#Don't worry Teri Blokhin
leechandoki · 2 years
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So my friend has concluded that I finally got art block or burnout :(
I've been struggling with drawing on digital and I just couldn't draw. So I decided how about some traditional drawings... Yeah, that didn't work either. So now I've just been writing some fanfics and drawing in pen (except for my doggy sketch. I saw a drawing and wanted to try the style).
So... this is what I'm gonna be doing... :'(
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carnib0re · 11 months
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i return to the very dead dwtb fandom
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airctrl · 2 years
Been reading webcomics on Webtoon and tapas! Here are some thoughts :
- Tripp by KotaBlickie
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I found this comic through the Parasomnia OCT! When I figured out that one of the judges has an original comic of their own I had to check it out.. and it does not disappoint HOHOO I love me some space adventures. The characters are so fresh and lively! With a non-binary mc!!! :D
- The Weekly Roll by CME-T
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I’m trying to get into DND at some point and this comic really brings into perspective how being in a campaign is! Its humor is so snarky and the helmet Beckett guy is hilarious. the comments had people referencing Monty Python. It feels at home…
- Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell by unfins
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I remember reading this years ago and I just finished it… the serious plot that’s right there with the overpowering comedy is something I fall for because the expressions/jokes in it made me audibly laugh so many times. Plus I love demons and the designs are sick.
- Don’t Worry Teri Blokhin by Bioatomic
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I gotta say this is that one webcomic that made me motivated to create my own. I’ve been following this comic for a long time and seeing new updates come in makes my day! The object heads are S-tier. I love EVERYONE in this comic wtf, especially Sputnik. Also Gram. he’s a scummy asshole but I can’t not love a believable character. The depth put in the characters is so cool to see because learning how things are connected is the most satisfying part of stories for me. I can tell there’s so much in store for this world and it’s inspiring.
- Sparks by Revel
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This is such a cute comic I just started to read! (despite its mature themes lol) the banquet scene near the beginning is so warm and the dynamic between the humans and satyrs is so interesting. The world-building is so easy to follow and the little chibi pages explaining how magic worked are so cute and informative!! Plus the royalty and fruitiness going on is 10/10. When I realized that the comic was only starting after reading deep into it made me so excited!
- TRINITY by stillindigo
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Characters are SOO cool…. dystopian class conflict stories are the best because you can have that Sleek and seemingly Perfect but controlling government setting and that more chaotic and rough underground setting that creates that SCRUMPTIOUS contrast between characters. So awesome…. & I love Frannie and her dad they are so adorable!
I think from all the inspiration here I’ve gathered I’m going to finally write out a structure of what my webcomic is going to be like since I recently changed up a plot point. It's called plantverse!
I’ll probably never find a stable upload schedule in the next few years but the leisure in it is the best part :) doing something of my own will… crazy.. My art below!
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I might follow up on this with other webcomics I've read!
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finch-ya · 3 years
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I read through and am caught up on "Don't Worry, Teri Blokhin!" And I. Fucking love it so much I'm obsessed. So I made a character for it 👉👈 meet Synthia "Syn" Saiza, a 23 year old, nonbinary cosmetic engineer!!!
DWTB belongs to @mystereobot . Thank you for blessing my soul with this wonderful webcomic of yours zbxhbsbshd ♡
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mystereobot · 3 years
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some Nekkis
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papergloves · 3 years
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Some old works
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dontworryteri · 5 years
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sweet-peridork · 5 years
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It has been AGES since I’ve done digital art, but terrible/rusty art skills won’t stop me from drawing happy plug heads.
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gentlenaa · 5 years
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Ok, I love him! :,3 This character belongs to the comic "Don't worry Teri Blokhin" from @mystereobot! It's really cool and this beautiful daddy satellite is so cute QuQ
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rainboopz · 6 years
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Fanart dump for the robo comic “Don’t Worry Teri Blokhin” which you can read here and over at @mystereobot, super cool characters! <33
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trianglekiwi · 6 years
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if you can find some time, check out the comic Don't Worry, Teri Blokhin from @mystereobot
i’m in love with it. amazing universe with even more amazing characters
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carnib0re · 1 year
so i bave this theory abt gram
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totaltrain-wreck · 6 years
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commission for the gorgous @sweetmadness55
i love this character, its teri blokhin from @bioatomic‘s amazing comic
teri belongs to bioatomic!~
commission me
buy me a coffee
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mystereobot · 3 years
future of dwtb
I am in a pickle surrounding the future of DWTB as an ongoing comic and my own passion with comics in general. I found out last night that Smackjeeves got shut down on new years?? I didn’t even know, since I hardly used the site after msb ended. But it was a bit sad, considering that was the birthplace of MyStereoBot. I had wanted to go back and read the old comments from when the first wave of readers were so excited and happy and enjoying the comic when it was live and ongoing, that in turn always made me so excited to continue and share more. I miss that, I got nostalgic for when making comics made me feel alive and happy.
For the few readers that still engage with the new and future updates, I really do appreciate it and it does make me happy that a few of you are still with it. I just sometimes can’t help but feel that the story had lost its spark or has run on for too long that I’ve either outgrew it or people have, or that I am too worried about how the story hits. I remember on tumblr, there was fanart and so many questions, and readers being so so excited for more. Maybe since the site’s constant algorithm changes and updates, and my move to twitter, that type of turnout that I was used to changed. Agh, I weep. I don’t see much of an engagement on tapas currently, maybe because of how absent I have been at random points in time and putting off updates for a while, or how webcomics feel harder to be seen on platforms, or if the story just doesn’t hit the same lately? or shy readers? I’m not sure, but I do feel bad if that’s the case.   
Either way, making new updates don’t feel as good as before. Making pages also feels so tiring now, I’m getting old, haha. The new chapter feels like a chore, And I know I don’t have the energy to make so many pages to keep up with the expected content size that most webcomic sites use to keep your comic relevant and discoverable, and it misses with my head sometimes. I put a lot of work in DWTB and I guess I don’t feel that gratification or happiness for the amount I give lately. That, or I am burnt out and need a larger larger break! I might consider doing that, a longer hiatus compared to the random little ones I have given out lately. Like, half a year maybe? I need to pause and see if committing to ending DWTB here and now won’t be something I regret. Because I do love the story, I’ve come this far, and there’s so much more to get to and parts that I am excited to share or reveal etc. It’s also just, so long, and a long ways to get to from now, and I’ve rewritten the ending parts so many times I’m starting to want to give up. and I take too long to move the story along. I’m unsure of whether it’s worth it. I need to think before I decide anything. Appreciate and love y’all. see you soon, I am unsure. Thanks for reading all this time.
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dontworryteri · 5 years
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sweet-peridork · 6 years
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Love these guys (well, 2/3 anyway).
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