#Dr Frankensong
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DR. FRANKENSONG⚡️w/ Adrian Sinclair and Allan Kozinn, Authors of THE McCARTNEY LEGACY Vol 1.
--- Frankensong: noun 1. a dynamic, hook-filled McCartney composition comprised of two or more independent songs sutured together --- Listen HERE
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frankensong · 4 years
Frankensong Listening Party
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Join us for a virtual listening party of the 10 tracks being created for the Frankensong Challenge!
Friday, Oct 30, 8pm Central
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFkPXcjgF_8
Hosted by Tom Giarrosso and Charlie McCarron. Charlie will announce his picks for the following awards:
Transplanted Brain Award - For a clever songwriter who adds the most creative individual track
Beating Heart Award - For a stunning musician with the most moving performance
Igor Award - For the unsung hero who adds an essential but non-glamorous track
Dr. Frankenstein Award - For a talented team with the best overall song
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