#Doffy & Law are both too codependant on Cora he can't catch a break
kartoffelstern · 8 months
modern day AU
the two most important people in Cora's life - his older brother and the young adult he took care of - are hellbent on hogging all his attention
small snippet under the cut
Cora: bursts into the room Guys, I've got news! Doffy & Law at the kitchen table: *no reaction* Cora: presenting his phone with a pic of Belle-mere I've got a girlfriend! :D Doffy & Law: necks audibly cracking from turning to Cora so fast Doffy: You've got a WHAT. Cora: A girlfriend! I asked her out…uhm, well, actually it was her that asked in the end, I got too nervous Doffy: That one chick from your work? Really? Law: glares And you…said yes? Cora: nods of course! I like her! She's pretty and nice, and she's really tough too! Doffy: Rosi. grips him by the shoulders What the fuck are you talking about, you're way too young for this. Cora: …Doffy, I'm 34. Doffy: waves Yet still inexperienced. So you really think you could handle a woman like that? She'll just walk all over you, use you as a doormat! Cora: What? No, she's really sweet and caring and- Law: I agree with Doflamingo. For once. Doffy & Cora: both look in surprise down at Law What!? Law: Corasan, you should dump her. She doesn't deserve you, Cora: Wait, hold on, wait, wait- Why are you two so against me having a girlfriend? Law: I'm not against you having a grimaces…partner. I just think she's not good enough for you, Corasan. Doffy: What the brat said. grins Trust me, Rosi, I know a maneater when I see one. [he might or might not be thinking about a certain crocodilian lady…] Doffy: And you, my dear baby brother, are NOT cut out to handle that kind of woman Cora: Wh…why are you two teaming up against me all of a sudden!? Law: That's not it, Corasan! We - well, at least I - am concerned about you. Cora: Concerned? Doffy: That bitch is gonna break you, Rosi. Law: nods You don't need a girlfriend at all, Corasan. That's just gonna end in heartbreak. I don't like that. Cora: sighs This is ridiculous. Are you two even listening to yourself? I'm old enough to make my own decisions! I'm an adult!
Law: Yeah, on paper. Cora: Law…frowns Doffy: grins Look, Rosi, nobody knows you better than I do and what I do know is that this woman is gonna make you unhappy. You should just stick with the life of a bachelor, it suits you better. Cora: grumbles Just because that's what you like… Doffy: What was that? I just value my freedom, you see? And you should enjoy yours as well, don't tie yourself down with something as flimsy and fickle as a "relationship". If you need some release just pay for it! Be free and live your life, little bro! Cora: Well, I don't really feel all that free with you two breathing down my neck once I've finally found a cute girl I wanna date! Law: Corasan, I just mean well. Really. So please. hugs Cora and looks up at him with big eyes Dump her. For me. Cora: Nghh…not the puppy eyes…too adorable, can't resist…. Doffy: Rosi, really, dump that bitch hugs Cora and looks up at him as well For me? Pretty please? Cora: You know, it's a lot less cute when it's you who's doing that… Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law and Doffy both tug on him, pestering Cora: S-stop! Hey! What's gotten into you two!? Law: Why do you even need someone else!? It's already a chore having to share you with Doflamingo of all people- Corasan, you should just get your own apartment, you don't need to stick with that asshole… Doffy: Rosi, after all that I have done for you? Let you live at my place? Borrow you money? Practically raised you all by myself?? Even let that stupid brat you picked off the streets live with us??? And that's your thanks!? Cora: overwhelmed What do you want me to do!? Split myself up in half!? I'm not living just to please you both! Law & Doffy: silent for a short moment Law: All we're asking is for you too leave her. That's all! Doffy: You should know where you belong. Cora: …sighs Cora: I hate it when you two agree on something. It's the worst. Alright then. I know you two just worry and I appreciate it. I just got together with her and this will be messy, but if it matters so much to you… Law: It does. Cora: …I will break up with her. his expression solemn Happy now? Doffy: grins & throws an arm around Cora That's a good boy! You finally came to your senses! Law: visibly relaxes, even smiles a bit Corasan, thank you. Cora: … [this is by far not the first time he has had to do something like this for the sake of the two]
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