#I really like scenes with the three of them living together in a modern day au
kartoffelstern · 8 months
modern day AU
the two most important people in Cora's life - his older brother and the young adult he took care of - are hellbent on hogging all his attention
small snippet under the cut
Cora: bursts into the room Guys, I've got news! Doffy & Law at the kitchen table: *no reaction* Cora: presenting his phone with a pic of Belle-mere I've got a girlfriend! :D Doffy & Law: necks audibly cracking from turning to Cora so fast Doffy: You've got a WHAT. Cora: A girlfriend! I asked her out…uhm, well, actually it was her that asked in the end, I got too nervous Doffy: That one chick from your work? Really? Law: glares And you…said yes? Cora: nods of course! I like her! She's pretty and nice, and she's really tough too! Doffy: Rosi. grips him by the shoulders What the fuck are you talking about, you're way too young for this. Cora: …Doffy, I'm 34. Doffy: waves Yet still inexperienced. So you really think you could handle a woman like that? She'll just walk all over you, use you as a doormat! Cora: What? No, she's really sweet and caring and- Law: I agree with Doflamingo. For once. Doffy & Cora: both look in surprise down at Law What!? Law: Corasan, you should dump her. She doesn't deserve you, Cora: Wait, hold on, wait, wait- Why are you two so against me having a girlfriend? Law: I'm not against you having a grimaces…partner. I just think she's not good enough for you, Corasan. Doffy: What the brat said. grins Trust me, Rosi, I know a maneater when I see one. [he might or might not be thinking about a certain crocodilian lady…] Doffy: And you, my dear baby brother, are NOT cut out to handle that kind of woman Cora: Wh…why are you two teaming up against me all of a sudden!? Law: That's not it, Corasan! We - well, at least I - am concerned about you. Cora: Concerned? Doffy: That bitch is gonna break you, Rosi. Law: nods You don't need a girlfriend at all, Corasan. That's just gonna end in heartbreak. I don't like that. Cora: sighs This is ridiculous. Are you two even listening to yourself? I'm old enough to make my own decisions! I'm an adult!
Law: Yeah, on paper. Cora: Law…frowns Doffy: grins Look, Rosi, nobody knows you better than I do and what I do know is that this woman is gonna make you unhappy. You should just stick with the life of a bachelor, it suits you better. Cora: grumbles Just because that's what you like… Doffy: What was that? I just value my freedom, you see? And you should enjoy yours as well, don't tie yourself down with something as flimsy and fickle as a "relationship". If you need some release just pay for it! Be free and live your life, little bro! Cora: Well, I don't really feel all that free with you two breathing down my neck once I've finally found a cute girl I wanna date! Law: Corasan, I just mean well. Really. So please. hugs Cora and looks up at him with big eyes Dump her. For me. Cora: Nghh…not the puppy eyes…too adorable, can't resist…. Doffy: Rosi, really, dump that bitch hugs Cora and looks up at him as well For me? Pretty please? Cora: You know, it's a lot less cute when it's you who's doing that… Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law and Doffy both tug on him, pestering Cora: S-stop! Hey! What's gotten into you two!? Law: Why do you even need someone else!? It's already a chore having to share you with Doflamingo of all people- Corasan, you should just get your own apartment, you don't need to stick with that asshole… Doffy: Rosi, after all that I have done for you? Let you live at my place? Borrow you money? Practically raised you all by myself?? Even let that stupid brat you picked off the streets live with us??? And that's your thanks!? Cora: overwhelmed What do you want me to do!? Split myself up in half!? I'm not living just to please you both! Law & Doffy: silent for a short moment Law: All we're asking is for you too leave her. That's all! Doffy: You should know where you belong. Cora: …sighs Cora: I hate it when you two agree on something. It's the worst. Alright then. I know you two just worry and I appreciate it. I just got together with her and this will be messy, but if it matters so much to you… Law: It does. Cora: …I will break up with her. his expression solemn Happy now? Doffy: grins & throws an arm around Cora That's a good boy! You finally came to your senses! Law: visibly relaxes, even smiles a bit Corasan, thank you. Cora: … [this is by far not the first time he has had to do something like this for the sake of the two]
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draczrys · 2 months
please i need modern!lucerys headcanons 🙏🙏 if you don't do modern aus ghost!luke i think would be fun
harry gilby my fav luke fancast <333
SWEET BOY. ❨ modern!lucerys velaryon headcanons ❩
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his love language is quality time
"i'm home!" luke's voice rang out through the small london apartment, pulling you from your book to find him bundling three bags through the front door.
"i thought you were spending the day with your mum and jace?" you asked, brows knitted, setting down the ear-marked novel to turn on the couch.
luke shrugged and abandoned the tesco bags at the door, an arm on either side of your head whilst he ducks to peck your lips. "but you're going away tomorrow for a few days, so i wanted to spend the day with you instead."
your lips pull into a small smile, reaching up to find his cold lips again. luke chuckles against them, nudging at your nose. "pick a movie, i'll go put the snacks in a bowl."
he’s a cat person
a month into living together, luke arrived home with a bashful grin and a suspicious lump under his coat. after bracing you, he produced the most adorable little black kitten from his pocket. between the animal's big eyes and luke's pout, how could you say no?
arrax quickly became part of the family, growing into a beautiful sleek cat, always following luke around the apartment. he was smitten with the animal, constantly sneaking him treats and lifting him into bed when you weren't looking.
"he's going to get hair all over the fresh sheets, luke," you warned him, slipping into pyjamas. but it was too late, arrax was snuggled up beside his neck, the duvet pulled over them both. your two boys were impossible to say no to.
he’s an expert date planner
`'close your eyes." you didn't need to, considering luke had both hands covering your face and stopping you from seeing anything at all. you could feel him grinning with excitement, guiding your unsteady feet along the path.
a small gasp escaped you as your vision returned. the gardens of his mother's estate, dragonstone manor, had been transformed by candles and fairy lights. in the grass was a blanket and cushions, accompanied by a basket overflowing with food and a bottle of champagne. the stars up above shone down on the scene, a soft song playing nearby.
"oh, luke..." you murmured in wonder, turning back to him with wide eyes. "this is beautiful. what's the occasion?"
he shook his head, taking your hand. "no occasion. just wanted to have a nice night."
"we could have done that at home on the sofa," you giggled, following his lead over to the blanket.
"shush, you deserve the best. quick or the ice cream will melt."
he can cook really well
the smell hits you at the top of the stairs, before you even unlock the front door. the entire apartment swells with the homely scent of rosemary and garlic, luke's quiet humming leading you into the kitchen.
"what-cha doin'?" you sing softly, wrapping your arms around him from behind.
"making dinner," he matches your tone, smiling. turning in your hold, he carefully balances a wooden spoon towards your lips, the other hand acting as a safety net underneath. "try."
your lips part, letting him slip the spoon onto your tongue. the flavours burst in your mouth, unable to stop the soft moan that leaves you.
"holy shit," you murmur, peering over his shoulder to the pan. "it tastes like heaven."
luke smiles proudly -- no, cockily, his talents assured once again. rolling your eyes playfully, you pinch his side and roll up your sleeves, quickly delegated to vegetable chopping.
clingy bf!!
you've been awake for at least an hour now, basking in the weekend rest and the warm arms of your boyfriend. he's still fast asleep, snoring on your shoulder. you were perfectly comfortable, but the urge to pee had come on in the last five or so minutes.
as quietly and gently as you can, you slip slowly out of luke's grip and towards the edge of the mattress. you're almost there, having not disturbed him, but then he stirs. his grip on your waist tightens and quickly pulls you back into his side, never opening an eye.
"luke, i gotta pee," you whisper through a smile, but you don't dare fight his grasp.
"no," he groans, hugging you tighter and burying his morning curls in the crook of your neck. "stay. you're warm."
you giggle, head turning to press a quick kiss to his temple. "m'gonna pee all over you if you don't let me go. i'll be two minutes, max."
"fine." he groans again, reluctantly lets his hold on you loosen, letting you slip out from the duvet and onto the cold ground. "but be quick, i'm counting."
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indigovigilance · 1 year
Every single minisode is Aziraphale's memory, and why that's [not?] important
There is extensive meta-analysis, my own included, that Before the Beginning is a doctored memory resulting from erasure of Angel!Crowley, and that the trace of him that is left in Aziraphale's memory is the Starmaker, so that this is what we see at the opening of S2. With this foundation of "some scenes are altered memories," we can critically examine the minisodes and see that, in fact, they are ALL Aziraphale's memories that are potentially subject to doctoring.
Evidence (and exploration) below the cut:
A Companion to Owls
The largest part (S2E2 22:10 to 44:00) Book of Job flashback is book-ended by Aziraphale leaning over the physical Book of Job in his bookshop. We enter the memory when Aziraphale enters it, we leave it when he leaves it. Pretty straightforward.
The Ressurrectionists
Similarly, in S2E3, we begin the first flashback to 1827 with Aziraphale's "dear diary" entry. We flash out each time to Aziraphale: in the car to Edinburgh, getting out of the car at the Ressurrectionist Pub, and with Aziraphale staring up at the statue of Gabriel while standing in the graveyard in Edinburgh, respectively for each of the three flashbacks. This all strongly indicates that we've been in his memory.
Nazi Zombie Flesheaters
I didn't even notice until I was doing research for this that basically the entire episode takes place in 1941. From the end of the main title at 5:00 to 37:50, we never come out of the 1941 story. But what is interesting is what bookends this minisode.
Before the main title, Shax has tricked her way into Aziraphale's car and alludes to a time when a rumor started about our ineffable husbands:
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Sometime in the last 80 or 90 years I remember hearing that you and Crowley were an item. I didn't believe it then. Not really. Poor old Furfur.
And when we flash back to modern day, we first go to Hell with Shax proposing a full frontal assault on the bookshop, and then we get:
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Aziraphale has arrived back in SOHO, and has spent the 8 hour drive reminiscing about what Shax alluded to.
But this part gets even weirder. Because the final line of the episode is:
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You're really hosting the meeting? Absolutely! And I can guarantee you: it will be a night to remember!
What this means in context of the 3 memory sequence
This line has been taken by a lot of analysts as a reference to A Night to Remember by Walter Lord, a collection of first person accounts of passengers of the Titanic. Most notably, the thematic ties of this work to the cinematographic design of Good Omens are captured by this quote:
A key to Lord's method is his technique of adopting an unconventional approach to the chronology of the event, "[taking] an imaginative approach to time and space in which hours and minutes prove extremely malleable, the ship itself seems almost infinitely complex, and the disaster assumes order and unity from far away."
Which is an amazing connection, and probably true, in that it was a deliberate reference by the writers. "Malleability of time and space" describes well how this show is put together for us the viewer. But it also illustrates how Aziraphale experiences his relationship with Crowley; skipping over centuries at a time, while dwelling on and protracting intimate moments spent together, create a cohesive whole when viewed from a distance. That whole is their relationship. [Which is about to go down like an unsinkable ship.]
But absent the literary reference, we could even take this line for its literal meaning. Aziraphale is talking about forming new memories, after we have spent the last three episodes living in his memories of times with Crowley that were key to shaping their relationship. This isn't a S1E3-style series of allusions to a furtive, flirtatious, and organically blossoming intimacy; these are rough events where the two are shoved into moral quandaries and forced to make some really difficult decisions that bring them closer together and define "their side." These are core memories, and incredibly precious to Aziraphale. And now, after a few short days in which he has spent a lot of time ruminating on these intense memories, he is embarking upon the task of making another important memory, that is, dancing with Crowley.
Why We Care
Because memories can be altered, all of the information we get from these episodes is subject to a reliable narrator problem. As of the Gabriel trial, we know that memories can be doctored even when the person in question isn't present. Crowley knows that his memories have been removed or altered, and has put painful effort into retrieving them. Aziraphale may not realize that he has suffered the same fate. These memories that he holds so dear might not even be true.
Memory, Identity, and the Relevance of Fidelity
We would probably expect to get some "corrections" to these memories in S3, to see exactly what kind of manipulations our heroes suffered and what that reveals about the motivations of the perpetrators. That's how a paranormal mystery story with a memory manipulation element would normally proceed.
But it will be even more significant if we don't; it would speak to a philosophy-of-self that you are not the product of your objective past, but of what you remember, and so we don't get to know what actually happened because it doesn't matter to informing us about who Aziraphale is.
Aziraphale's love for Crowley springs from what he remembers about their shared past; it doesn't necessarily matter that the memories aren't true, because the love is.
