#Don works way too well in this style. Nintendo do you have anything to say /j
bryyo-data · 7 years
Okay I'm pretty sure I swore off discourse when I started planet-bryyo but hey, it's Christmas!
With regards to the Samus-out-of-her-suit discussion, it seems to be a pretty subjective matter. I keep trying to put my opinions into words, and I think I've narrowed down the issues I have. So this is JUST my personal take on the entire thing: what I like from Samus, what I think works well and doesn't work well. Feel free to disagree and even drop a comment in the replies, I'm open to a change of opinion!
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(FYI I stole all my images off Wikitroid to break up the text)
Seeing Samus outside her suit is a neat reward. In the original Metroid, it lead to the very significant reveal that Samus was a girl. A lot of games tease the woman-behind-the-suit with stuff like reflections in her visor, or a view of her eyes and expression during a cutscene, so the game culminating with her completely out of her suit can be very rewarding and awesome if done well.
While I have a bit of a preference for stuff like badass suit shots or Fusion's lore endings (which I think were Japanese exclusive so I've only ever see them via the wiki) it can be really fun to see Samus just chilling in her spare time. Zero Mission does this pretty well; she dons regular outfits, goes back to civilisation, and does normal stuff like drink at bars. It's nice to see her get some down time, and hint at what her life is like beyond her missions.
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On the other hand, blatant this-scene-only-exists-to-show-off-her-boobs scenes aren’t my thing. Y'know, I’m willing to say a bit of sexiness probably doesn't do much harm. I'd argue that some of the scenes we see in the likes of Zero Mission and Fusion endings (like the above) are acceptably, as youtuber ShayMay puts it, "sexy not sexualised" and detract far less, if anything, from Samus' portrayal. Samus is pretty without it being obnoxiously sexualized. And hey, we're all human, loads of us like a bit of boob. They aren't of much interest to me but plenty of people love 'em. In Metroid, though, it just feels a bit excessive and unnecessary at times, and I think it can impact how Samus and certain scenes come across.
The zero suit segment of Metroid: Zero Mission was a really interesting part of the game, with that stealth mission being challenging and fun to play. That's just about the only thing I ever liked regarding the zero suit, because almost every other instance of its appearance (including cutscenes in Zero Mission itself) is used to scream "HEY LOOK GUYS, SEXY BUTT." Personally, I just don't think those shots mesh well with what Samus is generally portrayed like. There's better ways to go about showing her suitless, like the variety of civilian outfits she's been presented in, or even simply taking off the helmet as in Prime. She can look very beautiful in these shots, without it looking blatantly sexualised and a bit ridiculous. Compare the above bar scene to this thing which always really bugged me because it's literally just butt and sideboob and the way it's posed looks really weird.
I find it a bit jarring when we go from the imposing figure of the power suit to the zero suit, which tends to be used to scream boob and not much else. For the most part, suited Samus carries this gravitas that makes her very impactful as a character. Unfortunately, that gravitas pretty much instantly evaporates when she's put in a blatantly sexy shot on screen, no matter what she's saying or doing. Note that there IS a difference between "blatantly sexy shot" and "shot where Samus is not in her suit" and the latter would be no issue. We see that in the likes of Other M's ending, where she's in civilian clothing and can look nice without the camera lingering on her rear end too long and killing the impact. I have my issues with how Other M did things, but at least IIRC it didn't derail that ending moment with Anthony by making it weirdly sexy, unlike a few other parts of the game which I'll come to in a bit.
I don't think sexiness is automatically bad- see Bayonetta for what I guess is an example of sexiness done in a good, not-disempowering or disrespectful way? I guess? I haven't played those games. But sexiness in Metroid is put in places where it feels out of place. Zero Mission and Other M are bad offenders; the latter two Primes only have like one scene of it, so it's odd but can be more easily passed over if you aren't into the uncanny valley robot tiddy look from Prime 2 that haunts me to this day.
