#Don't even get me started on Zé's name
kaichdreis · 6 months
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The weirdest crossover I could think of.
It may seem like there's no reason for me to create this, but I know I did it purely because the Sportacus actor reminds me of my Interpretation of Human!Panchito KKKK
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la-tia-panchita · 3 years
Letter to José
José when you receive this letter without reason, you'll know it was all over between us.
Fandom: The Three Caballeros
Relationship: José/Panchito
Notes: Hi everyone! I just wanna to tell that I have made my first Panjose fanfic! (Well it is a songifc :b) and although it's on ao3 I want to share it here too! Hope you like it!! ^^. The song with which I was based to make this songfic is called " Carta a Eufemia" and it is interpreted by Pedro Infante, I’ll leave you the song at the end!
Two years had already passed since the filming of the three caballeros and with it two years of courtship between the Brazilian parrot and the Mexican rooster, making family and friends more than happy for the couple; in Brazil because it is the couple with whom the green feathers lasted the longest (not counting the beautiful Rosinha Vaz, but that is another story because between the two there is a relationship that consists of breaking up and returning, well, rather it existed  until the mexican arrived) And in Mexico they were happy because the rooster had finally decided to choose a partner, only there was some disappointment, anger and even lawsuits with his father when he found out that the happy couple was a man and not a woman, but that is also another story. The point here is that although some did not want to admit it, they were all happy for the relationship that these two birds had.
If you ask Panchito how is his luck with women, he would say that it is very good since in his town there are several women who are interested in him, but if you ask him how is his luck in love, surely he would laugh and say that  love was not made for him because no one has ever stolen sighs and sleepless nights thinking of that special person, until he met José.
For Panchito, dealing with José was like a soccer match where you begin observing calmly and as the game progresses it comes the insults, fouls and yellow cards; so yes, when Panchito and José met they did not have a good relationship, but the second half arrived and with it an adrenaline, emotion and a feeling of not wanting to change the channel, until the first goal arrives, making that the team who scored the goal began to scream with euphoria and happiness while the opposing team begins to get frustrated and that's how Panchito's mind was when he first questioned what he was beginning to feel for the samba dancer. And suddenly more goals arrive making more visible who could be the winning team, until a penalty arrives a night before the premier of his film in which the entire stadium fell into deathly silence because that goal is the one that would mark the victory or the defeat, and there we see the player kick the ball and how it approaches to the goal, mocking the goalkeeper who had to jump to stop the ball but still being insufficient because the one who stopped that ball was the net, causing the entire stadium to rise up screaming with excitement and happiness as they finally saw the beaks of the two birds joined in a kiss, thus marking the end of the game and the start of a relationship.
After that night for Panchito it was like being drugged, he felt in the clouds every time he looked at his partner and when he surprisingly kissed him it was as if a gravitational force was dragging him strongly to the floor, and he loved that change of emotions that the brazilian provoked in him. What he did not love was the decision to have a long distance relationship, but he had to reluctantly accept because in Mexico his family needed him and in Brazil they needed José, so with the promise that the two would constantly send  letters, they said goodbye.
And now after almost a year of living in different countries we can see a well-dressed rooster as a charro signing the end of a paper "Done!" He exclaimed appreciating the final product "Here you have" he said handing the letter to his brother Miguel "Read the letter that I am going to send to the José of my life, to see if he answers it to me" Miguel took the letter between his hands and began to read it.
José, cuando recibas esta carta sin razón.
[José, when you recieve this letter without reason]
"You are sure about this?" Miguel ask looking at Panchito disbelief.
"Of course"
Ya sabrás que entre nosotros todo terminó
[You'll know it was all over between us]
"Won't he take it wrong? I mean, this is said to the face" Panchito gave a few laughs as he shook his head.
"Miguel, Why am I going to fly to Brazil to just tell him we're done?" Panchito ask.
"I don't know, maybe for dignity? Honor? Or even so that he doesn't TAKE IT WRONG!?" Remarking the last words, Miguel insisted as if it were the most obvious thing.
Y no la des en recibida por traición.
Te devuelvo tu palabra, te la devuelvo sin usarla y que conste que en esta carta que acabamos de un jalón.