I realize that I kinda buried the lead, so if you reblog, please tag appropriately? I'm taking suggestions.
If you want to read more on this topic, this meta by @ineffable-suffering is a good place to go.
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animeniacss · 6 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 19 - What Have I Done?
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 6.8k words
Chapter 19 - What Have I Done?
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Mina’s desperate attempt to say your name one more time fell on deaf ears, because you simply repeated your comment: “Don’t. Talk. To. Me.”
“Please, I just have to...”
         “What? What else do you need to take from me?!” You asked. “That’s it! We are done here! You wormed your way into our lives and took everything from us. What else do you want?!” You motioned to the two men on either side of you. “Them?!”
“Woah, wait.” Jeonghan said quickly under his breath.
“My friends?! My college degree?!””
         “No, please.” Mina gulped. 
         “No, you don’t get to say please to me for anything! I cannot believe I let myself get fooled by you! The minute you told me you came here to be Mingyu’s wife i should have know not to trust you! But I’m an idiot, I will admit. The really thought you and I could be friends. But I was wrong. So now you have everything you came here for and you still ask me for more!? Give me a break!” 
         “Hey…” Joshua gripped your shoulder. “Take it easy.” You sniffled, feeling all of the tears you were holding back in the hallway with Mingyu finally begin to spill. 
         “I’m sorry.”
         “No you’re not!” You snapped. By now, the entire room had gone silent, staring at you. Mr. Kim and Mr. Miyou were stunned to silence, watching in shock. “How can you possibly be sorry? I can’t accept your apology!”
         “You need to listen, I-.”
         “I’m done listening! Listening to you got me here in the first place!” You sniffled. “It’s okay if you never liked me, but you claim to love Mingyu and yet you make him suffer like this! I just can’t understand!” Mina finally fell silent, unable to stop you long enough to utter a full sentence. “And you invited me for what? To suffer? It’s cruel after all I did to befriend you and try to see you beyond our feelings. And yet despite all of this, for some reason, I came because I wanted to see if he was truly happy. I just want him to be happy.”
         Mina pursed her lips together. She heard her father approaching, along with hotel security. Joshua and Jeonghan immediately took your arms.
         “We got her.” Joshua said quickly.
         “No need to make a bigger scene.” Jeonghan added. You turned to Jeonghan, who motioned to the door. “Let’s go, okay?” You nodded, before your eyes finally fell to Mingyu, who was standing just behind Mina, his father standing at his side and keeping him from getting closer. You shook your head. 
“Don’t invite me to the wedding.” You said simply. Mingyu’s mouth immediately closed as he watched you walk out, Joshua and Jeonghan on either side of you. The hotel security followed behind, seemingly making sure the three of you actually did end up leaving. When the door closed behind him, Mingyu ran a hand through his hair.
     “Ohhhh God. I fucked up, I fucked up so hard.” He gasped to himself. All he could see was your teary eyes and red face, a sight he would never unsee for as long as he lived. 
              “Don’t let that girl get you down.” His father said, a supportive pat too his shoulder. “Seems she’s crazier than we thought.” Mingyu couldn’t look at his father as he walked away with Mina’s. It took a few seconds for the rest of the party to devolve into its previous chatter, the music slowly replaying upon his father’s request. He watched as Mina immediately turned on her heel, heading down to the other side. Her friends from home immediately got up from their spots and swarmed her, comforting her from that ‘scary encounter’. Mingyu turned to the rest of his friends, and his expression only got more pained when he saw their looks of disapproval. “What do I do?” he choked out. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” 
                “End your engagement.” Seungkwan said simply.
               “End the engagement.” Hoshi repeated.
               “My father will-.”
            “Don’t end it.” A voice behind them alerted all of their attention. Jihoon stood there, hands in his pockets.
            “Pardon?” Minnie asked.
          “Whos side are you on again?” Seungkwan asked. Mingyu watched Jihoon approach him, patting his arm since he couldn’t reach his shoulder. His lips tightened at the realization of the height difference, the one thing that could bring Mingyu any slight bit of amusement in this moment.
        “Don’t dig yourself into any holes. It’ll work out just fine. Just give it some more time. For now.” He pointed to Mingyu’s eyes, which Mingyu only realized now were red and wet with tears. “Keep that expression.”
        “What?” Mingyu tried to turn back to Jihoon for more information, but he too strolled out of the party room, the doors once again closing behind him. He sighed, chewing the inside of his cheek when he heard his name called one final time. He turned his head, seeing Mina reapproaching him. He gasped for a breath of air, shaking his hair.
      “Yes?” he asked. Mina rubbed her eyes, sniffling. Mingyu kept his hands at his sides, despite the natural instinct to offer her a tissue. “Are you alright?”
         “I am. I think I deserved some of that…” she said softly. After a second of scanning the area, her eyes finally landed on his, and widened when she saw how upset he was. “You’re crying?” she asked softly.
         “Can you blame me?” he asked, finally raising a finger to rub his eyes. 
         Mina sighed. “I want to go home.” she said. “I’m exhausted.” Mingyu turned to his friends, who simply turned back to the table, forcing themselves out of the conversation. He looked to the door you strolled out of a few minutes ago. Sighing, he nodded.
         “So do I.” he said softly. He knew, however, the car he was going to get into would not take him home, but to the buidling he shared with Mina. He felt as though he deserved it. 
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mina sat on the bed in her room. She could hear Mingyu getting ready for bed himself in the other room, as he always did. She sat for a minute, listening to distant rustlings down the hall before rising up and heading down there herself. The hallway felt longer than it usually did tonight. She walked towards the door, reaching out and knocking on it once. Twice. Three times. When there was still no answer, Mina called out. “Mingyu?”
     After an eternity of silence, the door propped open. Mingyu rested himself on the door frame, and Mina felt herself take a second to take all of him in. He was in a loose tee shirt and sweatpants, his hair still a bit damp after a shower. This would be the part of the fairytale where he would smile down at her with his infectious grin, pulling her close to him and whispering sweet nothings about how amazing the night was.
     But as Mina recalled earlier in the evening, this was no fairytale. Mingyu’s smile was long since erased from the pages of her mind, and no matter how hard she tried, only blurry memories came to her now. Mingyu crossed his arms, resting his side against the door frame. Instead, he greeted her with puffy cheeks, and bags of exhaustion under his eyes that weighed his entire face down. “Yes?” He finally asked.
   “Uh.” Mina was suddenly at a loss for words. All she could picture was Mingyu staring you down in the hotel hallway. His eyes prickling with tears as he tried everything he could think of in the moment to suppress them. She knew what she wanted to say to him, she had been practicing it for weeks specifically for tonight. Why don’t you join me? We are engaged, after all. The words seemed so easy to say, but why were they stuck in the back of her throat? She opened her mouth one more time, and saw Mingyu patiently waiting for her to speak. I can’t. She thought, already anticipating the answer she feared most. She shook her head. “Never mind.” She finally said. “I’m sorry. Goodnight.”
        Mingyu nodded as Mina made her way back to her room. She heard him close his door only after she closed her own. Resting against the back of the door, she felt her legs give out all of the energy she had been trying her best to maintain through the day. Her feet were still throbbing from her heels, unable to support her anymore as she sank to the floor. Pulling her legs to her chest, she buried her head in her knees.
         When Mingyu’s smile did form clearly in her mind, you were at his side. Fighting over photos during the fireworks, playing chicken in the ocean, nestled close during breakfast the last morning as he tried to steal some of your bacon. 
         It’s okay if you never liked me, but you claim to love Mingyu and yet you make him suffer like this! I just can’t understand!
It was a cruel irony, but it was one Mina felt she deserved after what she has done. The pain in your voice sat like a dagger in her chest, and she curled up into herself in hopes to push that feeling away. 
   “What have I done?” she muttered to herself. “I’ve ruined everything. I’ll never see him smile again…”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
         Only son of Kim Law Firm celebrates new engagement – Christmas wedding in the works!
        You scoffed at the news title that was plastered on the front of the newspaper that morning and every morning since, tossing it into the garbage so you no longer had to look at the photos of the two together. It made you sick.
     It had been a month since the engagement party, and school already back into the swing for the new fall term. Mingyu had yet to show up on campus, and once again the rumors as to why began to spread. Only this time, they were backed up by evidence. Where they even rumors in that case?
     “I bet his new wife doesn’t want him on campus with some other girls…”
      “I thought the same thing! I wouldn’t let my husband anywhere near his first love. He’s probably taking all online classes.”
      “That’s so sad. He made my Korean law class just a bit more bearable, even if it was just the back of his head I saw…”
    “Why is this happening again?” you sighed, resting your head on the table of the library. You and your friends had agreed to meet up in the library that afternoon after the lunch rush came to an end. The rumors continued to follow you, latching onto you and sucking the life from your veins like vicious and toxic mosquitos on a hot summer day.
   “Don’t listen to them. They have no idea what they’re talking about.” Minnie assured, patting your shoulder.
  “Yeah.” Hoshi said. You finally lifted your head up when you heard footsteps approaching. Looking over, you saw Joshua and Jeonghan taking their seats beside you. They hadn’t mentioned Mingyu since you three left the engagement party, nor had they checked their symbols on your hands. You knew better than to ask, though each day you were itching to know even more. Maybe it was those pesky mosquitos leaving bites.
    “Please tell Jeonghan he’s in charge of dinner tonight.” Joshua said, his light-hearted comment causing you to look at him.
      “I cooked last night. You need to start pulling your weight.” Jeonghan sneered, poking Joshua’s head as he snickered in amusement.
       “I did breakfast.” He reminded. You rolled your eyes, closing your textbook. The duo was still playfully bickering until you quickly motioned your book in their direction. They flinched a bit, eyes wide as you simply set the book down and reopened to your page. “Hey!” He pouted. 
      “I’m not in the mood. You both want to keep staying at my house, you figure out the cooking.” You could practically hear the duo whine, and it only made you smirk as you flipped through the pages. 
    “You’re not a very nice tenant.” Joshua teased, but immediately looked away when you shot daggers in his direction.
Despite what had happened, and the duos hesitance to talk about it, you three had found a pretty comfortable routine in your apartment. One cooks breakfast, the other cooks dinner, and you always have a delicious meal waiting for you after a long day. At first the duo did it to help you as you got over your emotions. However, it remained this way even a month later. None of you complained. Well, until now. “I think we should get something to eat tonight, anyway.” You said. 
      Hoshi gasped, leaning forward. “Dinner party at your house?” he asked.
    “What?” Despite the shock of the question, a grin formed on your face.
  Minnie’s eyes widened. “I’ll bring the drinks.” Minnie cheered.
  “I’ll grab snacks.” Seungkwan said, and Hoshi agreed to help.
  “ Chicken .” Joshua and Jeonghan beamed. You laughed a bit.
        “Uh, okay then. We can study, then.” Closing your textbook seemed to seal the deal. The idea of having plans tonight made you feel pretty good for the night ahead. You scanned the table as everyone seemed to chat with one another about the night ahead, seemingly more excited the more options were thrown onto the table. However, for some reason, you pictured the night ahead, a thought creeped into your head. One thought that you assumed had long since abandoned you. 
              I wonder what Mingyu’s doing tonight….
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
       “We’ll be right back!” Joshua called, both him and Jeonghan already out the door. You waved them off, taking the time alone to set up some snacks for your friends when they arrived. The group chat was buzzing with everyone sending texts about their arrival. Hoshi kept spamming the chat with photos, and you smiled at each one came into view.
          Prawn-flavored chips.
          Ice cream.
         Seungkwan’s face.
         A blurry picture of Seungkwan’s face.
         Hoshi giving a piece sign.
           Jihoonie would totally love that last one. You snorted at Minnie’s text as it flashed onto the chat. Both Hoshi and Jihoon frantically began telling her through text that she needed to mind her business, and it only made you laugh harder. As you finished setting up the last of the snacks in bowls, you sat on the couch. Immediately after sitting, your eyes came face to face with the dust-collecting snowglobe on your book shelf. You exhaled. “I’ve been meaning to put those away.” you mumbled to yourself in hopes it would finally give you the motivation to do so. It didn’t. Instead, you were brought back to when Mingyu first gave that to you. 
         “Wow, how cute!” Mingyu smiled as you took it into your hands, examining it. “Is this the Statue of Liberty inside?”
         “Yeah.” he said happily. “It’s much bigger up close.” You laughed a bit, shaking the globe and watching as the fake snow danced around it. “I hope you like it.”