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Hunters did the out-of-suit thing quite nicely too. Hunters stands as evidence that even the zero suit doesn't have to be inherently bad (though let's be real, it was designed for tiddy and it will probably be used for tiddy until the end of its days). Hunters was actually my intro to the franchise and the first time I personally saw the face of Samus Aran. If you beat Hunters before developing carpal tunnel syndrome, and if you access the hidden ending by fulfilling the Alimbic prophecy, the monster Gorea is destroyed in its final form and the Alimbic spirits telepathically contact Samus to thank her for what she has done. There's a lack of obnoxious proportions or questionable camera angles, so the scene comes across as meaningful as it's supposed to.
Prime did well in combining the thrill of "IT'S HER, IT'S THE PROTAGONISTS FACE" with the badassery of suited Samus, giving the scene quite a good impact. People remember that scene with fondness. It's a shame that so few scenes with non-suited Samus have managed to capture the same thing- like, imagine Samus standing on a hill in a long coat or some other awesome piece of apparel, gazing over a futuristic city like a watchful guardian. That would be sweet.
I personally liked the more realistic look they went for in Prime, despite technical limitations on the face model; it suited the tone of the game and the personality of Samus better than the weird anime kinda thing in Prime 3. You can get away with that look in the 2D games where everything has that art style, but all the other humans in Prime 3 were more realistic so it just looked out of place (we don't talk about Echoes...) but that's verging on a different issue entirely.
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Zero Mission is one of my favourite games, possibly my favourite 2D game on par with Samus Returns at the minute. It did really well in a lot of stuff, but it also has a degree of booty with bad timing. The moment after Samus crashes and is left with nothing should be a fairly serious one- the situation is bleak, the task up ahead is daunting. The only hope you have is Samus' confidence and skill- and your skill as a player, which, if you're anything like me, you're starting to question in a moment of utter oh shit. This is also one of the few moments where Samus actually has some dialogue, which is all pretty straightforward with a hint of her good humour and personality.
That entire scene is framed over a very blatant butt shot. Maybe it's just me and I ought to care less, but I find it a bit harder to take the scene seriously because of it. Sexiness isn't inherently bad, there's a time and place for it, but is this serious scene really the time and place? I'm not even gonna pull up big words like objectification and such, I don't really know enough to say about those things, I just think it looks really silly there. If it needs to be included, couldn't it stay as the under-five-hours reward as per usual?
I could just be really bitter about that one, though.
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Buff Samus is another related issue. I've seen loads of people saying "Samus looks good as she is!" and there's nothing wrong with that. I just thought I'd try and justify my own reasons for being a bit let down with Samus' current out-of-suit design. It's not so much the design in itself, nor the fact that she's not what the fandom fantasizes her being like. It's more related to the design's history and trends of change.
Personally, I'm just a little bitter that they felt the need to change Samus from the design they gave her in Super, because of WHY they changed it. In Super Metroids manual- and visibly in-game- Samus is toned and tall. These days, the media is gracing us with more tall and buff lady characters (Zarya from Overwatch, Brienne of Tarth from GOT, etc.) but when I was a kid I don't think I could name a single muscular lady outside of joke cartoon characters. Maybe sportswomen, but even then I can't think of any popular ones whose names I haven't learned in just the last few years. Doesn't mean there weren't any, just that I never came across any widespread ones, and I'm inclined to believe there weren't many around in popular media. Which made a taller, buffer Samus a little bit more of a revolutionary concept, important for the sake of seeing varied body types and such. It's important for people with those body types as much as it is for everyone else SEEING people with those body types and lifestyles.
Basically, as far as I can tell, Nintendo decided that "sex sells" and their major lady protag wasn't good enough without the sex appeal that comes with being skinny and shapely. They decided buff wasn't attractive, so they had to do things like cut her height down, slim her waist, bring out her chest, and make her ass stick out half the width of Zebes. Everything she was allowed to be before was stripped away and swapped out for your standard sexy woman's frame so people could titillate over her.
This only increased over time. Going from Zero Mission to Other M and the Smash Bros franchise, you can see this increasing trend of Samus getting promoted in-game and in pre-release material as sexier, up to Smash Bros 4 where so many Zero Suit promotional screenshots had her bent around like the token sexygirl in a forgettable Hollywood movie poster, posed for good view of her assets, or even put in freaking bunny ears which have their own set of connotations. Then there's the whole heels debate, which I'm not even gonna get into.
