thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
Azt hiszed, hogy csak neked volt nehéz? Nekem is az volt csak téged nem érdekelt sose.
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
Mert akárhányszor ír valaki,
mindig reménykedem, hogy te vagy az.
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
I didn't want to fall in love, not at all. But at some point you smiled and, holy shit, I blew it.
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
When you tell people how fucked up you are, they leave. Maybe they dont even do it on purpose, but they eventually leave. At least most of them.
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
I just want to be nice to everyone i dont want to anybody feel the same way as me
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
I'm sure you've experienced this before. I just feel... empty. Not sad nor happy, I just feel like something is missing lately and Idk anymore what it is. I need to get better again (not talking about my ed), I'm desperate because Idk what to do. I feel lost and misunderstood.
I just want this feeling of emptiness to disappear.
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
I hate food
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
Me, in the early stages of recovery
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
Ady Endre -megunt elet
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
nem mintha barkit is erdekelne
Amúgy nagyon nem vagyok jól
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
azert voltam feltekeny sokszor
mert tudtam, hogyha lett volna valasztasi lehetoseged
Sosem valasztottal volna engem.
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
Megint csak azt érzem, hogy senkinek nem okoznék maradandó károsodást az eltűnésemmel.
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
Meg akartam halni. Nem, ez így nem egészen pontos. Nem akartam meghalni, csak nem akartam élni. A halál megrémített és csak az halhat meg, aki él. Megszámlálhatatlanul több az olyan ember, aki soha nem is élt. Én is olyan akartam lenni. A klasszikus kívánság: bárcsak soha meg sem születtem volna. Bárcsak a háromszázmillió sperma között lettem volna, amelyiknek nem sikerült.
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thats-the-tea-yeah · 5 years
Dear ex best friend,
I’ll always watch your stories, I’ll always like your photos, I’ll always read your tweets, I’ll always think randomly about all the amazing memories we have. Because once upon a time we we’re inseparable, attaches at the hip, always on FaceTime, always together. There’s always the “what if this never happened” and the “what could’ve beens” but everything happens for a reason. I’ll always watch the videos of us laughing uncontrollably, or look at the photos we took and think about how much fun we use to have. I miss you so much sometimes and the worst part is we walk past eachother as if we never met, as if we didn’t stay up til 4 am telling secrets or have a million inside jokes… I’ll always thank you for being my first long term best friends… all i have left is the memories I will never forget
Your ex best friend
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