         “I love it!” You gasped. “I feel like I’m really there just by looking.” Mingyu smiled a bit as you shook it once again, continuing to circulate the little snow particles inside. “It’s so cute…” you breathed again in excitement. 
         “Yeah…” Mingyu breathed, looking at your expression brighten the more you shook the globe. He coughed into his hand. “Hey, uhm…I wanted to tell you something.” He said. Your eyes shot up to him, sparkling in excitement as you waited to hear what else he had to say. “Ah.” Mingyu laughed nervously to himself. “I-.”
         “Hm?” You cocked an eyebrow. 
         “...Want to see pictures of Time Square? It’s huge.” When he held up his phone, you gasped, nodding in excitement. Mingyu scooted closer to you, holding out his phone as he began scrolling through the pictures.
         A small smile formed on your lips as you remembered the excitement you had as he showed you pictures of New York, telling you stories of him time seeing all of the major buildings in the area. It was fascinating. “He must have wanted to tell me how he felt then, too…” you mumbled to yourself, chuckling a bit at the realization that was just a little bit to late. Eyes fell to the windchime above your balcony entrance, and the same thing: Mingyu gave it to you, tried to confess, yet got cold feet and simply told you about his trip. Again, the smile forming on your face was widening, and you chuckled.
         “...I really need to take this stuff down.” you said again, biting your lip. Before you could do last minute spring cleaning, you heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was Minnie or Seungkwan, you hopped up. “Coming!” you called. You picked up your phone, taking a minute to scan through the constant flow of messages to see if one of them said they had already arrived. None did. “Huh.” You pursed your lips, heading to the door anyway. Another knock, and you picked up the pace. “Sorry. Coming!” you called once again.
           Reaching forward, your hand gripped the doorknob, turning it and pulling the door towards you. As it swung open, you looked ahead to see a familiar head of long, black hair. A familiar porcelain face and a familiar set of moles decorating that face. Déjà vu raced through your brain, a marathon being ran in a matter of seconds. “Mina?” you finally managed to gasp out.
       “Hey.” She smiled softly. “Bad time?”
You stared at Mina in awe for a few seconds. “What…” you felt your breath catch in your throat. “What are you doing here?” You asked. Mina seemed to think of her answer for a second.
        “I wanted to talk to you.” She finally chose to say. “Is this a bad time?”
        “Uh, yeah.” You said. “My friends are coming over and-.”
        “I’ll be quick. I’m sorry. I know I always drop by at the worst time and leave a mess behind.” You felt the sadness in her voice as she said that despite her forcing out a laugh. That only made it more obvious. “Please.” She said.
        “…Okay.” You finally said, motioning her inside. Mina nodded, taking her shoes off before padding into the apartment. You motioned her to the couch, where she sat herself down. “Do you want something to drink?”
        “Oh, no. It’s okay.” She said. You watched as she looked around from her spot on the couch. Her eyes fell on every Knick-knack and souvenir she could find. “I think this is the first time I’ve actually been in your apartment for as long as I’ve known you.”
        “Yeah…” you sat down on the chair, looking at her. “Now, what did you want to talk about?” Mina seemed shocked when you didn’t continue to entertain her with some small talk, but it made her smile.
        “Right. I didn’t expect to come in and be treated like a friend after everything.” You watched Mina open up her purse, pulling out a small white envelope and handing it to you. She saw you hesitate, but it only made her push it closer. “It’s not what you think.” She finally said. You took the envelope into your hands, pressing the paper just a bit to see if it would provide a clue as to its contents. “Promise you won’t open it right now.” She said.
        “Why?” you asked.
      �� “Just my request...” She said simply. You arched an eyebrow.
        “Well, when will I be able to?” you asked. Mina laughed a bit.
        “When I leave, if you want.” You scoffed a bit at the vagueness of the response, setting the envelope in your lap. You looked up at Mina again, wondering if that was the end of the conversation. You could hear your phone buzzing on the table. It was only a matter of time before your friends arrived, and you were hoping Mina would be long gone before then. “I want to say one more thing before I go.”
        “Okay.” You said simply.
        “I’m sorry. Truly.” You had to suppress a laugh, looking away for a minute to collect yourself. “I’m serious. I’m sorry.”
        “You had to come all the way here for that? It could have been a text. You said that when this whole thing started. You said it at the party. Yet, you don’t seem that sorry considering you’ve continued forcing Mingyu to live a lie.” Mina nodded.
        “I know.” She said. “I’ve tried making the best of our situation. I thought once Mingyu started classes again, and interning with his father at the firm, he would start to feel better about the entire thing. I thought it would take his mind off of…” when she trailed off, you had to chew your bottom lip. Mina sighed before continuing. “But it didn’t work. It only made things worse. I’ve spent this entire two months trying to make everything feel as normal as possible. At every corner, I’ve failed.” She sighed. “But I think I’ve failed from the very beginning. I joined the game midway through and thought I could win. I told myself I wouldn’t cheat, but I snuck myself to the finish line at the very end. And now I feel dirty.”
        “You should.” You covered your mouth when those words escaped your lips. Mina looked shocked only for a second, eyes darting up at you. “That wasn’t-.”
        “No.” she said quickly. “You’re right. I shouldn’t be proud of how I acted. I told myself I would win Mingyu’s heart fairly. I didn’t want him to be with me for selfish reasons. But when I saw you and him so happy in Jeju, watching him put all of his efforts into you, and knowing that I foolishly chose to help you win, jealousy hit me out of nowhere. I acted brashly and I’m sorry.”
        “…It’s nice to know that you’re just as ashamed of your actions as the rest of us were.” You said. “I really thought we were going to be good friends like you promised.”
        “I know. I burned that bridge on my own. I’m sorry.”
        “But there’s nothing apologizing will do now.” You said. “You did what you did and now you’ve won. Mingyu is yours. He’s chosen you.” Mina chuckled a bit to herself, the comment seeming to hurt her more than you would think. “...Am I wrong?” you asked curiously. 
Mina glanced at you. “I…I can’t say.” Mina said simply. “I can only say that my methods weren’t…what I wanted them to be.” 
        A snort. “If he thinks any of that was true after everything we’ve been through, then he might not have really loved me at all.”
        Mina smiled. “You’re all he talks about.” She said. “Even now. Every story I manage to get out of him, or hear him talk about to someone else, is a story that has some connection to you.” Hearing that made you finally go quiet. “I’d be jealous if it wasn’t the only time he smiled recently.”
        You leaned back in your seat, finding the right words before you allowed yourself to speak. Was she trying to make amends? Or was she trying to gloat? You felt a weird tingle of guilt course through your veins. “Mina.” You finally said, and she looked over. “I need you to promise me something if you intend to see this marriage through to the end.” Mina watched you get up, walking over to the little snow globe collecting dust on your bookshelf, picking it up and brushing it with your hands. “Promise you’ll be good to him. He’s a good man who doesn’t want people to get hurt. He only gets mad when it’s for those same people that he really cares about.” Mina watched as you passed her the little snow globe. “As you know, he always buys gifts. After a while, when time passed and wounds heal, he’ll probably start buying you gifts. You should act surprised every time, it makes him happy.”
        Mina brushed her fingers along the globe as well, a few extra dust particles fluttering down onto the floor as she did so. “You did something selfish but I don’t think you’re inherently bad. He’ll come around one day.”
        Mina didn’t believe those words you said for a second, but you didn’t think you believed them either. You just wanted to end the conversation before the lingering feelings began creeping up on you once again. Feelings you long since tried to forget. Déjà vu was a vicious beast, it seemed. Mina finally rose from her spot on the couch, handing you back the snow globe. She watched how delicately you took it into your hands again, smiling down at it briefly before setting it away once more. “I should get going. I’ve held you up long enough. Thank you for talking to me.”
        “Sure.” You said softly, walking Mina to the door. You opened it once more, watching as she walked out. She turned to you once more.
        “Bye.” She said. You only waved, nodding your head as Mina finally made her way to the elevator. You only watched her depart for a second, before closing the door. Silence reentered the apartment, only the sound of your feet padding against the floor as you picked up the white envelope. You shook your head, opening the side table drawer and sticking it beside the TV remote, slamming it closed. “Yeah, right.” You muttered to yourself. When you felt your eyes begin to water, you walked back over to the snow globe, holding it in your hands. You shook it a few quick times, watching as the snowflakes fluttered around the plastic Statue of Liberty. The memory again flooded your mind and you smiled to yourself. 
         A loud bang from behind you startled you, your hands jolting up in shock. A scream of shock erupted from your lips and you watched as the snowglobe fell to the floor, the glass shattering around your feet. 
         “Hey! We are here!” Hoshi called, foot extended outward. He and Jihoon’s hands were filled with bags of snacks, hence his extended foot to open the unlocked door. The duo walked in just as you knelt to the floor. “Hm? Sorry, did I scare you?” Hoshi laughed sheepishly. You did not respond however, your hands frantically picking up the Statue of Liberty. In your rescue attempt, your finger nicked one of the glass shard, and you cursed under your breath. 
         Jihoon set his bags on the table, walking around the couch to you. “Hey. Are you - oh.” He watched as you looked up, smiling a bit.
         “Heh. Sorry.” you said, feeling your eyes water. “You guys scared me.” Jihoon and Hoshi shared an expression, one of pity you couldn’t see behind your watery eyes. However, you did see Hoshi come to you side, resting his head on your shoulder and rubbing your arm as Jihoon knelt down and began picking up all of the glass shards. 
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
        “Try it.”
        “No, Jihoon.” Jeonghan said for what felt like the billionth time. He motioned a can to Joshua.
        Joshua cocked an eyebrow as he looked down at the fallen angel before him. He was holding a beer out in their direction. Jihoon’s smile only got wider as he motioned it closer.
        “Absolutely not.” Jihoon scoffed, leaning back in his seat as he cracked the beer open himself. He pouted a bit, putting the drink to his lips and taking a sip.
        “I’m going to need eternal drinking buddies! Come on. It’s not that bad.”
        “No.” The duo said again. When Jihoon tried to encourage them again, they both responded by sticking pizza into their mouths to avoid the conversation. It made you laugh a bit.
        “You have plenty of drinking buddies right here.” You said, patting Hoshi on the shoulder. He set his beer down, already red in the face as he looked up at you. “Right, Hoshi?”
        “Aaah, yeah.” He smiled, completely unaware of what you were even talking about. Jihoon immediately leaned forward, handing him a water. “Aaaah, for me? Awwwww, Wooziiiiiii.” He giggled, and Jihoon couldn’t hold back his amused smirk.
        “Take it, dummy.” He said. It took a second, but Hoshi popped open the bottle and took a long sip, which you saw finally relaxed Jihoon. The night had been pretty eventual so far, the group eating and drinking the night away as they chatted about anything and everything. Studying, the reason for the late-night visit in the first place, was put on the back burner for loud laughter and snacking. It was much better this way. The current event was watching a very drunk Hoshi and an almost as drunk Seungkwan encourage the entire group to play a game of ‘Hongsam’.
        “Not when you’re that drunk.” Minnie said, grinning behind the head of her bottle. Hoshi shot up.             
        “Yes Hongsam.” He sang, wiggling his hips.
        “Everybody Hongsam.” Seungkwan stood up and did the same thing, hoping it would encourage the group to join in. However, when he noticed he was the only one doing it, he blinked. “Hey now….” And the room erupted into laughter.
        “Absolutely not.” You said behind laughter, sipping your beer.
        “It kind of looks like fun.” Joshua said.
        “Then you play.” You grinned. Joshua smiled at you as you took another sip, letting out a deep sigh. “Man, it’s hot in here. I’m going to get some fresh air.”
        The idea of you leaving the area perked Joshua’s ears to that instead, forgetting the game even existed. “I’ll come too.” Joshua said quickly, following you out the door. Jeonghan’s eyes, which were amused watching the drunk duo goof off, shot to Joshua as he watched his friend follow behind you, opening the door to the balcony and allowing you to step out first. He didn’t even look back, instead just closing the door behind the both of you.
“It’s about time.” Minnie said, making Jeonghan look over.
“With Mingyu out of the picture, I was waiting for the moment Joshua would finally grow a pair and confess. Seungkwan owes me ten dollars!”
“I do not! I do not bet with the likes of you.” Jeonghan bit his lip as the room continued to fill with playful banter, his eyes locked on the balcony. He could only see the both of you a bit, the curtain blocking most of his view. Jihoon noticed the angel’s sudden change in demeanor.