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Her boobs are orbs.
If I'll say one positive- Samus Returns didn't do badly. Actually, big kudos to Samus Returns. All of its ending poses were all nods to other stuff for fans to recognise and they took time to make three different out-of-suit Samus outfits. Samus genuinely looks pretty cool in each of them. I really dig it!
I think some people in the fandom have the misconception that me- and others who share my opinion- don't like the idea of sexy women, or feminine women, being badass heroines. And that's simply not the case. People bring up Bayonetta as an example of "you can have sexy/pretty heroines" and while I can't really say a lot about her, as far as I can tell, her game really works well with it and is designed around her having the appearance and personality she has. Metroid is designed around a different sort of protagonist, in a different sort of atmosphere, and the sexualisation is kind of jarringly different from the surrounding material.
If Samus had always been a shortish, big-breasted woman with a strong personality and whose ass and boobs were never/scarcely highlighted in a sexy way, indicating that they exist just because she is a shapely person rather than because people won't survive the game without a boner, that would be sweet. In fact, I could really get behind that because I'm short as hell myself. It's secretly every short person's dream to have a cyborg suit which makes you tall enough to reach the top shelves and fight off everyone you're otherwise too small and weak to handle.
(Had Samus always been a sexy Bayonetta-esque character, I think the franchise would be very different in general. If that was part of the design, it would’ve worked, I guess.)
It's not Samus' size, shape, and proportions in themselves that have the effect of changing the scenes and character portrayal; it's the blatant fanservice and the way they're framing of these features to obviously have a very sexual appeal, and to me that doesn't sit well alongside the rest. When serious scenes are played over what looks like a SFW alt version of a porn pic you glance over while scrolling down the Metroid tag, it’s hard to see any of the impact that Samus had one scene earlier in her power suit. (Okay, I'm exaggerating a little for effect, but the point still stands.)
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This peaks in games like Other M (disclaimer: I'm not a fan, apologies to fans of the game) where tragic and meaningful scenes are played over shots of Samus’ butt… like, it’s obvious what they were going for here. I’ve never been a straight male member of the obvious target audience for this so I can’t attest to whether the dual boner-and-tears method works at making a scene memorable, but for the most part it just looks silly from my point of view.
When Samus loses her suit in Other M- e.g. when Adam dies- and all the subsequent shots focus in on her rear end, it really doesn't feel like just about any suited shot in any Metroid game ever, and not in a good way. Like I think I said before, it strips Samus of a degree of gravitas that is integral to her character. Then it tries to play the moment off with a degree of seriousness and dignity that framing her ass like that just doesn't quite have.
(Then again, Other M Samus' lack of gravitas comes across even in the scenes where she's in her suit; this time it's nothing to do with sexualisation or anything, just that her postures and movements don't display any confidence in what she's doing, which is weirdly different from her normal presentation but persists throughout the entire game. Some people like it, I don't think it works, each to their own.)
I've sorta lost track of where I was going so I'm gonna round off here. I'll emphasise that this is all my opinion and interpretation, I don't expect everyone to agree and I completely respect that. I think it's absolutely fair to love Samus while being critical of how her designers portray her and the wider impacts of those choices- at the end of the day, she is fictional and doesn't make these choices for herself. As the audience, we are the ones who feel those choices, for better or worse depending on your own view.
I'm a bit salty about how Samus is portrayed outside of her suit and wish the Samus on the inside was allowed to carry the weight that Samus in the suit does. That doesn't mean she can't be beautiful, but the active increase in her sexy traits and highlighting of those traits over the years is a little bit infuriating, especially considering what they were willing to do with her design early on in the timeline.
Feel free to drop comments, I'm going to try and steer clear of my own salt for the rest of the holidays but I'm keen to know what other people think!
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jackleveledup · 8 years
Game of the Year 2016: My Top Three
It's been a long road for Game of the Year and 2016 in general, but we finally made it to the top three! In case you missed it, there were a ton of other games I loved this year that I wrote about in a post I called "Very Good Games".
And one last thing before we close this out: thanks for reading!
