs. Westenra is not helping Lucy by not telling her about her disease. She is also not helping Mina either by making her the only person responsible for her secret, and she is sure as hell not helping herself by only telling one person. Lucy needs that information so she can be with her mother in her final days, and Lucy has Mina, both of them could have prepared for Mrs. Westenra eventual death if both of them KNEW about this new information.
In this whole novel Dracula has killed and thrived as much as he wanted because everyone was keeping vital knowledge from everyone because they assume the information would horrify the person, instead of treating said information as something that can help them in the long run.
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