[When you receive it, don't take it as betrayal
I send back your word, I send it back without using it, and I warn you, in this letter that we finish just like that]
Panchito leaned his back on the chair while crossing his arms and replaid "Dignity? Honor? That he doesn't take it wrong? Ay no inventes, better you keep reading the letter and I assure you that you will change your mind" his brother just rolled his eyes and kept reading.
No me escribiste, y mis cartas anteriores no se si las recibiste.
Tu me olvidaste y mataron mis amores el silencio que les diste.
[You didn't write me, and my previous letters I don't know if you received them.
You forgot me, and my love was killed by the silence that you gave me.]
"Don't you think you are exaggerating?" Miguel asked again taking a sip of his drink .
"Oh que la, si no es Chana es Juana" he claimed and running his hands over his crest he let out a frustrated sigh "look, everything that is in the letter is the truth and what I truly feel. Although I continue to have unconditional affection for José, this can no longer continue like this, he is there and I am here and thanks to the distance this relationship has become non-existent, I even forgot how to love him!" he explained.
¡A ver si a esta si le das contestación José!
Pues del amor ¿pa' que te escribo? y aquí queda como amigo
Tu afectísimo y atento y muy seguro servidor
[I'll see if to this letter you gives a reply José!
About love, what could I tell you? And here remains as a friend
Your most affectionate, attentive and very secure server]
"Pancito Pistoles" he read the signature aloud and left the letter on the table "Well there as you see, if you are sure then send it to him" He sighed pulling out his wallet and putting a few bills on the table.
"Pues ya está" Panchito got up from the table next to his brother "come with me to send it" he hugged his brother by the shoulders and the two of them left the restaurant.
The afternoon was setting on the beautiful coasts of Rio de Janeiro reflecting the pink and orange tones of the sky in the sea.
"Zé, you have received a letter" said his friend Nestor entering to the balcony where the parrot was admiring the peaceful landscape while smoking one of his cigars.
José, cuando recibas esta carta sin razón
Ya sabrás que entre nosotros todo término
[José, when you receive this letter without reason
You'll know it was all over between us]
"Muito obrigado" he answered taking the letter in his hands and without waiting, he opened it, he already knew who it was and was eager to read what the mexican would tell him now. Would he tell him that he finally bought Mr. Martinez a new saddle? Or maybe he would tell him how he reluctantly pulled his brother out of a fight again?
When he unfolded the paper and read the first sentences, his brow began to furrow and a void seized him.
No la des en recibida por traición.
Te devulevo tu palabra, te la devuevo sin usarla y que conste en esta carta que acabamos de un jalón.
[When you receive it, don't take it as a betrayal.
I send back you word, I send it back without using it, and I warn you in this letter that we finish just like that]
He entered to his room in dismay and he dropped into the chair at the small desk he had.
No me escribiste, y mis cartas anteriores no se si las recibiste
[You didn't write me, andmy previous letters I don't know if you received them]
His gaze immediately traveled to his desk, which was littered with crumpled sheets of paper scattered everywhere, some on the floor, others in the trash can, and many others on top of the same desk, but there was a place where it wasn't littered with trash. and that was where he kept all the letters he received from Panchito, each one of them was ordered and well arranged by date.
Tu me olvidaste, y mataron mis amores el silencio que les diste
[You forgot me, and mt love was killed by the silence that you gave me]
The anxiety was consuming the poor brazilian who did not realize he was puffing on his cigar too fast until the ashes of the cigar fell into his sack. He put the letter aside and putting out ths cigar into ths ashtray he tried to clean the ashes from his sack, when he finally thought his sack was clean he rubbed his eyes and took the letter again.
¡A ver si a esta si le das contestación José!
[I'll see if to this letter you gives a reply José!]
José squeezed his beak, he knew that there would come a time when Panchito would get tired of not having any information about him, but he never imagined that those lines would cause much impact on him, because just seeing that that sentence was with an exclamation point and that his name was included he imagined as if the rooster was giving a cry of despair and help to know about him. And it is not that José did not want to respond and escape from that relationship, on the contrary, he loves Panchito with all his being and with each letter he received his love for him increased more, only that whenever he was about to write he could not find the words correct and more when everything around him started to go from bad to worse, Zico and Zeca arrived (his nephews whom he loves very much) but unfortunately his sister left, may he rest, the bar where he worked was closed and the money began to scarce and it was in those moments that the only thing that kept him standing were the letters he received from Panchito.