#3. Hyper Light Drifter
This year, no single moment compared to the rush I got from my first chain-dash in Hyper Light Drifter. There's a primal satisfaction to the accelerating timing it demands, as each flash of pink and teal raises the pressure of the impending button press. Eventually I learned that it's not that good in combat and it's only one of many means of survival, yet it was at that precise moment that the game won me over.
I say this without exaggeration: Hyper Light Drifter is a visual masterpiece. Fans and Kickstarter backers have been drooling over screens for years now, and the reality seems to have even exceeded expectations. Environments overflow with lightly muted colors and all kinds of mystery, like enormous Evangelion-inspired beasts, esoteric symbols, and ruins of a civilization long since past. Animation is beautifully handled frame-by-frame, highlighting the tension in each action and closing off with a shimmer of vibrant neon.
It's not an easy game by any means, but success becomes its own reward. Every battle is a fury of bullets and blades with far more dead bodies than dead air. I found myself often getting lost in the chaos, only realizing a room was clear when my darting eyes couldn't find anything new to shoot at. What's unusual, though, is that I didn't find the boss fights to deliver the same sense of exhilaration as the average encounter along the way, but as a capstone to a difficult journey, they work well enough. Maybe I should just be grateful I was never tempted to chuck a controller.
Hyper Light Drifter is enthralling, both in its hectic gameplay and its unwordly atmosphere. I know without a doubt that I'll be back for another shot at deciphering what the hell happened to this world.
#2. Kirby: Planet Robobot
If you've ever daydreamed about what you'd do with your own giant super robot, Kirby: Planet Robobot is a game you need to play. I mean this in the best way possible: it seems like the game was designed by a 6 year old with complete creative authority.
"Give it a giant drill! No, saw blades! Give it flamethrowers! Make it transform into a car! AND a jet!"
Yep, those are all things you can do, and it owns!
The heart of Kirby games has always lied in their diverse power-ups: fire, ice, spark, hammer, bomb, and dozens of others. This time, the sizable set of abilities is doubled by applying not just to Kirby, but his huge, face-shaped armor suit. If Kirby gets a sword, his mech gets two massive beam-sabers. If Kirby gets a jetpack, his mech transforms into a jet! Discovering all of the ways these forms could be used was a joy that lasted me the entire length of the game.
With so many power-ups there's a staggering number of game mechanics at play, which HAL Laboratories take full advantage of in the level design. Whether its a puzzle requiring a certain power-up, a rare boss or ability, or simple visual flair, each stage has some kind of "gimmick" to separate it from the last. Ideas reappear only seldomly, and not without being somehow altered and built upon. Sometimes the game even pretends to be something else entirely, like the shmup style stages that utilize the "Jet" version of the robot armor, or the auto-scrolling stages in the "Wheel" armor. All of this leads to a collection of stages that feel memorable and worth revisiting.
Between its game design and its vast possibility-space, Planet Robobot executes on its concept almost as perfectly as I can imagine. I know Kirby isn't the top Nintendo franchise for most people, but given the run the series is having right now, I'm starting to seriously question how long my little pink creampuff will go underappreciated!
#1. VA-11 HALL-A
VA-11 HALL-A is a visual novel that sounds extremely good in theory - just read its tagline: "cyberpunk bartender action." You play as Jill, who works at a bar called Valhalla in a futuristic city of perpetual darkness, poor people, robots, androids, and most of all, strife. It operates pretty differently as a video game, though. It's often assumed that gameplay exists for the sole purpose of fun, but even for a visual novel, VA-11 HALL-A's simple mechanics took me more than a few drinks to warm up to. Kinda' like in real life, the process of mixing "Brandtinis" and "Bleeding Janes" isn't especially exciting after the first few times, and almost everyone visiting the bar seems to have way more going on in life than you. I just wasn't seeing how it came together. It took some time and careful thought, but by the end of the game it had shaped into something incredible.
It's all thanks to the bar's atmosphere that I stuck around at all, and man, did they nail it. First and foremost, this soundtrack is phenomenal. What woud otherwise be your average cyberpunk setting becomes a wondrous dystopia thanks to Garoad's deft, moody composition. Its implementation is sharp, too. Instead of having music set to match each scene, you're handed complete control over the playlist while on duty. There's a palpable realism to incidentally having serious talks over loud, upbeat music, or joking during an ominous buildup. It helps to give Jill some believable agency as a bartender, too. You can always decide what drink to serve, how strong to mix it, or what music you want to play, but not who comes in that night or what to talk about. Details matter, and the developers at Sukeban Games were paying careful attention.