        “You sure you don’t want that drink?” he asked only more time, but only got an annoyed glance in response. “Okay…”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
        “I thought you were going to play Hongsam.” You said, looking to Joshua as he joined you outside. He rested his elbows against the balcony.
        “I’m not going to be the only one entertaining those two.” He joked, and you had to laugh a bit. You looked down at the world below from your balcony, before taking another swig of your drink. “Besides, it’s nicer out here.” Joshua glanced to your hand which Hoshi and Jihoon had bandaged after your cut. “Are you okay?”
“Hm?” you looked down at your bandage, a bit of dried blood poking through. “Oh, yeah.” You assured. Maybe it was the drinks, but guilt began bubbling deep into your chest as you spoke up once more. “Joshua. I’m sorry I messed everything up.”  
        “What?” Joshua looked over at you.
        “I couldn’t get you guys back into heaven. Now, you’re both stuck here until I get with Mingyu. That’ll never happen now.” You let out a dry laugh, and Joshua frowned.
        “We’re the ones that knew the risk from the beginning. Don’t blame yourself. We could have done more, too.” He sighed. “I could have.” 
        “But still-.”
        “I said don’t blame yourself. Jeonghan wouldn’t want you to, either.”
        “Okay.” You sighed, defeated. Joshua watched as you finished your beer, setting it down on the floor of the balcony. Your elbows loosened, allowing your hands to dangle a bit over the balcony, eyes staring straight ahead. “Are you guys going to live here forever?”
        “Do you want us to?” he grinned a bit when he heard you laugh.
        “It definitely is less lonely with you two here. But we’ll have to actually invest in nicer beds and maybe more space.” Joshua was now that one to laugh. “Let’s go house hunting.”
        “That means we’ll need jobs.” Joshua sighed. “I never thought an angel like me would be sending out job applications on earth.” You smiled as Joshua playfully dropped his head loose on his neck. “Oh, how the mighty fall.”
        “For someone who calls Jeonghan dramatic, you’re really dramatic.” Both of you shared a laugh in the cool night air. Joshua glanced over at you one more time. He bit his lip for a second, before finding himself unable to hold back as he asked you a very important question.
        “Can I hold your hand?” Confused and stunned expressions led him to clarify. “I want to see my symbol…”
        “Oh.” You laughed nervously, turning to him. Joshua watched you extend your hand to him, which he gently took into his own. He stared at it for a minute, as if he was thinking. It made you smile. “Did you forget how to do it?” you asked playfully.
        “Heh. No.” He assured. His thumb rubbed over the back of your hand for a second, before he finally closed his eyes. He felt what little angel power he had in his body to summon the contract seal. Is it even there? He thought to himself. If it’s not, there is absolutely no going back. One of his eyes popped open, studying your expression. You were looking back out at the skyline as you waited. The moonlight sparkled along your features, your eyes dancing along to the stars in the sky, studying each one. He felt himself grip your hand a bit tighter when you smiled, seemingly catching a constellation in your sights. I won’t be able to go back. If it’s not there, if it’s red, I’ll use this as a chance to tell her-.
        “Uh…Joshua…” the nervousness in your voice made Joshua’s eyes pop open, his cheeks flushed as he tried to pull himself from his thoughts. So much for his chance, he was to flustered now. He followed your gaze, your wide and curious eyes now staring directly at your hand. His eyes followed, and immediately, he saw the little check floating above your hand. “It’s….”
        “It’s white.” He breathed out, a mix of relief and shock. Immediately, the both of you looked up at each other, eyes wide. Joshua gripped your hand, looking down at it once again. “It’s white! It’s white again!”
        “What does that mean?!” You shouted.
        Both of you went silent, turning back to the living room. Joshua wasted no time fling the balcony door open, the loud thud of the large door crashing against its hold startling the entire crew.
        “JEONGHAN!” You both shouted, making him immediately hop out of his seat.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
        “I’m home.” The sound of the sink running in the kitchen signals for Mina to make her way down the hall. She heads that way after taking her shoes off. When she pokes her head in, Mingyu only looks in her direction. “Hey.” She smiled sweetly.
        “Hey.” He points to the fridge. “I saved some of my lunch, if you’re hungry.”
        “Ah.” Mina smiled a bit. “Thank you. That’s thoughtful.” Mingyu nodded, turning back to the sink to finish with some of the dishes he had started with. Mina rested against the door frame, watching his back silently. “Mingyu.” She said, but he only hummed. “Remember when we went to the cherry blossom festival in the spring?”
        Mingyu nodded his head, not once looking up from the bowl he was scrubbing. “With my friends? Yes.” He said. Mina nodded.
        “Would you want to go again next spring?” Mingyu shrugged at the question.
        “Maybe.” He said. Mina nodded. Mingyu then stopped the dishes, finally looking back in her direction. She instinctively stood up straight. “Oh.” He motioned to the kitchen table in the corner by their bay window. “I took the liberty of skimming through some of these when I got the mail. I was curious.” He picked one up, flipping through it casually before turning the page in her direction. Her eyes followed his finger as he tapped on a set of beautiful Christmas flowers. “These are nice.”
        Mina felt her heart speed up, eyes sparkling. He’ll come around. “You think so?!” She asked. Mingyu nodded, and Mina looked at the burgundy red flowers nestled in beautiful green leaves. The wintery background of the picture only enhanced the Christmassy vibes of the flowers. Mingyu turned the page back to him, smiling a bit to himself as he nodded.
        “I’ve really fallen in love with this color in the past year…” he said. Mina’s smile dropped as Mingyu set the magazine down on the table, making his way back over to the counters. Mina watched him grab a sponge and start to wipe some of the counters down. She looked over at the flowers once more, trying to recall where she had seen that color before. The more she thought about it, the more images flashed into her brain.
        “She does look so pretty in that dress.” Mina whispered to herself.
        “What?” Mingyu looked over, eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to figure out what she was whispering about. He saw Mina closed the magazine and set it back down, an obvious look of discomfort on her face. “Hm? Are you okay?” Mina walked over to Mingyu without an answer, taking his hands tightly. He dropped the sponge that was in his hands, glancing down at it for a second. “Hey.”
        “Let’s go on a trip.” She said quickly. Mingyu arched an eyebrow, but Mina was already dragging Mingyu out the door, slipping on the fastest pair of shoes they could as they made their way to his car in the garage.
        The drive was quiet, but not in a way Mingyu had found himself used to in the past. Mina looked out the window the entire trip, hands in her lap as she gripped her pocket book. Mingyu sighed, running a hand through his hair as he turned the next corner. 
         “She really did think she was talking to you.” Mina said, the sudden sound of her voice causing Mingyu to look over at her. She turned to him. “At the beach house.”
         “Ah….” he nodded. Mina sighed.
         “I was right on the balcony. I saw it all. Jeonghan came to get her, and she said goodbye to Mingyu.” Mingyu gripped the wheel.
         “Why are you telling me now?” he asked curiously.
         “I thought you should know.” she said simply. “I know it really hurt you, and her. Not only that, but it hurt Joshua. He didn’t do anything wrong. I was jealous.” Mingyu nodded his head.
         “Thank you.” he said. Mina smiled a bit, looking down at her pocketbook. She admired the cherry blossom keychain that jingled with every bump Mingyu hit on the drive, and she took it gently into her hands. 
        “How cute! Thank you Mingyu!”
        “I figured you’d like it since you seemed to enjoy the festival.”
        “I didn’t buy you a gift.”
        “Don’t worry. It’s from friend to friend. Thank you for being so cool with everything at breakfast.”
        “No problem…”
        “I’m hoping next year I’ll be able to take my friend to the festival. We can go together. She’s been telling me how badly she’d love to see them in person.”
        As Mingyu pulled up in the driveway of his father’s home, Mina was relieved to see her father’s car also there. Mingyu slowed the car in the driveway, and when it came to a stop, Mina was already out of the car. He watched her speed walk up the driveway, bag gripped tightly in her hands. Mingyu slipped out of the car as well, beeping it to ensure it was locked before following after her. “Mina!” He called, but there was no answer.
        Mina walked past every single worker in the house as they greeted her, Mingyu quickly following behind and saying his own greeting to them followed by a frantic slew of ‘sorry’. “Mina.” He called again. “What are you doing?” He was horribly confused to what had her locked and loaded right as they pulled into the driveway. However, when he saw Mina turn down a very familiar corridor with a very familiar set of doors at the end of the hall, Mingyu felt dread in his stomach. “Mina.” He called again, but it was too late.
        Mina swung the doors of the office open, alerting both her father and his own. Mingyu hurried behind her, finally alerting her attention to him for a second. “What are you doing?” he asked. She only offered him a smile, before turning to her and Mingyu’s fathers.
        “What’s the problem, honey?” her father asked, standing up from his spot.
        “Father.” She took a deep breath. “I’d like to end my engagement.”
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The Haunted House
It's boring being a ghost. At least Virgil has two lovely boyfriends to spend his afterlife with.
| Ao3 |
Warnings: non-graphic talk of death
Pairings: Anaroceit
Word Count: 1008
@anaroceitweek day three is here! The prompt here being 'Ghost'.
This is genuinely just short, cute and fluffy, I love it.
Honestly, being a ghost sucked, for the most part. Virgil couldn’t touch anything, he couldn’t interact with the living beyond causing a chill in the air when they walked past him, he couldn’t read books, he couldn’t watch TV, he couldn’t even clean the dusty ass master bedroom he slept in.
At least, amongst all of that, he wasn’t lonely. 
“Virgil darling!!” Came the booming voice of his partner through the house, “It’s raining out! Your favourite! Would you like to go for a walk?”
Virgil floated through the ceiling to appear downstairs before his partner - Roman, a victorian actor who had died mid-way through performance, leaving him in the dress of the woman he had been portraying. Roman wasn’t actually upset by that turn of events. 
“Hello love,” Roman said, voice quieter now that Virgil was in the room with him, “It looks like we’re in for a bit of a storm, let's hope that old tree doesn’t come down…”
He looked out of the window to see the old, gnarled tree that Roman was talking about - it looked primed and ready to fall on the falling apart conservatory the last owners of this house had build.
“Well - no point dwelling on that,” He said brightly, “What would you like to do? We could go out for a walk in the rain, reenact sad scenes of your ‘movies’ you liked - we could even drag Janus out of his corner to cuddle together on the window seat of the library if you’d like!”
Reenacting movie scenes was definitely tempting, though neither of his boyfriends really ‘got it’. Roman was better than Janus, being an actor, but he always ended up slipping back into that fancy old talk that he was used to when acting. Virgil didn’t fault him, but it made playing pretend a little awkward when Virgil barely understood what he was saying - Virgil had slacked off when they studied Romeo and Juliet in highschool. 
Janus was even worse at it, he had barely even grasped what the concept of a movie was, being some kind of con-man (Virgil hadn’t quite figured out exactly what he had done) in the early 1700s, he was definitely a shady guy and Virgil had never managed to get his profession out of him. Virgil liked him anyway, but no matter how much he tried to explain certain modern concepts, he simply refused to understand. Part of Virgil thought he was messing with him. 
Virgil was the most modern of the ghosts, in fact he had only died a few years ago - an embarrassing story, certainly, he had been exploring the ‘haunted house’ and he’d tripped over something and fallen down the stairs and died. He could never work out what exactly had tripped him - he must have fallen over his own feet. 
He didn’t exactly like being dead, but it did certainly have the perks of two beautiful boyfriends to spend eternity with. 
“Hm…. Kinda feel like cuddling right now, if Janus wants to,” He said, taking Roman’s offered hand. At least they could persuade him to join him.
“Wonderful!” Roman said, grinning as he lead Virgil towards the stairs - Roman had always preferred going the alive way, if it was Virgil’s call they would’ve just floated up through the ceiling to go and find him, “Oh Janusss-!” Roman sang, peeking into the study where Janus preferred to hang around. They were right, he was sitting in the chair by the window with one leg crossed over the other. Janus looked up and tipped his hat to the two of them.
“Hello you two,” He said with a smile, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“It’s raining!” Roman said excitedly.
“Isn’t that when you two usually do your strange modern tragedy reenactments?” Janus asked, tilting his head and glancing out of the window.
Shrugging, Roman walked over to plant himself in Janus’ lap, wrapping an arm around his neck and smiling when Janus looked flustered - it was hard to make Janus flustered, Virgil grinned, “Our darling dark little stormcloud wants cuddles instead.”
