#Dorman Pendragon
coockie8 · 3 months
Total Number of Forms for literally One Character of Mine
dude is not even a shapeshifter shit just keeps happening to him
Dorman Pendragon: Heir to Camelot (OG form, basically human, Altered powers dormant)
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Dorman Pendragon: The Beautiful Altered (Post poisoning, Altered powers awakened)
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Dorman Pendragon: Vessel of Drakaerys (Post consuming Essence of Power)
Dorman Pendragon: Steward of God (Post stealing God's throne)
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Dorman Pendragon: The Waning Storm (Post burning through Essence of Power)
Dorman Pendragon: The Final God (Post Soul Surgery)
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Nothing else is allowed to happen to this boy going forward ffs
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coockie8 · 1 month
do u got sum facs about dorman???
I love the wording of this ask btw "Do you have facts about your own character?" Shit, bro, I dunno, lemme check in the back lmao
Yeah, I can give you some Dorman facts haha
As previously mentioned Dorman is the forced child of Merlin and Arthur Pendragon. He is born through the meddlings of Um'Qua, Embodiment of Limbo, and is irreparably Altered by Mieliaru, The Anomaly Dragon, breathing her Flares of Power into him as a way to revive him when Um'Qua breaks his neck as an infant after Arthur gets mouthy.
Dorman fucking hates Arthur when he's young, but not because he, technically, got him killed. He just thinks Arthur's an asshole. This only kinda gets better as he gets older lol
When he's young, before his Anomaly Powers awaken, his immense power is chocked up to being because he's Merlin's child, and Mieliaru never disputes that because it worries Merlin will be angry with her if he finds out the extent of what reviving him in the way it did has done.
Arthur and Merlin have three more, fully willing, children later on, making Dorman the oldest of four children, all of which he Alters in some way because he feels suffocatingly lonely being the only of his kind. He sets off a Power Storm while Bryn and Meredith, the second borns, are being born which boosts their power astronomically, and actually fully Alters Nerys, the last born, with a Power Flare, Altering her in a similar, but still different, way to how Dorman is Altered.
After having a child with his wife and the child comes out an Oracle, Dorman decides it's not a good idea for something like him to breed, and chooses to stop having kids. His wife, Unity, has no objections, as their son; Enoch, scares her a little bit.
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coockie8 · 11 months
im sorry but *abdicates the Throne of Camelot to become God* :) has me fuckin wheezing 😂😂😭😭😭😭 like what??????
lol I think I've mentioned it before, but a major character arc for Dorman is that he really doesn't like his dad; Arthur Pendragon, and refuses to rule on a throne he once ruled from, so he just becomes God instead haha
I cannot express enough what a fucking hysterical character Dorman is lmao There's no middle ground with this boy, it's 0 or 100, no in between XD
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coockie8 · 1 year
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I can't even begin to articulate how proud of this I am!
So this is actually a scene from the series I'm writing with my sister, Cosmic Legends (draft title, subject to change). Basically, Tetsuya's (the short boy with the fox ears) abusive ex tried to extort a selfie out of him in exchange for help only Carl (the ex) could give.
Unity (the black girl) decided that fine, Carl could have the selfie, but it wouldn't be the selfie Carl wanted, so she gathered Tetsuya's current boyfriend, James (pink-haired boy), and her husband, Dorman (obviously not-human guy in the back), and took a group selfie to fuck with Carl. It's a fun scene lol
This is a particularly harsh jab btw 'Cause Tetsuya more or less left Carl for James, and Carl's jealousy over Tetsuya and Dorman's bond (they're besties, like Dorman would die for Tetsuya if he could die.) is what lead to Carl being abusive, so this selfie is basically Unity's way of saying "you can have the photo, but they'll always have the real thing!".
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coockie8 · 1 year
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Here's Dorman (pre-Altered Awakening) flat colour. His post-Altered Awakening form might take a while, so you get this for the time being. I simp for this man lol
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coockie8 · 1 year
you mentioned dorman as one of your characters someone might consider a mary sue but what exactly is he i know youve posted about him before
Okay, but this is going to be long because there's a lot of context required to understand exactly what Dorman is lol
Dorman is the first-born son of Arthur Pendragon and Merlin (yes this is canon in the novel lol), so when he was born he was mostly just a normal human child.
Now in my lore, Merlin is a true immortal (meaning, arguably, nothing can kill him and he will survive The Fall of the Universe) and his soul is literally made of magic; he was just born this way and no one knows why. Anomalies are a pretty big theme in these books lol.
Arthur has a Perpetually Pure soul, which just means no actions he takes in life will cause his soul to become tainted, and he, ultimately, has a kind, and caring personality, so he's not likely to willingly do anything that would taint his soul anyway. Arthur was the first Perpetually Pure soul born in Beauty's Universe (the current one).
Now, Dorman wasn't born out of love or anything, although Arthur and Merlin do get together later on in the books and have three more children, but that's a whole different post. The details haven't exactly been worked out, but a small group of the Main Cast do end up getting captured by Um'Qua, a secondary Antagonist and Embodiment of Limbo (basically the Ghost King), who gets his kicks out of torturing people (this is also a common character arch-type in the books, just to varying degrees lol) and is dangerously obsessed with Mieliaru (we'll get to her).
Anyway, long story short, Um'Qua forces Arthur and Merlin to have sex, Merlin becomes pregnant, and Dorman is born, all within Um'Qua's captivity. There comes a point during their captivity where Merlin (or Arthur, it may be Arthur, actually) says something that really pisses Um'Qua off, and he retaliates by snapping infant Dorman's neck.
Overcome with grief, Merlin is at risk of a Magical Fallout (basically popping from emotional duress), so Mieliaru, who is Merlin's 74 billion-year-old Dragon Mount, emerges from where she hides around Merlin's spirit and breathes life back into Dorman, but at a price; Dorman is no longer human.
They don't learn the true extent of what Mie has done (Mie knows, but Mie's English is shaky at best and doesn't know how to explain it) until months later when the children are much older (the magical influence in the group causes the children to age rapidly until around 16 where they slow down. This is explained in the books), when Dorman and Tetsuya get kidnapped by a Trafficker named Malik, who has a Perpetually Tainted soul.
Dorman is sassy, stubborn, and mouthy like his parents, and Malik ends up poisoning him with something called The Dragon's Bane, which is a flower Tebius (main antagonist) created, and it is capable of killing even Voidlings by attacking the soul at it's core. This trauma causes Dorman's Altered Soul to awaken in defence of the Poison, and Dorman becomes more powerful than a Voidling, but basically loses all ability to feel.
Drakaerys (Cosmic Entity of Power and Creator of the First Universe) birthed Mieliaru as it exists by accident. They never meant to create something more powerful than them, let alone something that could create things more powerful than them, but Cosmic Entities oopsing and creating things more powerful than they are is also a common theme. Limitless power means on occasion you accidentally fart out a nuke lol Sakura's (Cosmic Entity of Beauty) nuke was Tebius, Drakaerys' nuke was Mieliaru; the Dragon's Bane and the Altered are the Fallout from those nukes.
So long story short, Dorman is Altered. That's it. He's was just revived wrong. It just so happens that he was revived wrong by the Oldest living non-Voidling creature in existence who happens to be more powerful than the Cosmic Entity of Power. He is literally running on a tiny piece of Mieliaru's Soul.
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coockie8 · 1 year
I think Dorman Pendragon is probably my only character that my simp levels remain the same before and after his Corruption Arc lol I usually prefer the dripped out Villain look, but pre-Altered Dorman is just such a cutie XD
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