While Jill herself doesn't seem to bring much nuance to the story (...at first), the rest of the cast handily pick up the slack. The pixel-based character portraits are surprisingly expressive and go a long way in realizing the game's zany, reference-loaded dialog. Dorothy is a definitive fan favorite - she's an android that was specifically engineered to have weaker emotional responses to things that humans often find traumatizing. This trait colors every one of her conversations with typical humans, especially once you figure out that she's a sex-worker. Her career is almost completely inconsequential to her and she LOVES to tease people about it, so the scenes that ensue whenever she meets someone new at Valhalla are pretty entertaining, to say the least. In general, though, Sukeban Games have a firm grasp on how to both play into tropes and subvert them, which allows them to hit their punchlines without compromising any drama during more serious scenes.
My favorite part about VA-11 HALL-A is how much of the narrative the player is trusted to piece together. For a visual novel there's suprisingly little exposition - almost none, actually! It's basically all conversations, and not even ones explicitly about current events. Your only glimpse at what's happening outside of the bar is limited to what you happen to hear, what you choose to read in the news or on shitty forums, and most importantly, what connections you can draw between them. It's amusing to talk to some of the bar's customers, for sure, but your impression might completely change when you realize what they're up to before they stop in or finish their last drink.
The way in which VA-11 HALL-A dismantled my first impression continues to impress me. As the credits rolled it made perfect sense that the bartender would feel less interesting than the guests she serviced. Maybe it shouldn't feel "fun" to Jill when she mixes a drink for a grumpy customer. Maybe it makes sense that a struggling bartender wouldn't have the clearest picture of the "what's" and "why's" of her city's politics. None of that is crucial to finding happiness anyway. VA-11 HALL-A highlighted aspects of life that I don't usually give a second thought to, in a way that feels uncommonly literary for a video game. It's probably not going to be a game for everyone, but to those that seek it out, the narrative at work is nothing short of intoxicating.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
super street fighter iv 3d edition 3ds
super street fighter iv 3d edition 3ds
Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition cheats & more for Nintendo 3DS (3DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo 3DS (3DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo 3DS cheats we have available for Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition.
Genre: Fighting, 3D Fighting
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Capcom
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: March 27, 2011
Fighting The Second Rival
(This only works for Ryu, Cammy, Chun-li, Seth, C.Viper and Guile) Hold R when you see “Now! Fight your Rival!” to fight against the “second rival.”
Medal List
Absolute Perfection : Lauren’s waiting, so how about you finish your fights quickly and get 30 Perfects. Sound good?
All Clear : To get strong takes lots of fighting! Clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher with all characters!
Barrel of Laughs : No need for barrels without oil! Score 110,000 points or more in the Barrel Buster bonus stage.
Battle Master : Only winners can attain such beauty. Win 30 matches against another player and I may share my secrets.
Bring It On! : No comrade, this will not do! We must become stronger, for our fans! Fight 100 matches against another player!
Clear Headed : Hey! Got time to kill? Try to clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher! That’s all you gotta do!
Dan the Man : If you think you’re all that, then collecting 100 Figures should be a stroll in the park, right?!
Endless Lobbyist : It’s only natural for warriors to seek fights! Confront somebody you’ve never met before!
Endless Ten : Throw away your fears and focus on the fight! Win 10 3D matches in a row against another player.
Entitled : A Title does not tell all of a man, sir, but if I were to see one Title, I’d want them all…
Extra! Extra! : Battle requires courage! Train by using your EX Gauge to successfully land 100 EX Moves!
Fashion Plate : Linin’ up all of my Figures, now that’s a great feline’! Don’t stop till you get the whole crew together!
First Timer : I’ll never forget my first time for Ryu’s sake! Win one match against another player! Gotta aim for the top!
Fivepeat : This is your real power, child? Show me it’s not luck by winning 5 matches in a row against another player!