“Oh really?” Janus says, smirking at Virgil before shoving Roman off of him so he could get up and walk over. Janus was taller than Virgil by, a bit (not a lot, at all, Virgil wasn’t short, shut up) so he was easily able to lift him up and spin him around, making Virgil squeak in surprise. 
“Hey! Put me down, asshole!” Virgil cried, whacking Janus’ arm and making him laugh. 
“Awee,” Janus said, kissing Virgil’s cheek before putting him down, “The library?”
Nodding, Virgil took Janus’ hand and reached for Roman and led the both of them to the library after Roman took it. It was a little sad, in his opinion, that they had so many books and they couldn’t read any of them. Roman could interact with the environment just a little, but not nearly enough to lift a book from the shelf. He was working on it, but he still couldn’t quite get it. 
Janus’ power was by far Virgil’s favourite, he could be heard by the living - as a whisper - though it wasn’t exactly helpful in finding activities for them to do whilst no-one living was there. 
Thunder rolled outside and Virgil really hoped that today wouldn’t be the day that the old tree finally fell, but right now Virgil wasn’t trying to worry about it. Right now, Roman was sitting down on the cushioned bay window seat and opening his arms for the other two. Virgil happily followed Janus into his embrace, cuddling up between him and the window so that he could watch the sheets of rain fall down over the countryside beyond the land on which this house sat. 
Janus curled up to Roman’s other side and draped himself across them both and even though none of them were warm anymore, Virgil still felt a warmth in his chest as he closed his eyes and curled up with the lovely, beautiful, boyfriends he had to spend his afterlife with.
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierreblogs @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @scalesfeathersnfur @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @littlerat2 ( if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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otomegamesandme · 24 days
Em's Personal Favorite Shoujo and Josei manga!
Since one (1) person mentioned they would like a recommendation list of shoujo and josei mangas, I decided to throw one together of my personal favorites! Some of these are well known, some aren't. I also kept it short, so it's more a sample of my tastes. Future lists will probably revolve around themes/genres, but for now here's this!
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My Lovesick Life as a 90s Otaku
Demo: Josei
Genre: Romance, Slice-of-Life, Historical
This is a short four volume series about a middle aged mother who reflects back on her teen years and being a big otaku in the 90s. I honestly loved this? There were so many cameos of classic series, and I enjoyed the characters and themes in this a lot. It did make me cringe, just because it reminded me how me and my friends used to be as teens in all the good and bad ways. That relatability is also the reason I was a big fan. It does wrap up pretty quickly at the end, but for a short series, it's one of the josei series I've read that left an impression on me!
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Magic Knight Rayearth
Demo: Shoujo
Genre: Fantasy, Isekai
It feels like a crime to not mention Clamp when talking about any of my favorite manga (Tsubasa Chronicles is my favorite Shonen and Chobits is my favorite Seinen, so they're really just winning). Choosing between this and RG Veda was difficult, but this is such a classic. I loved the characters, the world, and how the story reveals itself to be a gut punch at the end. If you still haven't read it, here's yet another rec post telling you to check it out.
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Children of the Whales
Demo: Shoujo
Genre: Science Fantasy, Tragedy
This follows a group of people on a floating island, the Mud Whale, which is trapped in a sea of sand. One day, when they send people out to search one of the sunken islands in the sand for resources, they find another human, and through meeting her, learn the truth about their home.
The story telling in this is gorgeous. The mangaka said she was inspired by a lost journal she found, and you really get that feeling while reading it. This is also a series to read if you just feel like being Really Sad. It's one of my all time favorite series, but I did have to read it with breaks between volumes (for reference, I normally binge like five volumes a day when I'm really into a series). There's a rich world and history in this, and each detail feels so carefully considered and thought out. This is one of the series I wished more people talked about.
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Demo: Josei
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Tragedy
A group of orphan girls are raised to be living weapons by consuming poison. They're then sent out to enemy countries to seduce and kill the men in charge, as their bodies are all poisonous.
This doesn't have any official English translations and I came across it randomly one day and just fell in love. It's an older series, and there's plenty of triggering content here (violence and SA being major). But I loved this world and characters so much? My summary does not do it justice, but the dynamics with the main character and the three princes in the country she's infiltrating is so interesting. It also reads very much like a dark fairy tale, especially with how it's structured and the way it goes through each scene and chapter. I know this is likely too old and unknown to ever get picked up officially, but maybe if I get more people to read it, we can all bother seven seas via their licensing survey or something-
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A Condition Called Love
Demo: Shoujo
Genre: Romance, Slice-of-Life
I don't think this needs a summary since it's a recent popular one lol, but I love messy characters who face consequences for their messy actions and are forced to grow as people!! I love when bad habits in a relationship get challenged, and it doesn't automatically lead to breaking up but trying to fix things. Hotaru and Hananoi just have my favorite relationship in any modern shoujo series I've read, and while the series isn't over yet, I can imagine them remaining a favorite for a long time.
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Demo: Josei
Genre: Sports, Slice-of-Life (and romance in the background)
If you know about Chihayafuru, it's that everyone who talks about it is Not Normal about it lol I have never encountered a series with such a large cast where each one is given such weight and brevity as this series. I know it's about such a niche Japanese sport, but listen, the growth and story arch of these three main characters, and how they're affected by the people they meet and how they affect others and grow is just...so good. You want God Tier character work, this is the series you read.
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Prince Freya
Demo: Shoujo
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure (and romance if you squint)
I love brutal shoujo. The first chapter of this was not what I was expecting, and it's probably because I went in blind. Anyway, this follows the story of Freya who lives in a kingdom trying not to get conquered by an Empire taking over the continent. The only person keeping the kingdom standing was the Prince, who was poisoned and killed. Since Freya looks almost exactly like him, she's forced to pretend to be the Prince of this country in hopes the kingdom won't fall to the empire.
Freya's character growth in this is a lot of fun to witness play out. I also really have been enjoying seeing the way the world keeps expanding and growing with each volume. I will say, the first few volumes have pacing issues, but by volume 3/4 it was all smooth sailing. I also really enjoy how unflinching it can be, and it doesn't shy away from death or violence when needed, but it also doesn't overdue it either. It's just a solid shoujo fantasy series, and the only bad part about it is waiting for the next volume to drop (Viz it's been 6 months, please-).
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
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Ok, so this idea just would not leave me alone. I told my husband about this idea for a three-chapter Everlark modern high school AU and he really liked it and told me I should write it. So, here is the first part.
Junior year
Panem HS
Another year, another seat in the back of the class next to the window. Another bland teacher introduction followed by the passing out of the class syllabus. Then come the dreaded icebreakers. 
Never mind that we live in a town of less than 3,000, or that our graduating class will have less than 200 members if every one of us manages to make it through the next two years of high school. And forget the fact that we’ve all been in the same grade together since kindergarten. Every single year our teachers insist on forcing us to ‘get to know each other’. 
If I don’t already know the favorite season and holiday of the person sitting next to me by now I probably never will. (It’s Delly Cartwright, and hers are summer and Christmas respectively) 
But everything about this class, about this day, hell, probably about this entire year will be completely predictable. The brains, like BT Latier will work their asses off to get top grades, and the sportos like Cato Anderson will try to copy their homework and cheat off them during tests. Girls like Galinda ‘Glimmer’ Franklin and Clove Moretti will ignore the no cell phones rule and regularly update their Twitter and Instagram during the lecture and will only get called out about 40% of the time. 
The rest of us will just muddle through, hopefully paying enough attention to pass the exams and avoid remedial tutoring in the library with Ms. Trinket who, contrary to first impressions, is not a vapid airhead who wears too much makeup and hairspray but in reality, is a total hard ass and does everything in her power to make sure the kids she tutors pass their classes. My life is all about reducing stress and hassle, so I’ll be avoiding her at all costs this year. Besides it’s much easier to just pass the first time around than have to deal with the fallout from failing. 
So I inwardly roll my eyes at the whole charade of introductions and do my best to try and look only mildly bored. 
When it gets to my turn I don’t bother standing up. 
“My name is Katniss Everdeen. I’m 17. I’m stubborn and good with a bow and that’s pretty much it.” I say dryly, and it gets a few chuckles. 
After that, the spotlight of my peer’s attention moves on and no one spares me a second glance. Which is exactly how I prefer it. Everyone here already knows I’m not very interesting. I hate the whole school spirit scene, and I’m not in any clubs or on any committees. The last time I was voluntarily a part of something, was five years ago. I quit track in middle school so I could spend more time hunting in the woods to supplement the money from my father’s income that we lost after his death. I’ve gotten so good at it that Mr. Abernathy, the owner of the local sporting goods store, took me on as a seasonal hire last summer. I parlayed that summer gig into a year-round job that helps keep food on my family’s table, and shoes on my little sister’s feet. 
My life is a series of responsibilities and expectations that my classmates could never relate to. And their lives are a carefree existence of parties, dances, and soap-opera drama that I have no interest in. 
They live in their little bubbles and I live in the real world and we will go on co-existing in this way until graduation breaks the cycle. 
I zone out of the rest of the class. We won’t do much work today if at all, so I allow myself the small indulgence of looking out the window and planning for this year’s hunting season which is set to open up for archery on the first of October. 
That leaves me only a few weeks to finish getting the permits and stock up on the needed supplies. 
This year will be harder than the years before since I’ll be hunting alone. My best friend and hunting partner, Gale Hawthorne, graduated and left for Maryland this past summer. He’ll be in Annapolis, training to become an officer and a marine while I’ll be up to my elbows in wild turkey and white-tail deer. 
Even though I’m happy for him, I can’t help but feel saddened by his absence. Now there will be no one to watch my back in the woods. No one to help me carry a hundred or more pound buck back if I manage to bring one down like I did two years ago. 
The only thing I can think of is maybe asking my boss, Haymitch if I can borrow his truck and if I can rig up a travois then—
The bell rings and I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the shuffle of feet and the whoops of excitement and laughter that my classmates let out at the sound of the last period ending. 
I pick up my old hunter-green JanSport, that’s due for another patch of duck tape soon, sling it over one shoulder and make my way to the door. 
My exit is delayed by the clump of jocks jostling each other playfully around the doorframe. I breathe out an annoyed huff as I wait for them to pass. 
One of them, one of the kinder ones, turns around and shoots me an apologetic look, bright, clear blue eyes shine back at me for a moment before his friends call his attention and pull him roughly behind them. A piece of folded-up paper falls out of the side pocket of his backpack in the midst of this and lands at my feet. 
I swoop down to pick it up and my mouth opens to call out his name but the words died on my lips before they can slip off my tongue. 
I catch sight of something completely unexpected when I automatically glance down at the paper in my hand. It's the letters K.E. inscribed neatly on the corner that spark my curiosity and prompt my hand to open up the folded paper to see what’s inside. 
I lose my ability to speak, to even think for a moment because it’s me. 
I’m staring down at a picture of my own face, straight dark hair pulled back into an unseen braid that hangs down my back, while a few stray pieces fall around my eyes, framing an oval-shaped face, dark brows perch surreptitiously over slanted grey eyes and a straight nose above a generous mouth that’s for once not tilted down into a frown, but is instead caught in a relaxed position, not quite smiling but something like the ghost of it, is settled on my lips. And my head is tilted to the side, curiously. 
I have no idea when he caught me making this expression. Maybe when I was looking out the window? When did he draw this? Why did he draw this? Is this some sort of practice for art class? I think he takes Ms. Portia’s intermediate art class at the same time I take shop. I’ve seen him going into that wing of the school because it’s right across from the shop building. Maybe he’s just practicing his life study skills. Maybe he’s taking turns drawing everyone in our history class. 
I move forward and stick my head out the door, calling out, “Peeta,” but the hallway is empty. 
I look back down at the drawing in my hand and fold it back up carefully, before slipping it into the most secure pocket of my backpack, thinking I’ll give it back to him tomorrow.
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yc-shiya · 7 months
danganronpa universe dashboard simulator
💔 monoslayy Follow
rlly it’s not “pretentious” to not find the newer seasons better?? listen i love the new ones as much as anyone else (ESP DANRON 48 UGHHHHH WTFFF) but to act like the junko twist is still subversive is just WRONG
😈 junkosgirl04 Follow
Literally who said that lol this is not an unpopular opinion at all
💔 monoslayy Follow
are you biased maybe “junkosgirl04”
☠️ the-sauna-scene Follow
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they did him so dirtyyyy 😭 we do not talk about this hair ATROCITY!!! its not even funny
🌟dangan-wrongpa Follow
I find it really interesting that you so-called “sympathetic” Danganronpa fans are always harping on about the tragedies of the characters played by *REAL LIFE ACTORS* rather than the later seasons when the showrunners recruited and killed *TEENAGERS* for money and views. It’s one level of wrong to be a fan of the show and still acknowledge its problems, especially with the newer releases. It’s something else entirely to still be talking about seasons one, two, three…and completely ignore the ongoing human rights violation that is modern day Danganronpa. You people disgust me. I sincerely wish you could take a better look at the media you consume, because it’s actually, LITERALLY killing people.
