#Donna Droy x Marinette
Au Revoir and see you around… probably never!
Meet cute Monday 52
Meet Cute Monday Masterlist
Marinette groaned at her phone's loud noise. The annoying shouting at her to wake up was hideous. Blearily she opened her sleep crusted eyes and fumbled around to turn it off only to find it wasn't where she expected. Opening her eyes more she as she took in the chaotic room and more importantly strange bed that she had woken up in. Shifting the soft sheets to sit up Marinette groaned pushing her face into her hands as she remembered fragments from the previous evening.
What was planned to be a quiet evening catching up with colleague escalated into drinks. Which lead to a club. Which lead to meeting the stupidly attractive Adonis Dick and dancing the night away resulting in ending up back his loft apartment. Which explained the strange room and bed. A glance next to her showed that the Greek god of a man she ended up going home with was missing. Shaking her head of the fun memories of the night, Marinette eased herself of the bed, wrapping a blanket around her as she started searching for her clothes pausing to fumble with her phone trying to work out her location so to plan her route to work.
Glancing at the route it was suggesting, Marinette grumbled to herself as she pulled on the dark trousers she wore the night before. She would never be able to make it home in time to get a new set of clothes and none of "Audrey Approved" shops would be open and enable her to get a new outfit in time to deal with the fashionista.
The only bonus was that she thought she would be able to go past her favourite café to grab a coffee. Gnawing her lip as she pulled the crumpled silk blouse over her head, she concluded that some help might be required.
A scan of the room showed that her jacket wasn't in sight, Marinette took a deep breath and pulling her purse over her shoulder and stood tall in preparation of her escape of the sanctuary of the bedroom and bravely face whatever she had let herself into.
Creeping quietly down the hall towards the main living area, Marinette found the place silent. Like she had truly been abandoned. Breathing through her anxiety, Marinette called Allegra and hoped that she was feeling generous.
"Hi Legra…"
"Marinette! Are you ok? Did you get home safe? You disappeared when I went to leave."
"I maybe be arriving a little late. I'm err a little tight on time. And umm… I may… errr…. Be wearing the same clothes as yesterday."
"*gasp* Mar-in-ette! You went home with that guy with the great butt!"
"You go girl! He was h-O-t!"
"Do you think that I might be able to borrow a spare outfit from stores to change into. May one from last season so Audrey doesn't work it out?"
"Oh she'll know but sure, I can save you hun, payment is a decent cappuccino from that café you adore."
"Done! Thank you Legra. I'm just sneaking out now."
"Sneaking out!! You're not even giving him your number?!?!"
"Please tell me you'll leave him a note at least."
Marinette rolled her eyes at Allegra's comments before she spied her jacket left over the breakfast bar's chair round the corner.
"Fine, I'll let him know… (probably) Talk to you later, I've just seen my jacket!"
Hanging up Marinette darted towards her missing item, internally celebrating that she just needed to find her shoes, she missed the additional person in the kitchen.
"He's not here by the way."
Startled, Marinette let out a squeak to notice a tall dark haired woman standing there leaning against the counter waiting, by the smells of it, for the coffee machine to complete its task. Blinking in surprise, Marinette floundered, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to figure out what she wanted to say.
Internally she face palmed at her completely coherent speech at yet another insanely hot and muscular goddess of a person. Her brilliant blue eyes bore into Marinette making her feel trapped.
"Dick. He's not here, he left 30 minutes ago."
"Oh. Umm… Ok… I'm just…"
Marinette pointed at her jacket before processing what the woman in the red and starred top said. The woman instead tilted her head taking the disaster Marinette was in as the coffee machine finished making a pot. Marinette watched as a gorgeous smirk graced red painted lip as the woman stared at the top of her head. Realising she'd not tried to tame her hair yet, Marinette frantically tried to brush into something resembling presentable.
"Oh god yes! Thank you!! That would be wonderful."
Marinette practically melted at the coffee offering and closed her eyes savouring the smells and hoping that it would help her brain reboot so she would stop looking like a dunce in front of the alluring person.
"Oh, um, who are you?"
"Donna. Dick's roommate."
"I didn't realise Dick had a roommate. Sorry about this."
"No worries. I'm used to it by now."
Marinette snorted into her coffee, choking at the implications of what Dick was like… and maybe her.
"Not like that… I mean… sorry… I'm going to shut up."
The now named Donna groaned causing Marinette to try and suppress a grin. Marinette felt relieved that she wasn't the only one who was stumbling about in the conversation.
"I didn't stumble in here last night expecting a fairy tale romance. Promise you, it's ok. "
Donna smiled back, relaxing into a calmer stance as Marinette took a large gulp of coffee before Donna put on a more concerned and serious face on. Like she was bracing herself for something.
"What I did mean, is that Dick is unlikely call you back. Sorry to break it to you."
"Oh. That's ok. Last night was fun and all but yeah. Can you tell him thank you and I don't expect to see him again."
Frowned in confusion at Marinette's response, Donna looked puzzled.
"You don’t mind that he won't call you back?"
"umm… not really. It was fun and all but he kinda is living up to his name. I mean leaving before I woke up, getting you deal with me than doing it himself and all…"
Pausing in drinking her coffee, Donna stared at Marinette before barking a laugh out as a smile grew on her face.
"I'm telling him that. That's brilliant!"
"Sure. I told my colleague that I'd leave him a message. That one works right?"
"Definitely. And it's deserved. He's got his head up his arse at the moment and you shouldn't have to deal with his drama."
Nodding along Marinette beamed at Donna as the coffee started to work its way slowly into her veins. Her escape and not needed to deal with heart ache or anything was aligning up perfectly. Only thing is that she was enjoying Donna's company. Marinette took in the pretty woman before her and tried not to blush and ignore how her bi-heart skipped a beat as she spotted Donna also checking her out as well. Glancing away hoping she wasn't caught Marinette noticed the clock behind her showing the time.
"Shoot!" Downing the remaining of the coffee, "Thank you for the coffee. It was really good! I need to go, I'm sooo going to be late for work!!" Marinette darted towards the door where she vaguely remembers taking her heels off.
"Au Revoir and see you around… probably never!"
"Wait! Miss!?" Donna called out moving from the counter trailing after Marinette holding a jacket.
"Marinette!" Marinette called over her shoulder as she wobbled getting her heels back on. "Seriously! Thank you for the coffee Donna, you saved me!"
Winking at the last moment, Marinette opened the door at looked back at Donna who was striding towards her.
Slipping out the door, Marinette ignored Donna's muffled cries out about a jagged or something and ran down the street. Hopefully that was the last time she encountered them and this would all end up being a fond yet embarrassing memory.
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