From C to Shining C : You think you’re good, don’t you? Prove it by ranking up all characters to C Rank against another player!
Go Figure : Climbers climbs mountains because they’re there! And collectors collect Figures because they’re there! But can you collect all 300 of ’em!?
Good Start : All of nature must withstand a trial. You must clear 10 trials in Trial Mode to succeed.
Hard Times : To escape death is to beat the strongest of the strong. Finish Arcade Mode on Hardest, kid!
Herculean Effort : Can you finish Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue? Show me you can!
Iconoclast : Oh my gosh, those Icons are so adorable! Don-chan and I gotta catch ’em all!
In Search of Answers : Watching 2 CPU opponents go at it can be fun! And you can even learn a thing or two!
It Begins : The fight starts here! Set your Title and Icon, and begin fighting!
It Takes Focus : Your mission, should you wish to join Delta Red, is to connect with 100 Focus Attacks!
Keep On Truckin’ : If you want to see the fight from a different perspective, playing a 3D Versus Match against another player is for you!
Legendary Fighter : I shall make you the right hand of Shadaloo if you can win 100 matches!
Long Time No See : Do you wish for defeat? If so, complete Arcade Mode on Hardest difficulty and beat Gouken!
Medal Collector : Attain all Medals! The path of the warrior demands this from those who walk on it!
Moving On Up : Ya need to do anything to reach the top of the food chain! let’s see you rank up against another player!
Now You C Me. : I wrestle only the strong! You shall rank up to C Rank against another player if you wanna face me, comrade!
Oh! My Car! : Hee hee, destruction is so much fun! Score 80,000 points or more in the Car Buster bonus stage!
Quarter Up : Fight 30 opponents via Arcade Fight Request. It’s be easy with the right bait, hee hee.
Rival Schooled : See your future by clearing every Rival Battle on Medium or higher with every character.
Road to Victory : You wanna get that fight money? You’re gonna have to win 10 matches against another player, sucka!
Special Movement : Do a Special Move 100 times! If you’re a true student of the Rindo-kan dojo, it’s your duty!
Speed Freak : Finish each round in Arcade Mode on Medium or higher in 20 seconds or less. Too easy.
Sunspotter : Amigo, perform 365 Super or Ultra Combo finishes against your opponents! The dawn is coming!
Super, Man! : To battle is to win a fight with overwhelming strength! Show me you can do 100 Super Combos.
Superior Super : Trust your instincts and winning will come easy. Let’s begin with 50 Super Combo finishes!
Team Mate : Win a StreetPass Battle, and you will learn that teamwork can help you become stronger!
Team Player : A 1-on-1 fight is fun, but it’s more fun on a team! Try fighting in a StreetPass Battle!
Teamworker : A pro can win with any team. Win 10 StreetPass Battles!
Tenpeat : Don’t hold back your true potential! Win 10 matches in a row against another player!
This Is Madness! : Fighting is fun, huh? Well then, let’s aim for 300 matches against another player, OK buddy?
Three for the Road : In the pursuit of strength one must have a goal! Win 3 3D matches in a row against another player.
Threepeat : You think being this good is easy? Let’s see you win 3 matches in a row against another player!
Trial Athlete : I shall assimilate all and be all-powerful! Clear all Trial Mode challenges, and so can you!
Trial of Trials : There is no shortcut in the art of Yoga. Aim to clear any character’s Trial Mode trials!
Ultimate Ultra : Candy always says you gotta win with style, so go out there and perform 50 Ultra Combo finishes!
Ultra, Man! : If yer gonna fight, give it your all, pal. Performing 100 Ultra Combos oughta do it, eh?
Worldly Warrior : Let’s do this, amigo! Fight 50 matches against another player, because that’s the only way to become strong!
Arcade Mode: Fighting Gouken
You can’t lose a single round and you must perform 5 Super or Ultra Combo Finishes. You must also score 2 Perfect Rounds and get 10 First Hits. After this Gouken will appear after you fight Seth.
Fighting Akuma
Beat Arcade Mode without ever continuing, and receive one Perfect. You will fight Akuma after beating Seth. Beat Akuma for the Akuma Killer title.