☠️ the-sauna-scene Follow
not reading that
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🌟 dangan-wrongpa Follow
wow! posting fetish art of REAL LIVING PEOPLE too! literally nothing shocks me anymore with you freaks!!!
🍬 kimurasgf Follow
hey wait arent you the guy who auditioned for season 53 pitching yourself as the ultimate vtuber? lmfao?
🧈 death-by-balls Follow
If i had a nickel for every danganronpa man ive loved who was executed and turned into butter, i would have three nickels, which isnt a lot, but its weird that its happened thrice
#in 1 then 13 then 39 #they were cooking tho ngl 🔥🔥
🍀 hopefulservant Follow
listen i can be fucked in the head sometimes but we srsly gotta take a step back and consider how the series is exploiting mentally ill people for content. i mean, whens the last time we had a double or triple murder where the killer wasn’t already, or eventually revealed to be, mentally ill? What is that saying, exactly??
💣 togamicorp Follow
🔪 chapter3sweetheart Follow
OP i have some news about your best boy
🍀 hopefulservant Follow
….agh…….my worthless talent…….
🎹 warriorsofdope Follow
okay can someone tell me why im seeing ship discourse about danganronpa 48 again? i thought we all played the same game and came to the consensus that the optional romance event with the whole class was universally canonical
🔮 30-percent Follow
Some of us didn’t get it on our playthrough 😒 also Sorry but I don’t like some of the cast of danganronpa 48. I don’t want them all shipped together.
🎹 warriorsofdope Follow
I can’t forgive you . Im gonna have to kill you for having that opinion.
🌟 dangan-wrongpa Follow
you shouldn’t ship the cast of danganronpa 48 because half of them are confirmed clones of Junko. go through chapter 5 again if you forgot.
🚀 femmesakura Follow
🐹 gundamwenttohell Follow
dont bother with him hes the vtuber guy
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justscrolling765 · 4 months
Please could we have some Ann pride headcanons?
Pride headcanons? Heck yeah…! Though this may divulge into just generic headcanons I do not know…
So…first of all Ann is pan, it’s a little headcanon I’ve had for a bit since most pirates back in the day went out to sea due to not fitting in with society seriously there were a fair few pirates like that back in the day…
I like to think it was Shakki who helped her sort of realize she was pan. I could see her as a kid being super shy around really pretty women maybe like Shakki…so Shakki taught her about it. Ann later learned it was more of an aesthetic attraction, some girls she just couldn’t help but be in awe of whether it be the confidence, dominance or just the beauty of the girl. Later on Ann sort of began emulating Shakki wanting to be like her. This leads to her liking shy girls cause she could sort of bully them, not bully bully but like tease them into a flustered mess since Ann likes being in control of sorts, she’s the one to make the first move.
For those asking me about the idea of Trans Buggy I like to think Ann was supportive or heck trans Shanks at that. Buggy and Ann often wore drag together, Shanks and Buggy both being bitter at how more handsome Ann is as a guy or well how many more people she could pick up as a guy.
Ann would often steal her brother’s clothes while Buggy borrowed hers. I like the idea that at first Buggy would sew clothes together claiming they were for her but Ann could see they would fit Buggy more. So would set them aside for him when he was ready.
 I could see Roger giving Ann a dress Buggy really liked so she would say he’s welcome to her clothes any time. Thus began Buggy stealing Ann’s wardrobe since Ann although likes fashion isn’t super into it like Buggy. They would help each other out when it came to makeup and hair, Shanks secretly wanting to be part of it.
Modern AU wise I could see all three of them heading to pride. Ann would go at first for fun but later down the road would go for Buggy, I could see Buggy living for pride.
I could see Buggy being the leader of it all being dramatic with the heels with Ann secretly doing the same but keeping sneakers just in case, it got too much for either of them. Shanks would be there too no doubt keeping an eye on them both while trying to find the nearest bar. I could see Ann wing manning Buggy and Shanks helping them with girls and such.
As for Kuzan I could see Ann not really brining up her appreciation of girls, she doesn’t really bring it up to anyone since she’s with Kuzan at this point. I could see her maybe meeting one of Kuzan’s ex’s Kuzan internally panicking at what could arise from the situation only to see Ann being like I get it confusing him when she calls his ex hot. She then casually just admits she likes girls too…
Nothing really changes from that since I feel like Kuzan is secure enough to not really care like he gets Pride is important to her but he doesn’t scream the sort to get it…that’s why Ann, Shanks and Buggy normally go to pride together. Ann knows he’s supportive but she also knows the bustling of pride would not be his scene…least that’s what I think…she still loves him of course and he her.
Maybe she kisses him on the head before going maybe he tries to help with her makeup or hair sometimes but fails completely. She still wears it though cause she finds it cute that he tries despite Buggy complaining about her makeup piece by piece, she’d still go to pride wearing it. I could see her even borrowing some of his clothes for drag…
I could even see Kuzan liking her makeup skills and stuff. I could see him asking if she has everything before she heads out to pride, making sure she has her sneakers if she’s wearing heels.  I could see her teasing him about being taller if she wears heels higher than him, maybe he likes that too? I don’t know…I could see her speciality maybe being her nails. Buggy cannot do the intricate art Ann can….it’s the one thing she can do while he helps her with makeup or well hair...
Is that enough? I’m not quite sure what to add…if you have any more questions feel free to ask I’d be happy to answer them!
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The Revolution
The Revolution, Devin Roundsman, 2008
Sometimes you throw a bunch of things into a blender and come out with a gem of a game. The Revolution, despite its generic name, has a lot of really cool stuff going for it in a very focused package.
The Revolution is a modern-day game, and it leans heavily on that for its setting. You're relying a lot on "everyone knows what corporate executives act like." It's lazy but it's excusable I guess.
For the system - have you ever seen one of those systems where someone says "I like it because it gets out of your way"? Yeah, someone brewed up one of those in an afternoon. You roll a number of d6 equal to your effectiveness in a particular thing. It starts at 1d6 or 2d6 where you're specialized, and maxes out at 5d6 or 6d6. Not a dice pool, just roll and add 'em together.
Now that we got the boring stuff out of the way, the actual concept: this game is one part Exalted Modern, one part Werewolf the Apocalypse, and one part Sigmata. Your characters, everyday people, "wake up" to being able to see the spirit world overlaid on the physical world. There are massive, ethereal, sinister spirits manifested by corporations and other large orgs, which feed psychically on people. You can fight those directly if you can get to them. Your PCs are pulled together instinctively.
You get 5 levels of power: the mere-mortal level 1 (which rolls 1d6), the empowered-mortal 2 (2d6, where you generally live), and three levels (3d6/4d6/5d6) of "you can reach for it if you want it" that shift you up to Super-Sayan temporarily. Where you are power-wise at any given time is totally up to you, if you don't mind glowing. You get some low-level superpowers like wide-area blasts, enhanced movement, phasing, armor, etc. Except the 5d6 level. When you go for that, you'll die at the end of the scene, but you'll go out in a blaze of glory. It's very much a how-bad-do-you-want-it scenario, so... part wish fulfillment and part deathwish fulfillment.
The XP curve is shallow. You're expected to go through a bunch of characters in a longer game, or to have half the party die at the end during a one-shot or convention game. I do feel like the urge in a con game will be to guarantee your own death at the end because you aren't really attached to your character, but maybe that's just the people I usually play with.
The Revolution was a 46-page PDF on 1km1kt. Pour one out for the typewriters and another for the monkeys.
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So I was thinking about modern AU!Grima, and I had the idea of him having a secret fondness for trash TV courtroom shows; he loves the bickering and the drama and just the overall schadenfreude of it all, and I wanted to get your opinion: In a modern setting, what genres/films/shows do you think Grima would enjoy?
love modern AU!Grima - he's a hot mess no matter what but now he has access to Twitter.
(oh no, the worst person you know has access to twitter [affectionate])
I can totally see him being into things like Law & Order, Run Away Jury (lol) and so on, but also Judge Judy and bad day-time television of that ilk. There's a part of me that also thinks he'd be into bad reality television like Love Island because he likes the interpersonal drama and chaos. He also is aware that they cut and edit for the greatest dramatic effect so likes to try and guess what was actually happening before the crew spliced it to make it Melodramatic.
He'd enjoy his political dramas like House of Cards (both UK and US versions), the Goodwife, Vice, Designated Survivor, Kingmaker etc.
We all know he watched Succession - I can't tell if he would be into it or mildly annoyed by it. The lack of real consequences might get to him after a while (like, 'oh no, they lost this $9million deal, what a shame. Too fucking bad it's just pocket change and doesn't mean anything to them' [grumpily eats pasta and complains to Eomer. idk, they're always together no matter the world or iteration I have going in my head]).
However, I can see him totally invested in their interpersonal dramas and how they're all utterly despicable people just living their lives (just like him). He'd have a Thing for Shiv. Literally just watches the show so he can see her in well-tailored trousers perching on a counter top or something. Eomer is like, 'Really?' and Grima's like, 'what?? I'm only human.'
I can't see him being into Game of Thrones or other shows and films of that nature because the politics are so unrealistic and nothing works Like That.
Eomer would be like, 'That's not the point. The point is terrible yet sexy people doing horrible things but also dragons and battle scenes.'
And Grima is like, 'so first off, the political machinations make no sense. Also "power is power" fuck that. That's not---ugh never mind. Second off, Ramsy Bolton's people would have lynched him. He's a quasi-Gilles de Raiss and they hanged and burned that bitch. Third off--'
Eomer, 'it's fine babe, you've made your point.'
Grima, 'I'm not done. I have a List.'
Because he likes puzzles, I can see him being into the slow, melancholic murder mysteries like Happy Valley, Three Pines, Bletchley Circle, Karen Pirie etc.
In general, I don't think he's a fantasy or sci-fi person. He likes his political dramas, biopics, some thrillers (but he's picky), some historical dramas (again, picky), some mysteries etc. He'd for sure be a bit of a pedant when watching shows or movies - but only about really specific things. Otherwise, he's fine if shows just follow Rule of Funny or Rule of Conflict/Chaos.
Thank you for the ask! <3 <3
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agendratum · 10 months
first night sleeping fully horizontally (for like four days i've been sleeping in a half sitting position cause i was worried about the swelling i got after my tooth was pulled) and i get a fucking modern au self insert interview with the vampire dream, okay. i was in claudia's place basically, and also lestat's character got like split in two? because there was our shitty lestat that we were traveling together with and then there was some other shittier lestat that showed up later in the dream, forcing louis and our lestat to confront him. which caused a whole scene, drawing the crowds' attention, the crowd that could then not leave the scene as everyone apparently understood it was too dangerous, while all three of them were having a conversation or something. and while i was worried sick trying to see what's happening with them from like an uphill (even as a vampire i was still afraid of heights in my dream so i couldn't get to the very edge to get a good look at them). anyway, at some point a torn apart tie visual appeared in front of my eyes (dream magic) which meant that they killed the other lestat and i rushed to them. our lestat just stormed past me looking annoyed, i guess, which i was fine with. then louis showed up, i ran to him, feeling very relieved. asked if lestat did it, to which louis just nodded, very briefly touching (patting?) me in a calming manner and then went after our lestat.
after that? all my worries gone, i was extremely chill, went looking for my human(?) friend, who was also in the close proximity of the whole situation. she then asked me something about the other lestat, like, "is he really like that?" and i in my brain was clearly remembering the events of the show, which was our past i guess, so i said, "yeah he was always like that". and my friend seemed really confused, because i think i forgot to tell her i'm a vampire who lived for way longer than she, so i corrected myself like, "oh i mean i think he was always like that, louis mentioned something" and she for some reason believed me
and then i killed a dude, who was creating a mess in some bar, using my vampire powers in the end of the dream as a service to the bartender :)
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iris-sistibly · 2 years
The Targ Talk (a review series): House of the Dragon episode 6
I remember in previous episodes when Rhaenyra expressed how much she disliked the idea of childbirth (which killed her mother), and the opening scene is her giving birth to her third son. Love how that smile was painted on her face the moment Joffrey came out, and how excited she was to hold him.