Sometimes it crossed to his mind that he could ask for help from the mexican, but immediately the shame consumed him, then he thought he could start sending letters and after sending some now he could ask for help, but he thought he would look very cheeky and better he didn't sent anything, and now that his life is stable again he does not know what to say, keeping only erasers scattered all over his desk and floor.
Del amor ¿Pa' que te escribo? y aquí queda como amigo
Tu afectísimo y atento y muy seguro servidor
[About love, what could I tell you? And here remainss as a friend
Your most affectionate, attentive, and very secure server]
"Signature Panchito Pistoles" he threw the letter on the table and leaned back in his chair "it's all over" he sighed heavily, although now he wanted to and tried to write him a letter to explain everything, to tell him to wait that he still loves him, that he had not forgotten him and that he was not going to let their relationship end in this way, he did not feel up to it and above all he felt defeated and tired.
He took out a cigar and lit it, letting himself be carried away by the smoke it gave off and his pain until someone entered to his room. "Zé, another letter just arrived." His friend Nestor's voice was heard, but he did not respond and did not even I turn to see, he just sat there smoking his cigar "I'll leave it in bed for you" answered the other walking around the room and when he left the letter he left, leaving José in complete silence immersed in his thoughts.
After several minutes he got up to go get the letter and turn on the light since the darkness of the night had already flooded the room.
Seeing where the happy letter came from, he threw it angrily "o que aquele pedaço de mariachi quer ?! Não é o suficiente para ele quebrar meu coração !? Agora ele precisa tirar sarro de mim, ou talvez..." letter on the floor with hopes and something in it begged that in that letter it would come out that it was all a joke in bad taste or even a warning for not keeping his promise.
With fear he picked up the letter and stopped looking at the details of the envelope, it was strange that the letter was different from the one already known but it could be clearly seen that the sender's address said Hacienda Quintero, he opened the envelope and slowly took out the paper that was inside.
Hi José,
I hope you are well and I hope you will forgive the informality of this letter.
I know what my brother wrote in his letter and I want you to know that I do not agree with the decision he made, well first of all I hope you have already read the letter, if not, everything that comes here will not make sense.
I want you to know that my brother still loves you well, but that does not remove the fact that he is hurt because he thinks you have forgotten him and now he has taken a very proud, very arrogant attitude and God! Not even a day has passed and I can't stand it anymore. So, Mr. Carioca, I kindly ask you if you don't want to send a letter, then at least come to fix my brother and even though I haven't seen you in a long time, I know that you still love my brother.
There I leave you a few Mexican bills (sorry I did this letter suddenly and I didn't have time to look for Brazilian reals) with which you can go to Mexico or you can keep them and do whatever you want with them, consider it as a gift and an apology for the letter from my silly brother.
I am saying goodbye because Panchito is here and he does not know that I have written this letter and I do not want him to find out that he exists.
Miguel Quintero.
He opened his eyes surprisingly, he did not know what impacted him more, the fact that Panchito's brother was playing the cupid, knowing that Panchito still loved him or that José received a second chance.
He checked the envelope again and, indeed, Miguel had given him several bills with which he could pay the last debts he had left or he could go to Mexico to try to win back the love of his life.
He sat slowly on the bed thinking what he would say to Panchito when he see him. Perhaps he would claim the fact that he cut him by letter and did not have the decency to tell him in front, because this things you need to said it to the face.
End Notes:
"Oh que la, si no es Chana es Juana"-- oh what the, if it's not Chana it's Juana. (In Mexico the phrase "if it's not Chana it's Juana" is a colloquial saying that express if it's not one thing it's the other)
"Pues ya está"-- Well that's it
"Muito obrigado"-- thanks a lot.
"o que aquele pedaço de mariachi quer ?! Não é o suficiente para ele quebrar meu coração !? Agora ele precisa tirar sarro de mim, ou talvez" --what those that piece of mariachi wants?! Isn't it enough for him to break my heart!? Now he need to make fun of me, or maybe...
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