Figurine Passwords
Go to the Figurine Collection Menu screen and choose Password and enter the following codes:
JKbsOVHbVC – Level 5 Silver Dhalsim
rLPbyLgbUy – Level 6 Platinum Hakan
ZRhsNTMbIA – Level 6 Silver Dudley
jeNbhRXbFR – Level 6 Bronze Adon
DmdkeRvbxc – Level 7 Golden Blanka Figurine
zAAkcHVbHk – Level 7 Golden Chun-Li Figurine
uUDsTlmbUN – Level 7 Golden E. Honda Figurine
qeJkznDbKE – Level 7 Golden Guile Figurine
KjckTnSbwK – Level 7 Golden Ryu Figurine
CgIsQNWbHu – Level 7 Golden Vega Figurine
hinsVnebTu – Level 7 Golden Zangief Figurine
RYSsPxSbTh – Level 7 Silver Akuma Figurine
PqUswOobWG – Level 7 Silver Balrog Figurine
tLWkWvrblz – Level 7 Silver Chun-Li Figurine
naMkEQgbQG – Level 7 Silver Cody Figurine
rDRkkSIbqS – Level 7 Silver Dan Figurine
ilMsRBabpB – Level 7 Silver Ibuki Figurine
OfQkARpbJR – Level 7 Silver Juri Figurine
NyosHgybuW – Level 7 Silver Ken Figurine
GHakWCTbsl – Level 7 Silver Makoto Figurine
GKkkXXtbSe – Level 7 Silver Rose Figurine
uzTsXzIbKn – Level 7 Silver Sakura Figurine
uQHkWgYbJC – Level 7 Special Akuma Figurine
DPrkMnybCd – Level 7 Platinum Ryu
dfukkvGbdt – Level 7 Platinum Cammy
MzisXzabBF – Level 7 Platinum Fei Long
mhikghwbs – Level 7 Platinum El Fuerte
nnhksyvbZy – Level 7 Bronze Rufus
wRqsWklbxT – Level 7 Gold Abel
EebkxqWbYJ – Level 7 Platinum M. Bison
tWEsvzubiz – Level 7 Platinum T. Hawk
PkwkDjqbja – Level 7 Gold Seth
QWzkDXWbeH – Level 7 Platinum Sagat
AjtsAbWbBD – Level 7 Platinum Guy
xopknDzbqS – Level 7 Platinum C. Viper
hjekwnEbxG – Level 7 Platinum Chun-Li “B” (Nintendo Power magazine)
DaRkBPubLf – Level 7 Platinum Dee Jay
KkkXXtbSe – Level 17 Rose
aMkEQgbQG – Level 17 Cody
QHkWgYbJC – Level 17 Gouki
YSsPxSbTh – Level 17 Akuma
jckTnSbwK – Level 17 Ryu
yosHgybuW – Level 17 Ken
AAkcHVbHk – Level 17 Chun Li
LWkWvrblz – Level 17 Chun Li
insVnebTu – Level 17 Zangief
eJkznDbKE – Level 17 Guile
lMsRBabpB – Level 17 Ibuki
HakWCTbsl – Level 17 Makoto
fQkARpbJR – Level 17 Juri
qUswOobWG – Level 17 Vega
Icons and Titles
Blue Character Title – Beat Arcade with a given character on any difficulty
Red Character Title – Beat Arcade with a given character on the hardest difficulty
Character Icon #1 – Beat any trial with a given character
Character Icon #2 – Beat 8 different trials with a given character
Character Icon #3 – Beat 16 different trials with a given character
Character Icon #4 – Beat all trials with a given character
Gold Character Title #1 – Beat 12 different trials with a given character
Gold Character Title #2 – Beat 14 different trials with a given character
Gold Character Title #3 – Beat 18 different trials with a given character
Gold Character Title #4 – Beat 20 different trials with a given character
Gold Character Title #5 – Beat 22 different trials with a given character
Silver Character Title #1 – Beat 2 different trials with a given character
Silver Character Title #2 – Beat 3 different trials with a given character
Silver Character Title #3 – Beat 4 different trials with a given character
Silver Character Title #4 – Beat 6 different trials with a given character
Silver Character Title #5 – Beat 10 different trials with a given character
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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