The relationship between Rhaenyra, Harwin and Laenor is definitely unconventional. They may not be a typical family but they have come to find and settle on an arrangement that they are all comfortable with, and at the same time, they have also found a way for the three of them to be present in their children's lives and raise them together.
Speaking of Ser Harwin Strong, isn't he an amazing dad? I love how he doted on the boys, how soft he is towards them and will not hesitate to beat the shit out of any asshole who dares lay a hand on any of them.
Fun fact: In Fire and Blood, the issue about who Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey's father is (whether it is Ser Laenor or Ser Harwin) remains a mystery. Though, based on the boys' description of how they look like in the novel is pretty much a Strong's, one would be stupid to belive that they have even an ounce of Velaryon blood in them, duh. It's just that no one dared to talk about it (even Queen Alicent herself) for they feared of the king's punishment.
I also like the fact that Laenor acknowledges the boys as his children and gives them his surname. In the modern world, we can say that he basically adopted all three of them which makes them [STILL] his sons, therefore, they are Velaryons by law and they are technically not bastards. Though in the books, I don't think there was a part in both accounts that told Laenor's relationship with the kids, but the fact that he named their third-born after his dead ex-boyfriend (with Rhaenyra's permission of course in Fire & Blood) says a lot about how he connected with the boys.
VERMAX CUTIE!!! 🥰🥰 He is such an adorable dragon, I appreciate how this episode showed how Jace built a bond with his dragon.
So Vhagar finally made her debut in the show. She looks really old, fucking gigantic, terrifying and magnificent. Damn I really wish they started with the conquest (or…Aenar Targaryen and his family leaving Old Valyria before the doom?) I would love to see Balerion and Meraxes too.
Laena Velaryon is one of my favorite characters in both the show and the book! She's beautiful, graceful, an amazing wife, a good mother, and a badass dragonrider! It's so sad that she died early. I wish they'd given her and Rhaenyra more time together.
Fun fact: In Fire & Blood, Laena and Rhaenyra actually have a good relationship with each other, when the former gave birth to her and Daemon's child (after Baela and Rhaena), Rhaenyra was with her in the birthing bed. Lady Laena birthed a son but he was twisted and malformed. He died an hour later. Whilst the mother on the other hand was left weak, grief-stricken, and later on suffered from childbed fever. She passed away three days later, but it was said that she attempted to ride Vhagar one last time but she collapsed and died.
That moment when Laena pointed out how much Daemon misses home. No matter how much our Rouge prince denies it, Laena can see through him. As much as I ship Daemyra, it did hurt when she said that she wasn't the wife Daemon would have wanted because she was good to him. I believe he did love her, but Laena also acknowledges that someone else holds a special place in Daemon's heart and she respects that, she respects his boundaries as well.
I don't know about you guys but Daemon seem to be another person when he's with Laena, the dude was always chaotic as fuck, but since marrying her he seems to be more…tamed (maybe because he got older and he became a father). But the difference between his relationship with Laena and Rhaenyra is night and day, with Rhaenyra he would bend backwards, and do some crazy shit for her (uh…I'll discuss more about this in the later episodes or once they get married and shit gets real). But with Laena he's not the Daemon I'm used to seeing, but she does bring out his calmer side, and I'd say that their marriage was rather harmonious.
Until her death, Laena has proven to be such a badass woman. During that birthing scene, she would either die with the child still in her womb or die from excessive bleeding once the maester cuts her open, and the baby has a low chance of survival. Either way, she's gonna end up dead so might as well choose how she wants to die, that shit was fucking morbid. Vhagar on the other hand hesitating when Laena commanded her to burn her, but in the end respected her master's decision and gave her what she wanted.
My heart also aches for Daemon, I mean come on! That look on his face says a lot about what Laena meant to him.
If there is anything I like about Viserys, it's him being such a loving and protective father towards Rhaenyra. With what Rhaenyra did, he could have easily disinherited and disowned his daughter (*coughs*, hi King Jaehaerys I!) but he did not. His love for her is unconditional, and he would not hesitate to punish anyone who dares to question his grandchildren's true parentage. I do not think he is stupid to not realize that the boys were not Laenor's, but at the end of the day, they are still Rhaenyra's children and his own blood. He still accepted them wholeheartedly and I really appreciate him for that. Also find that scene where Rhaenyra told him that she called the midwife a cunt really cute.
Rhaenyra's sons and Daemon's daughters are adorable! I especially like that scene where Rhaena was humming a song to her dragon egg while holding it near the fireplace 🥺. Spoiler alert: She will have a dragon named Morning, but it will take some time.
I'd like to point out how Rhaenyra swallowed her pride and proposed a marriage between Jace and Helaena. After the incident between Harwin and Criston, she knew it was only a matter of time before the truth came out, and y'all know what will happen next. The only way to protect her children is to secure Jace's claim to the throne through marriage. When she sensed that Alicent wasn't going to agree, she left King's Landing to spare her children from humiliation even if it meant Alicent having more chances to sabotage her and make Aegon heir. Rhaenyra is one hell of a proud woman, but just like any other parent, her weakness are her children.
Fun fact: According to the novel, Rhaenyra was a doting mother. With the King's blessing, she announced the betrothal of Jace and Luke to Baela and Rhaena (they were much younger btw), and she never proposed a marriage between her son and Alicent's daughter. It was King Viserys who wed Aegon to Helaena.
Oh my gosh! I was blown away with Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke's performances as Rhaenyra and Alicent! Aside from them looking so similar with Milly and Emily respectively, they also nailed their characters, I cannot wait to see more of them.
It's kinda nice to know that Aegon's relationship with Jace and Luke wasn't that bad. He was lazy af, lustful but initially have no desire to challenge her sister's claim. But being young, he was easily influenced by the people around him and it brought out his inner Joffrey Baratheon. I also think that Aemond is not that bad, but he felt terrible about him not having a dragon while his older brother and nephews have their own (and they were making fun of him for it). Helaena reminds me a bit of the younger Alicent, and I feel like in the show she will be a mirror of who her mother was in the past.
Fun fact: Alicent and Rhaenyra's children has always been bitter rivals. Aegon and Aemond were fucking spoiled brats and bullies.
Where is Daeron btw? As far as I know, he is closest with Joffrey in age and even shared the same wetnurse. I'm not sure if he's already been born or perhaps later on idk, but he has to exist bc he is the only one out of all of Alicent's kids that I like, and I love his dragon (Tessarion) as well.
I feel like Alicent is going to be worse than her father as far as being a parent is concerned. Unlike Rhaenyra, there was no warmth in her eyes everytime she looked at her children. She was awkward with Helaena, she was pressuring Aegon about the succession issue. And with Aemond, although she took his side after Aegon, Jace and Luke pulled a prank on him doesn't say much. I don't feel her motherly instincts, I mean sure she protects her kids but I don't know she has always been so off even when her kids were still babies.
The way Rhaenyra was humiliated in the middle of their meeting. It was bad enough that the princess was already putting aside her personal issues with her ex-bff, and Alicent low-key embarrassing her was just…wtf? (I mean she could just have acted normally because it's fucking normal, Rhaenyra just gave birth and she's lactating. It's not like she didn't go through that herself). It's a good thing Viserys saved her once more by commending his daughter with her proposal.
See? This is why I never liked Ser Criston. He is a fucking asshole, did y'all see the way he harshly grabbed Jace? And the way he "coached" Aegon to beat the shit out of the poor boy so he could lash out all of his bitterness towards Rhaenyra? That's some fucked up shit. I get why he's so angry at Rhaenyra, but why punish her son? Harwin beating him up was so satisfying though.
Larys Clubfoot is another one of those characters in Fire and Blood that I hate and like. He's Petyr Baelish with [for me] a hint of Varys, if you haven't the book, my advice would be to watch out for his character. I won't divulge anything about him yet but I would say that he is one of the key players in the dance of the dragons. He is definitely not a fighter, but he is one of those characters who is not only clever but also dangerous imo.
Fun fact: Larys' brother, Harwin and their father Lyonel did die when a fire broke out in Harrenhal. Some say it was an accident, others say that it was the curse of Harrenhal. But rumors say that it was Lord Corlys who ordered to murder them as revenge to the man who cuckolded his son, there were also those who said that it was Prince Daemon because Harwin was his rival for Rhaenyra's affection. There were also claims that it was Larys Clubfoot so he could have Harrenhal for himself, AND Viserys was also rumored to be behind all of these. He apparently wanted to punish Harwin for dishonoring his daughter.
I forgot to include this on the rant list but I kinda find it weird that Alicent "didn't ask for the deaths of Lyonel and Harwin Strong." Well she didn't order it herself but still, as a player in the dance, she should have expected or at least know that blood will definitely be spilled. She was the one who "waged war," duh.
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rennsdeaddoves · 1 year
Long Fic / Fic Series List
a list of the long fic's / series, their sumaries, ratings, and ships! the colour of the fic titles indicate their position on my dead dove scale (if you need a reminder go to my intro post)
Awakened - Akira / ghost in the shell crossover
this fic is a guilty pleasure of mine, it is a cross over between the 1988 film Akira (and the original manga) and the 1995 Ghost in the shell movie.
throughout this fic it follows my OC a girl named Tehanu who is on Major Motoko's team of elites. like the Major she is also a fully cyborg, she has a complete shell provided to her by section nine and thus she works dutifully with her team.
however on a slow day they get a call about explosions going off downtown Tokyo though when they arrive the culprit is gone, though not entirely as Tehanu catches a glimpse of a boy in a red cape fleeing the scene. she gives chance and when she catches up with him she is met with Tetsuo Shima, who is entirely confused on where he is and why he is not back at the stadium facing down Kaneda.
this is a slow burn, enemies to begrudging allies to lovers fic where the main paring is Tetsuo Shima (akira) x Cannon (my oc)
When we Make it to the Other Side - Journey to the west
A modern day political Science major named Rue gets flung back though time and space ending up ancient china, after wandering for a few days on her own she runs into a traveling group comprised of three demons and a Monk. reluctantly she joins their group knowing that because they are headed to the Buddha himself it is likely her best bet of returning to her own time. but maybe she's not destined to go back...
Jttw fic where it has isekai type elements, @skittlescripts story Isekaie'd to the west inspired me to write this one
Sun Wukong x Oc
The Sweetness of Rot - Lego Monkie Kid
Official Summary; Tao is the creation of Sun Wukong. She is his daughter, made by accident and loved wholeheartedly by; Him, his Monkeys, friends, gods, and demons alike
Wukong really thought that after her, his life turned around for the very best, truly he did… but fate is cruel and unfair. Tao is ripped away from him by destiny’s hand in the form of his oldest “friend”. Macaque thinks he deserves this, he has a right to her. After all, how dare the piece of shit that took his whole life away get to live his to the very best with a daughter and friends he doesn’t deserve. Taking her from him was only the first step in his plan, he will break her, pick up the pieces, and put them back together making someone who is unrecognizable to the monkey king. A perfect weapon to beat him, a monster to kill him. 
Wukong x daughter oc
this one is gonna break ya'lls hearts i can guarantee it
The Will of Gods and Monsters - Hellsing Ultimate
official summary; what is the human will? The age-old argument is of whether humans have free will at all, but if you want to go deeper, what about the Gods we serve? And what of the monsters they create? 
Father Alexander Anderson makes choices that hurt him, he fixes those choices and eradicates all love for anyone except God. Though it is debatable who his god is. 
Aireth made a choice in her young life to explore the world and subsequently got tangled up with a Lord by the name of Vlade Tempest, or Vlad the Impaler, she made an oath, by choice, and it continues to bite her in the ass even after she thinks she’s rid herself of it. 
Finally, Abbadon. She seems to have no free will of her own, constantly controlled by the ones who took her as a child she never gets to make her own choices. Until she did, and the glass was broken. 
It can be argued that humans have free will, Integra willingly killed her Uncle to save Hellsing, Walter willingly serves as her butler. 
But what of the monsters under her control? Alucard, Aireth, Saris? What of the gods? Anderson, Seraph? Is their will their own? 
Alexander Anderson x Oc + The Captain (Hans) x OC
Jujutsu Kaisen End of the Dynasty series - Jujutsu kaisen
ok- technically this should be considered an au because i've changed quite a few things for this... but eh
so since there is no way i'm explaining what this is without a massive post imma just sumarize for yall.
Sukuna has a daughter which he despises at first, but he soon grows to love her. she grows under his reign as the king of curses and she is cared for, protected, and loved (also overly sheltered at some points)
eventually Sukuna gets sealed away and Kohaku (his daughter) is left to her own devices for 1000 years, she travels, trains, hones in her skills, and eventually begins to collect her father fingers so she can bring him back, but it doesn't go that way when the sorcerers ambush her and she is locked away until Satoru Gojo finds out and thinks that she can be an excellent asset.
Sukuna x Daughter series that transitions into a Yuji x oc (don't worry i handle the vessel issue)
Star War; Untold Truths - Star Wars
Official summary;
Olds wounds are to be opened and secrets long kept will be washed ashore such is the nature of life. Even more, is the nature of the Sith, they lie and cheat their way to victory most times. Using methods of hatred and anger to get them to where they need to be, always in pares of two, no more no less; 
But what if two became three for but a moment in time? 
a series that likely has some of my most depraved work in terms of trauma and trigger warnings (like child sexual slavery)
Basically Darth Vader gains an apprentice appointed by the emperor, his own master, himself. so the Sith for a moment in time become greater than three. this story follows that appretince and how both Vader and her help one another through some of the darkest points in their lives.
Darth Vader x Apprentice OC (found family trope baby!!)
Creature Series - Moon Knight
a series of four fics documenting one of Khonshu's best moon knights, a young women named Nem who would eventually become his queen
Khonshu x oc
fic one, Haunted by a Darker Side
Summary; The Gods were never reliable in any sense for Nem. her mother prayed and believed but she never did, she thought it was a waste of time and took matters into her own hands. Unfortunately taking things into your own hands will often get you into much more trouble than it's truly worth. 
It was only when Nem really feared for her life that she prayed for the first time, it was only after running from guards with the shiver of the Pharaoh’s last words running through her mind, the moon clear above her as she lay dying in the sand that she truly prayed.  
“Oh Lord Khonshu, god of the moon, Protector of the travellers of the night. Please protect my mother and brothers in my absence, watch over them when I could not.  I beg of you if you are real please, please do this, I'm sorry I never believed or worshipped. I offer the rest of myself to you if you can do this one thing for me-”
What Nem was not expecting was a response to her prayer; 
“Why don’t you protect them yourself? It would be a shame to die on a nice night like this. Allow me to keep you alive Nem of Iken”
She should have known there would be strings attached to that offer… 
Fic two, Transcends to Walking in the Light
Summary; Nem would not let Khonshu be turned to stone, so with Anubis’ help, she announced that she was with child, a new god or goddess of the Ennead. Khonshu must live to raise the child, as Nem would not be able to handle it on her own unless they wanted a rouge god on their hands. 
Begrudgingly they agree, freeing her God, but this freedom comes at a price. 
“You must marry Khonshu, we cannot have a god be born naturally out of wedlock.” 
At least it didn’t need to be conceived within wedlock- but these terms are easily agreed to by both parties. Now the next chapter of Nem’s patronage to Khonshu begins, 
With her as his Queen.
Fic three, Slowly I'm Recovering
Summary; Most agree that on any given night the moon is beautiful, it always has been and always will be. So why was it that Casper could never face it? Did it have something to do with a past she didn’t want to relive and a personal mission that had yet to be completed? Yes, yes it did. But she is too stubborn to admit that aloud. 
So when she gets mixed up with a nice fellow named Steven Grant and his life, her past with the moon god Khonshu comes to a head. And what she's been running from all this time is right in front of her, she just needs to face it with the honour she once had. 
Fic four, The Beauty of Discovering (no summary yet)
Did You hear the Golden Records? - Transformers Bayverse
a series of five fics covering all five movies and beyond. An Optimus Prime x oc which (after the third movie) turns into an Optimus Prime x daughter oc.
Summary; Up to this point life has not been kind to Ezra Rhett, but she manages in her own way and actually maybe made some good friends in the form of the Witwicky family. When Sam gets his first car and it apparently steels itself she’s the first person he’s calling, the next day when Giant metal beings show themselves to them all in a back alley and ask Sam to save the world she’s already had enough. 
But that pleading look in his eyes has her reluctantly agreeing to go, and very quickly she realizes it would be a cold day in hell if she ever let these kids go through this alone. 
Optimus Prime has a similar thought process when he realized how young the humans helping his team were. He is glad that Ezra decided to stay and help her young friends not for herself but for their safety. The Autobot leader also keeps his eyes on them, he doesn’t need any of the humans helping them get hurt along the way. 
Though sometimes he finds himself being pulled by the Look in her eyes. 
Fic two; Voyager Fic three; Apollo 11 Fic four; Pathfinder Fic Five; Interstellar
Rust Can be Fatal - Transformers Prime / Undertale Crossover
a two part series where I cross over tfp and Undertale to make something i've been fantasizing about since grade school.
A Megatron x oc which eventually turns into a Megatron x Daughter oc in the second fic.
Fic one, It Had to be You
Summary; Cybertron was a stagnant planet, it had been since the collapse of the space bridges, no, likely since the fall of the thirteen. But it was all about to change, A Gladiator named Megatrounus arose and everything fell into chaos. 
Within that chaos, Seadrift chose her side. She had seen firsthand what the upper castes, her castes had done to the lower and it needed to change. When the change that her planet finally went through happened, she changed with it, and Megatron with her. She never expected for it to happen, one day it was adoration and then she realized it was so much more. But she was never going to act on it, lucky for her he acted first. 
At the peak of it all, they make a decision for the future, and Seadrift is sent away. A small planet on an outer galaxy that the Decepticons had been storing energon on for some time. What Seadrift didn’t expect was the people and Monsters that called the planet home. 
The Monsters welcomed her, she became one of them. And when war engulfed the earth, she took up arms and fought alongside the ones who helped her the most. Seadrift had already lost one planet, one family to war. She’d be dammed if she lost another. 
Fic two; The Reason I'm Alive
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amewinterswriting · 1 year
🦋 tell us about your current wip
🍄 name a song that represents your mc
My current blurb for Magic's Servant is:
A dark rural fantasy set in modern day Wales, featuring Talli, a teenager who is in way over her head. There's also a talking cat with a secret, shadowy manipulative demons, and immortal figures from Arthurian mythology locked into a vicious stalemate over the centuries.
On a more personal note, the way I approached writing this is a list of my least favorite ways to write anything ever, and as such, this has been a thorn in my side for years. I started off with the idea of a mysterious magic cat and an abandoned church. To explore who the cat was and why he lived in an abandoned church, I pantsed a whole film script over the course of a month (Script Frenzy, NaNoWriMo's forgotten and abandoned sister), which gave me a vague outline of a story, introduced a lot of main elements and scenes but also introduced a lot of loose plot threads, characters and sideplots that didn't really go anywhere. Worse, I really didn't feel like there was anything interesting or notable about my MC (which as we all know is utterly unforgivable in writing).
So over the course of the next few years, I wrote a lot of backstory, sidestory, continuation of the story and notes. I also rewrote some key scenes of the script. Some of which was in first person prose, some of which was also in script format and some of which was in third person. If this already sounds like a mess...well, it was. Which is why I procrastinated on doing anything else with it for years. (To be entirely fair, I still thought about it a lot, and thought about the themes I wanted to explore and other characters in that world and more directions I could take the plot in. But I procrastinated actually getting all my various drafts together into one readable manuscript in a single tense and narrative.) I also developed a lot as a writer, practicing longform fiction on entirely different work and finding a more coherent voice.
The main reason I'm actually working on it now is my wife. I realised while talking with her about it that there were interesting things about the story that I don't want just relegated to a hard drive somewhere, and I want it in a form that other real human people can read. Or as she said: you need to write the thing. So I spent an absolute age on Scrivener importing all the documents I had, even the scripts and notes and scenes I had three different versions of. Then I plotted out a coherent outline - where would it make sense for backstory to be placed between chapters? What backstory would make more impact just implied instead of outright text? What order do things need to happen in? Can I actually fit this subplot in this book or is this going to be better as a sequel? Scrivener was especially useful for the notecard feature - you can write up a quick sentence or two describing the chapter and move it around within the project, so I could play around with placement and get a feel for the flow of the plot. I also love the notes I can make for each chapter - since it can get complicated very quickly. I use them to make a note of what knowledge each character has by the end of a scene - especially because in the earlier drafts, characters (and thus, the reader) learnt far too much, far too quickly, so this refining draft has been about slowing down the rate of information and introducing more emotion. That means I need to know what characters know what information at an glance, since it's usually a lot less than I think it is!
Of course, the most important thing is that I now actually like my main character. I think this is something only time could fix - when I first wrote the first draft, I was an insecure teenager who felt like I wasn't notable or interesting, and I was writing a teenager in a similar situation. With time, I've grown and had life experiences and can also treasure the abnormal that seemed so normal to me at the time. In many ways, this is a collaboration with my teenage self and a love letter to myself.
Which neatly leads to the song that represents Talli, the MC. I have a few, but the one I've settled on is One Day by Kodaline. I think it sums up the experience of undergoing big changes that can seem overwhelming, the awkward self-consciousness of teenage years and not necessarily having the right help and support available to you. As the song asks: "how are you still holding on?" and that feels like a large part of Talli's struggle throughout the plot; barely holding on while powerful beings try to use her for their own convenience.
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aayo-whatt · 2 years
rant about the Monster High live action movie, because i watched it last night (includes spoilers)
ok, so i did not like it.
first of all, it's a musical -- what was the point in that??? it just seems like they were trying to fill in gaps, like they didn't know how to get some things across so they just sang it i will admit the dances were pretty good, but i feel like it was just unnecessary there was one decent scene that was more musical-y that i liked (it's between Deuce and Clawdeen, and only them) but other than that i didn't like the singing parts at all
now about the characters Frankie: in the og monster high, she's female, but in this she has they/them pronouns there are multiple scenes where she doesn't know what a high five is, but she knows about gender??? Ghoulia: changed her entirely, like she cant even speak in the og movies, but now she can?? and the way she acts is not accurate to her character at all also in the og movies she's essentially best friends with Cleo, but now they barely even talk to each other?? Draculara: changed her entire personality, at the start of the movie she's all antisocial and pretty rude - she is not like that at all, she's more like a social butterfly in the og's, and i don't like that they changed her that much also she's a witch, for some reason??? Clawdeen: first off, she's part monster and part human, which is not accurate at all i get that it was necessary for certain plot points, but that doesn't mean its good also she's now an only child? what the hell happened to Clawde, he was one of the best characters in the og movies, and without him there would be no one for Draculara (i loved their relationship) Lagoona: ignoring the fact that she had barely any lines (maybe five, throughout the 90min movie) she's best friend with Cleo??? no, just no, in the og movies she doesn't like Cleo at all, and i absolutely hate that they made them "beasties" Deuce: he was actually one of the more accurate characters, and the actor who played him fit the role really well the only thing i don't like about him, was the whole thing he had going on with Clawdeen - they're meant to be 'together', and i really don't like that dynamic if they were just like close friends, that would work but i don't like them being in a romantic relationship other than that, the characters were pretty good, except for a few of my faves that got maybe three lines throughout the entire movie (namely, Heath) i will admit that the character designs were great (as in clothing), and so was the outside of Monster High
the main antagonist in this is a monster known as Hyde's kid, who is pretending to be a teacher (Hyde, as in 'Jekyll and Hyde', wherein Jekyll is the human half while Hyde is the monster half), while i do like the incorporation of Jekyll and Hyde in this, i feel like they could've done it a lot better they made Hyde a scientist, which i'm pretty sure isn't accurate, they did however have a potion Hyde made that makes you completely monster (if you have a human part), which would essentially get rid of the Jekyll side of him, which (based on what I know about him - not much) I do think he would do I mainly liked this because you pretty much don't see any sort of mention of 'Jekyll and Hyde' in modern day media, so it was pretty nice to see this (however badly, it was portrayed)
the ending was good, in the sense that Clawdeen got accepted as one of the monsters, but bad in the way that it set up for a sequel that focuses on Draculara's witchiness it gives the feeling that they knew the movie was gonna be a hit and that a lot of people would watch it, even if it isn't accurate to the og monster high movies at all
all in all, plot was decent, sets were pretty good (except whenever Draculara was using a cauldron), characters and the relationships between them need some work. probably a 4/10, wouldn't recommend unless you're watching it to make fun of it, or didn't like the og Monster High movies
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